995 research outputs found

    Methodological Approach to Measure the Quality of Life of the Region’s Population

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    The article is devoted to the urgent problem of the regional development, i.e. to the development of methodological tools to evaluate the quality of life of the population in the region. The article considers the concept of “quality of life”, and the terms related thereto; and substantiate the author’s position with respect to the concept. The existing domestic and foreign approaches to evaluate the quality of life of the population were analyzed, and the application of the comprehensive approach was reasoned within this study. The criteria for evaluation of the quality of life of the population were distinguished. The authors proposed the methodological approach that considers not only objective indicators of the quality of life presented in the statistical reports of the Russian Federal State Statistics Service, but also employs subjective evaluations of the local population enabling more appropriate evaluation of the quality of life in the region. The methodological tools of the research include mathematical methods of statistical data processing and online survey of the population about the level of satisfaction with various aspects of their life. The methodological tools were tested using the example of the Sverdlovsk Region that is characterized both by the steady improvement of statistical indicators of the quality of life and by low satisfaction of population with certain aspects of the quality of life, which generally decreases the integrated indicator of the quality of life despite positive dynamics of social and economic development of the region and vigorous social policy of the regional authorities. The proposed methodology was used in the evaluation of the quality of life of the Sverdlovsk Region population as part of the development of the Concept of comprehensive regional program “New quality of life of Ural residents” (Decree of the Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region No. 45-UG dated January 29, 2014 “On the Concept of the life quality improvement for the Sverdlovsk Region population before 2030 year — “New quality of life of Ural residents”).The article has been prepared with the support of the grant of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) No. 15-06-09169 “Development of methodical measurement tools and evaluation of the impact of social, economic, medical and demographic factors on mortality rates of working-age population”

    Fold-Saddle Bifurcation in Non-Smooth Vector Fields on the Plane

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    This paper presents results concerning bifurcations of 2D piecewise-smooth dynamical systems governed by vector fields. Generic three parameter families of a class of Non-Smooth Vector Fields are studied and its bifurcation diagrams are exhibited. Our main result describes the unfolding of the so called Fold-Saddle singularity

    Studies for the radioactive waste management of copular air filters

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    Management of teacher scientific-methodical work in vocational educational institutions on the basis of project-target approach

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    The relevance of the subject under analysis is determined by the lack of theoretical development of the problem of management of teacher scientific-methodical work in vocational educational institutions based upon innovative approaches in the framework of project paradigm. The purpose of the article is to develop and test a science-based structural-functional model of management of teacher scientific-methodical work on the basis of project-target approach. The primary method of study is modeling, which allows to consider the problem as a process of purposeful obtaining skills by teachers of secondary vocational educational institutions to conduct scientific-methodical work on the basis of project-target approach. The article presents a structural-functional model of management of teacher scientific-methodical work. The model comprises a series of components: target, methodological, content, organizational and procedural, evaluation-resultative. The article also suggests a complex of organizational-pedagogical conditions for management of teacher scientific-methodical work on the basis of project-target approach: developing and organizing a management system of teacher scientific-methodical work; building a purposeful teachers’ motivation for scientific-methodical work in the context of changing socio-economic conditions; organizing a system of teachers’ professional development in the field of scientific-methodical work on the basis of project-target approach. The content of the article can be used by Heads of vocational educational organizations, Deputy heads who control methodical work in educational organizations, heads of teacher training programs, as well as college and university teachers in their training students of higher and secondary vocational education. © 2016 Shakuto, Dorozhkin and Kozlova

    Зарубежный опыт построения сателлитного счета культуры: методологические основы и практика

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    The article reviews and summarizes the international experience of generating culture satellite account. There are results of analysis of methodological reports, developed by the national statistical bureaus and the relevant cultural statistics departments of Australia, Canada, Columbia, Finland, Spain, UK and USA, such as, view on the concept of «culture» for purpose of culture satellite accounts’ construction, description of structure of economics of culture and the set of cultural and creative industries, applied classifications of economic activities and products.On the basis of the existing practice of compiling culture satellite account the author defines three types of it: satellite account with the structure similar to the core national accounts, tables of selected macroeconomic indices; tables that are not presented in the core national accounts. The article mentions a few of them and sets out development direction for culture satellite accounts.В статье рассмотрен и обобщен зарубежный опыт построения сателлитного счета культуры. Представлены результаты анализа методологических положений, разработанных национальными статистическими службами и статистическими департаментами отраслевых министерств Австралии, Великобритании, Испании, Канады, Колумбии, США и Финляндии: трактовки содержания понятия культуры для целей составления сателлитного счета, описание структуры экономики культуры и состава культурной (творческой) индустрии, применяемых классификаций отраслей, товаров и услуг. Исходя из существующей практики составления сателлитного счета культуры, автор выделяет следующие его типы: сателлитный счет, аналогичный по структуре основным национальным счетам; таблицы отдельных макроэкономических показателей;таблицы показателей, не представленных в основных национальных счетах. Приведены примеры некоторых из них и определены главные направления развития сателлитного счета культуры

    The Phenomenon of Rumors as a Factor in the Formation of Socio-Political Moods in Russian Society in the Late 19th — Early 20th Centuries: Statement of the Problem

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    Работа посвящена анализу основных подходов к исследованию слухов как источника формирования общественного мнения конца XIX — начала XX в. Автор анализирует исторические исследования, раскрывающие феномен слухов. В ходе работы были выделены социальные функции и характерные черты слухов.The work is devoted to understanding rumors as a source of public opinion formation in the late 19th — early 20th centuries. The author analyzes historical studies that reveal the phenomenon of rumors. In the course of the work, social functions and characteristic features of rumors were identified


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    Статья представляет собой анализ воспоминаний заводчан, работников Цементного завода г. Нижний Тагил. В рамках рассмотрения автобиографических текстов исследуется процесс формирования заводской идентичности. Анализируются положительные и негативные коннотации, связанные с заводским прошлым.The article is an analysis of the memories of factory workers, employees of a Cement plant in Nizhny Tagil. As part of the consideration of autobiographical texts, the process of forming a factory identity is investigated. The positive and negative connotations associated with the factory past are analyzed