19 research outputs found

    The astrometric Gaia-FUN-SSO observation campaign of 99 942 Apophis

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    Astrometric observations performed by the Gaia Follow-Up Network for Solar System Objects (Gaia-FUN-SSO) play a key role in ensuring that moving objects first detected by ESA's Gaia mission remain recoverable after their discovery. An observation campaign on the potentially hazardous asteroid (99 942) Apophis was conducted during the asteroid's latest period of visibility, from 12/21/2012 to 5/2/2013, to test the coordination and evaluate the overall performance of the Gaia-FUN-SSO . The 2732 high quality astrometric observations acquired during the Gaia-FUN-SSO campaign were reduced with the Platform for Reduction of Astronomical Images Automatically (PRAIA), using the USNO CCD Astrograph Catalogue 4 (UCAC4) as a reference. The astrometric reduction process and the precision of the newly obtained measurements are discussed. We compare the residuals of astrometric observations that we obtained using this reduction process to data sets that were individually reduced by observers and accepted by the Minor Planet Center. We obtained 2103 previously unpublished astrometric positions and provide these to the scientific community. Using these data we show that our reduction of this astrometric campaign with a reliable stellar catalog substantially improves the quality of the astrometric results. We present evidence that the new data will help to reduce the orbit uncertainty of Apophis during its close approach in 2029. We show that uncertainties due to geolocations of observing stations, as well as rounding of astrometric data can introduce an unnecessary degradation in the quality of the resulting astrometric positions. Finally, we discuss the impact of our campaign reduction on the recovery process of newly discovered asteroids.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    Varespladib and cardiovascular events in patients with an acute coronary syndrome: the VISTA-16 randomized clinical trial

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    IMPORTANCE: Secretory phospholipase A2(sPLA2) generates bioactive phospholipid products implicated in atherosclerosis. The sPLA2inhibitor varespladib has favorable effects on lipid and inflammatory markers; however, its effect on cardiovascular outcomes is unknown. OBJECTIVE: To determine the effects of sPLA2inhibition with varespladib on cardiovascular outcomes. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: A double-blind, randomized, multicenter trial at 362 academic and community hospitals in Europe, Australia, New Zealand, India, and North America of 5145 patients randomized within 96 hours of presentation of an acute coronary syndrome (ACS) to either varespladib (n = 2572) or placebo (n = 2573) with enrollment between June 1, 2010, and March 7, 2012 (study termination on March 9, 2012). INTERVENTIONS: Participants were randomized to receive varespladib (500 mg) or placebo daily for 16 weeks, in addition to atorvastatin and other established therapies. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES: The primary efficacy measurewas a composite of cardiovascular mortality, nonfatal myocardial infarction (MI), nonfatal stroke, or unstable angina with evidence of ischemia requiring hospitalization at 16 weeks. Six-month survival status was also evaluated. RESULTS: At a prespecified interim analysis, including 212 primary end point events, the independent data and safety monitoring board recommended termination of the trial for futility and possible harm. The primary end point occurred in 136 patients (6.1%) treated with varespladib compared with 109 patients (5.1%) treated with placebo (hazard ratio [HR], 1.25; 95%CI, 0.97-1.61; log-rank P = .08). Varespladib was associated with a greater risk of MI (78 [3.4%] vs 47 [2.2%]; HR, 1.66; 95%CI, 1.16-2.39; log-rank P = .005). The composite secondary end point of cardiovascular mortality, MI, and stroke was observed in 107 patients (4.6%) in the varespladib group and 79 patients (3.8%) in the placebo group (HR, 1.36; 95% CI, 1.02-1.82; P = .04). CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: In patients with recent ACS, varespladib did not reduce the risk of recurrent cardiovascular events and significantly increased the risk of MI. The sPLA2inhibition with varespladib may be harmful and is not a useful strategy to reduce adverse cardiovascular outcomes after ACS. TRIAL REGISTRATION: clinicaltrials.gov Identifier: NCT01130246. Copyright 2014 American Medical Association. All rights reserved

    A large topographic feature on the surface of the trans-Neptunian object (307261) 2002 MS4_4 measured from stellar occultations

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    This work aims at constraining the size, shape, and geometric albedo of the dwarf planet candidate 2002 MS4 through the analysis of nine stellar occultation events. Using multichord detection, we also studied the object's topography by analyzing the obtained limb and the residuals between observed chords and the best-fitted ellipse. We predicted and organized the observational campaigns of nine stellar occultations by 2002 MS4 between 2019 and 2022, resulting in two single-chord events, four double-chord detections, and three events with three to up to sixty-one positive chords. Using 13 selected chords from the 8 August 2020 event, we determined the global elliptical limb of 2002 MS4. The best-fitted ellipse, combined with the object's rotational information from the literature, constrains the object's size, shape, and albedo. Additionally, we developed a new method to characterize topography features on the object's limb. The global limb has a semi-major axis of 412 ±\pm 10 km, a semi-minor axis of 385 ±\pm 17 km, and the position angle of the minor axis is 121 ^\circ ±\pm 16^\circ. From this instantaneous limb, we obtained 2002 MS4's geometric albedo and the projected area-equivalent diameter. Significant deviations from the fitted ellipse in the northernmost limb are detected from multiple sites highlighting three distinct topographic features: one 11 km depth depression followed by a 255+4^{+4}_{-5} km height elevation next to a crater-like depression with an extension of 322 ±\pm 39 km and 45.1 ±\pm 1.5 km deep. Our results present an object that is \approx138 km smaller in diameter than derived from thermal data, possibly indicating the presence of a so-far unknown satellite. However, within the error bars, the geometric albedo in the V-band agrees with the results published in the literature, even with the radiometric-derived albedo

    The astrometric Gaia-FUN-SSO observation campaign of 99942 Apophis

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    © 2015 ESO. Aims. Astrometric observations performed by the Gaia Follow-Up Network for Solar System Objects (Gaia-FUN-SSO) play a key role in ensuring that moving objects first detected by ESA's Gaia mission remain recoverable after their discovery. An observation campaign on the potentially hazardous asteroid (99 942) Apophis was conducted during the asteroid's latest period of visibility, from 12/21/2012 to 5/2/2013, to test the coordination and evaluate the overall performance of the Gaia-FUN-SSO. Methods. The 2732 high quality astrometric observations acquired during the Gaia-FUN-SSO campaign were reduced with the Platform for Reduction of Astronomical Images Automatically (PRAIA), using the USNO CCD Astrograph Catalogue 4 (UCAC4) as a reference. The astrometric reduction process and the precision of the newly obtained measurements are discussed. We compare the residuals of astrometric observations that we obtained using this reduction process to data sets that were individually reduced by observers and accepted by the Minor Planet Center. Results. We obtained 2103 previously unpublished astrometric positions and provide these to the scientific community. Using these data we show that our reduction of this astrometric campaign with a reliable stellar catalog substantially improves the quality of the astrometric results. We present evidence that the new data will help to reduce the orbit uncertainty of Apophis during its close approach in 2029. We show that uncertainties due to geolocations of observing stations, as well as rounding of astrometric data can introduce an unnecessary degradation in the quality of the resulting astrometric positions. Finally, we discuss the impact of our campaign reduction on the recovery process of newly discovered asteroids

    Можливості фармакологічного захисту міокарда при синдромі ішемії-реперфузії в експерименті та клінічній практиці

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     Early reperfusion of the infarct related coronary artery is essential for the preservation of myocardial tissue and improve clinical outcome. The establishment of pharmacological and mechanical reperfusion treatment was a major improvement in the management of patients with myocardial infarction. However, this therapy is often complicated by reperfusion injury including ventricular arrhythmias, myocardial stunning and micro-vascular dysfunction, in addition to significant cardiomyocyte death. The most important factors which contribute to the reperfusion injury are an overproduction of reactive oxygen species, intracellular calcium overload and inflammatory cell infiltration. Some of these mechanisms may be interrelated. From considerations of their nature, an attractive hypothesis has been that some or several of these harmful effects may be counteracted by pharmacological interventions. This hypothesis has mainly been studied in the experimental setting.Objective – in this review, various pharmacological interventions to treat myocardial reperfusion injury including the antioxidant flavonols, glucose – insulin – potassium therapy, adenosine, melatonin, phosphocreatine and cyclosporin A etc.Conclusions. The processes involved in reperfusion injury might provide targets for improved outcomes after myocardial infarction but that aim has thus far not been met in the clinic. By studying new molecules in different experimental settings and protocols, insight has been gained about important factors for possible future clinical applications of drugs with cardioprotective properties.  Ранняя реперфузия инфаркт-зависимой коронарной артерии способствует ограничению зоны некроза, улучшает насосную функцию сердца и положительно влияет на исход заболевания. Внедрение фармакологической и механической реперфузии (тромболитической терапии и перкутанных вмешательств) в клиническую практику значительно улучшило лечение пациентов с острым инфарктом миокарда. Однако эта терапия часто осложняется реперфузионным повреждением (феномен no reflow), которое в дополнение к значительной гибели кардиомиоцитов включает желудочковые нарушения ритма сердца, оглушение миокарда, микрососудистую дисфункцию, а также другими нарушениями. Наиболее важные составляющие реперфузионного повреждения: избыточная продукция реактивных форм кислорода, внутриклеточная перегрузка кальцием, воспалительная клеточная инфильтрация и др. Некоторые из этих механизмов взаимосвязаны. Исходя из этой концепции, существуют теоретические предпосылки использования фармакологических вмешательств для предупреждения осложнений реперфузии. Эту гипотезу в основном изучали в экспериментальных исследованиях, получены убедительные данные по защите миокарда.Цель работы – рассмотреть различные фармакологические вмешательства для лечения реперфузионного повреждения миокарда, включая антиоксидантные флавоноиды, терапию глюкозо – инсулин – калиевой смесью, аденозином, мелатонином, метопрололом, никорандилом, фосфокреатином, триметазидином, циклоспорином А и др.Выводы. Влияя на процессы, связанные с реперфузионным повреждением, можно улучшить результаты лечения инфаркта миокарда. К сожалению, до сих пор эта цель не достигнута в реальной клинической практике. Тем не менее, при изучении в экспериментальных и клинических исследованиях новых молекул получены важные данные, которые могут быть положены в основу новых исследований и внедрение кардиопротекции в клиническую практику. Рання реперфузія інфаркт-залежної коронарної артерії сприяє обмеженню зони некрозу, поліпшує насосну функцію серця та позитивно впливає на наслідки захворювання. Впровадження фармакологічної та механічної реперфузії (тромболітичної терапії та перкутанних втручань) у клінічну практику суттєво поліпшило лікування пацієнтів із гострим інфарктом міокарда. Однак ця терапія часто ускладнюється реперфузійним пошкодженням (феномен no reflow), що на додаток до чималої загибелі кардіоміоцитів включає шлуночкові порушення ритму серця, оглушення міокарда, мікросудинну дисфункцію, а також інші порушення. Найважливіші складові реперфузійного пошкодження: надлишкова продукція реактивних форм кисню, внутрішньоклітинне перевантаження кальцієм, запальна клітинна інфільтрація тощо. Деякі з цих механізмів взаємопов’язані. Виходячи з цієї концепції, наявні теоретичні передумови використання фармакологічних втручань для запобігання ускладненням реперфузії. Цю гіпотезу в основному вивчали в експериментальних дослідженнях, отримали переконливі дані щодо захисту міокарда.Мета роботи – розглянути різні фармакологічні втручання для лікування реперфузійного пошкодження міокарда, включаючи антиоксидантні флавоноїди, терапію глюкозо – інсулін – калієвою сумішшю, аденозином, мелатоніном, метопрололом, нікорандилом, фосфокреатином, триметазидином, циклоспорином А тощо.Висновки. Впливаючи на процеси, що пов’язані з реперфузійним пошкодженням, можна поліпшити результати лікування інфаркту міокарда. На жаль, досі ця ціль не досягнута в реальній клінічній практиці. Але під час вивчення в експериментальних і клінічних дослідженнях нових молекул отримали важливі дані, які можуть бути покладені в основу нових досліджень і впровадження кардіопротекції у клінічну практику


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    Clinical cases of posterior chamber IOL fixation after phacoemulsification of cataract complicated by violated capsular support of the lens are described. The method developed by the authors, consists in locating the fixing unit in the corneal paracentesis and is shown to be effective and low traumatic. For citation: Kozhukhov A.A., Kapranov D.O., Kazakova M.V. Our practice of fixing a posterior chamber IOL after phacoemulsification of the cataract complicated by damaged lens capsule support. Clinical cases. Russian ophthalmological journal. 2018; 11 (2): 54-7. doi: 10.21516/2072-0076-2018-11-2-54-57 (In Russian)

    The response of a human tumour xenograft to chemotherapy: intrinsic variation between tumours and its significance in planning experiments.

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    © 2015 ESO. Aims. Astrometric observations performed by the Gaia Follow-Up Network for Solar System Objects (Gaia-FUN-SSO) play a key role in ensuring that moving objects first detected by ESA's Gaia mission remain recoverable after their discovery. An observation campaign on the potentially hazardous asteroid (99 942) Apophis was conducted during the asteroid's latest period of visibility, from 12/21/2012 to 5/2/2013, to test the coordination and evaluate the overall performance of the Gaia-FUN-SSO. Methods. The 2732 high quality astrometric observations acquired during the Gaia-FUN-SSO campaign were reduced with the Platform for Reduction of Astronomical Images Automatically (PRAIA), using the USNO CCD Astrograph Catalogue 4 (UCAC4) as a reference. The astrometric reduction process and the precision of the newly obtained measurements are discussed. We compare the residuals of astrometric observations that we obtained using this reduction process to data sets that were individually reduced by observers and accepted by the Minor Planet Center. Results. We obtained 2103 previously unpublished astrometric positions and provide these to the scientific community. Using these data we show that our reduction of this astrometric campaign with a reliable stellar catalog substantially improves the quality of the astrometric results. We present evidence that the new data will help to reduce the orbit uncertainty of Apophis during its close approach in 2029. We show that uncertainties due to geolocations of observing stations, as well as rounding of astrometric data can introduce an unnecessary degradation in the quality of the resulting astrometric positions. Finally, we discuss the impact of our campaign reduction on the recovery process of newly discovered asteroids

    The astrometric Gaia-FUN-SSO observation campaign of 99942 Apophis

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    © 2015 ESO. Aims. Astrometric observations performed by the Gaia Follow-Up Network for Solar System Objects (Gaia-FUN-SSO) play a key role in ensuring that moving objects first detected by ESA's Gaia mission remain recoverable after their discovery. An observation campaign on the potentially hazardous asteroid (99 942) Apophis was conducted during the asteroid's latest period of visibility, from 12/21/2012 to 5/2/2013, to test the coordination and evaluate the overall performance of the Gaia-FUN-SSO. Methods. The 2732 high quality astrometric observations acquired during the Gaia-FUN-SSO campaign were reduced with the Platform for Reduction of Astronomical Images Automatically (PRAIA), using the USNO CCD Astrograph Catalogue 4 (UCAC4) as a reference. The astrometric reduction process and the precision of the newly obtained measurements are discussed. We compare the residuals of astrometric observations that we obtained using this reduction process to data sets that were individually reduced by observers and accepted by the Minor Planet Center. Results. We obtained 2103 previously unpublished astrometric positions and provide these to the scientific community. Using these data we show that our reduction of this astrometric campaign with a reliable stellar catalog substantially improves the quality of the astrometric results. We present evidence that the new data will help to reduce the orbit uncertainty of Apophis during its close approach in 2029. We show that uncertainties due to geolocations of observing stations, as well as rounding of astrometric data can introduce an unnecessary degradation in the quality of the resulting astrometric positions. Finally, we discuss the impact of our campaign reduction on the recovery process of newly discovered asteroids