19 research outputs found

    Factors affecting the school life of children with epilepsy

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    Epilepsie je chronické neurologické onemocnění s řadou negativních dopadů na školní docházku nemocných dětí. Školní prostředí se zásadním způsobem podílí na stigmatizaci doprovázející tuto nemoc. Jednotlivé rizikové faktory související s dětmi s epilepsií samotnými, jejich rodiči, učiteli a spolužáky nebyly dosud dostatečně studovány; komplexní struktura školního života dětí s epilepsií podmíněná vzájemnými vazbami mezi zmíněnými proměnnými tak zůstává nejasná. Prvním cílem naší studie je poskytnout přehled nejdůležitějších současných poznatků o dané problematice. Ve druhé části pak představujeme studii, jejímž výstupem bude detailní strukturální model zohledňující relevantní proměnné vztahující se k životu dětí s epilepsií v prostředí školy, vč. kvantifikace jejich vzájemných vazeb. Tento komplexní model by měl posloužit jako teoretický základ pro plánování cílených intervencí vedoucích ke zvýšení kvality života těchto dětí prostřednictvím redukce stigmatu souvisejícího nejen se samotnou nemocí, ale i se znalostmi a postoji rodičů, učitelů a spolužáků. V závěru studie předkládáme doporučení pro další výzkum i praxi v této oblasti.Epilepsy is a chronic neurological disorder with many negative sequelae related to the school attendance of aff ected children. School environment plays a fundamental role in the stigmatization accompanyi ng this dise ase. Individual risk factors related to children with epilepsy themselves, their parents, teachers and clas smates have not been suffi ciently studied yet; the complex structure of the school life of children with epilepsy determined by the mutual coupli ng of the particular variables thus remains unclear. The fi rst objective of this review article is to provide an overview of the most important fi ndings related to this topic. The second objective is to introduce a complex study in which outcome will be a detailed structural model taki ng into consideration the most important variables related to the life of children with epilepsy in a school and quantify ing the links between them. Such a complex model should serve as a theoretical background for plan n ing tailored interventions to improve the quality of life of these children by means of reduc ing the stigma related not only to the dise ase itself but also to report the parents’, teachers’ and class mates’ knowledge. Recom mendations for further research as well as clinical practice in this field are given at the end of the study

    Psychometric properties of the Czech version of the Stigma Scale of Epilepsy

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    <div><p>Although significant attention has been devoted to analyzing stigma associated with epilepsy, there is still a significant lack of valid and reliable instruments. We aimed to validate the 23-item Czech version of the Stigma Scale of Epilepsy (SSE; originally developed in Brazil), which has been used to evaluate epilepsy-related stigma in the general population. Verification of the SSE questionnaire was carried out in a group of 207 students aged 15–18 years of whom none had epilepsy. These students completed the SSE twice in a period of 3–6 months as part of standard test-retest evaluation practice. The instrument exhibits good psychometric properties including internal consistency higher than in the original version (Cronbach’s alpha of 0.856 here compared with 0.81 reported in Brazil) and acceptable test-retest reliability. Using exploratory factor analysis (not provided for the original version), four factors were identified and corresponding subscales were described and interpreted. Two items did not fit into the structure and were eliminated. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to propose and verify the hierarchical 4-factor structure of the Czech version of SSE confirming the existence of a common factor corresponding to stigma. The results showed that the Czech version of SSE has good psychometric properties and can be used in further research and clinical practice.</p></div