50 research outputs found

    Правда и ложь в пьесе Максима Горького „На дне”

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    Maksym Gorkij (1868-1936) – known Russian writer, dramaturge and prose writer, who gained fame not only in Russia, but also abroad. He spent many years in exile. He was nominated for the Noble Prize. In 1902 in press appeared performance “The lower depths”, which holds a special place in artistic work of the author. It is a kind of fable about true and different attitude to it. The reader asks yourself question, what is better: bitter truth or sweet lie

    Baltic Sea coastal erosion; a case study from the Jastrzębia Góra region

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    The coastline in the Jastrzębia Góra area can be divided into three major zones of general importance: a beach and barrier section, a cliff section, and a section protected by a heavy hydrotechnical construction. These areas are characterised by a diverse geology and origin, and hence different vulnerability to erosion. In addition, observations have demonstrated a different pace of erosion within each zone. Based on the results obtained by remote sensing methods (analysis of aerial photographs and maps), it has been determined that the coastline in the barrier area, i.e., to the west of Jastrzębia Góra, moved landwards by about 130 m, in a period of 100 years, and 80 m over about 50 years. A smaller displacement of the shoreline could be observed within the cliff. Between the middle of the twentieth and the start of the twenty-first centuries the shore retreated by about 25 m. However, in recent years, an active landslide has led to the displacement of the uppermost part of the cliff locally up to 25 m. Another issue is, functioning since 2000, a heavy hydrotechnical construction which has been built in order to protect the most active part of the cliff. The construction is not stable and its western part, over a distance of 50 m, has moved almost 2 m vertically downwards and c. 2.5 m horizontally towards the sea in the past two years. This illustrates that the erosional factor does not comprise only marine abrasion, but also involves land-based processes determined by geology and hydrogeology. Changes in the shoreline at the beach and barrier part are constantly conditioned by rising sea levels, the slightly sloping profile of the sea floor and low elevation values of the backshore and dune areas. Cliffs are destroyed by mass wasting and repetitive storm surges that are responsible for the removal of the colluvium which protects the coast from adverse wave effects. Presumably, mass movements combined with groundwater outflow from the cliff, plus sea abrasion cause destabilisation of the cliff protection construction

    Heavy minerals in the Miocene deposits from the Kazimierza Wielka (Donosy) PIG-1 borehole (northern margin of the Carpathian Foredeep)

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    W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań uziarnienia i składu minerałów ciężkich w sześciu próbkach utworów środkowego miocenu (formacja z Machowa) z otworu wiertniczego Kazimierza Wielka (Donosy) PIG-1. Wyróżniona asocjacja granatów z cyrkonem, turmalinem, staurolitem i biotytem wskazuje na flisz karpacki jako najbardziej prawdopodobne źródło pochodzenia minerałów detrytycznych badanej formacji.The paper presents the results of grain size and mineral content studies of six samples taken from Middle Miocene deposits (Machów Formation) in the Kazimierza Wielka (Donosy) PIG-1 borehole. The distinguished garnet association with zirconium, tourmaline, staurolite, and biotite suggests the Carpathian Flysch Belt as the most possible source area of the detrital minerals in the formation

    Offshore geological cartography in the research history of the Marine Geology Branch of the Polish GeologicalInstitute – National Research Institute

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    The article is an overview of 50 years of Marine Geology Branch (MBG) activity in the field of geological cartography in Polish maritime areas. As a result of successive recognition of the geological structure of the Cenozoic, sheets of the Geological Map of the Baltic Sea Bottom at a scale of1 : 200,000 had been published by 1994, followed by a geological map without Quaternary deposits. The summary of the stage of over 25 years of intense research was the Geological Atlas of the Southern Baltic. The achievements of the Marine Geology Branch also include geochemical atlases, geo-environmental maps, and coastal zone maps created on the basis of detailed mapping works. The successively expanded geological database enables the creation of many map products for the needs of specific users. Various studies related to marine geological cartography, and extensive national and international cooperation have significantly contributed to the development of the scientific staff of the Marine Geology Branch

    Правда и ложь в пьесе Максима Горького На дне

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    Maksym Gorkij (1868-1936) – known Russian writer, dramaturge and prose writer, who gained fame not only in Russia, but also abroad. He spent many years in exile. He was nominated for the Noble Prize. In 1902 in press ap-peared performance “The lower depths”, which holds a special place in artistic work of the author. It is a kind of fable about true and different attitude to it. The reader asks yourself question, what is better: bitter truth or sweet lie

    Oddział Geologii Morza w Gdańsku

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    hannelorelongin/FLAMS: FLAMS v1.1.1

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    <p>FLAMS v1.1.1 updates:</p> <ul> <li>support for batch jobs</li> <li>extended output (BLAST metrics, protein name, PTM evidence)</li> <li>Evalue parameter has been made accessible</li> <li>support for dbPTM PTM types with experimental evidence</li> </ul&gt

    History of the Gdańsk Branch of the Polish Geological Society

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    The Gdańsk Branch of the Polish Geological Society was established in 1962. Earlier, geologists from Gdańsk were active within the framework of the Kraków Branch. The number of members of the branch varied over time -from about 30 to over 100 people. The Gdańsk Branch plays an important role in integrating the geological community of the Tri-City. Over 180 lectures were delivered at regular meetings of the branch members. The Gdańsk Branch was also the organizer of several annual meetings of the Society - in 1958,1990 and2002 in Gdańsk, and in 1972 in Cetniewo. The first annual meeting at the seaside took place in 1935 in Gdynia, before the creation of the Gdańsk Branch. The research results presented at the annual meetings showed a continuous progress in geological exploration of the Pomerania region and the Baltic Sea bottom

    hannelorelongin/FLAMS: FLAMS v1.1.2

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    <p>Changes compared to v1.1.1:</p> <ul> <li>fixed database compatibility issue between versions</li> </ul&gt

    Terrestrial laser scanning application for coastal geodynamics assessment: the case of Jastrzębia Góra cliff

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    Od 2010 r. w Państwowym Instytucie Geologicznym – Państwowym Instytucie Badawczym jest wdrażana technologia naziemnego skaningu laserowego do monitorowania procesów geodynamicznych zachodzących na klifowych odcinkach polskiego brzegu Bałtyku. Przedstawiono metodę wykonania pomiarów za pomocą impulsowego skanera laserowego Riegl VZ-400 oraz analizę danych na przykładzie klifu Jastrzębiej Góry. Pomiary poszczególnych odcinków klifu, wykonywane od kwietnia 2010 do marca 2011 r., wykazały zróżnicowane tempo erozji. Zachodni segment masywnej zabudowy zbocza uległ odkłuciu od ściany klifu i przesunięciu o prawie 1 m w pionie i około 1,2 m w kierunku morza. Czynne osuwisko w centralnej części badanego odcinka spowodowało cofnięcie brzegu o około 10 m i ubytek mas ziemnych o ponad 4000 m3. We wschodniej części odcinka, na makroskopowo stabilnym koluwium, stwierdzono przesunięcia drzewostanu o około 1 m. Uzyskane wyniki są początkiem bazy danych morfometrycznych pozyskanych metodą naziemnego skaningu laserowego.Since 2010, the Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute has implemented the use of Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) for geodynamical processes monitoring of backshore parts of the Polish coastal zone. This article describes the methodology of TLS surveying, using Riegl VZ-400 ground-based laser scanner. The analyzed data originates from Jastrzębia Góra cliff. Coastal surveying, launched in April 2010 (ended in March 2011), showed diverse erosion rates. Western part of the Massive Cliff Stabilization System had split from the cliff face and advanced ca. 1.2 m seawards, together with nearly 1 m vertical displacement. An active landslide in the central coast section, caused shore retreat by 10 m and land loss of 4000 m3. In the eastern part, within the macroscopically stable colluvium, a shift of the forest stand of approximately 1 m was detected. The obtained data forms the basis of the morphometric database acquired by TLS