16 research outputs found

    Tracking Advanced Planetary Systems (TAPAS) with HARPS-N. III. HD 5583 and BD+15 2375 - two cool giants with warm companions

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    Evolved stars are crucial pieces to understand the dependency of the planet formation mechanism on the stellar mass and to explore deeper the mechanism involved in star-planet interactions. Over the past ten years, we have monitored about 1000 evolved stars for radial velocity variations in search for low-mass companions under the Penn State - Torun Centre for Astronomy Planet Search program with the Hobby-Eberly Telescope. Selected prospective candidates that required higher RV precision measurements have been followed with HARPS-N at the 3.6 m Telescopio Nazionale Galileo under the TAPAS project. We aim to detect planetary systems around evolved stars to be able to build sound statistics on the frequency and intrinsic nature of these systems, and to deliver in-depth studies of selected planetary systems with evidence of star-planet interaction processes. For HD 5583 we obtained 14 epochs of precise RV measurements collected over 2313 days with the Hobby-Eberly Telescope (HET), and 22 epochs of ultra-precise HARPS-N data collected over 976 days. For BD+15 2375 we collected 24 epochs of HET data over 3286 days and 25 epochs of HARPS-S data over 902 days. We report the discovery of two planetary mass objects orbiting two evolved Red Giant stars: HD~5583 has a m sin i = 5.78 MJ_{J} companion at 0.529~AU in a nearly circular orbit (e=0.076), the closest companion to a giant star detected with the RV technique, and BD+15~2735 that with a m sin i= 1.06 MJ_{J} holds the record of the lightest planet found so far orbiting an evolved star (in a circular e=0.001, 0.576~AU orbit). These are the third and fourth planets found within the TAPAS project, a HARPS-N monitoring of evolved planetary systems identified with the Hobby-Eberly Telescope.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures. Accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysic

    TAPAS IV. TYC 3667-1280-1 b - the most massive red giant star hosting a warm Jupiter

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    We present the latest result of the TAPAS project that is devoted to intense monitoring of planetary candidates that are identified within the PennState-Toru\'n planet search. We aim to detect planetary systems around evolved stars to be able to build sound statistics on the frequency and intrinsic nature of these systems, and to deliver in-depth studies of selected planetary systems with evidence of star-planet interaction processes. The paper is based on precise radial velocity measurements: 13 epochs collected over 1920 days with the Hobby-Eberly Telescope and its High-Resolution Spectrograph, and 22 epochs of ultra-precise HARPS-N data collected over 961 days. We present a warm-Jupiter (Teq=1350KT_{eq}=1350 K, m2sini=5.4±m_{2} sin i=5.4\pm0.4MJM_{J}) companion with an orbital period of 26.468 days in a circular (e=0.036e=0.036) orbit around a giant evolved (logg=3.11±0.09\log g=3.11\pm0.09, R=6.26±0.86RR=6.26\pm0.86R_{\odot}) star with M=1.87±0.17MM_{\star}=1.87\pm0.17M_{\odot}. This is the most massive and oldest star found to be hosting a close-in giant planet. Its proximity to its host (a=0.21aua=0.21au) means that the planet has a 13.9±2.0%13.9\pm2.0\% probability of transits; this calls for photometric follow-up study. This massive warm Jupiter with a near circular orbit around an evolved massive star can help set constraints on general migration mechanisms for warm Jupiters and, given its high equilibrium temperature, can help test energy deposition models in hot Jupiters.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted by A&

    TAPAS - Tracking Advanced Planetary Systems with HARPS-N. II. Super Li-rich giant HD 107028

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    Lithium rich giant stars are rare objects. For some of them, Li enrichment exceeds abundance of this element found in solar system meteorites, suggesting that these stars have gone through a Li enhancement process. We identified a Li rich giant HD 107028 with A(Li) > 3.3 in a sample of evolved stars observed within the PennState Torun Planet Search. In this work we study different enhancement scenarios and we try to identify the one responsible for Li enrichment for HD 107028. We collected high resolution spectra with three different instruments, covering different spectral ranges. We determine stellar parameters and abundances of selected elements with both equivalent width measurements and analysis, and spectral synthesis. We also collected multi epoch high precision radial velocities in an attempt to detect a companion. Collected data show that HD 107028 is a star at the base of Red Giant Branch. Except for high Li abundance, we have not identified any other anomalies in its chemical composition, and there is no indication of a low mass or stellar companion. We exclude Li production at the Luminosity Function Bump on RGB, as the effective temperature and luminosity suggest that the evolutionary state is much earlier than RGB Bump. We also cannot confirm the Li enhancement by contamination, as we do not observe any anomalies that are associated with this scenario. After evaluating various scenarios of Li enhancement we conclude that the Li-overabundance of HD 107028 originates from Main Sequence evolution, and may be caused by diffusion process.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    Tracking Advanced Planetary Systems with HARPS-N (TAPAS). I. A multiple planetary system around the red giant star TYC 1422-614-1

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    Context. Stars that have evolved-off the Main Sequence are crucial in expanding the frontiers of knowledge on exoplanets toward higher stellar masses, and to constrain star-planet interaction mechanisms. These stars, however suffer from intrinsic activity that complicates the interpretation of precise radial velocity measurement and are often avoided in planet searches. We have, over the last 10 years, monitored about 1000 evolved stars for radial velocity variations in search for low-mass companions under the Penn State - Toru\'n Centre for Astronomy Planet Search with the Hobby-Eberly Telescope. Selected prospective candidates that required higher RV precision meassurements have been followed with HARPS-N at the 3.6 m Telescopio Nazionale Galileo. Aims. To detect planetary systems around evolved stars, to be able to build sound statistics on the frequency and intrinsic nature of these systems, and to deliver in-depth studies of selected planetary systems with evidences of star-planet interaction processes. Methods. We have obtained for TYC 1422-614-1 69 epochs of precise radial velocity measurements collected over 3651 days with the Hobby-Eberly Telescope, and 17 epochs of ultra precise HARPS-N data collected over 408 days. We have complemented these RV data with photometric time-series from the All Sky Automatic Survey archive. Results. We report the discovery of a multiple planetary system around the evolved K2 giant star TYC 1422-614-1. The system orbiting the 1.15 M_\odot star is composed of a planet with mass msinisin i=2.5 MJ_J in a 0.69 AU orbit, and a planet/brown dwarf with msinisin i=10 MJ_J in a 1.37 AU orbit. The multiple planetary system orbiting TYC 1422-614-1 is the first finding of the TAPAS project, a HARPS-N monitoring of evolved planetary systems identified with the Hobby-Eberly Telescope.Comment: 26 pages, 7 figures. Accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Longitudinal and transverse spin asymmetries for inclusive jet production at mid-rapidity in polarized p+p collisions at √s=200  GeV

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    We report STAR measurements of the longitudinal double-spin asymmetry ALL, the transverse single-spin asymmetry AN, and the transverse double-spin asymmetries AΣ and ATT for inclusive jet production at mid-rapidity in polarized p+p collisions at a center- of-mass energy of √s=200  GeV. The data represent integrated luminosities of 7.6  pb-1 with longitudinal polarization and 1.8  pb- 1 with transverse polarization, with 50%–55% beam polarization, and were recorded in 2005 and 2006. No evidence is found for the existence of statistically significant jet AN, AΣ, or ATT at mid- rapidity. Recent model calculations indicate the AN results may provide new limits on the gluon Sivers distribution in the proton. The asymmetry ALL significantly improves the knowledge of gluon polarization in the nucleon

    Longitudinal and transverse spin asymmetries for inclusive jet production at mid-rapidity in polarized p

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    Test of quantity characteristic technical condition of railway turnouts

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    Ocena stanu technicznego rozjazdu kolejowego z ujęcia bezpieczeństwa pasażerów podróżujących pociągiem odgrywa bardzo woźną rolę. Mając na uwadze jak szybko ulegają zniszczeniu lub ścieralności materiały z których wykonano zespoły wchodzące w skład rozjazdu kolejnego, podjęto próbę określenia wykazu dopuszczanych odchyłek na segmentach rozjazdu kolejowego oraz wielkości występujące w rozjeździe kolejowym a mające wpływ na dynamikę przejazdu pojazdu szynowego przez rozjazd. Obydwie grupy wielkości charakteryzujących rozjazd mogą być wykorzystane dla oceny stanu rozjazdu oraz zdefiniowania sił występujących przy przejeździe przez rozjazd pojazdu szynowego. Przedstawiono również wyniki z analizy wykonanej dla rzeczywistych danych zawartych w formularzu technicznym rozjazdu kolejowego. Sformułowano również wnioski wysunięte z wykonanej analizy.The assessment of the technical condition of the railroad crossing from the approach to the safety of passengers traveling by train plays a very janitorial role. Bearing in mind how quickly destructive or abrasive materials of which the teams included in the next turnout were made, an attempt was made to determine the list of allowed deviations on railroad switch segments and values occurring at railway turnouts and affecting the dynamics of the rail vehicle passing through the crossroads. Both size groups that characterize the crossover can be used to assess the turnout status and define the forces occurring when crossing the crossover of a rail vehicle. The results of the analysis carried out for the actual data included in the technical train turnout form are also presented. Conclusions from the analysis were also formulated

    Test of quantity characteristic technical condition of railway turnouts

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    Ocena stanu technicznego rozjazdu kolejowego z ujęcia bezpieczeństwa pasażerów podróżujących pociągiem odgrywa bardzo woźną rolę. Mając na uwadze jak szybko ulegają zniszczeniu lub ścieralności materiały z których wykonano zespoły wchodzące w skład rozjazdu kolejnego, podjęto próbę określenia wykazu dopuszczanych odchyłek na segmentach rozjazdu kolejowego oraz wielkości występujące w rozjeździe kolejowym a mające wpływ na dynamikę przejazdu pojazdu szynowego przez rozjazd. Obydwie grupy wielkości charakteryzujących rozjazd mogą być wykorzystane dla oceny stanu rozjazdu oraz zdefiniowania sił występujących przy przejeździe przez rozjazd pojazdu szynowego. Przedstawiono również wyniki z analizy wykonanej dla rzeczywistych danych zawartych w formularzu technicznym rozjazdu kolejowego. Sformułowano również wnioski wysunięte z wykonanej analizy.The assessment of the technical condition of the railroad crossing from the approach to the safety of passengers traveling by train plays a very janitorial role. Bearing in mind how quickly destructive or abrasive materials of which the teams included in the next turnout were made, an attempt was made to determine the list of allowed deviations on railroad switch segments and values occurring at railway turnouts and affecting the dynamics of the rail vehicle passing through the crossroads. Both size groups that characterize the crossover can be used to assess the turnout status and define the forces occurring when crossing the crossover of a rail vehicle. The results of the analysis carried out for the actual data included in the technical train turnout form are also presented. Conclusions from the analysis were also formulated