180 research outputs found

    Ibsen and Sallust

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    Styring av hvitost-kvalitet – strategier og metoder for å oppnå riktig sensorisk kvalitet på produktene ved forbruk

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    An effective approach to quality control is an important issue for a food producer, as consumers expect consistent delivery of products. Two important strategies for control of food product end quality was discussed in this thesis: Process regulation and Statistical Process control (SPC). Extensive experiments were carried out in order to demonstrate different aspects of control of cheese quality. The sensory quality of a product is of great importance, as it is directly perceived at consumption. How do we define, and measure cheese quality? In paper 3 this subject was discussed, and quality scoring was found appropriate as a methodology for sensory quality, provided consumer input in definition of product specifications. Rapid, particularly non-destructive measurements are important in control strategies. In paper 4 spectroscopic methods were found promising for fast and reliable results. Spectroscopy was found to be able to substitute chemical measurements for the purpose of measuring relevant sensory attributes of cheese. In paper 2 X-ray methodology, found suitable for non-destructive on-line measurements of eye formation in cheese during ripening, was developed. In statistical process control, SPC, it is essential to understand the influence of all relevant factors from raw material through process to product. In paper 1 the effect of variation through all seasons of the year, as well as the effect of maturation after different ripening temperatures on sensory properties of cheese was examined. This gives us a better platform for adjustments with the aim of variability reduction for the actual cheese varieties.En effektiv tilnærming til kvalitetsstyring er viktig for næringsmiddelprodusenter, da forbrukerne forventer levering av produkter med jevn kvalitet. To viktige strategier for styring av matprodukters sluttkvalitet ble diskutert: Prosessregulering, og statistisk prosesskontroll (SPC). Omfattende forsøk ble utført for å vise ulike aspekter av styringen av ostekvalitet. Den sensoriske kvaliteten til produktene er av stor betydning, da den blir direkte oppfattet ved forbruk. Men hvordan definerer vi og maler ostekvalitet? I artikkel 3 diskuteres dette emnet, og kvalitetsbedømmelse med poeng ble funnet å vare en metode som passer for formålet, forutsatt at resultater fra forbrukerundersøkelser brukes som grunnlag for produktspesifikasjonene. Hurtigmetoder, spesielt ikke-destruktive malinger, er viktige styringsverktøy. I artikkel 4 vurderte man spektroskopiske metoder som lovende for raske og pålitelige analyser av ost. Spektroskopi ble funnet å kunne erstatte kjemiske malinger I forhold til å måle relevante sensoriske egenskaper I ost. I artikkel 2 ble det utviklet en røntgenmetode som passet for maling av hullsetting I ost under modning. I statistisk prosesskontroll, SPC, er det grunnleggende å ha forståelse for innvirkningen av alle relevante faktorer, fra råmaterialer gjennom prosessen til ferdig ost. I artikkel 1 ble effekter av variasjoner gjennom året, og ulike modningstemperaturer undersøkt, I forhold til påvirkning på sensorisk kvalitet. Dette gir oss en bedre plattform for justeringer med henblikk på reduksjon av variasjon for de undersøkte norske ostetypene

    Hellig-Olavs dåp hos Theodoricus Monachus og i hans kilder

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    Starting from the treatment Theodoricus (c. 1180) has given the diverse traditions about the baptism of St Olaf in ch. 13 of Historia de antiquitate regum Norwagiensium, his doubts on the baptism issue are seen as a challenging feature in so far as the basic publication about Olafââ¬â¢s life, the Passio Olavi, is unambiguous on the same issue. Whereas Theodoricus airs his general confidence in the Norse tradition, the Passio mentions only a baptism in Rouen, for which William of Jumièges (c. 1050â70) is the source. It is argued below that the ceremony in Rouen was a confirmatio, and as a consequence that the Norse tradition about an early baptism should be accorded more credence. In support of this theory the author points to the striking parallelism between Olaf Tryggvason and Olaf Haraldsson, between Ethelredââ¬â¢s role at Andover in Hampshire (a.d. 994/ 995) and the same kingââ¬â¢s presence in Rouen in Normandie (a.d. 1013/ 1014). A main concern in this article is also to give more precise readings of the central sources, whereby one should elucidate among other things Theodoricusââ¬â¢ line of thought and the phrasing used respectively by William of Jumièges and the Passio Olavi

    Passio Olavi. Olav den hellige og hans mirakler. Oversatt av Lene Dåvøy

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    Den smakfulle lille boken, med stive permer og silkebånd, kom på mitt bord med følgende kommentar fra CMs redaksjon: ‘Denne nye oversettelsen er den man sikkert vil vise til i norsk forskning. Derfor er en omtale ønskelig.’ Boken tiltrekker seg uten videre oppmerksomhet med gjengivelser av Håkon Gullvågs nå forsvunne ‘reisealter’ med Olavus Rex i midten. Ikke minst er å merke at Nidaros Domkirkes Restaureringsarbeider (NDR) står bak utgivelsen; Øystein Ekroll, arkitekturhistorikeren ved NDR, har skrevet innledningen. Boken ble passende lansert i kirken som del av Olavsfestuken på selve martyrens translasjonsdag 3. august. En primær målgruppe er utvilsomt pilegrimer, turister og besøkende. I vår sammenheng er målgruppen for disse linjer først og fremst medievalister (om jeg får tillate meg betegnelsen på norsk)

    Sara Risberg & Kirsi Salonen: Auctoritate Papae. The Church Province of Uppsala and the Apostolic Penitentiary 1410-1526

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    Her er atter en utgivelse av dokumenter fra de senmiddelalderske pønitensprotokoller i Vatikanet som med sitt rike materiale belyser kirkerettens håndhevelse i Norden. Boken er det solide resultat av et eget prosjekt som ââ¬ÅSvenskt Diplomatariumââ¬Â ved Riksarkivet i Stockholm har forestått under dets hovedredaktør Claes Geirot som til og med har hatt en egen referansegruppe i ryggen

    Eneboeren og Olav – men hvilken Olav?

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    This article argues that the meeting of Olav Haraldsson with a hermit and prophet before his departure to Norway in 1015 as told by Theodoricus in his Historia de antiquitate regum Norwagiensium (ch. XV) is posterior and secondary to the legendary Islandic account about the baptism of Olav Tryggvason on the Scilly Islands

    Ovarian dysgerminomas are characterised by frequent KIT mutations and abundant expression of pluripotency markers

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    BACKGROUND: Ovarian germ cell tumours (OGCTs) typically arise in young females and their pathogenesis remains poorly understood. We investigated the origin of malignant OGCTs and underlying molecular events in the development of the various histological subtypes of this neoplasia. RESULTS: We examined in situ expression of stem cell-related (NANOG, OCT-3/4, KIT, AP-2γ) and germ cell-specific proteins (MAGE-A4, NY-ESO-1, TSPY) using a tissue microarray consisting of 60 OGCT tissue samples and eight ovarian small cell carcinoma samples. Developmental pattern of expression of NANOG, TSPY, NY-ESO-1 and MAGE-A4 was determined in foetal ovaries (gestational weeks 13–40). The molecular genetic part of our study included search for the presence of Y-chromosome material by fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH), and mutational analysis of the KIT oncogene (exon 17, codon 816), which is often mutated in testicular GCTs, in a subset of tumour DNA samples. We detected a high expression of transcription factors related to the embryonic stem cell-like pluripotency and undifferentiated state in OGCTs, but not in small cell carcinomas, supporting the view that the latter do not arise from a germ cell progenitor. Bilateral OGCTs expressed more stem cell markers than unilateral cases. However, KIT was mutated in 5/13 unilateral dysgerminomas, whereas all bilateral dysgerminomas (n = 4) and all other histological types (n = 22) showed a wild type sequence. Furthermore, tissue from five phenotypic female patients harbouring combined dysgerminoma/gonadoblastoma expressed TSPY and contained Y-chromosome material as confirmed by FISH. CONCLUSION: This study provides new data supporting two distinct but overlapping pathways in OGCT development; one involving spontaneous KIT mutation(s) leading to increased survival and proliferation of undifferentiated oogonia, the other related to presence of Y chromosome material and ensuing gonadal dysgenesis in phenotypic females

    Frequent copy number gains of SLC2A3 and ETV1 in testicular embryonal carcinomas

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    Testicular germ cell tumours (TGCTs) appear as different histological subtypes or mixtures of these. They show similar, multiple DNA copy number changes, where gain of 12p is pathognomonic. However, few high-resolution analyses have been performed and focal DNA copy number changes with corresponding candidate target genes remain poorly described for individual subtypes. We present the first high-resolution DNA copy number aberration (CNA) analysis on the subtype embryonal carcinomas (ECs), including 13 primary ECs and 5 EC cell lines. We identified recurrent gains and losses and allele-specific CNAs. Within these regions, we nominate 30 genes that may be of interest to the EC subtype. By in silico analysis of data from 150 TGCTs from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA), we further investigated CNAs, RNA expression, somatic mutations and fusion transcripts of these genes. Among primary ECs, ploidy ranged between 2.3 and 5.0, and the most common aberrations were DNA copy number gains at chromosome (arm) 7, 8, 12p, and 17, losses at 4, 10, 11, and 18, replicating known TGCT genome characteristics. Gain of whole or parts of 12p was found in all samples, including a highly amplified 100 kbp segment at 12p13.31, containing SLC2A3. Gain at 7p21, encompassing ETV1, was the second most frequent aberration. In conclusion, we present novel CNAs and the genes located within these regions, where the copy number gain of SLC2A3 and ETV1 are of interest, and which copy number levels also correlate with expression in TGCTs

    Canine classical seminoma: a specific malignant type with human classifications is highly correlated with tumor angiogenesis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Human seminoma is classified as classical seminoma (SE) and spermatocytic seminoma (SS). Human SE is known to be more malignant and metastasizing more frequently than SS. Tumor angiogenesis is highly related with tumor progression and metastasis, with microvessel density (MVD) being an important parameter of metastatic potential. Canine seminoma is not yet well-established as SE or SS type including correlation with angiogenesis. We classified canine SE and SS, and then compared them to tumor associated vessels.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Twenty-three cases of canine seminomas (2 intratubular, 9 diffuse, and 12 intratubular/diffuse seminomas showing both intratubular and diffuse patterns) were classified as SE or SS by immunohistochemistry (IHC) using monoclonal antibody against PLAP and by PAS stain. The histopathological data were then compared to see if there was a correlation with SE or SS. Angiogenesis of seminomas were evaluated by immunohistochemical assay using polyclonal antibody against Von Willebrand factor (vWF) and by calculating the means of MVD, vessels area and perimeters using computerized image analysis. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) program was used for various statistical analyses.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The numbers of PLAP+/PAS+ canine SEs were 8/23 (34.8%) and PLAP-/PAS- SSs were 15/23 (61.2%). All SE cases (8/8, 100%) were intratubular/diffuse types. SS types included 2 intratubular (2/15, 13.3%), 9 diffuse (9/15, 60%), and 4 intratubular/diffuse (4/15, 26.7%) types. MVD and vascular parameters in SEs were significantly higher than in SSs, showing the highest value in the intratubular/diffuse type. Seminomas observed with neoplastic cells invasion of vessels presented higher perimeter and area values than seminomas without conformed neoplastic cells invasion.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In this study, we demonstrated a positive relationship between canine SE and tumor angiogenesis. Furthermore, we also showed that a tumor cells invasion of vessels were a correlated vascular parameter. Although metastasis of canine seminomas has rarely been reported, our results support that canine SE could have high metastatic potential similar to the human counterpart. Further studies are required to clarify the relationship between canine SE and clinical data with metastatic factors.</p