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    The gain from dividing parks into smaller pieces to reduce travel costs is weighed against the loss in services the parks provide since they are smaller. The optimal number of parks is dependent on whether travel costs are concentrated in parts of the town.Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Amount and Spatial Distribution of Public Open Space to Maximize the Net Benefits from Urban Recreation

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    The spatial arrangement of public open spaces in communities has an important influence on the recreational net benefits from those public open spaces. A prime example of a public open space in communities where spatial arrangement is important is parks. From the perspective of maximizing the net benefits of recreation, there is a tradeoff between placing all the land for parks in a single park and making several parks to reduce the travel costs of households to the parks. If several parks are made, then the amount of land in each park is reduced, and the recreational net benefit of a trip to any of the parks is less. Since recreation is an important source of value from parks, an examination of an optimal spatial arrangement of parks for recreation in a community is of interest to community planners. The community is assumed to be a slice of a larger urban area or a small town since the housing structure and socioeconomic characteristics of the community is assumed homogeneous. The demand for recreation trips to parks is shifted by the socioeconomic characteristics of the population and the size of the parks. The size of the parks is the division of the number of parks into the total amount of land in parks. The price of a trip to a park is the cost of a round trip to the park. The consumer surplus of a trip to a park is the net benefit the person receives from the park. The amount of land for parks and number of parks to maximize the net benefits from recreation is determined from the model of the demand for trips to a park. Comparative static results suggest that the optimal amount of land, number of parks, and the size of the parks depend on the socioeconomic characteristics of the city. Cities with higher populations, more income, and more education should have more land in parks, more parks, and the parks should be smaller. Lower travel costs and prices of land should result in more land in parks and more parks, but there should be no influence on the park size. Data are collected from seventy cities on the amount of land, size, and number of parks. The distances between the parks, distances of the parks from downtown, and other variables relevant to the spatial distribution of parks are also obtained. Data on the socioeconomic characteristics of the population, travel costs, and the price of land are collected for the cities. The same data is collected for each of the one hundred and sixty nine zip codes associated with the seventy cities. These zip codes are spatially smaller and may better represent homogeneous communities. Three equations are estimated to learn the influence of the socioeconomic and travel cost features of a city on the spatial distribution of parks. The three equations are the estimation of the amount of land, the number and the size of parks. The results of the estimation for the amount of land in parks equation match the theoretical predictions, and the fit of the relationship is good. Population, population density, and land price have a significant influence on the amount of land in parks. A larger population makes a city create more land in parks while population density and the price of land makes a city reduce the amount of land. The results of the estimation for the number and size of parks are less clear. The results match the comparative static predictions loosely, and the fit of the equations is not good. These findings may reflect incorrect assumptions on the preferences of people for park size in the theoretical model, or the data that the preferences are supposed to represent are clouded with noise from government regulations, costly removal of parks, and other features of the complexity of urban spatial structure. Although recreation is significant component of the value households derive from parks, there has been little attention paid to determining the spatial arrangement of parks to maximize the net benefits. The theoretical results suggest that the amount of land and the spatial distribution of parks should be sensitive to the socioeconomic characteristics of a community. However, only the predicted signs of the socioeconomic characteristic on the amount of land in parks hold up empirically. The spatial distribution of land is more sensitive to institutional factors that probably make it necessary to have more data on parks to fully identify the relationship between the socioeconomic characteristics and the number and size of parks.Public Economics,

    Development Patterns and the Recreation Value of Amenities

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    Public open spaces around and within urban areas have been increasingly developed due to greater population pressures. My paper investigates if land around public open spaces is likely to get developed faster since households are attracted to the recreation value as well as the environmental amenities of the public open space. There has been inadequate attention in the literature to the influence of the different sources of value of open space on housing prices. While views of open space are certainly an important source of value to households, public open space is also valued because households enjoy recreation at the open space. Adopting the monocentric city model, simulations examine how the different sources of value of public open space influence the developed area, rent gradient and the development density of an urban area. The monocentric city model has residents competing for housing around a single central business district (CBD) while developers choose the density of development from the expected prices of the homes at that location in the city. Simulations of the closed city model result in equilibrium rent gradients for land and the housing, a utility level, and a city boundary. By referencing the monocentric city model with two-dimensional coordinates, Wu and Plantinga (2003) are able to more spatially explicitly examine the influence of amenities on the equilibrium state of the city. Amenities are shown to generate leap-frog development, influence the developed area of the city, the population density, rent gradients and location of different income groups. Although different shapes and areas of amenities are examined in their paper, there is no investigation of the proper proximity of these amenities to each other. Several small amenities dispersed far apart from each other in the city may result in less total amount of developed land than if there is only a single large amenity. Another reason that the proximity of amenities to each other matters is that the net benefits from recreation are influenced by the spatial arrangement of the amenities. Consumer´s surplus from recreation trips to the amenity is the net benefit of the amenity, with the price of a recreation trip including the travel cost to the amenity. The travel costs from recreation at amenities depend on how widely dispersed the amenities are in the city. While several amenities located widely throughout a city lower the travel costs of recreation, the city tends to diffuse more too resulting in a larger developed area. On the other hand, a single centrally located amenity contracts the city resulting in a smaller developed area although the travel costs of recreation rise slightly. Simulations from the model collect information on the aggregate amount of recreation trips, recreational net benefits, and the developed area. More localized benefits of amenities like nice views and cleaner air have a stronger influence on housing prices and development densities than the less localized benefits of amenities like recreation. If the travel costs for recreation are low, then only the localized benefits of amenities influence housing prices and development densities. However, if the demand for recreation and the travel costs to reach the amenity is high, the benefits of recreation have the potential to influence the housing prices and development densities in that area of the city. There are several potential solutions to the problem of recreation benefits of the amenities leading to the unwanted development of natural or agricultural land. The simplest solution is to regulate that no recreation take place at the amenity. Of course, the nice views and cleaner air may still draw development outward, and the enforcement of no recreation is necessary. Rather than prohibit recreation, raising user fees at recreation sites is a way to generate revenue for the city while simultaneously restraining sprawl. If the cost of travel to a recreation site is high, development is more likely near the site since households want the benefit of a trip without the high cost of travel to the site. If roads to the recreation site are improved to reduce the cost of travel, households will prefer to locate close to the central business district rather than the recreation site to reduce the cost of their daily commutes.Public Economics,

    Identifying Individual Discount Rates and Valuing Public Open Space with Stated Preference Models

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    An individual's rate of time preference is an important consideration for individuals deciding whether to support a public good since the benefits of a public good often come in the future. Our study finds individual discount rates from a contingent valuation method (CVM) question where the time frame of the payment schedule is varied across surveys. We find discount rates similar to the rates found in the recent revealed preference and experimental literature of around 30%. Our CVM question addresses the preservation of additional open space adjacent to a large regional park at the urban fringe of Portland, Oregon.Resource /Energy Economics and Policy, H43, Q51, Q15,

    Zero temperature properties of mesons in a vector meson extended linear sigma model

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    A three flavor linear sigma model with vector and axial-vector mesons is discussed. Preliminary results concerning on the symmetry breaking pattern, the question of parameterization, as well as the resulting meson masses are presented.Comment: 4 pages, 0 figures, submitted to the Hot and Cold Baryonic Matter (HCBM 2010) conference proceeding

    The status of pentaquark spectroscopy on the lattice

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    The present work is a summary of the status of lattice pentaquark calculations. After a pedagogic introduction to the basics of lattice hadron spectroscopy we give a critical comparison of results presently available in the literature. Special emphasis is put on presenting some of the possible pitfalls of these calculations. In particular we discuss at length the choice of the hadronic operators and the separation of genuine five-quark states from meson-baryon scattering states.Comment: 13 pages LaTeX, 1 eps figur

    Novel small-size directional antenna for UWB WBAN/WPAN applications

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    Sanctifying Ethnic Memory and Reinforcing Place Attachment: Cultural Identity, Sacred Place, and Pilgrimage in Esterhazy, Saskatchewan

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    On November 8,1908, the Our Lady of Assumption Church was opened in the Hungarian Catholic community of Kaposvar, Saskatchewan (located 4 km south of the present-day town of Esterhazy). Nearly a century later, the focal point of the early farming district remains an important commemorative site in eastern Saskatchewan for descendants of the pioneers who settled in the Kaposvar district under Count Paul d'Esterhazy's 1886 Hungarian colonization initiative. Centred on the church grounds, commemorative celebration and an annual pilgrimage have served as important agencies of cultural retention for local Hungarian-Canadians. This paper explores the evolution of cultural identity in the former ethnic enclave of Kaposvar and reveals the role of a traditional religious pilgrimage in reinforcing identity forming place attachment.Le 8 novembre 1908, l’église Notre-Dame-de-l’Assomption a ouvert ses portes dans la communauté catholique hongroise de Kaposvar en Saskatchewan (située à 4 km au sud de la Ville actuelle d’Esterhazy). Près d’un siècle plus tard, le centre de ce district agricole demeure un important lieu commémoratif de l’est de la Saskatchewan pour les descendants des pionniers qui se sont établis en 1886 dans le district de Kaposvar dans le cadre du projet de colonisation hongroise du comte Paul d’Esterhazy. Tenus sur les terrains de l’église, la célébration commémorative et le pèlerinage annuel ont constitué d’importants moyens de conservation de la culture des Canadiens hongrois de la région. Ce document porte sur l’évolution de l’identité culturelle dans l’ancienne enclave ethnique de Kaposvar et révèle le rôle d’un pèlerinage religieux traditionnel dans le renforcement de l’attachement à un lieu porteur d’identité

    Pentaquark hadrons from lattice QCD

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    We study spin 1/2 isoscalar and isovector candidates in both parity channels for the recently discovered \Theta^+(1540) pentaquark particle in quenched lattice QCD. Our analysis takes into account all possible uncertainties, such as statistical, finite size and quenching errors when performing the chiral and continuum extrapolations and we have indications that our signal is separated from scattering states. The lowest mass that we find in the I^P=0^- channel is in complete agreement with the experimental value of the \Theta^+ mass. On the other hand, the lowest mass state in the opposite parity I^P=0^+ channel is much higher. Our findings suggests that the parity of the \Theta^+ is negative.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures. Final version, appeared in JHE

    Scalar mesons in a linear sigma model with (axial-)vector mesons

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    The structure of the scalar mesons has been a subject of debate for many decades. In this work we look for qˉq\bar{q}q states among the physical resonances using an extended Linear Sigma Model that contains scalar, pseudoscalar, vector, and axial-vector mesons both in the non-strange and strange sectors. We perform global fits of meson masses, decay widths and amplitudes in order to ascertain whether the scalar qˉq\bar{q}q states are below or above 1 GeV. We find the scalar states above 1 GeV to be preferred as qˉq\bar{q}q states.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, To appear in the proceedings of the XII. Hadron Physics Conference, Bento Goncalves, Brasil, April, 22 - 27, 201