477 research outputs found

    Art Techniques as a Tool for Early Career Guidance

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    The article presents the necessity for systematic development of career guidance for children under 12 years old. It based on the analysis of the experience of domestic career guidance learning formed in the last decade. A practical development using art techniques is presented as one of the methods of early career guidance. It can be applied to the description of professions in any industry.На основании анализа сформированного в последнее десятилетие опыта отечественной профориентационной работы представлена необходимость системного развития профориентации детей в возрасте до 12 лет. В качестве одного из методов ранней профориентации предложена практическая разработка с использованием арт-техники, которая может быть применена к описанию профессий любой отрасли промышленности

    Motivation in personnel management of a trading enterprise

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    Purpose: Investigating the problems of personnel motivation efficiency as one of the most significant factors of the success of an enterprise at the present stage of development of the Russian economy, the authors consider expedient to consider the theory and practice of the personnel motivation system in a commercial enterprise. Design: General scientific (analysis, synthesis, comparison), and special methods of research (economic and statistical, balance sheet, design-calculation and other), document analysis, questioning, and others were used during the study. Findings: The authors revealed that the trading company should focus on the development of a system of motivation in two directions: the improvement of material motivation of staff and the improvement of non-material motivation of staff. Improving the proposed system of staff motivation will allow the company to create a favorable atmosphere in the team, increasing turnover. Practical implications: The obtained results can be used by the head of the enterprise when developing plans to improve the management system and increase investment attractiveness. Originality: This article analyzes the theoretical foundations of motivation in personnel management. Given the organizational and economic characteristics of the trading enterprise, identified the existing system of motivation in the enterprise.peer-reviewe

    Nanostructured coatings based on amorphous carbon and gold nanoparticles obtained by the pulsed vacuum-arc method

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    Nanostructured coatings based on diamond-like carbon and gold-doped carbon with a thickness of 100-300 nm were obtained by a pulsed vacuum-arc method on silicon substrates. The structure of the coatingswas studied by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, the elemental composition was studied by X-ray microanalysi

    Dynamics of pH-sensitive nitroxide radicals in water adsorbed in ordered mesoporous molecular sieves by EPR Spectroscopy

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    A spin pH probe technique was used to study the influence of the channel diameter on the EPR spectra of pH-sensitive nitroxide radicals (NR) located in the channels of the mesoporous molecular sieves MCM-41 and SBA-15 with diameters ranging from 2.3 to 8.1 nm. From EPR spectra analysis and the results of the NR retention by the mesoporous molecular sieves upon washing with an aqueous KCl solution, the regularities of NR molecular location inside the channels were studied. The obtained dependence of the fraction of the radical molecules in the fast motional regime (with the rotational correlation times, τc = 2 × 10-11 s-9 × 10-11s) in the channels of the mesoporous molecular sieves as a function of pH indicates that both NR in the fast and slow motional regime (with τc = 8 × 10 -9s-7 × 10-10s) may be used for estimation of the solution acidity inside the channels and of the near-surface electrical potential. © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Special aspects of managers and employees’ responsibility structure

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    The relevance of the research problem due to the fact that society needs people who are able to make their own decisions and take responsibility for their choices, but often there are situations when leaders are not able to delegate responsibility, and employees in turn do not want to take it. The article aims to study the differences in the structure of responsibility of managers and employees’ responsibility, analysis of interrelations of components of responsibility with motivation. Leading methods to the study of this problem is a psycho-diagnostic method and method of mathematical statistics (Pearson correlation analysis, factor analysis - multivariate statistical method used for studying relationships between values of variables). Processing of empirical data was conducted using SPSS programs. In the result of the study obtained significant differences in the structure of managers and employees’ responsibility described the relationship of components of responsibility with motivation. The article can be useful to psychologists, staff managers and administrative managers. © 2016 Mukhlynina et al

    Towards a greater engagement of universities in addressing climate change challenges

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    Many higher education institutions around the world are engaged in efforts to tackle climate change. This takes place by not only reducing their own carbon footprint but also by educating future leaders and contributing valuable research and expertise to the global effort to combat climate change. However, there is a need for studies that identify the nature of their engagement on the topic, and the extent to which they are contributing towards addressing the many problems associated with climate change. Against this background, this paper describes a study that consisted of a review of the literature and the use of case studies, which outline the importance of university engagement in climate change and describe its main features. The study identified the fact that even though climate change is a matter of great relevance to universities, its coverage in university programmes is not as wide as one could expect. Based on the findings, the paper also lists the challenges associated with the inclusion of climate change in university programmes. Finally, it describes some of the measures which may be deployed in order to maximise the contribution of higher education towards handling the challenges associated with a changing climate

    Competencies of Industrial Trainers from the Production Point of View

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    The article deals with the issues of the market imbalance between the production demand for the level of qualification of workers, including qualification needed for work with high-tech equipment, and the real level of training of specialists. The leading role in reducing the existing gap is given to an industrial trainer. The article determines the criteria of the teacher competency model developed in recent years, as well as the requirements of production companies (on the example of PJSC “Uralmashzavod”).Рассматриваются вопросы существующего на рынке дисбаланса между запросом производства к уровню квалификации рабочих кадров, в том числе для эксплуатации высокотехнологичного оборудования, и реальной степенью подготовки специалистов для промышленности. Ведущая роль в сокращении существующего разрыва отдается мастеру производственного обучения. Определяются сформированные в последние годы критерии компетентностной модели такого преподавателя, а также требования со стороны производственных компаний (на примере ПАО «Уралмашзавод»)


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    The problem of rehabilitation of children with congenital cleft lip and palate (CCLP) is a difficult task and doesn’t lose its relevance. Children with CCLP often suffer from repeated acute viral and bacterial infections of the respiratory tract and upper respiratory tract, which leads to a forced delay in surgical, orthodontic treatment, adequate speech therapy and complications after staged surgical operations. The development of inflammatory processes in children with CCLP is associated with anatomical and topographic features that facilitate the penetration of pathogenic microflora in oral and nose mucosa and, consequently, negative changes in the immune system (IS). The key cells of IS in maintaining homeostasis and ensuring oral health are neutrophil granulocytes (NG). NG dysfunctions in CCLP interfere with the elimination of pathogens and support their persistence. This can occur against the background of previously existing defects in the functioning of the NG system and is aggravated by the significant pathogenicity and massiveness of the impact of various infectious agents. Full diagnostics of NG dysfunctions is necessary for the further implementation of their timely immune correction and prevention of the development of pathological chronic inflammation in response to the pathogenic microflora long-term on the mucous membrane of the mouth and nose. For this purpose study was conducted of the functional activity and phenotypic characteristics of NG in children with CCLP at different stages of complex rehabilitation. Blood samples of 56 children with CCLP 1-3 years (n = 20, group 1), 4-6 years (n = 20, group 2), and 7-12 years (n = 20, group 3) at different stages of complex rehabilitation and 30 conditionally healthy children (control groups) of the corresponding age was studied. A violation of the microbiocenosis of the mucous membranes of the oral and nasal cavities was revealed, which may be a cause or a consequence of a decrease in antibacterial immunity, first of all NG dysfunctions. Common for all age groups children with CCLP NG dysfunction was found: the appearance of NG expressing CD14 receptors that are absent in children of all three control groups, which indicates the presence of viral and bacterial load; defects of phagocytosis associated with a decrease in the number of actively phagocytic NG, impaired NG capture functions; impaired NADPH oxidase release with partial or complete blockade of the response to additional antigenic load, even in the absence of acute clinical manifestations. Comparative analysis of the studied indicators of the expression level of the receptors CD64, CD16, CD32, CD14 NG in children with CCLP demonstrates different equipment, which determines the inconsistency of the phagocytic and microbicidal function of NG in different age periods. Thus, an increase in the expression of these membrane markers, especially CD64 and CD14, in older age groups is accompanied by more significant defects in phagocytic and killing functions of NG, which is associated not only with recurrent viral respiratory infections, but also with a high frequency of associated bacterial infections of the respiratory system and ENT – organs. Revealed NG dysfunctions in children with CCLP of various age groups indicate their inability to implement adequate anti-infective protection, which can lead to atypically occurring viral – bacterial infections and the occurrence of various, including purulent complications in the postoperative period, which requires the development of targeted immunotherapy, included in the program of comprehensive rehabilitation in children with CCLP and aimed at restoring impaired NG functions