51 research outputs found

    The comparative study of polymers for sliding pairs with UNMT (Universal Nano/Micro Tester)

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    In the article the results of comparative research of eight types of polymers, used in sliding pairs, are presented. For the selected polymers mechanical properties and then also their tribological characteristics were examined with UNMT (UNMT - Universal Nano/Micro Tester) to select the best material. Friction coefficient and wear measurements were performed with reciprocating ball-on-disk pair of UNMT under dry lubrication conditions. The usefulness of UNMT was confirmed as a quick and precise method. Presented results showed also that the best antifriction and anti-wear properties were observed for polymer with small hardness and elasticity module

    Diagnostic errors in musculoskeletal ultrasound imaging and how to avoid them

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    The article reviews the major challenges related to the principles of the correct tech­nique of musculoskeletal ultrasound (MSK US). All the crucial aspects of correct MSK soft tissue diagnosis have been discussed, including equipment settings, use of recent image software innovations and ultrasound standoff pads, and correct transducer po­sitioning. The importance of the fundamental principles of MSK US, facilitating good quality image and limiting the occurrence of artifacts, has been highlighted. The most common artifacts of the musculoskeletal system have been described, including those that diagnostically helpful, such as the presence of echo enhancement deep to a fluid-filled structure, or an acoustic shadow behind a calcification. The presence of acoustic shadow in the context of lesions of a different type has also been discussed. The common anisotropy-related artifacts, frequently leading to diagnosis of a pathological condition where none is present, have been elaborated on. The frequently encountered mirror reflection artifact has been described. Special attention has been paid to the means of either eliminating, or taking advantage of artifacts for the correct diagnosis of musculo­skeletal lesions. The possibilities and technique of correct differentiation of hypoechoic or anechoic foci, commonly found in the pathological conditions of the musculoskeletal system, have been analysed. Non-typical ultrasound findings leading to misdiagnosis of given pathological conditions have been discussed

    Fungi inhabiting the aboveground organs of downy willow (Salix lapponum L.) and swamp willow (Salix myrtilloides L.)

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    The species of downy willow (Salix lapponum) and swamp willow (Salix myrtilloides) are extremely rare relicts among all members of the genus Salix. In Poland, they occur only in the eastern part of the Karkonosze Mountains, Masurian Lake District, and Polesie Lubelskie area. A huge threat to both species is the drainage of peat bogs and their excessive exploitation as well as diseases caused by bacteria and fungi. The present study aimed identify fungal species colonizing the aboveground organs of plants with disease symptoms and to indicate which species may pose a threat towards S. lapponum and S. myrtilloides growing under natural conditions. This research was conducted in Polesie National Park as a part of a research project by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. Plant health assessments were carried out in natural habitats, while aboveground organs with disease symptoms were collected for laboratory mycological analysis. Colletotrichum salicis (teleomorph Glomerella salicis), Coniothyrium concentricum, Cylindrosporium salicinum, Phomopsis spp., Truncatella angustata, and Cytospora chrysosperma (teleomorph Valsa sordida) were the fungal species most frequently isolated from leaves and shoots of both willow species. The above-mentioned fungi are dangerous plant pathogens from the family Salicaceae. There were no obligatory parasites or monophagous pathogens on the aboveground organs of downy or swamp willow. Obligatory parasites may indicate a markedly low population of host plants in Polish conditions

    Prevalence of hyperuricemia in very high cardiovascular risk patients — a single centre retrospective cohort study

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    Wstęp. Bezobjawowa hiperurykemia jest potwierdzonym i uznanym przez ekspertów niezależnym czynnikiem ryzyka sercowo-naczyniowego (CV). Świadomość tego faktu wśród lekarzy wciąż jednak pozostaje niewystarczająca. Brakuje również danych dotyczących rozpowszechnienia bezobjawowej hiperurykemii w populacji pacjentów potencjalnie wyma- gających farmakoterapii.  Celem badania była ocena częstości występowania bezobjawowej hiperurykemii w populacji pacjentów hospitalizowa- nych na oddziale internistycznym oraz częstości stosowania leków urykozurycznych w tej grupie chorych.  Materiał i metody. Jednoośrodkowe badanie kohortowe — retrospektywna ocena dokumentacji pacjentów hospitalizo- wanych na oddziale internistycznym w pierwszym półroczu 2018 roku. W analizie uwzględniono wyniki badań bioche- micznych, dane dotyczące chorobowości pacjentów oraz stosowanej farmakoterapii. Na podstawie zebranych danych wyodrębniono grupę pacjentów obciążonych bardzo wysokim ryzykiem CV, w odniesieniu do których za nieprawidłowe uznaje się stężenie kwasu moczowego większe lub równe 5 mg/dl. Zastosowano typowe metody statystyczne: staty- styki opisowe, odpowiednie testy parametryczne i nieparametryczne w celu oceny istotności różnic wartości wybranych parametrów między badanymi grupami chorych oraz ogólne modele regresji. Przyjęto standardową wartość p poniżej 0,05 dla różnic istotnych statystycznie.  Wyniki. W analizie uwzględniono dane 354 pacjentów, spośród których 194 (55%) spełniło kryterium przynależności do grupy bardzo wysokiego ryzyka CV. Pozostali chorzy stanowili grupę kontrolną. Chorzy z grupy bardzo wysokiego ryzyka CV byli starsi (75 v. 62 lata; p < 0,001), wyróżniali się niższą wartością współczynnika filtracji kłębuszkowej (85 v. 118 ml/min/1,73 m2; p = 0,04) oraz wyższym średnim stężeniem kwasu moczowego (6,6 v. 5,5 mg/dl; p < 0,001). Nie wykazano natomiast istotnych różnic w stężeniach poszczególnych frakcji lipidogramu. Stężenie kwasu moczowego oznaczono u 55% pacjentów z grupy bardzo wysokiego ryzyka CV. Niezależnym predyktorem stężenia kwasu moczowego powyżej 5 mg/dl w tej grupie były nieprawidłowe parametry nerkowe (R2 = 0,18; p < 0,001). W przypadku 70% pacjentów z grupy bardzo wysokiego ryzyka CV, u których oznaczono stężenie kwasu moczowego, przekraczało ono 5 mg/dl. Allo- purinol zastosowano jedynie u 25% tych chorych, przy czym średnie stężenie kwasu moczowego u pacjentów, u których włączono leczenie urykozuryczne, wynosiło 8,1 mg/dl. Najczęściej stosowaną dawką allopurinolu było 100 mg/dobę. Średnie stężenie kwasu moczowego u pacjentów, u których leczenia nie wdrożono, wynosiło 6,2 mg/dl.  Wnioski. Oznaczenie stężenia kwasu moczowego jest zbyt rzadko uwzględniane w profilu badań biochemicznych pacjen- tów obciążonych bardzo wysokim ryzykiem CV. U większości pacjentów z grupy wysokiego ryzyka mogą istnieć wskazania do stosowania leków urykozurycznych. W świetle aktualnych konsensusów ekspertów allopurinol w grupie pacjentów obciążonych bardzo wysokim ryzykiem CV stosuje się zbyt rzadko i w zbyt małej dawce. Introduction. Asymptomatic hyperuricemia is an established independent risk factor for cardiovascular (CV) disease. However, the awareness of this fact among physicians is still insufficient. Data are also lacking on the prevalence of asymptomatic hyperuricemia in a population of patients potentially requiring drug therapy. The aim of the study was to assess the prevalence of asymptomatic hyperuricemia in the population of patients hospi- talized in an internal medicine unit and the frequency of use of uricosuric drugs in this group of patients.  Material and methods. Single centre retrospective cohort study — evaluation of medical records of patients hospitalized in an internal medicine unit in the first half of 2018. The analysis included biochemical testing results, data on patients’ medical conditions and drug therapy used. Based on the collected data, a group of patients with a very high CV risk was identified in whom serum uric acid level ≥ 5 mg/dL is considered abnormal. Typical statistical methods were used including descriptive statistics, appropriate parametric and non-parametric tests to evaluate significance of differences in the values of selected parameters between the study groups, and generalized regression models. Statistically signi- ficant differences were conventionally defined as p &lt; 0.05.  Results. The analysis included data from 354 patients, of whom 194 (55%) met the criteria of a very high CV risk. These patients were older (75 vs. 62 years, p &lt; 0.001) and had lower glomerular filtration rate values (85 vs. 118 mL/ /min/1.73 m2, p = 0.04) and higher mean serum uric acid level (6.6 vs. 5.5 mg/dL, p &lt; 0.001) compared to the control group (non-very high CV risk patients). No significant differences in lipid levels were found between the two groups. Se- rum uric acid level was measured in 55% of patients in the very high CV risk group. Abnormal renal function parameters were an independent predictor of serum uric acid level above 5 mg/dL in this group (R2 = 0.18, p &lt; 0.001). Serum uric acid level was above 5 mg/dL in 70% of very high CV risk patients in whom it was measured. Allopurinol was used in only 25% of these patients, and the mean serum uric acid level in those receiving uricosuric treatment was 8.1 mg/dL. The most commonly used allopurinol dose was 100 mg/day. The mean serum uric acid level in patients not receiving uricosuric treatment was 6.2 mg/dL.  Conclusions. Serum uric acid level measurement is too rarely considered in the biochemical profile of patients at a very high CV risk. Serum uric acid level may be an indication for the use of uricosuric drugs in most patients at a very high CV risk. In the light of the current expert consensus, allopurinol is underused and underdosed in the very high CV risk group.

    Liver transplantation as an option of treatment for a giant primary hepatic neuroendocrine tumour

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    There are no clear guidelines for the treatment of hepatic neuroendocrine tumours. Surgical resections — though rarely radical — seem to be the treatment of choice. Thermoablation, chemoembolisation, or cytoreductive surgery of hepatic focal lesions are often recommended. Pharmacological treatment is based on somatostatin analogues. Liver transplantation is available for a strictly selected group of patients with hepatic neuroendocrine tumours [5]. In the case described above, there were a number of factors that affected the decision about eligibility: first of all — very slow growth of the tumour, its size, and typical multifocality, which made it impossible to perform resection, lack of neoplastic focus outside the liver, and low Ki-67 proliferation index of ≤ 2%. The surgical risk was escalated due to the giant tumour mass and the laparotomy, which was performed twice.

    Industrial tomography platform for diagnostics and control of the crystallization process

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    PURPOSE: The aim of the article is an industrial system platform for diagnostics and control of the crystallization process with the use of tomographic technologies.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: Various methods are used to study crystallization processes. Here, the tomographic method has been applied.FINDINGS: Tomography of industrial processes is a harmless, non-invasive imaging technique used in various industrial in-process technologies. It plays an important role in continuous data measurement for better understanding and monitoring of industrial processes, providing a fast and dynamic response that facilitates real-time process control, fault detection and system malfunctions.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: Sensor networks with their feedback loops are fundamental elements of production control. A critical difference in the mass production of chemicals, metals, building materials, food and other commodities is that common process sensors provide only local measurements, e.g. temperature, pressure, fill level, flow rate or species concentration. However, in most production systems such local measurements are not representative of the entire process, so spatial solutions are required. Here the future belongs to distributed and image sensors.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The concept of a system based on industrial tomography represents a solution currently unavailable on the world market, in its assumptions and effects it has a legitimate character of innovation on a global scale. At the same time, it means the creation of a new, fundamentally different from those available on the market, universal product in the technological sphere. It is an innovative, efficient tool for diagnostics and process control.peer-reviewe

    Changes in Bar Velocity and Muscular Activity During the Bench Press in Relation to the Load Lifted

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    The purpose of the study was to determine velocity changes in relation to the load lifted along with their muscular activity. Twenty athletes representing different sport disciplines, familiar with the flat bench press took part in the research project. The ANOVA analysis revealed a significantly higher effect on range of mean velocity (F = 128.34; &eta;2 = 1.22 with p = 0.001) and maximal velocity (F = 7 3.31; &eta; 2 = 0 .81 w ith p = 0 .001) t o m easured l oads ( 70&divide;100% 1-RM) i n a scending p hase. Tukey&rsquo;s p ost-hoc t ests revealed a statistically significant difference between 70% and 100% 1-RM loads, in mean velocity with p = 0.001 and maximal velocity with p = 0.001. Similarly the results revealed a statistically significant difference between 80% and 100% 1-RM loads in mean velocity (p = 0,012) and maximal velocity (p = 0,021) during the ascending phase. Relationship between velocity and the muscles activity indicates that the anterior deltoid and latissimus dorsi muscles show synergy and a significant relationship for loads 90 and 100% 1-RM. The triceps brachii muscle shows a higher relationship with velocity of the barbell for loads 70% and 80%, then the relationship of the pectoralis major muscle with velocity only for 90% 1-RM

    Transformation of a large multi-speciality hospital into a dedicated COVID-19 centre during the coronavirus pandemic

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    Introduction. The article describes the process of converting a large multi-specialized hospital into one dedicated to COVID-19 patients, and present established standards of work organization in all the wards and training system of the medical and supporting staff. The several weeks pandemic of the COVID-19 disease has forced the healthcare systems of numerous countries to adjust their resources to the care of the growing number of COVID-19 patients. Managers were presented with the challenge of protecting the healthcare workers from transmission of the disease within medical institutions, and issues concerning the physical and psychological depletion of personnel. Materials and method. Based on analyses of the structure and work processes in Central Clinical Hospital (CCH) reconstructive strategic plan was developed. It included: division of existing wards into observation and isolation wards; installing locks; weekly plan for supplying personal protection equipment (PPE); designating new access to the hospital and communication routes; training of medical and supporting staff. The plan was implemented from the first days of conversion of the hospital. Results. The wards of the CCH were converted for observation and isolation, and each one was fitted with sanitary locks. There was a big improvement in the supply of PPE for the medical staff. Separation of the ‘dirty’ and ‘clean’ parts of the CCH were attained, and widespread intensive training not only protected personnel against infections, but also diminished unrest which was discernable at the beginning of conversion. Conclusions. The transformation efforts will ultimately be appraised at the end of the epidemic, but the data looks encouraging. Two weeks after conversion, the testing of hospital Staff was started and by the end of April, 459 tests were had been conducted, of which only 11 were positive