8 research outputs found

    Process of posthospital care involving telemedicine solutions for patients after total hip arthroplasty

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    The importance of telemedicine technologies around the world has been growing for many years, and it turned out to be a particularly important issue for conducting some medical procedures during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. It is necessary to create interdisciplinary teams to design and implement improved procedures using telemedicine tools. The aim of the article is to develop original, improved posthospital patient care process after total hip arthroplasty (THA) with the use of telemedicine technologies. In the study, a literature review and empirical research were used. The conducted research resulted in the designing an original posthospital patient care process after THA that uses telematics technologies. Due to the use of analyzed telemedicine technologies, the designed patient care process brings a possibility to increase the patient′s safety by monitoring life parameters, allowing for regular, remote contact with specialists and to be supervised remotely. All this may contribute to shortening the convalescence time, reducing the risk of complications, as well as reducing treatment costs. The designed model is ready for further clinical research with the participation of medical staff, patients after THA and patient caregivers

    The impact of crude oil prices on the export of transport services in Europe

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    Celem publikacji jest ukazanie dorobku naukowego, g?ównie polskich i ukrai?skich uczonych, w zakresie uwarunkowa? procesów i rezultatów internacjonalizacji przedsi?biorstw oraz jej wp?ywu na funkcjonowanie biznesu w dobie globalizacji. Opracowanie stanowi istotny wk?ad w zakresie teorii i praktyki w proces restrukturyzacji przedsi?biorstw w kierunku ich internacjonalizacji. Mo?e pos?u?y? jako inspiracja do stworzenia strategii opartej na poszukiwaniach (prospector strategy), co b?dzie sprzyja? zwi?kszonej innowacyjno?ci w budowaniu strategii i organizacji firm przechodz?cych transformacj?. Mo?e te? by? przes?ank? do zacie?niania wspó?pracy biznesów z ró?nych krajów i do wspólnych bada? w tym wzgl?dzie. Ksi??ka powsta?a jako rezultat mi?dzynarodowej konferencji naukowej (teoretyczno-metodyczno-praktycznej), zorganizowanej 21-22 listopada 2016 r. pt. Internacjonalizacja polskich przedsi?biorstw uwarunkowania, modele, wyniki bada?. Zamieszczone studia przypadków i analizy jako?ciowe mog? u?atwi? przedsi?biorstwom dostosowanie si? do warunków dzia?ania na nowych rynkach. B?d? te? pomocne mened?erom oraz przedsi?biorcom w zrozumieniu konieczno?ci i metod dostosowania si? do globalnej konkurencji, która generuje nowe akcenty w zarz?dzaniu. Artyku? przedstawia charakterystyk? rynku us?ug transportowych w Europie. Celem artyku?u jest analiza wp?ywu cen ropy naftowej na eksport us?ug transportowych. Zawarto w nim charakterystyki zmian tych cen oraz najwi?kszych eksporterów i importerów ropy naftowej na ?wiecie. Do analizy wykorzystano dane uzyskane z firmy transportowej dzia?aj?cej na rynku europejskim. Przedstawiono tak?e casey odzwierciedlaj?ce sytuacje wielu przedsi?biorstw transportowych sektora M?P. Szukano równie? antidotum na wzrost cen paliw. Jednym z rozwi?za? mog? by? zaprezentowane w artykule nowe technologie. Stosowane s? one do redukcji spalania paliwa i poprzez to wp?ywaj? na obni?enie cen us?ug transportowych, a w konsekwencji na konkurencyjno?? tych firm w sektorze transportu. This article presents market characteristics of transport services in Europe. Main goal of this article is to analyze the impact of crude oil price on the export of transport services. Concluded in article characteristics of changes these price and the biggest crude oil exporters and importers all over the world. For these analysis author used data from transport company operating on European market. Cases were also presented, reflecting the situation of many transport companies of the Small Medium Enterprise sector. Authors also tried to find an antidote to the increase in fuel prices. New technologies presented in this article could be proposed as an solution to the problem. They are used to reduce the combustion of fuel and, by doing this, have impact on the reduced price of transport services, and in consequence on competitiveness of these companies in sector of transport. Publikacja jest rezultatem ministerialnego projektu: mi?dzynarodowej konferencji naukowej (teoretyczno-metodyczno-praktycznej) pt. Internacjonalizacja polskich przedsi?biorstw uwarunkowania, modele, wyniki bada? finansowana w ramach umowy 641/P-DUN/2016 ze ?rodków Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wy?szego, przeznaczonych na dzia?alno?? upowszechniaj?c? nauk?. Document type: Part of book or chapter of boo

    Characteristic features of project management in small and medium-sized enterprises

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    The trend of specificity in studies on small and medium-sized enterprises management focuses on the search for characteristic qualitative and quantitative features distinguishing these entities from others, particularly from large enterprises. Research conducted within this trend may concern the general characteristics of small and medium-sized companies, as well as their functional characteristics connected with particular areas of management. One such area of growing importance for today’s organizations is project management. This approach plays an important role in a dynamic, complex and uncertain environment, providing a response to accelerated competition, increased economic pressures, and rapid technological change. Use the project management by small and medium-sized enterprises enables cost reduction and facilitates the introduction of new products and services to the market, primarily including innovative solutions in response to individual and changing client requirements. However, project management should be implemented with consideration for the individual needs and possibilities of specific business entities, including SMEs. Taking this facts into consideration, the goal of the paper is to identify and evaluate select areas related to qualitative characteristics of project management in SMEs. The analysis refers to individual phases of a project life cycle, is of comparative nature, and is based on the results of studies conducted on a sample of 563 small and medium-sized enterprises and 334 large enterprises. The test of the difference between two population proportions was used to identify the areas of project management characteristic to SMEs statistically. Based on the study results, five research hypotheses have been verified concerning the basic goals, role of the owner, inter- organizational cooperation, and limited formalization in the process of project management in small and medium-sized enterprises

    Application of modern clinical risk scores in the global assessment of risks related to the diagnosis and treatment of acute coronary syndromes in everyday medical practice

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    This article presents an overview of contemporary risk assessment systems used in patients with myocardial infarction. The full range of risk scales, both recommended by the European Society of Cardiology and others published in recent years, is presented. Scales for assessing the risk of ischemia/death as well as for assessing the risk of bleeding are presented. A separate section is devoted to systems assessing the integrated risk associated with both ischemia and bleeding. In the first part of the work, each of the risk scales is described in detail, including the clinical trials/registers on the basis of which they were created, the statistical methods used to develop them, as well as the specification of their individual parameters. The next chapter presents the practical application of a given scale in the patient risk assessment process, the timing of its application on the timeline of myocardial infarction, as well as a critical assessment of its potential advantages and limitations. The last part of the work is devoted to the presentation of potential directions for the development of risk assessment systems in the future

    Eliminowanie przyczyn wypadków i kolizji w obszarze infrastruktury transportowej logistyki miejskiej

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    Przyczyn wypadków i kolizji drogowych jest wiele, jednak nie zawsze zdarzenia te są zupełnie przypadkowe. Można odnaleźć zależności, które wskażą, jak im zapobiegać, np. poprzez modernizację infrastruktury drogowej. Działania zmierzające do podnoszenia bezpieczeństwa na drogach są trudne i nie zawsze przynoszą oczekiwane rezultaty, ale mimo wszystko należy je podejmować. Autorzy niniejszej monografii dołożyli wszelkich starań, aby zidentyfikować przyczyny zagrożeń na siedmiu najbardziej niebezpiecznych skrzyżowaniach w Łodzi. Ponadto opracowali propozycje modernizacji infrastruktury drogowej w taki sposób, żeby dążyć do wyeliminowania wypadków i kolizji zdarzających się na tych skrzyżowaniach.Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00

    Framing Sustainable Healthcare Services

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    This paper develops an analytical framework using process thinking to achieve sustainable healthcare services. Healthcare is characterised by low economic efficiency. At the same time, it is embedded in ethical concerns related to society and nature. Healthcare is thus conceptualised as functionality in an ecosystem. The patient is woven into both nature and society. Given the complex nature of healthcare services, we seek an alternative way to understand healthcare services, focusing on the exchange aspect of the economy. We offer a conceptual model that helps build an analytical framework focusing on how practitioners and leaders in healthcare frame their activities. This framing provides guidance in healthcare practice. Furthermore, framing is associated with both healthcare service providers as well as patients and next of kin—the recipients. This framework aims to guide practical research and development activities in healthcare

    The Usability of IT Systems in Document Management, Using the Example of the ADPIECare Dorothea Documentation and Nurse Support System

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    Background: In 2016, an IT system was developed at MUL for the documentation of nursing practice. Preparing nursing students for the implementation of eHealth solutions under simulated conditions is crucially important for achieving the digital competencies necessary for health care systems in the future. Scientific evidence demonstrates that the use of an IT system in clinical practice shortens the time required for the preparation of documentation, increases the safety of clinical decisions and provides data for analysis and for the creation of predictive models for the purposes of HB HTA. Methods: The system was created through the cooperation of an interprofessional team at the Medical University of Łódź. The ADPIECare system was implemented in 2016 at three universities in Poland, and in 2017 a study of its usability was conducted using a questionnaire made available by Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society, “Defining and Testing EMR Usability MASTER V2 Final” on 78 nurses—students of MA in Nursing at Medical University of Łódź. Findings: Over 50% of the surveyed nurses indicated the usability of the system for the “effectiveness of documentation” variable. The same group of respondents had a positive attitude towards patient care planning with the use of the assessed system. In the opinions of the examined parties, positive opinions predominated, such as, e.g., “the system is intuitive”, “the system facilitates work”, “all patient assessments are in one place”, and “the time needed for data entry would be shortened”

    Additive Manufacturing: Currently a Disruptive Supply Chain Innovation?

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    Directs attention to additive manufacturing in a supply chain context. Analysis questions the degree it currently is a disruptive innovation. A case study consisting of interviews with 15 companies, including observations of some of these companies, providing a varied set of subcases. The research describes individual companies’ histories of using 3D printing tools, its current use and future prospects, as perceived by various informants. In the supply chain, additive manufacturing moves production closer to the product user, albeit currently on a small scale. Some firms are already specializing in providing additive manufacturing as a service. Networking and sourcing emerge as increasingly important issues to govern the development and use of additive manufacturing technology in the value chain of each studied company. Findings reveal how additive manufacturing at current is in its infancy and has limited impact on the networked production structure: it has not yet reached the stage of being a disruptive innovation. Investigation also reveals perceptions on how additive manufacturing in the near future may change the logistics flow structure in global supply chains, then becoming a disruptive innovation