44 research outputs found
Mobile Air Quality Studies (MAQS) - an international project
Due to an increasing awareness of the potential hazardousness of air pollutants, new laws, rules and guidelines have recently been implemented globally. In this respect, numerous studies have addressed traffic-related exposure to particulate matter using stationary technology so far. By contrast, only few studies used the advanced technology of mobile exposure analysis. The Mobile Air Quality Study (MAQS) addresses the issue of air pollutant exposure by combining advanced high-granularity spatial-temporal analysis with vehicle-mounted, person-mounted and roadside sensors. The MAQS-platform will be used by international collaborators in order 1) to assess air pollutant exposure in relation to road structure, 2) to assess air pollutant exposure in relation to traffic density, 3) to assess air pollutant exposure in relation to weather conditions, 4) to compare exposure within vehicles between front and back seat (children) positions, and 5) to evaluate "traffic zone"- exposure in relation to non-"traffic zone"-exposure. Primarily, the MAQS-platform will focus on particulate matter. With the establishment of advanced mobile analysis tools, it is planed to extend the analysis to other pollutants including including NO2, SO2, nanoparticles, and ozone
Validation of the revised IPSS at transplant in patients with myelodysplastic syndrome/transformed acute myelogenous leukemia receiving allogeneic stem cell transplantation
The International Prognostic Scoring System has been revised (IPSS-R) to predict prognosis of patients with myelodysplastic syndromes at diagnosis. To validate the use of the IPSS-R assesse
Gene Expression Profiling of Human Decidual Macrophages: Evidence for Immunosuppressive Phenotype
Background: Although uterine macrophages are thought to play an important regulatory role at the maternal-fetal interface, their global gene expression profile is not known. Methodology/Principal Findings: Using micro-array comprising approximately 14,000 genes, the gene expression pattern of human first trimester decidual CD14+ monocytes/macrophages was characterized and compared with the expression profile of the corresponding cells in blood. Some of the key findings were confirmed by real time PCR or by secreted protein. A unique gene expression pattern intrinsic of first trimester decidual CD14+ cells was demonstrated. A large number of regulated genes were functionally related to immunomodulation and tissue remodelling, corroborating polarization patterns of differentiated macrophages mainly of the alternatively activated M2 phenotype. These include known M2 markers such as CCL-18, CD209, insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-1, mannose receptor c type (MRC)-1 and fibronectin-1. Further, the selective up-regulation of triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells (TREM)-2, alpha-2-macroglobulin (A2M) and prostaglandin D2 synthase (PGDS) provides new insights into the regulatory function of decidual macrophages in pregnancy that may have implications in pregnancy complications. Conclusions/Significance: The molecular characterization of decidual macrophages presents a unique transcriptional profile replete with important components for fetal immunoprotection and provides several clues for further studies of these cells.Original Publication:Charlotte Gustafsson (Lidström), Jenny Mjösberg, Andreas Matussek, Robert Geffers, Leif Matthiesen, Göran Berg, Surendra Sharma, Jan Buer and Jan Ernerudh, Gene expression profiling of human decidual macrophages: Evidence for immunosuppressive phenotype, 2008, PLoS ONE, (3), 4, e2078.http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0002078Copyright: Public Library of Science (PLoS)http://www.plos.org
Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for adolescents and adults with inborn errors of immunity: an EBMT IEWP study.
peer reviewedAllogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) is the gold standard curative therapy for infants and children with many inborn errors of immunity (IEI), but adolescents and adults with IEI are rarely referred for transplant. Lack of published HSCT outcome data outside small, single-center studies and perceived high risk of transplant-related mortality have delayed the adoption of HSCT for IEI patients presenting or developing significant organ damage later in life. This large retrospective, multicenter HSCT outcome study reports on 329 IEI patients (age range, 15-62.5 years at HSCT). Patients underwent first HSCT between 2000 and 2019. Primary endpoints were overall survival (OS) and event-free survival (EFS). We also evaluated the influence of IEI-subgroup and IEI-specific risk factors at HSCT, including infections, bronchiectasis, colitis, malignancy, inflammatory lung disease, splenectomy, hepatic dysfunction, and systemic immunosuppression. At a median follow-up of 44.3 months, the estimated OS at 1 and 5 years post-HSCT for all patients was 78% and 71%, and EFS was 65% and 62%, respectively, with low rates of severe acute (8%) or extensive chronic (7%) graft-versus-host disease. On univariate analysis, OS and EFS were inferior in patients with primary antibody deficiency, bronchiectasis, prior splenectomy, hepatic comorbidity, and higher hematopoietic cell transplant comorbidity index scores. On multivariable analysis, EFS was inferior in those with a higher number of IEI-associated complications. Neither age nor donor had a significant effect on OS or EFS. We have identified age-independent risk factors for adverse outcome, providing much needed evidence to identify which patients are most likely to benefit from HSCT
Identifikation von Einflussfaktoren auf die Nutzung von Güllefeststoffen als Gärsubstrat in Biogasanlagen
Biogasanlagenbetreiber stehen angesichts des zwischenzeitlichen Preishochs auf den Agrarmärkten und des mit dem EEG 2012 für neue Anlagen eingeführten „Maisdeckels“ zunehmend vor der Herausforderung, ihre Anlagen wirtschaftlich und im Einklang mit den rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen zu betreiben. Vor diesem Hintergrund wurde die Suche nach alternativen Gärsubstraten zum Mais intensiviert. Diese Entwicklung sowie die zunehmende Problematik der Nährstoffüberschüsse in viehreichen Regionen haben dazu geführt, dass verstärkt Güllefeststoffe als Gärsubstrat in Betracht gezogen werden. Es ist bislang aber wenig bekannt, wie die Absicht von Biogasanlagenbetreibern zur Nutzung von Güllefeststoffen als Gärsubstrat tatsächlich ausgeprägt ist. Um diese Forschungslücke zu schließen, werden in der vorliegenden Studie auf der Grundlage einer Befragung von Anlagenbetreibern mögliche Einflussfaktoren auf die Nutzung von Güllefeststoffen als Gärsubstrat identifiziert. Der Akzeptanzanalyse liegt dabei ein Modell zugrunde, das sich an das Technology Acceptance Model 2 von VENKATESH und DAVIS (2000) anlehnt. Die Auswertung erfolgt mittels der Partial-Least-Squares-Methode (PLS). Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass das Interesse an Güllefeststoffen seitens der Biogasanlagenbetreiber zwar grundsätzlich vorhanden ist, aber nur wenige Anlagenbetreiber bereit sind, diese auch wirklich einzusetzen. Die Nutzungsabsicht von Güllefeststoffen konnte durch das Modell zu 53 %, das Nutzungsverhalten zu 68 % erklärt werden. Wichtige signifikante Einflussfaktoren sind neben den Kosten vor allem die rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen, die Risikoeinstellung der Anlagenbetreiber sowie ihre Aufgeschlossenheit gegenüber Innovationen
Evaluation of the clinical performance of an AI-based application for the automated analysis of chest X-rays
The AI-Rad Companion Chest X-ray (AI-Rad, Siemens Healthineers) is an artificial-intelligence based application for the analysis of chest X-rays. The purpose of the present study is to evaluate the performance of the AI-Rad. In total, 499 radiographs were retrospectively included. Radiographs were independently evaluated by radiologists and the AI-Rad. Findings indicated by the AI-Rad and findings described in the written report (WR) were compared to the findings of a ground truth reading (consensus decision of two radiologists after assessing additional radiographs and CT scans). The AI-Rad can offer superior sensitivity for the detection of lung lesions (0.83 versus 0.52), consolidations (0.88 versus 0.78) and atelectasis (0.54 versus 0.43) compared to the WR. However, the superior sensitivity is accompanied by higher false-detection-rates. The sensitivity of the AI-Rad for the detection of pleural effusions is lower compared to the WR (0.74 versus 0.88). The negative-predictive-values (NPV) of the AI-Rad for the detection of all pre-defined findings are on a high level and comparable to the WR. The seemingly advantageous high sensitivity of the AI-Rad is partially offset by the disadvantage of a high false-detection-rate. At the current stage of development, therefore, the high NPVs may be the greatest benefit of the AI-Rad giving radiologists the possibility to re-insure their own negative search for pathologies and thus boosting their confidence in their reports