797 research outputs found

    Flipped classroom in the higher education system: A pilot study in Finland and Russia

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    This article shows specifics of the transition from conventional educational practice to the Flipped classroom model in modern education system. It is focused on professors’ perception of the video-based teaching approach. Conducted sociological survey involves the teaching staff from one European and one Russian university, namely the Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT) and Ural Federal University (URFU). The survey investigated professors’ awareness of the Inverted classroom, their readiness to employ it and prime barriers they face. Results reveal that teachers from Russia have less information about the model and practically do not embed it in the education arrangement comparing to professors from Finland. Lack of time, lack of support and assistance are shown to be the prime barriers preventing them from flipped classroom implementation. Drawn implications are of use for the integration of the flipped classroom. © 2017, Adam Marszalek Publishing House. All rights reserved

    The Small-angle X-Ray Scattering Investigation of Advanced Beryllium Materials

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    The small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) technique allows to determine size distributions of inhomogeneities in materials and to predict their properties in Xray optics devices. A number of beryllium materials for the manufacturing of X-ray optics (refractive lenses and speckle suppressors) have been studied by the SAXS.Various composite materials based on porous beryllium have been studied. The effect of adding detonation nanodiamonds to the beryllium matrix on the scattering ability of the material is discussed. Keywords: porous beryllium, SAXS, detonation nanodiamonds, speckle-suppresso


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    Purpose: The article conducts the study implementation of the normative orientation of the language of fiction: linguistic-aesthetic aspect Methodology: This is analytical-logical research done by content analysis. Result: In the article, it is argued that normative orientation of the fiction speech is rather different from that of functional styles in which, as a rule, not only non-literary language elements but also specific phenomena of other styles are not used. Applications: This research can be used for the universities, teachers and education students. Novelty/Originality: A number of outstanding scientists such as V.D. Levin, N.A. Meshchersky, N.M. Shansky, N.L. Maksimov, D.N. Shmelev, K.A. Panfilov and others consider the language of fiction as a special type of the literary language which is characterized by aesthetic function and in which the particular peculiarities of all other functional styles can be found as well as non-literary linguistic means of different kinds: colloquial, slang, dialectal, etc

    Rhetorical Lacunes: Causes, Implications, Warning

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    The article analyzes the current state of rhetoric as an academic discipline and the prospects for its study. Rhetorical skills and skills of the student are one of the significant results of educational achieve­ments. However, in Russia, their formation is hampered by the absence of the majority of native speakers of ideas about the logical, stylistic and ethical laws of public speech. Purpose of article - based on the analysis of works devoted to modern rhetoric, to characterize the state of rhetorical education in modern society and the place of rhetorical (communication) disciplines in the system of school and university education. The causes of the decline of rhetoric, the ways of its development as a factor in the education of a rhetorical person are considered, the problem of speech influence and its study in a higher educational institution is touched upon.В статье рассматривается современное состояние риторики как учебной дисциплины и перспективы ее изучения

    The orientation towards the implementation of speech technologies in the training of specialists in the system of artistic education

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    При финансовой поддержке Российского гуманитарного научного фонда, проект № 07-06-14162

    The peculiarities of formation the image of future profession by students of VOCAT

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    The article deals with the issues linked with the need to form the image of future profession by college students, based on the analysis of the requirements of the modern labor market as an important condition of their professional self-realisationВ статье рассматриваются вопросы, связанные с необходимостью формирования образа профессионального будущего студентами колледжа, на основе анализа требований современного рынка труда, как важного условия их профессиональной самореализаци