18 research outputs found

    Debata "Dzień dzisiejszy i perspektywy dydaktyki historii w Polsce na tle europejskim"

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    "W Instytucie Historycznym Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego 23 stycznia 2013 r. odbyła się sesja naukowa związana z jubileuszem czterdziestolecia Zakładu Dydaktyki Historii i Wiedzy o Społeczeństwie IH UWr, połączona z promocją księgi jubileuszowej, dedykowanej Pani Profesor Grażynie Pańko, obecnemu kierownikowi tego Zakładu, a pracownikowi od samego początku jego istnienia. Sesję rozpoczęła dwuipółgodzinna debata na temat „Dzień dzisiejszy i perspektywy dydaktyki historii w Polsce na tle europejskim”, której autoryzowane streszczenie znajduje się poniżej." (fragm.

    Dylematy współczesnego wychowania i edukacji

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    Publikacja recenzowana / Peer-reviewed publicationZe wstępu: Tematyka tomu koncentruje się wokół kluczowych problemów współczesnej oświaty i efektywnych sposobów ich przezwyciężania. Autorzy podjęli problemy dotyczące zagadnień metodologicznych, kontekstów wychowania szkolnego, dydaktyki szkoły wyższej, pedagogiki rodziny, kształcenia nauczycieli oraz zagadnień związanych z tłem społecznym i politycznym edukacji, a także uwarunkowaniami współczesnej edukacji. Dyskutowano też kwestie teleologii edukacji, określania jej celów ogólnych, pośrednich, szczegółowych i operacyjnych. Wymiana poglądów objęła również problematykę trwających przemian merytorycznych i reform strukturalnych w niektórych systemach oświatowych

    Expansion of Protestant churches in Latin America

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    W artykule przedstawiono rozwój Kościołów protestanckich w Ameryce Łacińskiej na przykładzie czterech krajów (Meksyku, Kuby, Brazylii i Gwatemali). Praca obejmuje okres od czasów konkwisty i momentu powstania pierwszych wspólnot protestanckich w XVIII w., poprzez czas bardzo intensywnego rozwoju w XX w., aż do czasów obecnych. Celem pracy było wyjaśnienie przyczyn niezwykle bujnego rozwoju protestantyzmu na kontynencie południowoamerykańskim, wraz z określeniem wpływu polityki zagranicznej Stanów Zjednoczonych na rozwój misji Kościołów amerykańskich na tym obszarze.This paper describes the growth of the Protestant churches, especially from the Pentecostal background, in Latin America. This article covers the period from its inception in the eighteenth century, the time of intense growth in the twentieth century until the present day. The idea of the first part of the study was to describe the current condition of the mentioned churches, and their more aggressive version, the Fundamentalist churches that acquire many believers in Latin America. This work is also an attempt to answer the question if the geopolitical situation and the impact of U.S. foreign policy have an influence on the matter. The second part is an analysis of particular countries, their history and politics, as well as social conditions. As an example the author introduced four countries: Brazil, which is home to the largest number of Protestants in the region, although it is traditionally identified as a Catholic country. The study contains a brief description of the largest churches in an attempt to capture cross-section of social structure of the growing religious groups. Mexico, unlike Brazil, a country with a relatively small percentage of Protestants, despite the government's support for Protestant churches associated with periodic anti-clericalism and proximity to the United States. Guatemala is a country of particular interest from the point of view of the author. The country was torn by an ongoing civil war since 1960 till 1996, during which, the rule was held by, among others, Efraín Ríos Montt, a member of a Protestant church Iglesia El Verbo. The last described the country is Cuba, which, like Guatemala, shows how great impact on the development of the church history and politics have. Despite the vigorous development of the Protestant churches in the 1950s of the 20th century, this country has the smallest number of Protestants among the presented countries. This paper describes the roots of popular denominations and missions in the region

    Expansion of Protestant churches in Latin America

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    This paper describes the growth of the Protestant churches, especially from the Pentecostal background, in Latin America. This article covers the period from its inception in the eighteenth century, the time of intense growth in the twentieth century until the present day. The idea of the first part of the study was to describe the current condition of the mentioned churches, and their more aggressive version, the Fundamentalist churches that acquire many believers in Latin America. This work is also an attempt to answer the question if the geopolitical situation and the impact of U.S. foreign policy have an influence on the matter. The second part is an analysis of particular countries, their history and politics, as well as social conditions. As an example the author introduced four countries: 1. Brazil, which is home to the largest number of Protestants in the region, although it is traditionally identified as a Catholic country. The study contains a brief description of the largest churches in an attempt to capture cross-section of social structure of the growing religious groups. 2. Mexico, unlike Brazil, a country with a relatively small percentage of Protestants, despite the government's support for Protestant churches associated with periodic anti- -clericalism and proximity to the United States. 3. Guatemala is a country of particular interest from the point of view of the author. The country was torn by an ongoing civil war since 1960 till 1996, during which, the rule was held by, among others, Efraín Ríos Montt, a member of a Protestant church Iglesia El Verbo. 4. The last described the country is Cuba, which, like Guatemala, shows how great impact on the development of the church history and politics have. Despite the vigorous development of the Protestant churches in the 1950s of the 20th century, this country has the smallest number of Protestants among the presented countries. This paper describes the roots of popular denominations and missions in the regionW artykule przedstawiono rozwój Kościołów protestanckich w Ameryce Łacińskiej na przykładzie czterech krajów (Meksyku, Kuby, Brazylii i Gwatemali). Praca obejmuje okres od czasów konkwisty i momentu powstania pierwszych wspólnot protestanckich w XVIII w., poprzez czas bardzo intensywnego rozwoju w XX w., aż do czasów obecnych. Celem pracy było wyjaśnienie przyczyn niezwykle bujnego rozwoju protestantyzmu na kontynencie południowoamerykańskim, wraz z określeniem wpływu polityki zagranicznej Stanów Zjednoczonych na rozwój misji Kościołów amerykańskich na tym obszarze

    Historico-political landscape of separatist Catalonia

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    This paper presents the political and cultural spectrum and an outline of the history of Catalonia. The work covers the period from the eighth century to the present times, highlighting 300 years of continuous efforts from part of Catalan citizens to become an independent state. The second part is mostly focused on explaining the modern nationalist movement by sketching its political and social stage out. It also contains cultural implications and the outcome of the recent referendum. The aim of the study was to present the roots and causes of the development of a separatist movement in Catalonia to help better understand the separatist processes that are currently intensifying worldwide. Catalan nationalist always stress that their way to achieve the goal is the way of peace. It is interesting to see how involved the people are and how many creative social movements exist on the territory of Catalonia that are fighting for, what they call, their land in peaceful and legal way.W artykule przedstawiono spektrum polityczne i kulturowe oraz zarys historii Katalonii w okresie od VIII w. aż do czasów obecnych. Celem pracy było przedstawienie korzeni i przyczyn rozwoju ruchu separatystycznego w Katalonii


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    Motivating leads to implementation of particular organizational objectives, to shaping engage-ment and loyalty of its members and, consequently, to raising effectiveness of their actions. Properly constructed solutions in the area of employee motivating process may result in several benefits for an organization, which is also appropriate for public institutions, including the academic ones. The main goal of the research presented in this study was to assess factors shaping engagement of employees of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn. The research aimed at achieving the goal was carried out using questionnaire method among the group of workers who were not the academic teachers. The conducted research confirmed that motivation and commitment of employees are influenced by a variety of factors in such areas as: attitude to work and organization, learning and development, relations with superiors, communication and cooperation, work organization and also rewarding and motivating. In the surveyed organization, the last of the indicated areas was rated the most critically, which indicates the need to improve solutions in the scope of the incentive system, with particular emphasis on the employee remuneration system.Motyvavimas padeda organizacijai pasiekti konkrečių tikslų, skatina jos narius įsitraukti į veiklą, būti lojaliems, taip pat kelti savo paslaugų kokybę. Tinkamai suformuoti sprendimai susiję su darbuotojų motyvavimu gali atnešti daug naudos kiekvienai organizacijai. Tai susiję ir su viešosiomis instituci-jomis, kurioms priskiriamos ir aukštosios mokyklos. Pagrindinis šių tyrimų tikslas –darbuotojų aktyvaus veikimo formavimo veiksnių įvertinimas Varmijos-Mozūrijos universitete Olštyne, Lenkija. Tyrimas buvo atliktas naudojant anketas, kurios buvo išplatintos ne dėstytojams. Atlikti tyrimai patvirtino, kad darbuotojų motyvaciją ir aktyvią veiklą daro įtaką įvairiems veiksniams, tokiose srityse kaip: požiūris į darbą ir organizaciją, mokymasis ir tobulėjimas, santykiai su vadovais, bendravimas ir bendradarbiavi-mas, darbo organizavimas bei atlyginimas ir skatinimas. Tiriamoje organizacijoje kritiškiausiai buvo įvertinta paskutinioji iš nurodytų sričių, a tai rodo, kad būtina tobulinti skatinimo sistemos sprendimus, atkreipiant ypatingą dėmesį į darbuotojų atlyginimų sistemą

    Financial Security of the Public Sector and Citizens Versus Transparency of the Real Estate Tax Management

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    With the decentralisation of state management, decisions have been taken to strengthen the financial autonomy of public-law organisations. Decentralisation, together with the new area of competence of local governments, has become a very important element of the process of educating citizens in the area of finance, especially in the area of tax management. This article is devoted to the problem of proper use of real estate tax by the gmina self-government, hence its functionality in the context of the law in force and the use of this law by the inhabitants of the gminas and local authorities. Within the scope of decisions influencing the amount of income of the gmina self-government from the real estate tax, there are residents, who most often determine the taxable area they use. Next, the decision-making and executive bodies, acting jointly, decide on the subjective and material scope of the tax. It should also be noted that the functionality of this tax is strongly influenced by the residents who contact their representatives in the gmina authorities and officials who consistently perform their duties and control the properties of the area to be taxed. Citizens’ knowledge of public finances, especially of the rules determining the size of liabilities towards the state budget or public-law partnerships functioning within it, including budgets of local governments, translates into financial security not only of local budgets but also of household budgets. The study used research among taxpayers of this tax. It analysed the legal dimension and the income from this tax in a selected region of the Republic of Poland. The main objective of the study, apart from the assessment of the functionality of real estate tax, is to build a model of real estate tax management that takes into account, first of all, the principle of tax justice