88 research outputs found

    The willingness of teachers to use modern educational technologies in educational process

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    Among the most significant trends in the development of vocational education, introduction and use of educational technologies can be distinguished. Since the main goal of higher schools is to prepare a competent competitive specialist, they search for the most suitable methods that contribute to rapid achievement of results. The use of technologies by educational institutions is explained by their advantage over other methods of developing professional competence. Due to implementation of a certain algorithm of actions, they allow you to achieve guaranteed results in a timely manner. The purpose of the article is to form future teachers ' the level of competency development, reflecting students’ willingness to adapt, adjust and use educational technologies in professional teaching activities. To do this, we checked the level of motivation of future teachers, the level of knowledge of the theoretical foundations of educational technologies, their design and implementation in professional and pedagogical activities, and the level of formation of the ability to reflect. The development of competencies reflecting the student’s readiness to adapt, adjust and use educational technologies in professional pedagogical activity was carried out in a certain logical sequence, so that the student possessed versatile knowledge about educational technologies, was capable of their systematic creative application and his reflective activity was associated with self-actualization and striving for the implementation of constructive professional activities. The development process was carried out in the course of students solving research and design problems. Research activity was carried out by students in the study of the course “Pedagogical technologies”, fundamental for future teachers of vocational training. The implementation of the projects was carried out during the development of the course "Project Activities of a Professional Education Teacher"


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    Purpose: The purpose of the article is to substantiate the modern directions to overcome the influence of the professional deformation of General education teachers. Methodology: The article describes the results of experimental work in the framework of the project aimed at the study of modern approaches to assessing the quality of education and its relationship with the overall educational results. Example of the training course module for teachers’ additional professional education, the purpose of which is the development of modern directions to prevent professional deformation. Result: The possibilities for supporting the positive psycho-emotional state of the teacher, teaching the practices to overcome subjectivity in making evaluation decisions - the interiorization of the teacher deontological code are revealed. Applications: This research can be used for universities, teachers, and students. Novelty/Originality: In this research, the model of the Modern Directions for Prevention of Destructive Influence of Teacher Professional Deformation is presented in a comprehensive and complete manner


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    Purpose of the study: Conditions of qualifications’ dynamic development, rapid obsolescence of existing competencies actualize the need to create a system of continuous professional growth of teachers on staff training. The purpose of the article is to develop organizational mechanisms that contribute to the professional growth of the teacher inflexible response conditions of education to socio-economic changes. Methodology: The research methodology relies on the lifelong education concept, defining the design principles of a teacher professional growth system: consistency, continuity, self-development, participative nature, pedagogical reflexing Results: The system of the teacher’s professional growth in the educational institution possessing properties of hierarchy, flexibility, and dynamism is developed. The principles and organizational mechanisms for this system’s implementation are revealed: corporatism as a way to create targeted educational platform based on digital technology; tutoring as the insurance of the teacher’s and the educational organization’s interests  through the accompany of career advancement; branding as a result of the teacher’s and the educational organization’s competitiveness in the market of educational services; road maps for planning, monitoring and support of the teacher’s career development. Applications of this study: The article is intended for teachers, managers, employees of personnel services of educational organizations. Novelty/Originality of this study: For the first time the self - learning system of the teacher professional growth is offered which is capable to exist and productively function in modern dynamic conditions at the expense of adaptive organizational mechanisms of reaction to social and economic changes

    Effect of post-growth anneals in oxygen-containing atmosphere on the microhardness of single crystal calcium molybdate CaMoO4

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    Single crystal calcium molybdate CaMoO4 is a well-known material. However the interest to CaMoO4 has recently grown due to a number of its important applications including as a working material in cryogenic scintillation bolometers. CaMoO4 single crystals acquire blue color during growth due to the presence of color-center type defect centers which are unacceptable for optical applications. Color can be eliminated through annealing in an oxygen containing atmosphere, following which required optical components can be produced from the single crystals by mechanical treatment (cutting, polishing etc.). Therefore assessment of the mechanical properties of these single crystal materials is an important task for the optimal solution of issues occurring in the fabrication of optical components and their further practical application. There are but scarce data on the mechanical properties of CaMoO4, and the available ones have been reported without allowance for anisotropy. There is a significant scatter of data on the Mohs hardness of the single crystals, ranging from 3.3 to 6 in different publications. In this work we present data on calcium molybdate single crystals in the initial state and after high-temperature anneals of different durations in an oxygen containing atmosphere. We show that long-term annealing leads to decolorization of the crystals. Calcium molybdate single crystals prove to be quite brittle: the brittleness index Zp of the crystals in the initial state is the highest and equals 5, while annealing reduces the brittleness index to 4. The Palmqvist toughness factors S have been calculated The limit indentation destruction loads Flim have been determined and annealing in an oxygen containing atmosphere has been shown to increase Flim by 2.5 times for the Z cut and by 10 times for the X cut. The microhardness of the crystals has been shown to exhibit a II type anisotropy: the microhardness of all the specimens was higher for the Z cut than for the X cut. The microhardness anisotropy coefficients KH of the specimens have been evaluated. The bond ionicity degree I has been calculated on the basis of the experimentally measured microhardness

    Comparative Analyses of Transcriptional Profiles in Mouse Organs Using a Pneumonic Plague Model after Infection with Wild-Type Yersinia pestis CO92 and Its Braun Lipoprotein Mutant

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    We employed Murine GeneChips to delineate the global transcriptional profiles of the livers, lungs, and spleens in a mouse pneumonic plague infection model with wild-type (WT) Y. pestis CO92 and its Braun lipoprotein (Δlpp) mutant with reduced virulence. These organs showed differential transcriptional responses to infection with WT Y. pestis, but the overall host functional processes affected were similar across all three tissues. Gene expression alterations were found in inflammation, cytokine signaling, and apoptotic cell death-associated genes. Comparison of WT and Δlpp mutant-infected mice indicated significant overlap in lipopolysaccharide- (LPS-) associated gene expression, but the absence of Lpp perturbed host cell signaling at critical regulatory junctions resulting in altered immune response and possibly host cell apoptosis. We generated a putative signaling pathway including major inflammatory components that could account for the synergistic action of LPS and Lpp and provided the mechanistic basis of attenuation caused by deletion of the lpp gene from Y. pestis in a mouse model of pneumonic plague

    Коронавирус SARS-CoV-2: гипотезы влияния на кровеносную систему, перспективы использования перфторуглеродной эмульсии, возможности биофизических методов исследования

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    This paper highlights published hypotheses on the possibility of coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 entry into the bloodstream, its interaction with vascular endothelium, red blood cells, hemoglobin and its fragments. As a result of such interaction, iron ions may be released into the bloodstream and, subsequently, a cytokine storm may occur. In this context, it is important to find a cytoprotective agent capable of blocking such processes. The perfluorocarbon emulsion could be a candidate for this role.The aim of the paper is to show the feasibility of biophysical methods to study the molecular mechanisms of action of SARS-CoV-2 on human red blood cells and hemoglobin as well as the restorative and cytoprotective effect of the perfluorocarbon emulsion during Fe2+ oxidation in heme.Materials and methods. High resolution spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy, atomic force spectroscopy, electroporation were used. Blood was exposed to oxidizing agents of different nature. Perfluorocarbon emulsion was added in various concentrations and its effect at various incubation times was studied. Concentration of hemoglobin derivatives was calculated considering multicollinearity, and statistical analysis of the results was performed.Results. The perfluorocarbon emulsion was shown to have an effective restorative and cytoprotective action in iron ion oxidation in the heme: Fe3+ was restored to Fe2+. The degree of MetHb reduction to HbO2 and Hb depended on the concentration of the oxidizing agent and incubation time. We observed a change in MetHb content from 80-90% to 5-12%. The perfluorocarbon emulsion in clinical concentrations helped eliminate local membrane defects and restored normal erythrocyte morphology.Conclusion. In the light of the studied hypotheses, the use of perfluorocarbon emulsion can become an effective method for blocking the consequences of coronavirus effect on the blood cells and restoring a normal gas exchange.В данной статье освещены опубликованные гипотезы, связанные с возможностью проникновения коронавируса SARS-CoV-2 в кровеносное русло, его взаимодействия с эндотелием сосудов, эритроцитами, гемоглобином и его фрагментами. В результате такого взаимодействия возможен выход иона железа в кровеносное русло и, как следствие, возникновение цитокинового шторма. В этом контексте представляется важным поиск цитопротекторов, которые могут блокировать такие процессы. Одним из таких препаратов может явиться перфторуглеродная эмульсия.Цель работы — показать возможности биофизических методов для исследования молекулярных механизмов действия SARS-CoV-2 на эритроциты и гемоглобин человека и восстанавливающее и цитопротекторное действие перфторуглеродной эмульсии при окислении иона железа в геме.Материалы и методы. Использовали спектроскопию высокого разрешения, атомную силовую микроскопию, атомно-силовую спектроскопию, электропорацию. Действовали на кровь окисляющими агентами различной природы. Добавляли перфторуглеродную эмульсию в различных концентрациях и исследовали ее действие при различном времени инкубации. Концентрацию производных гемоглобина, рассчитывали с учетом мультиколлинеарности, проводили статистический анализ результатов.Результаты. Показали, что при окислении иона железа в геме перфторуглеродная эмульсия вызывает эффективное восстанавливающее и цитопротекторное действие: Fe3+ восстанавливался до Fe2+. Степень восстановления MetHb до HbO2 и Hb зависела от концентрации окисляющего агента и времени инкубации. Наблюдали изменение содержания MetHb от (80-90)% до (5-12)%. Перфторугле-родная эмульсия в клинических концентрациях способствовала устранению локальных дефектов мембран и восстанавливала нормальную морфологию эритроцитов.Заключение. В фокусе рассмотренных гипотез использование перфторуглеродной эмульсии может стать эффективным методом для блокирования последствий воздействия коронавируса на элементы кровеносной системы и восстановления функционального газообмена

    Chimeric Antibody 14D5 Protects Mice against the Far-Eastern, Siberian, and European Tick-borne Encephalitis Virus

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    Tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV), belonging to the Flaviviridae family, is the most significant pathogen transmitted by Ixodes ticks and causing one of the most severe human neuroinfections. In Russia, serum immunoglobulin produced from the donor blood is currently used for post-exposure prophylactic and therapy of tick-borne encephalitis virus. However, it is known that preparations obtained from donated blood have certain disadvantages, and therefore development of novel preparations for post exposure prophylaxis and therapy of tick-borne encephalitis is required. To develop an alternative preparation, which does not include donor blood, a chimeric antibody ch14D5 against glycoprotein E of TBEV was constructed.This study was aimed to investigate protective efficacy of the chimeric antibody ch14D5 against the Far-Eastern, Siberian, and European subtypes of TBEV in in vivo experiments.A peripheral mouse model of tick-borne encephalitis was used in this study: the chimeric antibody ch14D5 was administrated intravenously in mice one day after their intraperitoneal infection with TBEV strains Sofjin, Vasilchenko, and Absettarov. Anti-TBEV serum immunoglobulin was used as a control preparation, which was administered in the same way. Protective efficacy of the chimeric antibodies 14D5 was assessed using the log-rank test. In the study, the presence or absence of antibody-dependent enhancement of infection (ADE) was examined when mice, infected with different subtypes of the TBEV, got the antibody ch14d5.Obtained results demonstrated high efficacy of the ch14D5 antibody in post-exposure prophylaxis of the disease in mice infected with any of the used TBEV strains, as well as the absence of ADE.It was shown that protective efficacy of antibody ch14D5 is higher than that of the anti-TBEV serum immunoglobulin, and antibody ch14D5 could be used for development of a therapeutic preparation for post-exposure prophylaxis