2,724 research outputs found

    Trial of liquidation cementation of boreholes at Carpathians oil and gas deposits

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    Complex geological structure as well as long-term intensive operation of oil and gas deposits in Borislav-Pokutska zone of Carpathians leads to changes in thermo-dynamical parameters of pools, rock deformation and, as a result, to crippling of the boreholes and creasing and damaging of boring casing. The abovementioned actions not only complicate extraction of oil and gas but increase the technological charge on the environment. In this study 3 types of materials were investigated: PCT-I-100 – traditional tamping cement, CREA and CREA-LF tamping mixes produced by dry mixing technology that were designed by authors. Dry mixes are characterized by higher level of SiO2 because of addition of milled sand and provide better cementation quality. Developed materials are characterized by lower dehydration and water reduction, thanks to clearly chosen composition and modern chemical admixtures usage. The method of borehole eliminative cementation is also presented by authors

    Anthropological justification of the modern change of axiological determinants under the influence of religious factors

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    The purpose of the article is a comprehensive analysis of the change of axiological determinants of a globalized society under the influence of religious factors. It was established that the most noticeable among the changes in society and the state are the changes of the axiological basis at the level of individual identity. The tendencies of change of religious values that directly influence the consciousness, legal culture of the individual and the legal system of the individual state were summarized. The motivational core is the interpretation of the multifunctionality of religion. The authors substantiated the need for scientific analysis of changes of axiological determinants of a globalized society under the influence of religious factors, which is also due to the fact that the internal system of each country needs to unify it with international legal standards and to preserve national ethical, mental and legal values. The authors have identified the following tendencies in the change of religious values that influence the consciousness of the individual and the legal system of the individual state: democratic and humanistic values begin to dominate the world’s law and order; local traditions and religious values are changing, there is the "interconnection" between global and religious values of different cultures; personal freedom acts as a dominant value; evident diversity of religious norms as a basis for legalregulation; the significant influence of the age factor on the perception of the latest globalization values and the importance of religious norms as a regulator of subjective behavior, etc

    Structural and transport properties of GaAs/delta<Mn>/GaAs/InxGa1-xAs/GaAs quantum wells

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    We report results of investigations of structural and transport properties of GaAs/Ga(1-x)In(x)As/GaAs quantum wells (QWs) having a 0.5-1.8 ML thick Mn layer, separated from the QW by a 3 nm thick spacer. The structure has hole mobility of about 2000 cm2/(V*s) being by several orders of magnitude higher than in known ferromagnetic two-dimensional structures. The analysis of the electro-physical properties of these systems is based on detailed study of their structure by means of high-resolution X-ray diffractometry and glancing-incidence reflection, which allow us to restore the depth profiles of structural characteristics of the QWs and thin Mn containing layers. These investigations show absence of Mn atoms inside the QWs. The quality of the structures was also characterized by photoluminescence spectra from the QWs. Transport properties reveal features inherent to ferromagnetic systems: a specific maximum in the temperature dependence of the resistance and the anomalous Hall effect (AHE) observed in samples with both "metallic" and activated types of conductivity up to ~100 K. AHE is most pronounced in the temperature range where the resistance maximum is observed, and decreases with decreasing temperature. The results are discussed in terms of interaction of 2D-holes and magnetic Mn ions in presence of large-scale potential fluctuations related to random distribution of Mn atoms. The AHE values are compared with calculations taking into account its "intrinsic" mechanism in ferromagnetic systems.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure

    Blackbody-radiation-assisted molecular laser cooling

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    The translational motion of molecular ions can be effectively cooled sympathetically to temperatures below 100 mK in ion traps through Coulomb interactions with laser-cooled atomic ions. The distribution of internal rovibrational states, however, gets in thermal equilibrium with the typically much higher temperature of the environment within tens of seconds. We consider a concept for rotational cooling of such internally hot, but translationally cold heteronuclear diatomic molecular ions. The scheme relies on a combination of optical pumping from a few specific rotational levels into a ``dark state'' with redistribution of rotational populations mediated by blackbody radiation.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Theory and Applications of X-ray Standing Waves in Real Crystals

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    Theoretical aspects of x-ray standing wave method for investigation of the real structure of crystals are considered in this review paper. Starting from the general approach of the secondary radiation yield from deformed crystals this theory is applied to different concreat cases. Various models of deformed crystals like: bicrystal model, multilayer model, crystals with extended deformation field are considered in detailes. Peculiarities of x-ray standing wave behavior in different scattering geometries (Bragg, Laue) are analysed in detailes. New possibilities to solve the phase problem with x-ray standing wave method are discussed in the review. General theoretical approaches are illustrated with a big number of experimental results.Comment: 101 pages, 43 figures, 3 table

    Methodical Approach to Assessing the Demand for Higher Education in Ukraine

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    The article is aimed at developing a theoretical and methodical approach to assessing the demand for higher education in Ukraine. Educational qualification levels, characterized by a specific range of information users, are analyzed. Accordingly, it is natural for every user to form a certain information environment, which can be useful and interesting for one level, but not in demand for another. Therefore, when learning environment coordinators develop a communication strategy, it is necessary to clearly understand, which level it is designed for. Thus, the issue of establishing a classification of learning environment coordinators, who will provide training for education seekers at different levels, is relevant. It is noted that the concept of demand for higher education should be differentiated between the demand in society and the demand among i education seekers. The choice of "fashionable" specialties without taking into account the needs of the labor market leads to increase in the disparity of the workload per vacancy for certain professional groups. In order to quantify the demand for higher education, it is proposed to use the coefficient of demand for higher education in society (CDHES). Necessity to take into account many factors influencing the demand for higher education in society has led us to choosing an integrated method, which is normally used to measure the impact of factors in multiplicative, index, additive index models. The coefficients suggested, in our opinion, will be important for higher education institutions (HEIs) wishing to develop a communication strategy for both the short and long term. The importance of such coefficients can be explained by the fact that the patterns and trends identified during the study of their dynamics can serve as an information field for the HEI management service when outlining key aspects in developing a new communication strategy or improving the existing one. The fundamental difference between the proposed coefficients and the already existing ones lies in the fact that the former take into account not only the dynamics of the labor market and employment opportunities, but also the economic feasibility of education costs, and calculation of the payback prospects of receiving higher education

    Multiple-gap spark gap switch

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    A triggered multiple-gap spark gap switch has been developed and tested under atmosphere. By means of an LCR trigger circuit, the multiple-gap switch can be used very reliably. For the same switching voltage (35.5 kV), with increasing the number of gaps from 2 to 6, the switching current rise time is reduced from 13.5 to 6 ns, and the energy efficiency is increased from 87% to 92%. An eight-gap switch was also tested, and the switching current rise time is much smaller than the usable rise time of the current probe (3.5 ns). One interesting application of the multiple-gap switch is to improve the switching performance in the multiple-switch and transmission lines based pulsed power circuit. To verify this application, a six-gap switch was tested. In contrast to a single-gap switch, the output current rise time was improved from 21 to 11 ns by the six-gap switch


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    The article analyzes the experience of implementing family-oriented care in healthcare facilities in North America and Western Europe. It has been shown that the application of this approach can have positive outcomes for both children and their families, and can contribute to improving the efficiency of medical staff and the cost-effectiveness of medical services.У статті проаналізовано досвід впровадження сімейно-орієнтованого догляду в медичних закладах країн Північної Америки та Західної Європи. Показано, що застосування цього підходу може мати позитивні наслідки як для дітей та їхніх сімей, так і сприяти покращенню ефективності роботи медичних кадрів та економічної ефективності медичних послуг

    Вплив нанотехнологічних препаратів захисту рослин на життєздатність бджіл і вміст мікроелементів у їх тканинах

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    The research was performed in terms of keeping bees in an incubator. Bees were selected families of analog and divided into control (І) and 6 experimental (ІІ-ІV) groups. Over 7 days, bees of control and experimental groups were fed 1 ml sugar syrup (SS), adding to that amount of citrate of polielemental nanotechnology drugs recommended for plant protection – “Avatar-Insecticide” (“A-I”) and “Avatar-Fungicide” (“A-F”) in a dilution of 1:1000 (II, III groups) and 1: 500 (IV, V groups) and their VI compatible combination (1:1000) and VII (1:500) groups. Every day number of live and dead bees in groups in absolute and relative values were counted. For 7 th day of feeding bees, drugs were taken to determine Co Zn, Cu, Ag in tissues. The results were statistically processed with the use of Microsoft Excel. The aim of the research is safety for beekeeping use of experimental drugs for plant protection “A-F” and “A-I” the conditions of feeding their bees. The differences of influence of drugs “A-F” and “A-I” on safety and loss of bees, their content in tissues Co and Cu depending on concentration, method, and duration of use were shown. The significant positive effect of feeding “A-F” drug dilution of 1:1000 on the safety of bees with the increase in the number of living by 12.7 % on day 7 compared to the control was noted. Application of this the drug in a dilution of 1:500 and its mixture with “A-I” in a dilution of 1:1000 and 1:500 reduced rates of preservation of bees throughout the research period. Separate feeding preparation of “A-F” and “A-I” compatible with dilutions of 1:1000 and 1:500 resulted in the highest content of Cо in the tissues of bees. Noted lower Cu content in tissues bee research groups at higher levels amid Zn and Ag by joint action both drugs in a dilution of 1:500 compared to the control. The results indicate a toxic effect of “A-I” drug to bees in the laboratory employed in concentrations and combinations and drug “A-F” – only a dilution of 1:500. Found high the ability of the cumulative drug doses applied “A-F” content of Co tissues of bees.Дослідження виконані в умовах утримання бджіл в термостаті. Бджоли були відібрані від сімей-аналогів і поділені на контрольну (I) і 6 дослідних (II-VI) груп. Упродовж 7-ми діб досліджень бджолам контрольної та дослідних груп згодовували 1 мл цукрового сиропу (ЦС) з додаванням до цього об’єму цитратів поліелементних нанотехнологічних препаратів, рекомендованих для захисту рослин – “Аватар-Інсектицид” (“А-І”) та “Аватар-Фунгіцид” (“А-Ф”) у розведеннях 1:1000 (II, III групи) та 1:500 (IV, V групи), а також їх сумісного поєднання в VI (1:1000) VII (1:500) групах. Кожної доби підраховували кількість живих і мертвих бджіл по групах в абсолютних і відносних величинах. На 7-му добу згодовування препаратів відбирали бджіл для визначення вмісту Со, Zn, Cu, Ag у тканинах організму. Результати опрацьовані статистично з використанням комп’ютерної програми Microsoft Excel. Мета досліджень – визначити безпечність для бджільництва застосування експериментальних препаратів для захисту рослин “А-І” та “А-Ф” за умов згодовування їх бджолам. Встановлені відмінності впливу препаратів “А-І” та “А-Ф” на збереженість і загибель бджіл, вміст у їхніх тканинах Со та Си залежно від концентрації, способу і тривалості застосування. Відзначено суттєвий позитивний вплив згодовування препарату “А-Ф” у розведенні 1:1000 на збереженість бджіл з підвищенням кількості живих на 12,7&nbsp;% на 7-му добу стосовно контролю. Застосування цього препарату у розведенні 1:500 та його суміші з “А-І” у розведеннях 1:1000 і 1:500 зменшувало показники збереженості бджіл упродовж всього дослідного періоду. Роздільне вигодовування препарату “А-Ф” і сумісне з “А-І” у розведеннях 1:1000 та 1:500 зумовлювало найвищий вміст Со у тканинах бджіл. Відзначено нижчий вміст Сu у тканинах бджіл дослідних груп на тлі вищого рівня Zn і Ag за сумісної дії обох препаратів у розведенні 1:500 порівняно з контролем. Отримані результати вказують на токсичну дію препарату “А-І” на медоносних бджіл у застосованих в умовах лабораторії концентраціях та поєднаннях, а препарату “А-Ф” – лише у розведенні 1:500. Встановлено високу кумулятивну здатність препарату “А-Ф” у застосованих дозах щодо вмісту Со у тканинах організму бджіл