184 research outputs found

    Influence of recrystallization annealing on the properties and structure of low-carbon ferritic steel if

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    This paper shows results of researches of a structure and mechanical properties of metal sheets of IF steels subjected to recrystallization annealing. The annealing was held in the scope of the temperature of 600-900 degrees C over 25 min time. The impact of heat treatment on changes of properties and structure of the researches steel has been analysed. During annealing typical processes of rebuilding of the structure deformed as a result of cold deformation in the form of forming new recrystallized grains and their growth were observed. As the temperature of annealing increases the hardness of the material gradually decreases.Web of Science6341961195

    Influence of the drece process of severe plastic deformation on the mechanical properties of the ultra-low carbon interstitial free steel

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    This research paper shows the influence of a repeated SPD (Severe Plastic Deformation) plastic forming with the DRECE technique (Dual Rolls Equal Channel Extrusion) on hardening of low carbon IF steel. The influence of number of passes through the device on change of mechanical properties, such as tensile strength TS and yield stress YS, of tested steel was tested. The developed method is based on equal channel extrusion with dual rolls and uses a repeated plastic forming to refinement of structure and improve mechanical properties of metal bands [1-2]. For the tested steel the increase of strength properties after the DRECE process was confirmed after the first pass in relation to the initial material. The biggest strain hardening is observed after the fourth pass.Web of Science6342100209

    Analiza danych osobowych przetwarzanych przez apteki w kontekście zmian wprowadzonych przez ogólne rozporządzenie o ochronie danych osobowych

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    This study focuses on the issue of personal data processing in a public pharmacy. Based on the regulations of the General Data Protection Regulation, the author analyzes the personal data processed by pharmacies. The analyzed material consists of personal data which processing is inherent to the activity of a pharmacy. The author concentrates especially on the sensitive personal data processed by the pharmacies, mainly in the context of acceptability of such processing.Niniejsze opracowanie dotyczy problematyki przetwarzania danych osobowych w aptece ogólnodostępnej. Autorka dokonuje analizy danych osobowych przetwarzanych przez apteki w oparciu o przepisy ogólnego rozporządzenia o ochronie danych osobowych. Analizie zostały poddane dane osobowe, których przetwarzanie jest nierozerwalnie związane z działalnością apteki. Autorka szczególną uwagę skupiła na tzw. danych szczególnych przetwarzanych przez apteki, głównie w kontekście dopuszczalności ich przetwarzania

    A false expression of CD8 antigens on CD4+ T cells in a routine flow cytometry analysis.

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    The two-colour flow cytometry method applied in a routine enumeration of peripheral blood T lymphocyte subsets reveals that in some patients the entire population of CD4+ lymphocytes seems to express CD8 determinants as well. However, expression of the CD8 antigens on the cell surface is much lower in comparison with typical CD8+ cells. Moreover, in one-colour staining with an anti-CD8 antibody, cells with weak CD8 expression are not observed and only one typical population of CD8+ lymphocytes is seen. Investigating this phenomenon, we showed that after washing patient cells in RPMI before CD4/CD8 staining, the CD4+ T cell population did not show CD8 "co-expression". These results suggest that CD4+ lymphocytes, which seem to co-express CD8 antigen, in fact do not have this antigen on their surface. Moreover, after the addition of patient plasma to healthy donor cells prior to CD4/CD8 staining, a weak CD8 expression on normal CD4+ cells was noticed. Therefore we can assume that the agent(s) causing this phenomenon is/are present in the plasma of some patients. Altogether, these observations suggest that this phenomenon is nonspecific and probably results from cross-linking of anti-CD8 mAbs with anti-CD4 mAbs caused by factor(s) present in plasma of some patient. However, identification of that/these factor(s) requires further research

    Wspomaganie rozwoju zmysłów dziecka – ścieżka sensoryczna

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    Obecnie w edukacji poszukuje się nowatorskich rozwiązań organizacyjnych i metodycznych, które skutecznie wspierają rozwój potencjalnych zdolności dziecka. Ich podstawą staje się indywidualizacja pracy z dzieckiem. Dostosowywanie procesu kształcenia do potrzeb i możliwości dziecka sprzyja bowiem jego udziałowi w badaniu i odkrywaniu otaczającej rzeczywistości. Daje to także możliwość samodzielnego zdobywania przez młodego człowieka nowych doświadczeń i umiejętności, które determinują funkcjonowanie dziecka w późniejszych okresach, mają wpływ na jego wyniki w nauce, relacje z otoczeniem oraz postrzeganie własnej osoby

    Ostre poporodowe wynicowanie macicy — opis przypadku i przegląd literatury

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    Poporodowe wynicowanie macicy jest bardzo rzadkim powikłaniem trzeciego okresu porodu, w wyniku którego dochodzi do wstrząsu krwotocznego. Występuje z częstością około 1:20 000 przypadków. W artykule przedsta- wiono opis przypadku wynicowania macicy, którą po nieudanej próbie ręcznej repozycji odprowadzono operacyjnie metodą Huntingtona.

    Histological, histochemical and ultrastructural studies on Harderian and lacrimal glands of the Capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus major L.)

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    This study describes the macroscopic anatomy and the microscopic and ultrastructural features of the Harderian gland and lacrimal gland of the Capercaillies. It was conducted both on adult male and female Capercaillies. Tissue sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin, azan trichrome, modified Mallory’s trichrome, methyl green-pyronin Y, periodic acid-Schiff, alcian blue pH 2.5, aldehyde fuchsin and Hale’s dialysed iron. The morphometric study of the Harderian and lacrimal glands indicated that they are both larger in male than in female Capercaillies. The histological analysis showed that the HG has a multilobar tubulo-alveolar structure with numerous lymphocytes and plasma cells. The LG has a multilobar tubulo-acinar structure without lymphocytes and plasma cells. The periodic acid-Schiff staining and alcian blue pH 2.5 staining demonstrated a mild positive reaction in the epithelial cells of the Harderian gland and weak positive reaction in the lacrimal gland. The HDI staining detected the presence of carboxylated acid mucopolysaccharides in the Harderian and lacrimal glands. Transmission electron microscopy revealed the presence of two types of secretory vesicles in the cytoplasm of both studied glands. It also showed that lipid droplets and glycogen granules were more abundant in the Harderian gland than in the lacrimal gland of this species

    A comprehensive use of ultrasound examination in infertility workup

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    Considering the growing availability of ultrasound diagnostic methods in gynecology, its role in the infertility setting is increasing. In this review, we present an up-to-date ultrasound based diagnostic scheme in infertility workup comprising the evaluation of ovarian anatomy and function, uterine exploration, as well as tubal patency. The possibility of performing the vast majority of infertility diagnostics by ultrasound in the ambulatory settings is not only attractive and beneficial to patients, but also to health care system. Thus, it is vital for gynecologists to implement modern non-invasive ultrasound modalities in their everyday practice