473 research outputs found

    Přínosy podnikatelského poradenství pro osoby ohrožené sociálním vyloučením

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    This article is an introduction to benefits measurement of business support for disadvantaged people or communities. There is described a CBBS (Community Based Business Support) model developed in the UK and shortly presented methodology of SROI (Social Return on Investment) analyses. Measuring of business support social value is demonstrated on example of German project "enterability"

    Safe Autonomous Aerial Surveys of Historical Building Interiors

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    Cílem této práce je vývoj systému pro bezpečný autonomní průzkum interiérů historických budov za pomocí vícerotorových autonomních bezpilotních helikoptér. Navržené řešení zahrnuje metodu pro sledování požadované trajektorie založené na přístupu lídr-následovník a prediktivním řízení, detekci potenciálních chyb a systému pro řízení mise, který zprostředkovává spolupráci mezi jednotlivými členy formace a korektní reakci na nastalé chyby jednotlivých podsystémů. Návrh celého systému je ovlivněn jeho plánovaným nasazením v rámci skenování interiérů historických budov. Funkčnost navrženého systému je nejprve otestována v rámci početných simulací a následně během experimentu s reálnými bezpilotními helikoptérami.This thesis is aimed at development of the system for safe autonomous survey of historical building interiors by the cooperative formation of multi-rotor unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). The proposed solution involves the method for safe trajectory tracking based on the leader-follower scheme and model predictive control, detection of potential faults and failures, and the mission controller which ensures the control of cooperation of particular UAVs and proper reaction on occurrence of faults and failures. The proposition of the whole system is influenced by the aim at its deployment in real world scenarios motivated by the documentation of historical monuments. The developed system is firstly evaluated in simulations. After that, it is tested in a real world scenario with the real UAVs

    Chassis of tractors

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá v současnosti používanými podvozky kolových a pásových traktorů. V první části je proveden přehled a stručný popis jednotlivých konstrukčních částí. Druhá a třetí část je zaměřena na řízení kolových a pásových traktorů. Jsou zde podrobněji popsány jednotlivé druhy řízení a uveden princip činnosti. Nejvíce prostoru je věnováno hydrostatickému řízení, které je nejrozšířenější. V závěru je shrnut současný stav v konstrukci podvozků traktorů, používaná řešení, popsány nové moderní systémy a nastíněn předpokládaný trend vývoje.This bachelor thesis deals with the currently used chassis of wheeled and tracked tractors. In the first part is an overview and a short description of individual components. The second and third parts are focused on steering of wheeled and tracked tractors. There are in detail described different types of steering and is given a principle of operation. Most of space is devoted to hydrostatic steering which is the most widespread. In the end is summarized a present situation in designing of tractor chassis. There are mentioned used solutions and are described new modern systems and is estimated a supposed trend of development.

    Polarizability of Electrically Small Perfectly Conducting Scatterers

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    Tato diplomová práce je zaměřena na výpočet tenzorů polarizovatelnosti. Úvod se věnuje představení konceptu polarizovatelnosti a jejímu využití. První část diplomové práce se zabývá odvozením vztahů pro výpočet těchto tenzorů. V druhé části je představena implementace těchto vztahů v prostředí MATLAB a následné porovnání výsledků s jinými autory.This diploma thesis is focused on the calculation of polarizability tensors. Introduction is focused on the description of the polarizability tensors and their usage. The first part of the diploma thesis derives relations necessary to calculate the polarizability tensors. The second part is focused on the implementation of these relations in MATLAB and comparison of obtained results with different authors

    – Construction of large power plants for use of renewable energy sources in Czech Republic

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    Cílem této bakalářské práce je zpracování rešerše o možnostech výstavby velkých obnovitelných zdrojů energie v ČR. Zejména fotovoltaických elektráren, větrných elektráren, vodních elektráren a elektráren a tepláren na biomasu a zhodnocení vlivu obnovitelných zdrojů energie na stabilitu přenosové soustavy. Je zde dále pojednáváno o problematice spojené s dlouhodobou energetickou koncepcí České republiky a Evropské unie. Hlavní část práce se však zaměřuje na aktuální problematiku využití obnovitelných zdrojů a jejich potenciálního využití v podmínkách České republiky. Dále je práce zaměřena na vliv obnovitelných zdrojů na stabilitu přenosové soustavy a možnosti pro zvýšení její stabilizace.The main goal of this thesis is researching possibilities of implementation of large renewable power sources in the Czech Republic. In concentrates especially on photovoltaic power plants, wind power plants, water power plants, and heating plants and power plants using biomass and assessment of the impact of renewable power sources on the stability of transmission systems. Among others it deals with long-term conception of power industry in the Czech Republic and the European Union. Nevertheless, the main part of the thesis focuses on an actual issue of exploatation of renewable sources under specific conditions of the Czech Republic. The problematic of the influence of renewable power sources on the stability of transmission grids and possibilities of strengthening that stability is reflected too.

    Benchmark VERCORS 2022: blind prediction of time-dependent behavior of concrete containment building with low and high-fidelity models

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    The VERCORS program aims to acquire an extensive experimental dataset collected to provide a solid basis for numerical modeling of concrete containment buildings (CCBs). In order to cover the entire life-span of a real containment, the measurements are done on 3× smaller mock-up which leads to 9-fold acceleration of all processes related to drying. The goal for the participants of the third VERCORS benchmark was to predict the behaviour of the CCB based on standard laboratory measurements on VERCORS concrete. The previous paper [1] presented the calibration procedure of material models for moisture transport and time-dependent behavior of concrete and summarized the results obtained with a computationally efficient low-fidelity model (LFM). The present paper compares the responses of the LFM and a high-fidelity model (HFM) with a detailed geometry of the entire containment and presents a comparison with the experimental data collected over the last 8 years on the VERCORS mockup

    Benchmark VERCORS 2022: mechanical response of the prestressed concrete containment wall to ambient conditions

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    The VERCORS benchmark was developed to provide a solid experimental basis for numerical modeling of concrete containment buildings (CCBs) to extend their lifespan. The goal of the first phase of the third benchmark is to present a blind prediction of CCB’s behavior across the whole lifespan and under periodic pressure tests. This paper summarizes the calibration of the material model based on the Microprestress-solidification (MPS) theory according to the provided laboratory experimental data. A special emphasis is given to the influence of the ambient conditions on drying creep and transient thermal creep of concrete and the calibration of the corresponding material parameters. These phenomena are studied on a representative section of the containment wall using weakly coupled thermo-hygro-mechanical analyses

    In Vitro Antibacterial and Antifungal Activity of Salicylanilide Benzoates

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    The resistance to antimicrobial agents brings a need of novel antimicrobial agents. We have synthesized and found the in vitro antibacterial activity of salicylanilide esters with benzoic acid (2-(phenylcarbamoyl)phenyl benzoates) in micromolar range. They were evaluated in vitro for the activity against eight fungal and eight bacterial species. All derivatives showed a significant antibacterial activity against Gram-positive strains with minimum inhibitory concentrations ≥0.98 μmol/L including methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus strain. The most active compounds were 5-chloro-2-(3,4-dichlorophenylcarbamoyl)phenyl benzoate and 4-chloro-2-(4-(trifluoromethyl)phenylcarbamoyl)phenyl benzoate. The antifungal activity is significantly lower

    Lab-scale Technology for Biogas Production from Lignocellulose Wastes

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    Currently-operating biogas plants are based on the treatment of lignocellulose biomass, which is included in materials such as agriculture and forestry wastes, municipal solid wastes, waste paper, wood and herbaceous energy crops. Lab-scale biogas technology was specially developed for evaluating the anaerobic biodegrability and the specific methane yields of solid organic substrates. This technology falls into two main categories – pretreatment equipments, and fermentation equipments. Pretreatment units use physical principles based on mechanical comminution (ball mills, macerator) orhydrothermal treatment (liquid hot water pretreatment technology). The biochemical methane potential test is used to evaluate the specific methane yields of treated or non-treated organic substrates. This test can be performed both by lab testing units and by lab fermenter