15 research outputs found

    Povijest Opće bolnice Virovitica (History of Virovitica General hospital)

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    Povijest zdravstva u Virovitici započinje vrlo rano. Tragovi nas vode u davnu 1234.godinu, kada se i ime Virovitica po prvi put spominje. Liječničku pomoć narodu pružaju franjevci. Akcija za podizanje bolnice u Virovitici započinje vrlo rano, 1841.godine kada se osniva dobrotvorno bolničko društvo. Ideja bolnice u Virovitici lagano je sazrijevala, no postojeće financijske poteškoće priječile su izgradnju iste. Godine 1901. graditelj Pavao Rokobacker preuzima izgradnju bolnice u Virovitici. Bolnica započinje s radom 17.10.1902.godine i njen prvi upravitelj postaje dr. Matković. Tijekom narednog perioda bolnica se razvija, ali i prolazi kroz teška i krizna razdoblja tijekom I. i II. svjetskog rata. Godine 1958. osniva se Zdravstveni centar integracijom bolnice i Doma zdravlja. 1962. preimenuje se u Medicinski centar, a 1994. dijeli se na Opću bolnicu Virovitica i Dom zdravlja. Bolnica igra važnu ulogu u vrijeme domovinskog rata. Tijekom 1991./1992. u bolnici se liječe 463 žrtve rata


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    Onesnaževanje voda z lahkimi tekočinami je resen okoljski problem. Rešitve, s katerimi lahko ta problem zmanjšamo oz. odpravimo, so lovilci mineralnih olj, lovilci maščob in lovilci škroba. Vsi ti sistemi so si v osnovi zelo podobni. Namestimo jih na mesto med izvorom odpadne vode in med izlivom v vode ali v javno kanalizacijo in delujejo po istem principu mehanskega procesa ločevanja mešanic substanc. Materiali za izdelavo lovilcev lahkih tekočin so beton, jeklo in plastični materiali.Water pollution with light liquids is a serious environmental problem. Solutions by which this problem can be reduced or eliminated are the mineral light liquid, grease and starch separator system. All these systems are basically very similar. They have to be placed between the location of origin of the waste water and the spout of water or public sewage system. It operates on the same principle as the mechanical process of separating mixtures of substances. Materials for making light liquid separator systems are concrete, steel and plastic materials


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    V zadnjih nekaj desetletjih se je uporaba informacijskih tehnologij drastično povečala, zaradi česar so vse večji pomen začela dobivati orodja za učinkovito upravljanje informacijskih tehnologij. Magistrsko delo se osredotoča na spoznanje informacijskih tehnologij in sistemov, ki so danes izjemno pomemben del poslovanja. V delu spoznamo informacijske tehnologije in sisteme, njihove sestavine in orodja za interno revizijo in organizacijo v podjetjih. Za uspešno poslovanje je potrebno ustrezno upravljanje informatike, kar dosegamo z različnimi standardi in orodij, ki jih spoznamo v nalogi. Zelo podrobno podajamo pregled dveh najpomembnejših orodij na tem področju, ITIL in COBIT, podajamo njihove sestavine in temeljne osnove za uspešno implementacijo.In recent decades, the use of information technology has increased dramatically, resulting in the growing importance of tools that allow us to effectively manage information technology. The thesis focuses on getting to know information technologies and systems, which have become an integral part of todays business. We get to know information technologies and systems, their components ant tools for internal auditing and organization of businesses. In order to conduct business successfully it is necessary to properly manage the enterprises information technology, which is achieved with different standards and tools. We conduct a detailed overview of the two most important tools in this field, ITIL and COBIT, and learn of their components and basic steps to conduct a successful implementation of said tools


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    V diplomskem delu smo spoznali elektronsko bančništvo in storitve v elektronskem bančništvu, med katere spadajo plačilne kartice, bankomati, mobilno bančništvo in storitev, v katero smo se najbolj poglobili, internetno bančništvo. Spoznali smo njegove prednosti in slabosti ter koristi, ki jih imajo banke in komitenti. V sklopu internetnega bančništva smo pregledali tudi varnostne vidike in spoznali nekatere najpogostejše nevarnosti in grožnje, ki pretijo na uporabnike te storitve, in načine, na katere se pred njimi zaščitimo. V nadaljevanju smo spoznali razvoj internetnega bančništva na našem območju in predstavili ponudbo vseh bank na slovenskem. Diplomsko delo smo podprli s primerom in s predstavitvijo Banke Koper d.d., kjer smo podrobno spoznali vse njihove storitve. Banke morajo slediti novim trendom poslovanja, saj na trgu vlada hud boj za stranke, prednost pred konkurenco pa dobiš in obdržiš le, če si vedno korak pred njo. Investicije v nove načine poslovanja in iskanje ustreznih informacijskih rešitev so torej nujne in upravičene.In this thesis we focused on electronic banking and all the services in electronic banking, among which are payment cards, ATMs, mobile banking and a service that we came to know very closely, internet banking. We focused on the pros and cons of the service and on the advantages and disadvatages that it brings to clients and banks. Within internet banking we realize there are many risks and dangers preying on the user sof internet banking, we also went through the most common ones and listed and described some means of protection. We also described the developement of internet banking on Slovenian soil and described the offer of banks in our area. Thet hesis is supported by a case and presentation of Banka Koper d.d. in which we learned about their services. Banks have to follow the modern trends of doing business, because the market is very unforgiving and thefight for clients is as tense as ever. Gaining and keeping an advantage over the competition is crucial, therefore the investments being made in new ways of doing business and searching for IT solutions are necessary


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    Za ustanovitev novega podjetja ni dovolj le ideja. Zelo pomembno je, da že preden se lotimo ustanovitve, preučimo vse možnosti, predvsem prednosti in slabosti, ki nam jih lahko le-to prinese. Diplomska naloga predstavlja poslovni načrt za novo podjetje, ki se ukvarja z uvozom češkega piva v Slovenijo. Namen naloge je, da se ugotovi smotrnost ustanovitve takšnega podjetja. Predvsem želimo ugotoviti ceno piva, po kateri bi ga morali prodati, da bi ustvarili dobiček. Opredeliti je potrebno stroške, ki nastanejo pri ustanovitvi in poslovanju ter ob tem upoštevati pravne okvire, ki nam jih narekuje država. Raziskati moramo tudi okolje, v katerem nameravamo poslovati in napraviti projekcijo poslovanja za bližnjo prihodnost. Ko na koncu seštejemo vse pluse in minuse lahko imamo osnovo na podlagi katere se odločimo, ali ustanoviti takšno podjetje ali ne.An idea is not enough to form a company. It is very important to study all options, namely strengths and weaknesses, before forming one. This BA thesis is presenting a business plan for a new company which imports Czech beer in Slovenia. The purpose of the thesis is to see, if this kind of business would be viable and to understand the prices of beer the company would sell in order to make a profit. It is important to understand the nature of the costs of forming the company while keeping in mind the legal procedures and costs set up by the state. It is also important to research the environment in which the business will be run and to surmise a business plan for the near future. When all data is collected, we can clearly see the ups and the downs of running this kind of company and this can serve as a basis on which to decide if forming it would make sense

    Information hiding methods in PNG images

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    V diplomskem delu najprej predstavimo pomembne aspekte slikovnega formata PNG, kjer razložimo koncept prepletanja in filtre PNG. Nato se osredotočimo na metode za prekrivanje informacije. Osredotočimo se na metode LSB, LSBMR, PVD, PPV in EMD. Metode implementiramo in jih nato med seboj primerjamo.In this thesis first important aspects of PNG image format are explainedconcept of interlacing and PNG filters. Then focus is on information hiding methods, especially on methods LSB, LSBMR, PVD, PPV and EMD. Methods are also implemented and compared

    Operation of a Military Off-Road Vehicle Analysis with the Purpose of Hybridization of its Drive Assembly

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    Magistrsko delo obravnava področje hibridizacije pogonskih sklopov vojaških terenskih vozil. V delu so predstavljene zmogljivostne zahteve zanje, podani so nekateri koncepti generičnih arhitektur hibridnih električnih pogonskih sklopov ter osnove s področja regenerativnega zaviranja. Z analizo opravljenih pospeševalnih in zavornih preizkusov vozne dinamike SKOV 8 × 8 Svarun smo ovrednotili njegove pospeševalne in zaviralne zmogljivostne lastnosti. Na podlagi kontinuiranih meritev smo določili pet karakterističnih obratovalnih voznih ciklov in izračunali oceno energijskih potreb ter oceno teoretične razpoložljive regenerativne zaviralne energije za vožnjo znotraj njih. Izvedli smo tudi meritev za določitev skupnega voznega upora vozila. Rezultate analiz obratovanja vozila smo povezali s teoretičnimi izhodišči zmogljivostnih zahtev in ocenili primernost predstavljenih posameznih hibridnih arhitektur.Master\u27s thesis deals with the field of hybridization of military off-road vehicle drive trains. In the thesis, we present their performance requirements, some concepts of hybrid electric drive assembly generic architectures and basics in the field of regenerative braking. Based on the analysis of the performed accelerating and braking tests of the 8 × 8 Svarun medium wheeled armoured vehicle driving dynamics, we assessed its accelerating and braking performance characteristics. Based on continuous measurements, we determined five characteristic operating driving cycles and calculated an estimation of the energy needs, as well as an estimation of the theoretically available regenerative braking energy for driving within them. We also performed measurements in order to determine the total running resistance of the vehicle. We combined results of the vehicle operation analysis with theoretical starting points of the performance requirements and estimated suitability of the presented individual hybrid architectures

    Fresh Water Tank Vehicles

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    V zaključni nalogi smo predstavili dejavnike, ki jih je potrebno upoštevati pri izgradnji cisternskega vozila za prevoz pitne vode. Osredotočili smo se na nadgradnje cisternskih vozil, ki se uporabljajo tudi za prevoz pitne vode in so produkt slovenskega podjetja. Naša naloga je bila raziskovalno in razvojno poudariti dejavnike, ki bi lahko med prevozom pitne vode škodili. Ugotavljali smo ali je material nerjaveče jeklo oznake AISI 304, ki prihaja v stik s pitno vodo, primeren za izgradnjo tovrstnih vozil. Ugotovili smo, da je pri izgradnji takega vozila, poleg pravilne izbire materiala, potrebno upoštevati različne predpise in konstrukcijske pristope izgradnje. Analiza rezultatov pitne vode nam je potrdila primernost omenjenega materiala za uporabo pri izgradnji cisternskih vozil, za namen prevoza pitne vode.In the final thesis we presented the key factors which must be considered in the design of drinking water tank vehicles. We focused on the upgrade of the drinking water tank vehicle type PRE 04, produced by a Slovenian company. Our aim was to research factors which could potentially be harmful during the transport of drinking water. We examined whether stainless steel AISI 304, which comes into contact with drinking water is suitable for the design of such vehicles. We have found that when designing such a vehicle, in addition to the correct selection of material, different regulations and approaches to design must be considered. The analysis of the results of drinking water confirmed the suitability of the mentioned material for use in the structure of water tank vehicles for transporting drinking water

    SPIHT implementation

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    V magistrskem delu najprej predstavimo Haarovo transformacijo. Nato razložimo pojme in podatkovne strukture, potrebne za razumevanje algoritma SPIHT. Predstavimo psevdokod implementacije kodiranja in dekodiranja. Delovanje pokažemo na primeru. Algoritem implementiramo in ga testiramo na različnih slikah. Učinkovitost stiskanja primerjamo s formati PNG, JPEG in JPEG 2000, ki se izkaže kot najučinkovitejši.In this thesis, first, the Haar transform is presented. Then, the basic concepts and data structures necessary for understanding the SPIHT algorithm are explained. Pseudocode implementations of encoding and decoding are presented. Their functioning is illustrated with an example. The algorithm is implemented and tested on different images. Compres- sion efficiency is compared with the PNG, JPEG, and JPEG 2000 formats. The most efficient was JPEG 2000