269 research outputs found

    The dream of citizenship : mixed marriages in Jordan: challenges, obstacles and struggles

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    The Jordanian law states that only a Jordanian male may pass on his citizenship to his children. Jordanian women cannot pass on their nationality to their husband or to their children. The Nationality Law reflects the conception that nationality based on blood ties is established only through the father and is not tied to the land or nation. There are currently a number of different initiatives that promote changes in the citizenship law. The concept of citizenship is at the center of the debate not only on women’s rights in Jordan, but also national identity and relations with state

    Beyond The Veil. Some Sociological Remarks on Muslim Feminism and The „Hijab"

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    "The movement for women’s emancipation, fighting against their discrimination emerged in the Middle East at the tum of the 19th centuiy on the wave of social transformations and Western inspirations. From its very beginning, the movement has been connected with the nationalistic current and called for the fulfilment of women’s demands within the systems of independent countries. The demand for education was the most clearly expressed and freąiient pośtulate, but not less impórtant were calls for upgrading the status of the woman within the family, and the right to employment. Nationalism was the key to the legitimacy of women’s movement in the public eye as forpolitical elites."(...

    On gender equality in Polish democracy

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    Maria Ossowska was a feminist and democrat. In her opinion, democracy meant equality of rights. Prejudice towards women not only prevented the development of democratic society, but wasere also a fundamental intellectual error. Her scholarly contribution in the field of democracy was complemented by engagement in public issues. How is this idea of equality - especially “being privileged or underprivileged” on the grounds of gender - implemented in contemporary, democratic Poland

    Pedagogika konfrontacyjna jako propozycja nowego podejścia do pracy z młodzieżą niedostosowaną społecznie w placówkach oświatowych. Doświadczenia niemieckie

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    Supporting child and youth development, especially the wards of socio-therapeutic and reclamation centres, is one of the aims of educational process. As can be seen from previous experiences, classes based on education through sport and its values as well as moral models connected with it play an immense role. I hope most sincerely that the lesson plans, games and plays as well as educational classes included here will become a complementation of the previous volume where the issue of social maladjustment of the young people was presented from theoretical perspective.Published within the project “Therapy through development. Programme of developing a chain of youth centres for young people at risk of being excluded from education system”. Project co-financed by the EU funds as part of the European Social Fund

    Obywatelstwo i płeć na bliskim Wschodzie na przykładzie Haszymidzkiego Królestwa Jordanii

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    Obowiązek badania przez sąd krajowy z urzędu abuzywności klauzuli umownej, a gwarancja skutecznej ochrony interesów konsumenta

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    W celu zapewnienia odpowiedniego poziomu zamierzonej przez unijnego ustawodawcę ochrony konsumentów sąd krajowy jest zobowiązany do przywrócenia – w każdym wypadku i niezależnie od przepisów prawa krajowego – rzeczywistej równowagi kontraktowej pomiędzy konsumentem a przedsiębiorcą-profesjonalistą. Gwarancja skutecznej ochrony konsumentów oznacza zbadanie czy sporne postanowienie umowne zostało indywidualnie uzgodnione przez przedsiębiorcę i konsumenta, a także wykorzystanie wszystkich możliwych środków, aby uwzględnić również z urzędu niedozwolony charakter postanowienia umownego, nawet jeśli sąd ocenia, że konsument tego aspektu nie podniósł na żadnym etapie procesu. Funkcjonujące dwa mechanizmy kontroli, tj. kontrola abstrakcyjna oraz incydentalna mają wspólny i zarazem nadrzędny cel, którym jest zagwarantowanie konsumentom ochrony, co najmniej na poziomie wyznaczonym postanowieniami dyrektywy 93/13/EWG, czy to przez Prezesa UOKiK jako organu administracji publicznej, czy to przez polskie sądy powszechne

    Meteoric 10Be as a tracer of soil redistribution rates and reconstruction tool of loess–mantled soils (SW, Poland)

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    Loess deposits are terrestrial archives that record progressive deposition and erosion events of varying intensities. Data on long-term erosion rates are crucial for tracking changes in the stability of a loess mantle and reconstructing the evolution of loess-enriched soils. We used meteoric 10Be to i) define the factors responsible for its distribution along the profile, ii) determine long-term erosion rates in loess-enriched polygenetic soils characterised by illuviation processes, and iii) evaluate initial soil thickness and stability over time. Distribution of meteoric 10Be along the soil profiles was mainly driven by its translocation with clay particles and accumulation in the illuvial horizons. However, in some cases (loess over serpentinite), the highest meteoric 10Be content was measured in the C horizons which may be related to the longer exposure of serpentinite to meteoric 10Be deposition before the occurrence of a major loess accumulation event. The estimated long-term erosion rates greatly depend on the assumed environmental settings and were in the range of about 0.1–3 t ha−1 yr−1. Based on the soil redistribution rates, we reconstructed the removed loess layer which was from a few dm to about 3 m. The results indicate four main soil evolutionary phases: a) pre-exposure of sediments to meteoric 10Be accumulation; b) formation of thick loess mantles during the Last Glacial Maximum; c) erosion events between 21 and 11.6 ka that significantly shallowed the initial loess mantles; d) pedogenesis (with subsoil clay accumulation) in the Holocene within the thinner relicts of the former Late Pleistocene loess mantle followed by a recent and strong erosional phase due to human impact. These phases are also believed to have occurred in several other areas of Central Europe

    displacements of the pipe system caused by a transient phenomenon using the dynamic forces measured in the laboratory

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    Background: When transporting liquids, in particularly over long distances, dynamic forces in the system can present a risk. The larger the system size, and the greater the pressure, the more harmful the impact is of such forces. Water is transported in this way for domestic, industrial, and fire-fighting purposes. One of the impulses of dynamic force application may be the transition of the pressure wave in the water hammer. Methods: In this paper, the results of measured dynamic forces and associated displacements recorded on the model caused by transient flow conditions are presented. For measured forces, the displacements of the pipe were also calculated by using the oscillation motion equations. Force measurements and displacement analyses were carried out in laboratory on the model of a simple fire protection system equipped with three nozzles. Results and Conclusions: The measurement results and calculations were used to calibrate a mathematical model created using MATLAB software