2,159 research outputs found

    Fair play i faul play w świadomości uczniów Greig City Academy w Londynie = Awareness of fair play and foul play among the students of Greig City Academy in London

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    StreszczenieIdea fair play w rywalizacji sportowej spełnia ważną rolę wobec zagrożeń współczesnego sportu, między innymi takich jak: komercjalizacja, oszustwo, doping czy korupcja. Te i inne negatywne zjawiska sportowe powodują, iż człowiek zatraca wartości moralne. Faul play używane jest w odniesieniu do osób zasługujących na naganę, a nawet karę. Można to zinterpretować jako odwrotność postawy fair play.Współistnienie we współzawodnictwie sportowym fair play i faul play jest więc nieuniknione i często jest niezrozumiałe wśród uczestników widowiska sportowego.Mając powyższe na uwadze postanowiono sprawdzić jak rozumieją pojęcie fair play i faul play uczniowie szkoły Greig City Academy, którzy byli gospodarzami rozgrywek sportowych z łódzkimi gimnazjalistami w ramach projektu „Jestem fair”, rozegranego w październiku 2012 r.Celem poznawczym podjętych badań była próba określenia poziomu świadomości badanej londyńskiej młodzieży uczestniczących w projekcie „Jestem fair” w zakresie rozumienia pojęć fair i faul play.Badania przeprowadzono metodą sondażu diagnostycznego za pomocą kwestionariusza ankiety pt."Fair play in sport and in life". AbstractThe Idea of fair play in sports competition plays an important role to the threats of the modern sport, among other things, such as commercialisation, cheating, doping or corruption. These and other negative phenomena of sports cause that people lost the moral values. Foul play is used for those who deserved warning or even punishment. This can be interpreted as the inverse of the attitudes of fair play.The coexistence in sporting competitions of fair play and foul play is so inevitable but often incomprehensible spectacle among the participants.With this in mind, it was decided to find out how the students of Greig City Academy understand the concept of fair play and foul play. Respondents were hosting the sport tournament with students of schools from Lodz within the framework of the project "I'm fair”, played in October 2012.The aim of cognitive studies undertaken was an attempt to determine the level of awareness of the London youth participating in the project "I'm fair", in terms of understanding the concepts of fair and foul play.The research was conducted by using the diagnostic survey questionnaire "Fair play in sport and in life"

    Pedagogika konfrontacyjna jako propozycja nowego podejścia do pracy z młodzieżą niedostosowaną społecznie w placówkach oświatowych. Doświadczenia niemieckie

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    Supporting child and youth development, especially the wards of socio-therapeutic and reclamation centres, is one of the aims of educational process. As can be seen from previous experiences, classes based on education through sport and its values as well as moral models connected with it play an immense role. I hope most sincerely that the lesson plans, games and plays as well as educational classes included here will become a complementation of the previous volume where the issue of social maladjustment of the young people was presented from theoretical perspective.Published within the project “Therapy through development. Programme of developing a chain of youth centres for young people at risk of being excluded from education system”. Project co-financed by the EU funds as part of the European Social Fund

    The principle of fair play in the aspect of responsibility in the opinion of junior high schools students-supporting sport clubs in Lodz

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    Kowalska Jolanta E. The principle of fair play in the aspect of responsibility in the opinion of junior high schools students-supporting sport clubs in Lodz. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2018;8(12):836-848 eISNN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.2540537 http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/6471 https://pbn.nauka.gov.pl/sedno-webapp/works/898172 The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part b item 1223 (26/01/2017). 1223 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eissn 2391-8306 7 © The Authors 2018; This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland Open Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author (s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non commercial license Share alike. (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper. Received: 02.10.2018. Revised: 18.10.2018. Accepted: 31.12.2018. The principle of fair play in the aspect of responsibility in the opinion of junior high schools students-supporting sport clubs in Lodz Jolanta E. Kowalska[1] Keys words: Fair play, responsibility, education through sport, “I am fair” project Abstract Introduction: The idea of fair play can play an important role in the education process, especially among students of adolescence (middle school age). In Lodz, this is particularly important because there is a problem of stadium hooliganism, which is particularly acute due to the competition between fans of two sports clubs. Therefore, it was important to undertake such educational activities (implementation of an educational project) so that the youth could understand exactly what the principle of fair play is only in sport, but in life, in all its aspects. After the implementation of the educational project „I am fair” dedicated to lower class of secondary schools’ pupils in Łódź (14-15 y.o.), it was decided to evaluate if and to what extent, students who took part in the project, had changed their awareness and declared behaviour of fair play in the aspect of responsibility in sport and life- among the declaring supporters and non-supporters of the selected football club as well. Material and methods: The study was conducted by diagnostic survey using a situational test "Fair play in sport and life". The results were analysed taking into account the change in the responses of students completed the questionnaire twice: before (pre- test) and after (post- test) the implementation of the project, taking into account the all respondents (1,377 people) and variable - the declaration of supporting or not the football, gender. The study was conducted in two waves- in September 2011 (pre- test) and June 2012 (post- test). Results: Results of post- test survey proved the improvement of declared behaviour among all tested groups and club supporters - boys, girls. On the one hand, sport contributes to the escalation of undesirable behaviours, on the other hand it becomes an educational tool. Education supported by fair play values brings expected effects and desirable changes, both in sport and in life. [1] University of Lodz, Faculty of Educational Sciences, The Department of Physical and Health Education mail: [email protected]

    The role and place of health education in the curricula of secondary schools in Lodz

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    Prezentowana publikacja dotyczy wybranych zagadnień związanych z kulturą fizyczną i zdrowotną współczesnego człowieka. Autorzy – specjaliści z zakresu pedagogiki, nauk medycznych i nauk o kulturze fizycznej – podejmują m.in. problematykę wartości kultury fizycznej w procesie kształcenia i wychowania, współczesnych czynników promocji zdrowia i edukacji zdrowotnej, zdrowotnych uwarunkowań aktywności ruchowej czy społecznych kontekstów idei olimpijskiej. Tematyka ta wpisuje się w ważny nurt rozważań, w którym poszukuje się nowych rozwiązań pedagogicznych, zwłaszcza w odniesieniu do idei edukacji olimpijskiej i zdrowotnej.The article presents health education in the context of health issues as social values and the objective of the programme. The authors were trying to find out what is the opinion of youth and physical education teachers concerning school health education. Therefore, an attempt was made to present the current status of health education in secondary schools teaching programmes using the empirical studies that have been carried out among 100 pupils and 30 teachers of physical education in 5 secondary schools in Lodz. In the research process an opinion of respondents was regarded significant about the health education in the process of teaching, as well as their ratio to the health as values. On the basis of the analysis of the research results it is possible to notice, that opinion of girls and boys, as well as teachers of physical education on health concerns differ significantly from each other. The last part are the conclusions, which are at the same time, an attempt to present the role and place of health education in the school curricula of the tested schools

    Oznaczanie poziomów zawartości surfaktantów w próbkach środowiskowych. Część 3. Niejonowe związki

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    Non-ionic surface active agents are a diverse group of chemicals which have an uncharged polar head and a non-polar tail. They have different properties due to amphiphilic structure of their molecules. Commercial available non-ionic surfactants consist of the broadest spectrum of compounds in comparison with other types of such agents. Typically, non-ionic compounds found applications in households and industry during formulation of cleaning products, cosmetics, paints, preservative coatings, resins, textiles, pulp and paper, petroleum products or pesticides. Their are one of the most common use class of surfactants which can be potential pollution sources of the different compartment of environment (because of they widely application or discharging treated wastewaters to surface water and sludge in agricultural). It is important to investigate the behavior, environmental fate of non-ionic surfactants and their impact on living organisms (they are toxic and/or can disrupt endocrine functions). To solve such problems should be applied appropriated analytical tools. Sample preparation step is one of the most critical part of analytical procedures in determination of different compounds in environmental matrices. Traditional extraction techniques (LLE - for liquid samples; SLE - for solid samples) are time and solvent-consuming. Developments in this field result in improving isolation efficiency and decreasing solvent consumption (eg SPE and SPME - liquid samples or PLE, SFE and MAE - solid samples). At final determination step can be applied spectrophotometric technique, potentiometric titrametration or tensammetry (determination total concentration of non-ionic surfactants) or chromatographic techniques coupled with appropriated detection techniques (individual analytes). The literature data concerning the concentrations of non-ionic surfactants in the different compartments of the environment can give general view that various ecosystems are polluted by those compounds

    Barriers to start the physical activity among seniors living in lesser Poland

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    Society of our civilization is aging. People are living longer and therefore the number of older people increases thus it becomes important not only a long life, but above all, the quality of life. The quality of life which depends mainly on care for health, physical activity including their lifestyles. Physical activity is seen as one of the most important factors of human health. This article aims at analysing the structure of physical activity among seniors living in Lesser Poland as well as the barriers of starting such activity. The research was conducted within the scope of the PolSenior nationwide programme, financed in the form of a grant by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (ref. no. PBZ-MEIN-9/2/2006). The sample selection of respondents had a random character (of three-stage process). The study used some of the results – survey data of 157 men and 187 women of 65+ years of age, inhabitants of the province of Lesser Poland. The results were analysed in terms of the three age groups: 65–74, 75–84 and over 85 years; of age and gender, place of residence due to the number of inhabitants (20 thousand / over 20 thousand) as well as socio – professional status (blue-collar workers / non-physical workers). The most common barrier to start physical activity for seniors surveyed in the region are considerations of health and mental condition

    Oznaczanie poziomów zawartości surfaktantów w próbkach środowiskowych. Część 2. Związki anionowe

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    Surface active agents (SAA) with negative charge of polar group are named as anionic compounds. They are the main constituent of most products containing synthetic surfactants. The linear alkylbenzene sulfonates (LAS), alkyl ethoxysulfates (AES) and alkyl sulfates (AS) are typically applied from this class of compounds. Those surfactants are ingredients of household detergents and cleaners, laundry detergents, cosmetic etc. Moreover they can be applied in the paper, textile and tanning industry as optical brighteners, dispersant, wetting and suspending agents. They can be substrates in the formulation of different products like dyes, pigments, pesticides, exchange resins, plasticizers and pharmaceuticals. Anionic surfactants after use are passed into sewage-treatment plants, where they are partially degraded and adsorbed to sewage sludge (applied in agriculture fields). Finally, the anionic SAA or their degradation products are discharged into surface waters and onto bottom sediments, soils or living organisms. Therefore, it is important (widely application, bioaccumulation, toxicity for living organisms) to investigate the environmental fate of those class of compounds in more details. This research involves determination the concentration of anionic surfactants with use appropriated analytical techniques in environmental samples The official methodology for determination of anionic SAA in liquid samples is based on the ion-pair reaction of these analytes compounds with methylene blue (MB) and an extraction with toxic solvent chloroform. During isolation step of anionic compounds from solid samples are employed Soxhlet and ultrasonic-assisted extraction techniques with use of methanol or mixture of other organic solvents as extraction medium. To overcome disadvantages of those traditional techniques were applied following techniques at sample preparation step from liquid and solid matrices: solid-phase extraction (SPE) and solid-phases microextraction (SPME); accelerated solvent extraction (ASE), microwave-assisted extraction (MAE), supercritical fluid extraction (SFE), respectively. For estimate total concentration of anionic analytes in extracts the spectrophotometric technique is used (as official regulation). For determination concentration of individual analytes were applied gas (derivatization step requires) and liquid chromatography mainly with mass spectrometry technique. The presence of anionic surface active agents was confirmed in various ecosystems (liquid and solid environmental samples)

    Flavour anomalies and the muon g − 2 from feebly interacting particles

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    We perform a phenomenological analysis of simplified models of light, feebly interacting particles (FIPs) that can provide a combined explanation of the anomalies in b → sl+^{+}l^{-} transitions at LHCb and the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon. Different scenarios are categorised according to the explicit momentum dependence of the FIP coupling to the b−s and μ−μ vector currents and they are subject to several constraints from flavour and precision physics. We show that viable combined solutions to the muon g − 2 and flavour anomalies exist with the exchange of a vector FIP with mass larger than 4 GeV. Interestingly, the LHC has the potential to probe this region of the parameter space by increasing the precision of the Z → 4μ cross-section measurement. Conversely, we find that solutions based on the exchange of a lighter vector, in the mV < 1 GeV range, are essentially excluded by a combination of B → K+ invisible and W-decay precision bounds

    Chrześcijańska tożsamość olimpijskiego motta citius – altius – fortius

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    In this article, the author will attempt to show the Christian identity of the citius-altius-fortius motto, which is the basic motto of Olympism. It was introduced during the first modern Olympic Games in Athens in 1896 by its creator Pierre de Coubertin. Since then, it has been associated with the Olympic spirit and the idea of sports excellence, as well as commonly known as the principle of athletes striving to achieve the best possible results in the spirit of fair play, breaking records and exceeding their own limits.The author of the motto is the Dominican priest Henri Didon. The words come from Latin and mean faster-higher-stronger