169 research outputs found

    Formation and Study of Properties of Ta and Mo Nanocluster Films

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    In this article, the results of studies of thin-film samples of nanoclusters of tantalum and molybdenum metals on the surface of silicon dioxide SiO2 /Si (001) at room temperature are presented. The chemical composition and electronic structure of the obtained nanocluster films of Ta and Mo were controlled in situ by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Susceptibility to oxidation during the exposure to the atmosphere of then nanocluster films, as well as their thermal stability when heated in a vacuum to 600∘C were studied ex situ by the XPS method. The size and shape of the nanoclusters composing the film were estimated ex situ by analyzing images obtained with a scanning electron microscope. The band structure before and after oxidation was studied by measuring the bandgap of the formed Ta and Mo films by the method of electron energy loss characteristic spectroscopy (REELS). Conclusions about thermoelectric properties of the formed nanocluster films of Ta and Mo were made

    Indices of 3-hour pH-metry in young overweighed patients with GERD

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    In the study there were 35 overweighed patients with GERD (study group - SG), clinical comparison group (CCG) consisted of 20 standard patients with GERD. Alkaline reflux was revealed in 22 patients (62 %) of SG and 7 patients (33 %) of CCG, while acid reflux was revealed in 13 persons (38 %) of SG and 13 persons (67 %) of CCG. The comparison of the groups showed that the alkaline reflux was more common in patients of SG, significant differences were determined between the acidity rate in an esophagus at rest and during stimulation (p < 0,05). In patients of the groups with acid reflux significant differences were determined in the esophagus at rest and during stimulation (p < 0,05), in forestomach - at rest and after stimulation (p < 0,05). In overweighed patients complaining of heartburn alkaline reflux is more common while patients with normal weight have acid reflux. In SG life activity (p < 0,05), social function (p < 0,05), mental health (p < 0,05) were statistically reduced, pain in the upper epigastric severely limits daily activity (p < 0,05) compared to the CCG. Our results demonstrate that patients need to be treated of GERD in a different way considering the body weight


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    The results of bacteriological research of scatological material from children with allergic diseases (atopic dermatitis, bronchia! asthma combined, with allergic rhinitis, dermal and respiratory syndrome, allergic rhinitis) in Irkutsk are presented, in the article. 62 patients from 1 year to 17 years were examined, and. significant deviations from the scatological norm, were revealed: in lactic acid, bacteria — 75,8 % while the number of bifidobacteria was reduced, in 58 % of patients. The most frequently identified, bacteria were S. aureus (24,2 %) and. K. pneumoniae (14,5 %)


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    The results of bacteriological examination of scatological material from children with allergic diseases (atopic dermatitis, bronchial asthma combined with allergic rhinitis, dermal and respiratory syndrome, allergic rhinitis) in Irkutsk are presented. The study involved 62 patients aged from 1 year to 17 years. Significant deviations from the microecological norm were revealed: of lactic acid bacteria — 75,8 %, while the number of bifidobacteria was reduced in 58 % of patients. The most frequently identified opportunistic bacteria were S. aureus (24,2 %) and K. pneumoniae (14,5 %)


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    We studied the natural connections between the amino acid sequences of proteins C, prM, E and NS1 virus strains of tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) and their three phenotypic traits -neuroinvasiveness, thermal stability and thermoresistance. Coupling strength is assessed using measures of competitive sequence similarity of each strain with reference strains. For such purposes subsets of strain sections are chosen amino acid composition specifics of which can predict the value of a phenotypic trait of interest. The possibility to predict missing elements in data both in amino acid composition, and in target properties is demonstrated. The relationships between pairs of phenotypic traits of strains were evaluated

    Эффективность и безопасность применения биматопроста в стартовой гипотензивном терапии при первичной открытоугольной глаукоме

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    Purpose: To study the efficacy and safety of Bimoptic® (bimatoprost 0.03%, "Rompharm Company") as the initial monotherapy in early and advanced stages of primary open-angle glaucoma.Methods: In 2018, clinics in 23 cities of Russia recruited 178 patients (294 eyes) with newly diagnosed primary open-angle glaucoma with uncompensated IOP (84 men, 94 women, average age - 64.3 years). The mild stage was diagnosed in 72, moderate - in 222 eyes. Tonometry was performed using a Maklakov 10 g tonometer. All patients after standard ophthalmologic examination were prescribed bimatoprost 0.03% 1 time per day. Tonometry was performed before the study, and on the months 1, 2, and 3.Results: Initial IOP equaled 26.2+3.4 mmHg. On the month 1 IOP decreased by 25.6% to 19.5+2,5 mmHg (p&lt;0.0001). On the month 2 IOP was 18,5 mmHg (29.4% decrease, p&lt;0.0001), on the month 3 - 18.1 mmHg (31% decrease, p&lt;0.0001).On the month 1, IOP was compensated in 94% of all patients, on month 2 - in 98%, on month 3 - in 99% patients.Bimatoprost was tolerated well. The most common adverse effect was conjunctival hyperemia (4.5% of all patients).Conclusion: Bimatoprost allows compensating IOP as monotherapy in patients with early and advanced stages of primary open-angle glaucoma.Цель. Изучить эффективность и безопасность препарата Бимоптик® (биматопрост 0,03%, «RompharmCompany») в стартовой монотерапии при начальной и развитой стадиях первичной открытоугольной глаукомы (ПОУГ).Методы. В 2018 г. в клиниках 23 городов России было набрано 178 пациентов (294 глаза) с впервые диагностированной ПОУГ начальной и развитой стадий с некомпенсированным офтальмотонусом (84 мужчины, 94 женщины, средний возраст 64,3 года). Начальная стадия была диагностирована в 72, развитая — в 222 глазах. Тонометрию проводили с помощью тонометра Маклакова массой 10 г. Всем пациентам после стандартного офтальмологического исследования назначали биматопрост 0,03% 1 раз в сутки. Тонометрию проводили перед включением в исследование, на 1, 2 и 3-й месяц.Результаты. Начальное внутриглазное давление (ВГД) составило 26,2±3,4 мм рт.ст. Через 1 месяц ВГД снизилось на 25,6% до 19,5±2,5 мм рт.ст. (p&lt;0,0001). Через 2 месяца ВГД составило 18,5 мм рт.ст. (снижение на 29,4%, p&lt;0,0001), на 3-й месяц — 18,1 мм рт.ст. (снижение на 31%, p&lt;0,0001).Через 1 месяц достичь компенсации ВГД удалось в 94% случаев, через 2 месяца — в 98%, через 3 - в 99% случаев.Биматопрост переносился хорошо. Наиболее распространенным побочным эффектом была конъюнктивальная гиперемия (4,5% случаев).Заключение. Биматопрост позволяет достичь компенсации ВГД в монотерапии у пациентов с начальной и развитой стадиями глаукомы

    Эффективность «открытия альвеол» у больных с острым повреждением легких и сопутствующим пневмотораксом

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    Objective: to study the efficiency of a lung opening maneuver in patients with acute lung injury (ALI) and concomitant pneumothorax, who were on biphasic positive airway pressure ventilation (BIPAP) and synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation. Subject and methods. Seventy-three patients with acute lung injury and concomitant pneumoth-orax resulting from blunt chest trauma were examined. Their condition was an APACHE II of 18—24 scores. After elimination of pneumothorax, an open lung maneuver was made using different modes of lung support 3—5 times daily. Results. The study has shown that BIPAP used in patients with ALI and concomitant pneumothorax reduces the time of pleural cavity drainage, which allows the lung opening maneuver to be applied earlier. The employment of the latter in patients with ALI and pneumothorax permits a prompter recovery of lung function during different types of respiratory support, which is attended by reductions in the number of complications, artificial ventilation, and mortality. When the lung opening maneuver is combined with BIPAP, its efficiency considerably increases. Key words: acute lung injury, pneumothorax, BIPAP, lung opening maneuver.Цель исследования — изучить эффективность «маневра открытия легких» у больных с острым повреждением легких и сопутствующим пневмотораксом, находившихся на BIPAP (вентиляция легких с двухфазным положительным давлением в дыхательных путях) и SIMV (синхронизированная перемежающаяся принудительная вентиляция легких). Материал и методы. Обследовано 73 больных с острым повреждением легких и сопутствующим пневмотораксом, развившееся в результате тупой травмы грудной клетки. Тяжесть состояния по шкале APACНЕ II составила 18—24 баллов. После ликвидации пневмоторакса проводили «маневр открытия легких» на различных видах респираторной поддержки 3—5 раз в сутки. Результаты. В исследовании показано, что использование BIPAP у больных с ОПЛ и сопутствующим пневмотораксом снижает время дренирования плевральной полости, что позволяет раньше применять «маневр открытия легких». Применение «маневра открытия легких» у больных с ОПЛ и пневмотораксом позволяет быстрее восстановить функцию легких на различных видах респираторной поддержки, что сопровождается снижением количества осложнений, длительности ИВЛ и летальности. При сочетании «маневра открытия легких» и BIPAP эффективность его значительно повышается. Ключевые слова: острое повреждение легких, пневмоторакс, BIPAP, «маневр открытия легких»


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    Objectives. Actinomycosis in children has not been studied enough, the number of publications is limited. Actinomycosis of the knee joint is very rare, the disease mimics tuberculosis or malignant neoplasms, which can lead to late diagnosis and inadequate treatment. Materials and methods. We report on the first case of an 8-year-girl with actinomycosis knee. Diagnosis is based on histological examination. Results. Surgical resection of infected tissue and longterm antibiotic therapy for 4.5 months was effective in the treatment of pediatric patient with knee actinomycosis. In the scientific literature no such clinical case was found. Сonclusion. Case of successful treatment of pediatric patient with knee actinomycosis is presented for the first time.Цель: актиномикоз у детей изучен недостаточно, количество публикаций ограничено. Актиномикоз коленного сустава встречается очень редко, заболевание имитирует туберкулез или злокачественные новообразования, что может привести к поздней диагностике и неадекватному лечению. Материалы и методы: мы сообщаем о первом случае успешного лечения актиномикоза коленного сустава у 8-летней девочки. Диагноз был установлен на основании гистологического исследования послеоперационного материала. Результаты: хирургическая резекция инфицированной ткани и антибактериальная терапия в течение 4,5 месяцев привели к положительному результату. В научной литературе подобных клинических примеров не найдено. Заключение: впервые представлен случай успешного лечения актиномикоза коленного сустава у ребенка


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    Genotyping of nine strains and nine isolates of tick-borne encephalitis virus RNA (TBE) isolated from patients in the Irkutsk Region and. the Buryat Republic in 1963-2009 years conducted. The investigations revealed that three TBE virus genotypes are involved in the etiology of the TBE: Ural-Siberian (genotype 3), Far Eastern (genotype 1) and. European (genotype 2). It is found that the TBE virus of Far East and. Ural-Siberian genotypes can cause disease with a wide spectrum of clinical manifestations: acute TBE (focal and. nonlocal forms), chronic TBE (encephalitic form, progressive course.) Prospects of application of molecular genetic techniques for the rapid indication and. identification of the TBE virus in the blood of sick people are shown

    The distribution of tick-borne encephalitis virus genotypes in different types of landscapes of Eastern Siberia

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    To find out what is the role of some environmental factors in the formation of a heterogeneous viral population, the analysis of the distribution of tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) genotypes in different types of landscapes of Eastern Siberia has been carried out. In our study, it was shown that TBEV area in all investigated landscapes of Eastern Siberia is represented not only by TBEV of genotype 3, absolute dominance of which is noted in the studied regions, regardless the landscapes where the foci are located, but also by strains of other genotypes. The relationship between genotypes 1,3 and "polytypic" strains with a certain type of landscape and the degree of their development by man has not been established. The prevailing number of strains of TBEV genotype 5 is isolated from the material collected in the Transbaikalia, in the landscapes of the mountain taiga. They, as well as the strain of genotype 4, are found in the foci, where joint circulation of several TBEV genotypes is noted. The strains of TBEV genotype 2 were revealed in the landscapes of plains and plateaus taiga and insular steppes and forest steppes of the southern part of the Baikal region. Moreover, the detection of RNA of TBEV genotype 2 in the "polytipic" 763-87 and 765-87 strains isolated in the floodplain and forest-steppe landscapes of the Barguzin hollow does not exclude the possibility of circulation of TBEV genotype 2 in the Transbaikalian foci. The greatest genetic heterogeneity of TBEV is observed in natural foci located along Lake Baikal and in the southeastern part of Transbaikalia