25 research outputs found

    Weaving Complex Patterns ā€” From Weaving Looms to Weaving Machines

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    A chronological overview of the historical facts of the art of hand weaving, with an emphasis on the development of large and complex patterns is provided. The development of looms or weaving machines through history for weaving fabric with large patterns is described. Hand weaving complex patterns from primitive weaving on frames to more complex weaving with two weavers operating one loom was especially explored. The beginning of Jacquard weaving and its application even to the electronic Jacquard looms has been emphasized. An analysis of the development of patterned fabrics with multiple effects was carried out. The analysis was conducted according to patterns using the shortened version of drawing a sample. The results show that it is possible to determine the technique of weaving and construction parameters of each fabric pattern that vary in color and/or in a weave used. The most accurate way to highlight the contours of the points of the transition of one effect into another, namely by shifting warp and weft interlacing points on the edges of each pattern (opposing thread float), is described. Based on the obtained results and finding an identical yarn, it is possible to replicate the pattern on the Jacquard loom

    Textile Application: From Need to Imagination

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    To understand textiles and their application today, as well as future applications, it is necessary to comprehend the development of textiles and their applications throughout history. The gradual development of textile production processes and the use of different materials, influenced the development and application of materials themselves. Numerous innovations made since Industrial revolution, events in technology development and international competition have shaped the industry and continue to affect the textile production even today. Nowadays, textiles can be divided into two main sectors according to their application: conventional textiles (textiles for fashion clothing) and technical textiles with numerous applications for nearly all society needs. Due to market needs and technology development, the interference of all areas of science occurs, resulting in amazing innovations that follow existing trends and set future trends in terms of interactivity, digital and electronic functionality, social and environmental awareness, esthetics, etc. These are the reasons for great freedom, development prospects, expression of creativity and thus of innovativeness. The need for them today is greater and more important than ever before in the history of textiles and their application

    A New Pre-Wet Sizing Process - Yes or No?

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    Impact of anthropometric measurements on ergonomic driver posture and safety

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    Basic properties of vehicle interior are described. Car seat design, upholstery fabrics and passenger safety have been particularly emphasized. Textile fabrics as products providing comfort, safety and esthetics of the vehicle interiorwere dealt with. Safety belts, airbags and car seat covers were specially pointed out. Specific problems related to the safety of passengers, whose anthropometric measurements deviate from the average ones, were addressed

    Textile Composites for Seat Upholstery

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    Textile for seat upholstery is a part of wide field of Mobiltech. It is very important segment of the visual identity of a vehicle, so its design, along with other high set requirements, is of the utmost importance. Textiles for seat upholstery are subject to many challenges; therefore, some of the required properties are resistance to stress, abrasion, UV radiation, external temperature and humidity, static electricity and peeling, as well as offering safety and comfort. For cladding car seat construction with textile, individual cutting parts of the fabric are joined by seam, and this part usually has the lowest mechanical properties. Therefore, in designing seat upholstery, the focus needs to be on these material segments. The function of the seam is to provide uniform transmission of loads between two joined materials and keep their integrity, which is not completely possible with stitched seam. Therefore, the material behaviour in places of sewn seam, the impact of the needlepoint and needle type on the strength, the appearance and seam quality will be discussed. Since the textile composites for seat upholstery are exposed to the multi-cyclical stress on certain areas, a part of this chapter will be focused precisely on that field

    Natural leather car upholstery ā€“ characteristics and sewing challenges

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    U radu je dan pregled materijala i specifičnosti izrade automobilskih navlaka u prometalima. Naglasak je na prirodnoj koži koja predstavlja jedan od najluksuznijih materijala za izradu automobilskih navlaka. Obrađena su njezina svojstva, prednosti i nedostatci u odnosu prema tekstilnim materijalima. Jedan od najizazovnijih zadataka u izradi automobilskih navlaka jest kvaliteta odgovarajućeg Å”ava. Posebna pozornost posvećena je krojenju i Å”ivanju prirodne kože namijenjene automobilskim navlakama. Prirodna koža je specifičan prirodni materijal koji daje dozu luksuza automobilskim sjedalima i interijeru automobila. Njezina dugotrajnost, cijena i manja tržiÅ”na ponuda dovodi do manje primjene za automobilske navlake u odnosu prema tekstilnim materijalima, ali je zato iznimno poželjna. Prema dosadaÅ”njim istraživanjima krojenje i Å”ivanje kožnih automobilskih navlaka zahtijeva veću pozornost pri odabiru odgovarajuće kože, Å”ivaćeg stroja, konca, igle i tipa Å”ivanog Å”ava, koji će dati zadovoljavajuća svojstva automobilskoj navlaci u svim njezinim segmentima. Ovaj rad pridonosi stručnim saznanjima i specifičnostima vezanim za prirodnu kožu, njezinu namjenu za automobilska sjedala te odgovarajuću kvalitetu Å”ivanog Å”avaThis paper gives an overview of materials and specifics in production of upholstery for vehicles. Special attention has been paid to natural leather as one of the most luxurious materials for the manufacture of car interior upholstery materials. Its properties, advantages and disadvantages are compared with textile materials. The quality of suitable seams is one of the most challenging tasks in making upholstery. In this paper, special emphasis is placed on cutting and sewing natural leather used for making car interior upholstery. Natural leather is a specific natural material that gives a touch of luxury to car seats and interiors. Durability, high price and lower market offer of leather lead to its restricted use for car upholstery compared to textile materials; however, these reasons in particular make it extremely desirable at the same time. According to previous research, cutting and sewing of leather car upholstery require greater attention also when choosing the appropriate leather, sewing machine, thread, needle and seam type, which will give satisfactory properties of the car upholstery in all segments. The purpose of this paper is to contribute to professional knowledge and specifics related to natural leather, its use for car seats and the proper quality of the sewn seam

    Materials for production of protective boots for workers in forestry

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    Učinkovitost Å”umarskih čizama ponajprije ovisi o materijalima od kojih su izrađene, načinu i položaju ugradnje. Upotreba naprednih materijala, visokorazvijenih tehnoloÅ”kih procesa i razvoj temeljen na znanju i tradiciji dobra su osnova proizvodnje kvalitetne Å”umarske čizme. U ovom je radu dan pregled tehnoloÅ”kih faza izrade Å”umarskih čizama koje zadovoljavaju norme koje definiraju potpunu zaÅ”titu čovjeka od mehaničkih i drugih ozljeda pri upotrebi motornih pila i mogućih prignječenja. Složenost izrade Å”umarskih čizama ogleda se u primjeni specijalnih visokokvalitetnih materijala, njihovih funkcija te načinu postavljanja u čizmu. Da bi se postigla potpuna zaÅ”tita stopala i potkoljenice, Å”umarska čizma sadržava viÅ”eslojne napredne kompozitne materijale, suvremeno obrađenu kožu, tkanine, čelik, netkani tekstil i vodonepropusne i paropropusne membrane.The effectiveness of forestry boots depends primarily on the materials of which they are made, the manner and location of incorporation. The use of highly sophisticated materials, highly developed technological processes and knowledge-based development provide a good basis for the production of quality forestry boots. This paper gives an overview of the technological phases of manufacturing forestry boots that meet the standards defining full human protection against mechanical and other injuries when using motor saws and possible crushing. The complexity of the manufacturing process of forestry boots is reflected in the use of special high-quality materials, their functions, and how to incorporate them into in the boot. To achieve full protection of the foot and lower leg, the forestry boot contains multi-layered advanced composite materials, appropriately processed leather, fabrics, steel, non-woven textiles, and waterproof and vapour-permeable membranes

    Analiza i optimizacija uvučenih krajeva u tkanju

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    U ovom su radu dani temeljni uvjeti za pravilnu tvorbu uvučenih krajeva u tkanini. Optimirani su vezovi, gustoća i finoća pređe u krajevima u odnosu na temeljnu tkaninu. Prema dobivenim rezultatima može se utvrditi da je optimiranje krajeva vrlo kompleksan problem koji ovisi o mnogim parametrima pređe, tkanine i uvjetima tkanja. Labavi ili zategnuti krajevi stvaraju probleme u procesu tkanja te imaju za posljedicu nemogućnost daljnje obrade tkanine i naruÅ”avanje kvalitete tkanine


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    Dane su osnovne značajke azbesta i njegove prednosti u odnosu na druge zamjenske sirovine. Analizirane su posljedice na ljudsko zdravlje pri dodiru s azbestom te dane određene smjernice i odluke za njegovu uporabu. Unatoč visokim kvalitativnim značajkama, mnogostrukoj namjeni i relativno niskoj cijeni, prevladalo je njegovo negativno svojstvo i apelira se na zaustavljanje proizvodnje azbesta u svijetu. Mnoge razvijene zemlje su prestale upotrebljavati azbest upravo zbog njegove Å”tetnosti na ljudsko zdravlje. Oboljeli od azbestoze i drugih neizlječivih bolesti uzrokovanih azbestom sve viÅ”e zahtijevaju od vlada u zemljama koje joÅ” proizvode azbest visoke premije odÅ”tetnih zahtjeva i upozoravaju na materijalne posljedice izazvane uporabom azbesta.SUMMARY: Asbestos properties and its advantages in relation to other supplement raw materials are presented. Effects on human health when coming in contact with asbestos are analyzed and specific guidelines and decisions concerning its use are given. Despite excellent characteristics, multiple use and relatively low price, its harmfulness has brought about recommendations to stop the production of asbestos worldwide. Many developed countries have stopped using asbestos because of its detrimental effects to human health. Persons inflicted with asbestosis and other incurable diseases caused by asbestos demand high damage claims from the governments of the countries manufacturing asbestos

    Utjecaj suÅ”enja na fizikalno-mehanička svojstva Å”krobljene pređe

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    Analiziran je utjecaj različitih način suÅ”enja Å”krobljene pamučne konvencionalne pređe na njezina fizikalno-mehanička svojstva. Ispitivanja su provedena na pamučnoj pređi različitih finoća na novokonstruiranom laboratorijskom stroju za Å”krobljenje. Nakon Å”krobljenja pređa je suÅ”ena na tri načina: konvekcijskim, kontaktnim i mikrovalnim suÅ”enjem. Prema dobivenim rezultatima, način suÅ”enja Å”krobljene pređe ne utječe bitno na fizikalno-mehanička svojstva pređe. Najveći utjecaj načina suÅ”enja primjetan je kod svojstva dlakavosti pri čemu je ona smanjena u slučaju primjene kontaktnog suÅ”ionika. Najveći doprinos mikrovalnog suÅ”enja je u njegovoj ekonomičnosti i jednoličnosti suÅ”enja, dok su postignuti efekti Å”krobljenja podjednaki efektima postignutima, danas najčeŔće primjenjivanim, kontaktnim načinom suÅ”enja