54 research outputs found

    Rahvusvahelise isiksusehäirete intervjuu ja sõelküsimustiku adapteerimine vene keelde

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    The purpose of the master thesis was to finish the process of adaptation of the International Personality Disorder Examination Interview (IPDE-ICD-10) and Screening Questionnaire (IPDE- SQ) into the Russian language and to measure its psychometric properties on the non-psychiatric sample. The sample consisted of 306 participants who filled in the questionnaire, 106 of whom were assessed with both the questionnaire and the interview. As a result of the study, modifications were made to questions from the interview and statements from the questionnaire to ensure that those items would be understood by the participants the way they should. Psychometric properties of the interview and the questionnaire were estimated: the correlations between the items of the questionnaire, the correlations between the questions of the interview and the correlations of the subscales between the two instruments. The correlations between the interview questions were higher than the correlations within the screening questionnaire. The correlations between the same scales of the IPDE and IPDE-SQ were moderate. The IPDE-SQ internal consistencies were quite low (ranging from 0.27 to 0.53). However, they were similar with the results of other studies. The reliability of three scales (anxious, histrionic, borderline) of the interview was at 0.7 and higher level, the Cronbach α of the other five scales (paranoid, schizoid, dissocial, impulsive and dependent) ranged from 0.5 to 0.6. The false positivity of the questionnaire appeared to be too high in case 3 points are selected as a cut-off. Additionally, the principal component analysis was conducted over the IPDE-SQ questionnaire items. It was decided to retain 11 factors, which explained 44% of the variability

    Assessment of Freshwater Bodies in Murmansk in Terms of Composition of Aquatic Invertebrates

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    The paper presents the results of analysis of hydrobiological samples of freshwater bodies of Murmansk (Lake Okunevoe, Lake Ledovoe and Lake Semyonovskoe). The number, degree of dominance and frequency of occurrence of organisms are determined. In Lake Ledovoe, the dominant species represent small organisms with simple life cycles and a high rate of reproduction. The taxonomic composition of water invertebrate community in the Lake Ledovoe highlights features of anthropogenic eutrophication. Several dominant species stand out in the ciliatocenosis of the Lake Okunevoe. The species diversity of micrzooplankton community is higher than in the Lake Ledovoe. In general, the Lake Okunevoe can be characterized as a water body with signs of ecosystem stability damage. The hydrobiocenoses of the Lake Semyonovskoe has the greatest species diversity. However, it is characterized by the tendency to decrease the species composition of organisms – indicators of clean waters. There are initial signs of anthropogenic eutrophication of the Lake Semyonovskoe. The waters of the studied lakes are characterized as β-mesosaprobic (moderately contaminated). It is generally noted that the fauna of water bodies is characterized by small species diversity. In lakes, there is a prevalence of small-sized organisms of heterotrophic nutrition. There is a stable decreasing tendency of species composition of hydrobionts and simplification of food chains in urban aquatic ecosystems subject to anthropogenic impact

    Биоэтические методы и технологии в российском образовании

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    This article is dedicated to the bioethical problems in natural, medical sciences, the humanities and the higher education. The Potter bioethics as an interdisciplinary science broadens his research interests and develops new methodologies, strategies. The higher medical education has the modern alternative principles of 3R that have replaced partially some vivisection methods. Here is an excellent example of the removal of special contingent inhumanity. Much of the history of experimental biology and the teaching of medical students has turned on such improvements in technique. Эта статья посвящена биоэтическим проблемам в естественно-гуманитарных науках системы высшей школы. Биоэтика В. Поттера, как междисциплинарная наука, расширяет свои исследовательские интересы и развивает новые методы и технологии. Современные альтернативные методы 3R частично заменили вивисекцию в медицинском образовании. Это великолепный пример удаления бесполезного страдания из эксперимента. Экспериментальная биология и обучение студентов-медиков получили возможность формировать новый взгляд на методы в исследовании

    IPDE intervjuu ärevate isiksuste skaalade kohandamine vene keelde

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    Seminaritöö eesmärgiks oli Rahvusvahelise Isiksushäirete Diagnostilise Intervjuu ja sõelküsimustiku (IPDE, Maailma Terviseorganisatsioon,1995) venekeelse versiooni väljatöötamine, võttes vaatluse alla C-klastri DSM-IV süsteemi järgi, kuhu kuuluvad anankastne, vältiv ja sõltuv isiksushäire. Töö tulemuseks on vene keelde kohandatud IPDE test ning uuritud on ärevate isiksuste klastri alaskaalade sisemist reliaablust. Tulemused näitasid, et anankastse isiksuse skaala Cronbachi α oli 0,46, vältival isiksushäirel oli see 0,53 ning sõltuval isiksushäirel 0,37. Anankastse isiksushäire alaskaala IPDE-SQ väidete ja nendele vastavate Rahvusvahelise Isiksushäirete Intervjuu küsimuste korrelatsioonid olid vahemikus 0,06–0,72, vältiva isiksushäire puhul vahemikus -0,04–0,58 ning sõltuva isiksushäire puhul 0,07–0,69. Korrelatsioonid sõelküsimustiku väidete vahel on nõrgad, kuid üksikväidete korrelatsioonid koguskaalaga olid tugevad kõigi kolme isiksusehäire puhul.http://tartu.ester.ee/record=b2654089~S1*es

    Eesti venelased erinevates Aasia vaimsetes gruppides

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    Küsimusele, miks on need inimesed eelistanud kristlusest ja konkreetselt õigeusust erinevat usku ehk usku Idast, on väga raske vastata. Sama küsimusega oma doktoritöös kokkupuutunud Lea Altnurme avaldab arvamust, et „kuna nõukogude ajal on Eesti ühiskond muutunud äärmiselt sekulaarseks ning kristlus sai noortele inimestele umbvõõraks,” siis selles peitubki vastus (Altnurme, 2005: 200). Mõtiskledes sellel teemal ning otsides põhjusi erinevatest töödest, keskendusin nendele vastustele, mis sobiid minu arvates kõige rohkem just Eesti religioosse ning rahvusliku olukorrag

    O Cluster Turístico como Fator de Crescimento Econômico Regional: Características Estruturais de um Agrupamento Regional

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    The cluster model is crucial for developing tourism. Such clusters enable the economic development of any region and the whole country and increase the competitiveness of the final product in the market and the production activities of enterprises included in the clusters. This is especially relevant for the tourism industry, which is a promising area of economic development. Therefore, it is significant to study the possibilities and experience of implementing the cluster model in further research. The study aims at determining and analyzing the main structural features of the regional tourism cluster. Based on an expert survey, the article determines and considers the main structural features of the regional tourism cluster as exemplified by the existing regional tourism clusters in Russia. It is concluded that the main structural feature of a regional tourism cluster is its structural connectivity which provides participants with an advantage over competitors acting separately.El modelo de cluster es crucial para el desarrollo del turismo. Estas agrupaciones permiten el desarrollo económico de cualquier región y de todo el país y aumentan la competitividad del producto final en el mercado y las actividades de producción de las empresas incluidas en las agrupaciones. Esto es especialmente relevante para la industria del turismo, que es un área prometedora de desarrollo económico. Por lo tanto, es significativo estudiar las posibilidades y la experiencia de la aplicación del modelo de cluster en la investigación posterior. El estudio pretende determinar y analizar las principales características estructurales del cluster turístico regional. Sobre la base de una encuesta de expertos, el artículo determina y considera las principales características estructurales del clúster turístico regional ejemplificadas por los clústeres turísticos regionales existentes en Rusia. Se concluye que la principal característica estructural de un cluster turístico regional es su conectividad estructural, que proporciona a los participantes una ventaja sobre los competidores que actúan por separado.O modelo de cluster é crucial para o desenvolvimento do turismo. Tais clusters permitem o desenvolvimento econômico de qualquer região e de todo o país e aumentam a competitividade do produto final no mercado e as atividades de produção das empresas incluídas nos clusters. Isto é especialmente relevante para a indústria do turismo, que é uma área promissora do desenvolvimento econômico. Por conseguinte, é significativo estudar as possibilidades e a experiência de implementação do modelo de clusters em investigação futura. O estudo visa determinar e analisar as principais características estruturais do cluster turístico regional. Com base num inquérito de peritos, o artigo determina e considera as principais características estruturais do cluster turístico regional, como exemplificado pelos clusters turísticos regionais existentes na Rússia. Conclui-se que a principal característica estrutural de um aglomerado turístico regional é a sua conectividade estrutural que proporciona aos participantes uma vantagem sobre os concorrentes agindo separadamente

    Human rights protection on the internet in Russia and abroad

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    The article focuses on the analysis of legal protection of personal, political, labor, educational and other rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens on the Internet, as there are generally recognized problems related to their violation by individuals or various organizations.The authors analyze how citizens’ rights, such as the right of access to the Internet (the right to the internet connection, the right to IT neutrality, the right to availability of internet service, the right to comfortable usage of internet services, the right not to be disconnected) the right to digital identity (the possibility to manage internet data of private persons), the right to anonymity (the possibility of carrying out certain actions under a false name without revealing personal data that would allow the person to be identified), the right to discard unwanted information (to protect oneself against spam), the right to be forgotten, right to safe internet use, both in the technological as well in the contextual meaming, are declared and implemented on the Internet