41 research outputs found

    Risk management models in the banking sector

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    Predmet istraživanja u ovom radu jeste upravljanje rizicima i modeli zaštite od rizika u bankarskom sektoru. Ciljevi istraživanja su utvrđivanje stepena značaja i uticaja upravljanja unutrašnjim i spoljnim rizicima na uspešnost poslovanja banaka u strateškom smislu, na dugi rok. Terensko istraživanje je sprovedeno na uzorku od 113 preduzeća u Srbiji u 2015. godini, od kojih su 26 banke. Korišćene su naučne metode: teorijske analize, istorijske analogije,induktivna metoda, deduktivna metoda, logičko istraživanje,komparativna metoda, metode anketiranja i intervjuisanja u terenskom istraživanju, grafička obrada podataka, te statističke metode deskriptivne statističke analize opserviranih podataka, modeli višestruke regresione analize i logistička regresija. Osnovni rezultati teorijskih i empirijskih istraživanja pokazuju da je nophodno razvijati kulturu rizika, meriti i upravljati rizicima kako bi se postigao pozitivan  uticaj na uspešnost poslovanja banke, ili samnjio njihov eventualni negativan uticaj. Rezultati istraživanja ove disertacije doprinose ekonomskoj teoriji u oblasti  unapređenja modeliranja zaštite od rizika u bankarstvu i uspešnosti ove industrije na dugi rok.The subject of the research presented in the thesis is risk management and models and methods of protection against the risk in the banking sector. Research goals include determining the degree of importance and influence management to internal and external risks to the performance of banks in strategic terms, in the long run. Field research was conducted on a sample of 113 companies in Serbia in 2015, of which 26 are banks. There were further scientific methods used: theoretical analysis, historical analogies, inductive method, deductive method, logical research, comparative method, graphical data processing, and statistical methods of descriptive statistical analysis of the observed data, models of multiple regression analysis and logistic regression. Basic results of theoretical and empirical studies undertaken in this thesis  show the importance of developing a culture of risk, measuring and managing risks and developing the models  of protection against the risk in order to achieve a positive impact on the performance of the bank, or reduce their possible negative impact.  The research results of this thesis contribute to economic theory in the field of improving the modeling of protection against risks in the banking sector and the performance of this industry in the long run

    Effect of colloidal solution silver ions on the values of oxidative and nitrosative status parameters in the treatment of chronic periodontitis

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitivanje uticaja vodenog rastvora jona srebra (JS) kao lokalnog adjuvantnog antiseptika u okviru kauzalne terapije parodontopatije u poređenju sa rastvorom hlorheksidina (CHX). U istraživanju je praćen uticaj vodenog rastvora jona srebra na vrednosti parametara oksidativnog i nitrozativnog statusa u salivi i gingivalnoj crevikularnoj tečnosti (GCF), kao što su: koncentracija supstanci koje reaguju sa tiobarbiturnom kiselinom (TBARS), koncentracija nitrita i nitrata (NO2+NO3), stvaranje superoksidnog anjona (O2 .- ), određivanje ukupnog antioksidativnog kapaciteta (TAS), aktivnost ukupne superoksid dizmutaze (tSOD), katalaze (SAT), glutation peroksidaze (GPx) i sadržaj ukupnog glutationa (tGSH). U prospektivnoj kohortnoj studiji uzelo je učešće 90 ispitanika (50 bolesnika i 40 kontrolnih subjekata), oba pola, dobi od 25-65 godina, podeljenih u četiri grupe. Prvu grupu (BJS, n=25) činili su ispitanici oboleli od generalizovane hronične parodontopatije, koji su bili tretirani u okviru kauzalne terapije višeseansnom metodom kiretaže parodontalnih džepova i poliranjem površine korena zuba, uz ispiranje parodontalnih džepova vodenim rastvorom jona srebra koncentracije 5mg/ml (JS). Ova grupa je bila praćena pre (BJS pre) i posle (BJS posle) terapije ovim antiseptikom. Druga grupa ispitanika (BCHX, n=25) je pored obrade parodontalnih džepova bila tretirana 0,2% rastvorom hlorheksidina (CHX) i takođe praćena pre (BCHX pre) i posle (BCHX posle) terapije. Kontrolnu grupu činili su sistemski zdravi ispitanici, podeljeni u dve grupe. Jedna grupa je dobijala rastvor jona srebra (ZJS, n=20), a druga rastvor hlorheksidina (ZCHX, n=20) za ispiranje usne duplje. Parametri koji su praćeni odnosili su se na ispitivanje gingive i parodoncijuma (plak ideks, gingivalni indeks, nivo pripojnog epitela, dubina parodontalnog džepa), kao i stepen oksidativnih, odnosno nitrozativnih aktivnosti u salivi i GCF pre i nakon parodontalne terapije. Rezultati sprovedene studije su pokazali da je vodeni rastvor srebrnih jona jednako efikasan kao hlorheksidin, a obzirom na njegovu bolju podnošljivost intezivna primena srebrnih jona kod bolesnika sa hroničnom generalizovanom parodontopatijom pokazuje veliki napredak u terapiji.The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of an colloidal silver ions solution as a local adjuvant antiseptic in the treatment of chronic periodontitis compared with a chlorhexidine solution. The study monitored the effect of an colloidal silver ions solution on the values of oxidative and nitrosative status parameters in saliva and gingival crevicular fluid (GCF), such as: concentration of substances that reacts with thiobarbituric acid (TBARS), concentration of nitrite and nitrate (NO2 +NO3) , superoxide anion formation (O2 .- ), determination of total antioxidant capacity (TAS), total superoxide dismutase (tSOD) activity, catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and total glutathione (tGSH) content. The prospective cohort study was encompasseed 90 subjects (50 patients and 40 control subjects), of both sexes, aged 25-65 years, divided into four groups. The first group (BJS, n = 25) consisted of subjects with generalized chronic periodontitis, who were treated with a 5mg/ml of colloidal silver ions solution after scaling and root planing of periodontal pockets. This group was monitored before and after the therapy with this antiseptic. The second group of subjects (BCHX, n = 25) were treated with 0.2% chlorhexidine solution and also monitored before and after the therapy. The control group consisted of systemically healthy subjects, divided into two groups. One group received a colloidal silver ions solution (ZJS, n = 20), and the other a solution of chlorhexidine (ZCHX, n = 20) due to oral cavity rinsing. The monitored parameters related to the examination of the gingiva and periodontium (plaque index, gingival index, the clinical attachment level, the periodontal pocket depth), as well as the degree of oxidative and nitrosative activities in the saliva and GCF before and after periodontal therapy. The results of the study showed that a colloidal silver ions solution was at least equally effective as a chlorhexidine solution. Intensive use of silver ions solution in chronic generalized periodontitis patients showed great progress in causal therapy, because of its better tolerability Key words: periodontitis; oxidative stress; nitrosative status; scaling and root planing; antiseptic

    The Impact of IT on the Banking Productivity

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    There has been much debate on whether the investment in Information Technology provides improvements in productivity and business efficiency of banks and, weather the usage of the opportunities of Digital Technologies to better serve customers and achieve firm goals the proliferation of technologies offers vast new opportunities. This paper investigates the impact of ICT capital on productivity in banks. For the analysis, data from various research reports, and reliable studies on banking efficiency and productivity and digitalization of their services are employed. The results obtained shed some light on the relative impact of ICT capital, and provide new insights about the structural dynamics between these factor inputs. We find that the banks as financial service sectors in developed countries are quite similar in terms of efficiency, and that efficiency and productivity depends more and more on ICT capital. Although, the financial services industry and banks in particular increasingly invest in technologies to improve their online banking and more recently their mobile payment solutions, the Serbian case, as banking sector in transition countries, shows slower implementation of new digital trends in operational activities of the banks. At the same time, banks use tools such as social networks, digital tools kits, online competitions, online advertising campaigns, mobile apps, location-based services and online market research to connect with customers. The paper also provides an overview of digital trends in general and the banking industry in particular and best practices how digital media tools are helpful to achieve marketing goals, and ultimately generate higher revenues at lower costs. The contribution of the paper can be seen also in: Deeping the understanding of (stationary and mobile) digital technologies in the marketing tool box; Further exploring the digital landscape and the types of digital customers in the banking industry, and in discussions the cases of the introduction of a mobile payment system

    Ekonomska isplativost primene različitih količina azota u proizvodnji hibrida kukuruza različitih FAO grupa zrenja na zemljištu tipa černozem

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    The aim of this study is to determine the optimum quantity of nitrogen applied in corn production at which maximum profit is achieved. Optimal nitrogen application is important for two main reasons: first for achieving maximum profitability in the production of maize and other is to avoid environmental pollution as the nitrogen is one of the main polluters. In the three-year period (2005 - 2007) were performed research on the effects of nitrogen quantity (control - without fertilization, PKNfon, PKN60, PKN120 and PKN180) and hybrids of different vegetation length (ZPSC 434 ZPSC ZPSC 578 and 677) on yield and profitability. Increasing application of nitrogen tended to raise grain yield by 9.9 - 13.5%. The lowest average corn grain yield (9.49 t ha-1) was registered with the hybrid ZP 434. It was somewhat higher (9.75 t ha-1) with the hybrid ZP 578 and the highest corn grain yield (10.03 t ha-1) with ZP 677. Study shows that highest yield is not always most profitable. In production year with good water supply (2005) highest profit is achieved with moderate use of nitrogen (60 kg ha-1). In draught production years (2006 and 2007) highest profit was achieved with application of 60 to 120 kg ha-1.Cilj rada je utvrđivanje optimalne količine primene azota u gajenju kukuruza pri kojoj se ostvaruje maksimalni prihod. Optimalna aplikacija azota je važna iz dva razloga: prvo za postizanje maksimalne profitabilnosti u proizvodnji kukuruza i drugih je da se izbegne zagađenje životne sredine s obzirom da je azot je jedan od glavnih zagađivača. Istraživanja su sprovedena u periodu od tri godine (2005 - 2007) o efektima količine primenjenog azota (kontrola - bez đubrenja, PKNfon, PKN60, PKN120 i PKN180) i hibrida različite dužine vegetacije (ZPSC 434 ZPSC ZPSC 578 i 677) na prinos i profitabilnost proizvodnje. Povećanje primena azota ima tendenciju da podigne prinos od 9,9 - 13,5%. Najniža prosečan prinos zrna kukuruza (9,49 t ha-1) je registrovan kod hibrida ZP 434. Prinos je bio nešto veći (9,75 t ha-1) kod hibrida ZP 578 i najviši prinos zrna (10,03 t ha-1) sa ZP 677. Studija pokazuje da najveći prinos nije uvek najprofitabilnija. U proizvodnoj godini sa dobrim vodnim režimom (2005) najveći profit je ostvaren sa umerenom upotrebom azota (60 kg ha-1). U sušnim proizvodnim godinama (2006 i 2007) najviši profit ostvaren je sa primenom 60 do 120 kg ha-1

    Assessment of the periodontal health and community periodontal index in the Army of Serbia

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    © 2015, Institut za Vojnomedicinske Naucne Informacije/Documentaciju. All rights reserved. Background/Aim. Promotion of oral health in military population is not only a significant component of general health, but also of the military readiness and represents the strategic orientation of each country. The basic task of military dentistry is to provide oral health of military personnel and to enable their operational readiness at the optimal level. The aim of the study was to assess the periodontal condition in Serbian military population using the community periodontal index of treatment needs (CPITN), and the influence of general life habits and local risk factors on periodontal health. Methods. This prospective cross-sectional pilot study was conducted on 101 examinees at the mean age of 38.94 ± 11.63 years who had dental check-ups at the Dental Clinic of the Military Medical Academy in Belgrade. All the categories of military personnel aged 20–64 years were divided into five groups. The frequency distribution of general and local factors on periodontal health, oral hygiene index, and the assessment of the mean number of sextants by CPITN compared to age were examined. Results. The examinees at the age of 51–60 years had the best oral hygiene index (0.95 ± 0.65), whereas the oldest population had the worst (1.63 ± 0.42). Only one person (5.6%) at the age group of 51–60 years had a completely healthy periodontium. Observed in relation to the age groups, the mean values of sextants increased linearly, but in general population, the most frequent CPITN categories were in sextant with the periodontal pockets 4–5 mm (score 3). Conclusions. Compared to the results from other countries shown by the World Health Organization, the periodontal condition in our examinees is below the average. The appropriate preventive program preparation and its implementation are needed, including primarily the appropriate training on oral hygiene, as well as education based on periodontal disease prevention and treatment

    Uticaj tonzilektomije na kvalitet glasa

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    Introduction/Objective Tonsillitis is a very common condition found in the pediatric population but also in adult patients. One of the consequences of such conditions is poor voice quality. Hoarseness, poor voice impostation, interruption, and hypernazalization are just some of the differences in patient voice quality. The objective of this paper was to examine the effects of tonsillectomy on the voice quality. Methods the sample included 37 patients, 17 female and 20 male, ranging in age 3-39 years. The method involved recording patients one month before and one month after tonsillectomy with a digital sound recorder, with recordings analyzed in the Praat program. The variables monitored in the basic voice were as follows: voice pitch, standard deviation of voice, degree of voice interruption, jitter, shimmer, and signal-to-noise ratio. In the statistical analysis, in addition to standard descriptive analyzes, t-test and ACNOVA were also used. Results the results showed that there are effects of tonsillectomy on standard deviation of baseline voice (p = 0.002), shimmer (p = 0.002), baseline voice interruption rate (p = 0.023), signal to noise ratio (p = 0.003). There were no differences in the effects of tonsillectomy with respect to the sex of the subjects. Conclusion Based on the conducted research, there were some methodological conclusions that could be considered as a recommendation for future research: increase the number of persons in the sample, introduce a variable of chronological age, type of surgical intervention, and gradation of size of the tonsil and adenoid tissue.Uvod/Cilj Oboljenja tonzila su veoma česta stanja koja se sreću u pedijatrijskoj populaciji ali i kod odraslih bolesnika. Jedna od posledica ovakvih stanja je loš kvalitet glasa. Promuklost, loša impostacija glasa, prekidnost i hipernazalizacija samo su neka odstupanja od normalnog kvaliteta glasa bolesnika. Cilj ovog rada je bio da se ispitaju efekti tonzilektomije na kvalitet glasa. Metode U uzorku je bilo 37 bolesnika, i to 17 ženskog i 20 muškog pola, starosti 3-39 godina. Metod je podrazumevao snimanje bolesnika pre i mesec dana posle tonzilektomije digitalnim snimačem zvuka; snimak je analiziran u programu Praat. Varijable koje su praćene u osnovnom glasu su visina glasa, standardna devijacija glasa, stepen prekidnosti glasa, jitter, shimmer i odnos signal-šum. U statističkoj analizi pored standardnih deskriptivnih analiza korišćeni su t-test i ACNOVA. Rezultati Rezultati pokazuju da postoje efekti tonzilektomije na standardnu devijaciju glasa (p = 0,002), stepen prekidnosti glasa (p = 0,002), shimmer (p = 0,023) i odnos signal-šum (p = 0,003). Nema razlika u efektima tonzilektomije u odnosu na pol ispitanika. Zaključak Na osnovu sprovedenog istraživanja došlo se i do nekih metodoloških zaključaka koji bi se mogli posmatrati kao preporuka za buduća istraživanja: povećati broj osoba u uzorku, uvesti varijablu hronološkog uzrasta, vrstu hirurške intervencije i gradaciju veličine tonzila i adenoidnog tkiva

    Recognition of emotions and affective attitudes in children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder

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    Background / Aim. Introduction and Children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) show lower degree of recognition of their own emotions and greater behavioral difficulties than children who do not have this disorder. This also affects the recognition of other people's emotions that are expressed not only by their language content, but also by their facial expression and the way they express the emotional message through speech. The aim of this study was to examine how children with ADHD recognize emotions in speech (joy, anger, fear, sadness) and affective attitudes (threat and commandment) in relation to children of typical development. Most research in this area focuses on recognizing emotions based on facial expressions rather than on emotions in speech. Methods. The study included 31 children with ADHD and 29 typical developmental children aged 6 to 13 years. To assess the ability to recognize emotions and affective attitudes, a corpus of Speech Emotional Expression and Attitudes (GEES - Korpus za procenu Govorne emocionalne ekspresije i stavova) was used. This corps included sentences that expressed emotions of anger, joy, fear, and sadness, and from affective attitudes, threat and command. Results and Conclusion. The results obtained show that children with ADHD have worse recognition of emotions and affective attitudes in speech than children of typical development (t = 8.81; p = 0.000). Joy is the only emotion where no statistically significant difference was found. In all other emotions and affective attitudes, a difference exists and is statistically significant (p<0.01). Also, the results showed that there was a statistically significant association between age and recognition of emotion and affective attitudes in both groups, but this association was more pronounced in children of typical development. The results of this study provided important clues about the perception of emotions and affective attitudes in speech in children with ADHD. These results are very important for the conception of therapeutic procedures, especially in the development of strategies for modeling the behavior of children with ADHD.Uvod / Cilj. Deca sa ADHD pokazuju slabije prepoznavanje sopstvenih emocija i veće ispoljavanje teškoća u ponašanju od dece koja nemaju ovu smetnju. Samim tim je pogođeno i prepoznavanje tuđih emocija koje se ispoljavaju ne samo jezičkim sadržajem već i izrazom lica i načinom izražavanja emotivne poruke govorom. Cilj ovog istraživanja 4 je bio da ispita kako deca sa poremećajem deficita pažnje i hiperaktivnošću (ADHD) prepoznaju emocije u govoru (radost, ljutnja, strah, tuga) i afektivne stavove (pretnja i zapovest) u odnosu na decu tipičnog razoja. Većina istraživanja iz ove oblasti fokusirana je na prepoznavanje emocija na osnovu izraza lica, a ne na osnovu emocija u govoru. Metode. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo 31 dete sa ADHD i 29 dece tipičnog razvoja uzrasta od 6 do 13 godina. Za procenu sposobnosti prepoznavanja emocija i afektivnih stavova, korišćen je korpus za procenu Govorne emocionalne ekspresije i stavova (GEES). U ovom korpusu su bile rečenice koje su izražavale emocije ljutnje, radosti, straha i tuge, a od afektivnih stavova pretnju i zapovest. Rezultati i zaključak. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da deca sa ADHD imaju lošije prepoznavanje emocija i afektivnih stavova u govoru u odnosu na decu tipičnog razvoja (t = 8.81; p = 0.000). Radost je jedina emocija gde nije utvrđena statistički značajna razlika. U svim drugim emocijama i afektivnim stavovima razlika postoji i statistički je značajna (p < 0.01). Takođe, rezultati su pokazali da postoji statistički značajna povezanost između uzrasta i prepoznavanja emocija i afektivnih stavova u obe grupe, ali je ta povezanost bila izraženija kod dece tipičnog razvoja. Rezultati ovog istraživanja dali su važne pokazatelje o percepciji emocija i afektivnih stavova u govoru kod dece sa ADHD. Ovi rezultati su veoma bitni za koncipiranje terapijskih procedura, posebno u razvoju strategija za modeliranje ponašanja dece sa ADHD

    Mortality rate of lip, oral cavity and pharynx malignant tumors in Serbia within a period 1991-2009

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    Background/Aim. Lip, oral cavity and pharynx malignant tumors account for 3.7% of all cancer deaths worldwide, with significant geographic variations in frequency and distribution. The aim of this descriptive epidemiologic study was to analyze the mortality rate of lip, oral cavity and pharynx malignant tumors in Serbia proper within a period 1991-2009. Methods. Mortality rates standardized directly using the world population as the standard were used in data analysis. Linear trend and regression analyses were used to analyze rate trends in mortality. Results. The Serbian population demonstrated an increase in the mortality of lip, oral cavity and pharynx malignant tumors (y = 3.32 + 0.03×; p = 0.002; average annual percent change = + 0.8). The male population showed a significant increase in mortality trend (y = 5.90 + 0.03×; p = 0.020; % change = + 0.9), while the female population did not show a significant increase in mortality. The male/female cancer mortality ratio was 5.5:1. Mortality rates for lip, oral cavity and pharynx cancer increased with age in both genders, with rates being the highest in the population aged 85 and older. Increasing trends of lip, oral cavity and pharynx cancer mortality were observed in males aged 50-54; the average annual percent change was + 7.4 % (95% CI, 6.2-9.0). The population of both genders aged 55-59 demonstrated an increase in lip, oral cavity and pharynx cancer mortality, the increase being + 1.8% (95% CI, 1.4-2.2) in men and + 34.3% (95% CI, 28.4-40.2) in women. Conclusion. The increasing trend in lip, oral cavity and pharynx cancer mortality points to the necessity to investigate etiology and improve primary and secondary prevention measures

    Karte potresne opasnosti za područje zapadnog Balkana

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    The Harmonization of Seismic Hazard Maps in the Western Balkan Countries Project (BSHAP) was funded for 7 years by NATO-Science for Peace Program to support the preparation of new seismic hazard maps of the Western Balkan Region using modern scientific tools. One of the most important outputs of the BSHAP is an updated and unified BSHAP earthquake catalogue that is compiled directly from the datasets of earthquake data providers of the region. In the framework of BSHAP, the regional free field strong motion network capacity was increased significantly by the purchased and installed recorders and the BSHAP strong motion database that includes both pre-BSHAP (mostly analog) and post-BSHAP (all digital) recordings was compiled. The BSHAP strong motion database is used for proper selection of the ground motion prediction equations (GMPEs) for the probabilistic seismic hazard assessment (PSHA) by comparing the compiled strong ground motions with the predictions of candidate global, European, and Euro-Med GMPEs in a systematic manner. BSHAP collected relevant knowledge about the geological structure of southwestern Balkans provided a better understanding of the prevailing stress regime in the region. The main output of BSHAP is the new probabilistic seismic hazard maps for Western Balkans, obtained by implementation of the smoothed-gridded seismicity approach. The results are expressed in terms of peak horizontal acceleration (PGA) for 95 and 475 years return periods aligned with Eurocode 8 requirements. The seismic hazard maps derived in this project are a good basis to characterize the seismic hazard of Western Balkans. They will help the national authorities, public and private institutions, civil emergencies agencies, etc., for urban planning, disaster preparedness, and seismic hazard mitigation.Projekt usklađivanja karata seizmičke opasnosti za područje Zapadnog Balkana (BSHAP) financiran je 7 godina od strane NATO programa „Science for Peace“ za pripremu novih karata seizmičke opasnosti za područje Zapadnog Balkana upotrebom modernih znanstvenih alata. Jedan od najvažnijih rezultata BSHAP programa je ažurirani i jedinstveni BSHAP katalog potresa direktno sastavljen iz baze podataka potresa iz pojedinih regija. U okviru BSHAP-a, znatno je povećana mreža „free-field“ uređaja za snimanje jakog gibanja tla kupnjom novih i postojećih uređaja (akcelerografa), te je BSHAP baza podataka zapisa jakih (akcelerografskih) potresa sastavljena od prijašnjih (većinom analognih zapisa) prije BSHAP projekta, i novih digitalnih zapisa nakon i u toku BSHAP projekta. BSHAP baza podataka jakih gibanja koristi se za odgovarajući odabir relacija za procjenu gibanja tla (GMPE) za procjenu vjerojatnosti potresne opasnosti (PSHA) usporedbom prikupljenih zapisa jakih gibanja s GMPE relacijama na globalnoj, europskoj i Euro-Med razini. U okviru BSHAP-a, prikupljeno je relevantno znanje o geološkoj strukturi jugozapadnog Balkana koje je omogućilo bolje razumijevanje prevladavajućeg smjera napetosti u regiji. Glavni rezultat BSHAP-a su nove karte potresne opasnosti za područje zapadnog Balkana dobivene primjenom pristupa tzv. mreže izglađivanja seizmičnosti. Rezultati su izraženi preko vršnih horizontalnih ubrzanja (PGA) za povratne periode 95 i 475 godina usklađeni s zahtjevima Eurocode 8. Izrađene karte potresne opasnosti u ovom projektu dobra su osnova za opis potresne opasnosti područja zapadnog Balkana. One će pomoći nacionalnim vlastima, javnim i privatnim institucijama, civilnim agencijama za hitne slučajeve i sl., te za urbanističko planiranje, pripremu za prirodnu katastrofu i smanjenje seizmičke opasnosti