3 research outputs found

    Pest risk assessment of Radopholus similis for the EU territory

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    The Panel on Plant Health performed a pest risk assessment on Radopholus similis, the burrowing nematode for the EU. The quantitative assessment focused on entry, establishment, spread and impact on tropical and subtropical ornamental host plants, the main pathways for entry of R. similis into the EU. Infested consignments are expected to enter the risk assessment area on ornamentals under all scenarios. For citrus, which is a closed pathway for entry, outdoor establishment was assessed. Establishment may only take place after successful transfer from ornamental plants to citrus production systems. This event is called ‘shift’ in this assessment, to indicate that this is an unusual transfer. It has been estimated that establishment of this nematode in the open field in the EU citrus production areas under current temperatures is possible in most parts of the citrus production area in the EU. Temperature conditions will prevent the nematode from establishing only in the northernmost citrus areas and at higher altitudes in the south. Host plants for planting originating from infested places of production (greenhouses) within the risk assessment area are considered the main pathway for spread within the risk assessment area. Under current climatic conditions, the population of R. similis is not expected to reach damaging population levels in the open field. In case of increased temperatures due to global warming, the nematode population may reach damaging levels in very few places outdoors. Currently, main impact is considered for ornamental greenhouse production in the risk assessment area. Impact will be either caused by direct plant growth reductions or loss due to phytosanitary measures applied on regulated plants. Despite the fact that R. similis is globally considered as one of the most destructive plant parasitic nematodes, the impact in the risk assessment area is considered low

    Citrus junos as a host of citrus bacterial canker

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    Following a request from the European Commission, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) Plant Health (PLH) Panel analysed a dossier submitted by the Japanese authorities in order to clarify the host status of Citrus junos with regard to Xanthomonas citri pv. citri and Xanthomonas citri pv. aurantifolii, causal agents of citrus bacterial canker, and to indicate whether C. junos fruit could represent a pathway for the introduction of citrus bacterial canker into the European Union. In a previous opinion in the year 2014, the EFSA PLH Panel concluded that commercial fresh citrus fruit is generally pathway and that no commercially important Citrus species or variety can be considered as immune to citrus bacterial canker. In the current assessment, the EFSA PLH Panel analysed the two scientific papers provided by the Japanese authorities, as well as 16 additional papers identified through a systematic literature review. The PLH Panel considered that the conclusions of its previous opinion remain valid and that convergent lines of evidence provide sufficient demonstration that C. junos is a host of X. citri pv. citri and X. citri pv. aurantifolii. Therefore, there is no reason to consider the C. junos fruit differently from other citrus species. Consequently, the assessment of the general citrus fruit pathway from the 2014 opinion still applies. Uncertainties on these conclusions are a result of the scarce scientific evidence published on this subject in addition to the methodological and reporting limitations of the published papers