145 research outputs found

    Modeli organizacije tv redakcija i novinarske prakse u Hrvatskoj: Studije slučaja HRT, Nova TV i N1

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    The efforts of today’s journalism to win back the audiences’ trust and meet the expectations of audiences, while remaining committed to high-quality journalism, has been reflected in organizational and cultural changes in newsrooms. The digitalization of news production processes meant developing new newsroom organization models and news routines. As television is still the most trusted media in Croatia, this study focuses on three Croatian television newsrooms – the public broadcaster HRT, the commercial broadcaster Nova TV, and the most-watched non-terrestrial news channel N1 – and explores their different models of organization and how they have adapted to a transformed media environment and audience expectations. For this, a series of exploratory semi-structured interviews are conducted with a total of 28 journalists and editors. This study examines newsroom practices, the efficiency of newsroom integration or convergence implementation (if any), and the attempts to produce and distribute original innovative content across platforms. The study also tackles the main opportunities and obstacles that discourage or encourage them to produce what they perceive as quality stories and build engagement and trust in journalism. Findings point to three distinct newsroom integration and organization formats shaped by several important factors – past newsroom traditions, technology, ownership (Nova TV), foreign investors, international consultants, politics (HRT) and ultimately the format of the channel (N1). This is predominantly reflected in the news production process, or more precisely, in the ways editors and journalists create and shape the daily news program. Differences are identified in workflow between journalists employed by the public service broadcaster and its counterparts.Najveći izazovi novinarstva u novom medijskom okolišu su kako zadobiti povjerenje publika, zadovoljiti njena očekivanja, a pritom ostati predano najvišoj kvaliteti izvještavanja. To se očituje i u organizacijskim promjenama i kulturološkim promjenama u samim redakcijama. Digitalizacija procesa proizvodnje vijesti donijela je nove modele organizacije redakcija, kao i nove novinarske prakse. Budući da je televizija i dalje medij kojemu u Hrvatskoj građani najviše vjeruju, ovo se istraživanje usredotočuje na tri televizijske informativne redakcije – informativni medijski servis Hrvatske radiotelevizije (HRT), informativnu redakciju komercijalne televizije Nove TV, i najgledaniji kabelski kanal za vijesti N1 – te analizira modele njihove organizacije i funkcioniranja, načine na koje su se prilagodile promijenjenom medijskom okruženju, ali i očekivanjima publike. Provedeni su polustrukturirani intervjui s 28 novinara i urednika kako bi se istražile redakcijske prakse u proizvodnji vijesti, učinkovitost integriranja redakcije i procesa konvergencije (ako je postojala), kao i proizvodnja i distribucija originalnog i inovativnog novinarskog sadržaja za različite platforme. Također, identificirane su glavne prilike i prepreke u proizvodnji onoga što novinari i urednici percipiraju kao kvalitetan novinarski sadržaj kojim grade odnos sa svojim publikama. Rezultati istraživanja upućuju na tri različita modela redakcijske integracije i organizacije koju su oblikovali različiti čimbenici, poput tradicionalnih i ustaljenih načina rada u redakcijama, tehnologije, vlasništva (Nova TV), stranih investitora, međunarodnih konzultanata, politike (HRT), kao i samog formata kanala (N1). Sve ovo ponajviše se odražava u procesu proizvodnje vijesti, tj. u načinima na koji urednici i novinari stvaraju i oblikuju dnevne emisije vijesti. Uočene su i razlike u načinu rada između novinara zaposlenih u javnom servisu i onih na drugim televizijskim redakcijama


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    Turizam je vodeći sektor zemalja u razvoju te vrši višestruk utjecaj na gospodarstvo zemlje, odnosno regije koja ga razvija. Dok s jedne strane nosi brojne pozitivne učinke, s druge strane nosi veliki broj negativnih učinaka na ekonomiju i na društvo u cjelini. S obzirom da je turizam danas u velikom uzletu, njegovi se negativni učinci rjeĎe spominju. Iako pruţa brojne nove prilike za zapošljavanje, brojni su nedostaci zapošljavanja u turizmu. U sezoni dolazi do rasta cijena dobara i usluga, a mala lokalna poduzeća često se gase jer se teško nose s konkurentnim poduzećima u vlasništvu stranaca. Turizam potkopava kulturu, a infrastruktura se često teško nosi s povećanjem broja stanovništva uzrokovanim turistima. Uvoz zapadnjačkih dobara i usluga najčešća je prijetnja lokalnoj zajednici i dovodi do gubitka lokalnih običaja i tradicije. Tradicionalne industrije se gase, a autentični domaći proizvodi zamjenjuju se neautentičnim uvoznim. Barcelona i Split su mediteranski gradovi koji biljeţe procvat turizma. Barcelona je turistički div koji već godinama broji visoke stope rasta broja turista te je jasno izraţeno nezadovoljstvo lokalnog stanovništva zbog slabog kontroliranja razvoja turizma od samog početka razvoja. Split je manji grad koji posljednjih nekoliko godina biljeţi visoke stope rasta turizma pa je sve veća vjerojatnost da se naĎe u situaciji u kojoj je Barcelona. Upravo zbog toga, treba na vrijeme početi pratiti njegov razvoj i predviĎati buduća kretanja. Iznimno je vaţno pravilno reguliranje turizma na lokalnoj i nacionalnoj razini. Donošenje strategija razvoja odrţivog turizma od iznimnog je značaja kako za grad, tako za njegovo stanovništvo. Prikazana je analiza negativnih učinaka turizma na destinaciju i lokalno stanovništvo koji se pojavljuju ukoliko se turizam ne regulira pravilno. Takva analiza sluţi kao podloga za donošenje odluka u cilju ublaţavanja uočenih negativnih učinaka.Tourism is a leading sector of developing countries and it has multiple impacts on the economy of the country or a region that develops it. While it has many positive impacts on the one hand, on the other hand it carries a large number of negative impacts, both on the economy and whole society. Considering that tourism is now taking a major step, its negative impacts are rarely mentioned. Although it provides many new opportunities for employment, there are numerous disadvantages of hiring in tourism. During the touristic season, there is an increase of prices for goods and services. Small local businesses often go away because it is difficult for them to compete with foreign – owned companies. Tourism undermines culture and infrastructure is often difficult to cope with the increase in the number of population caused by tourists. Import of Western goods and services is the most common threat to the local community and leads to the loss of local customs and traditions. Traditional industries are being fired and authentic domestic product replaced by irrelevant imported. Barcelona and Split are Mediterranean cities which are developing tourism. Barcelona is a tourist giant that has been counting for a high rate of tourist growth for years, and it clearly – expresses the dissatisfaction of the local population due to the poor control of tourism development since the very beginning of development. Split is a small town that has been experiencing high growth rates in recent years, and is becoming more and more like Barcelona. For this reason, it is necessary to begin to monitor its development in a timely fashion and foresee future developments. It is extremely important to regulate tourism properly, locally and nationally. Adopting tourism development strategies is of paramount importance for city and its population. Here is presented analysis of the negative impacts of tourism on the destination and local population that occur if tourism is not regulated properly. Such analysis serve as a basis for making decision in order to mitigate the observed negative effects


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    Turizam je vodeći sektor zemalja u razvoju te vrši višestruk utjecaj na gospodarstvo zemlje, odnosno regije koja ga razvija. Dok s jedne strane nosi brojne pozitivne učinke, s druge strane nosi veliki broj negativnih učinaka na ekonomiju i na društvo u cjelini. S obzirom da je turizam danas u velikom uzletu, njegovi se negativni učinci rjeĎe spominju. Iako pruţa brojne nove prilike za zapošljavanje, brojni su nedostaci zapošljavanja u turizmu. U sezoni dolazi do rasta cijena dobara i usluga, a mala lokalna poduzeća često se gase jer se teško nose s konkurentnim poduzećima u vlasništvu stranaca. Turizam potkopava kulturu, a infrastruktura se često teško nosi s povećanjem broja stanovništva uzrokovanim turistima. Uvoz zapadnjačkih dobara i usluga najčešća je prijetnja lokalnoj zajednici i dovodi do gubitka lokalnih običaja i tradicije. Tradicionalne industrije se gase, a autentični domaći proizvodi zamjenjuju se neautentičnim uvoznim. Barcelona i Split su mediteranski gradovi koji biljeţe procvat turizma. Barcelona je turistički div koji već godinama broji visoke stope rasta broja turista te je jasno izraţeno nezadovoljstvo lokalnog stanovništva zbog slabog kontroliranja razvoja turizma od samog početka razvoja. Split je manji grad koji posljednjih nekoliko godina biljeţi visoke stope rasta turizma pa je sve veća vjerojatnost da se naĎe u situaciji u kojoj je Barcelona. Upravo zbog toga, treba na vrijeme početi pratiti njegov razvoj i predviĎati buduća kretanja. Iznimno je vaţno pravilno reguliranje turizma na lokalnoj i nacionalnoj razini. Donošenje strategija razvoja odrţivog turizma od iznimnog je značaja kako za grad, tako za njegovo stanovništvo. Prikazana je analiza negativnih učinaka turizma na destinaciju i lokalno stanovništvo koji se pojavljuju ukoliko se turizam ne regulira pravilno. Takva analiza sluţi kao podloga za donošenje odluka u cilju ublaţavanja uočenih negativnih učinaka.Tourism is a leading sector of developing countries and it has multiple impacts on the economy of the country or a region that develops it. While it has many positive impacts on the one hand, on the other hand it carries a large number of negative impacts, both on the economy and whole society. Considering that tourism is now taking a major step, its negative impacts are rarely mentioned. Although it provides many new opportunities for employment, there are numerous disadvantages of hiring in tourism. During the touristic season, there is an increase of prices for goods and services. Small local businesses often go away because it is difficult for them to compete with foreign – owned companies. Tourism undermines culture and infrastructure is often difficult to cope with the increase in the number of population caused by tourists. Import of Western goods and services is the most common threat to the local community and leads to the loss of local customs and traditions. Traditional industries are being fired and authentic domestic product replaced by irrelevant imported. Barcelona and Split are Mediterranean cities which are developing tourism. Barcelona is a tourist giant that has been counting for a high rate of tourist growth for years, and it clearly – expresses the dissatisfaction of the local population due to the poor control of tourism development since the very beginning of development. Split is a small town that has been experiencing high growth rates in recent years, and is becoming more and more like Barcelona. For this reason, it is necessary to begin to monitor its development in a timely fashion and foresee future developments. It is extremely important to regulate tourism properly, locally and nationally. Adopting tourism development strategies is of paramount importance for city and its population. Here is presented analysis of the negative impacts of tourism on the destination and local population that occur if tourism is not regulated properly. Such analysis serve as a basis for making decision in order to mitigate the observed negative effects

    Modern approach to the treatment of melanoma

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    Melanom je zloćudni tumor podrijetlom od melanocita koji se ubraja među najzloćudnije tumore kože i sluznica. Zloćudnost ovog tumora očituje se u izrazitoj sklonosti ranom limfogenom i hematogenom metastaziranju. Incidencija melanoma u stalnom je porastu posljednjih desetljeća. Uglavnom se pojavljuje u osoba srednje životne dobi, češće u osoba fototipa 1 i 2. Sumnju na melanom moguće je postaviti kada se na koži nalazi pigmentirana lezija koja se mijenja tijekom vremena. Svakoj kožnoj leziji kod koje se primjeti promjena u boji, obliku, rubovima ili veličini treba posvetiti pozornost prema tzv. ABCDEFG pravilu. Kliničke značajke melanoma razlikuju se ovisno o anatomskoj lokalizaciji i tipu rasta lezije. Klinički se razlikuju četiri glavna tipa rasta melanoma: površinski šireći melanom, nodularni melanom, lentigo maligni melanom i akralni lentiginozni melanom. Dijagnoza melanoma postavlja se na temelju kliničkog i dermatoskopskog pregleda, a potvrđuje patohistološkom analizom bioptata pigmentirane lezije odstranjene u cijelosti. Ukoliko se dijagnosticira u ranoj fazi, melanom se u visokom postotku uspješno liječi kirurškom ekscizijom. Kod uznapredovalih stadija melanoma uz kemoterapiju i radioterapiju koriste se i brojni suvremeni načini liječenja, npr. ciljane terapije genetskih mutacija u melanomu i imunomodulatorna terapija. U bolesnika oboljelih od melanoma iznimno je važno provoditi redovite kontrolne kliničke preglede te pridržavati se svih oblika fotozaštite.Melanoma is a malignant tumor derived from melanocytes. Malignancy of this tumor is evident in the strong tendency for lymphatic and hematogenous metastases.The incidence of melanoma has steadily increased in recent decades. It usually occurs in middle-aged, more often in people with phototype 1 and 2. The suspicion of melanoma arises when a pigmented lesion which varies in time appears on the skin. In every skin lesion that has changes in color, shape, borders or size, attention should be paid to the ABCDEFG rule. However, clinical features of melanoma vary depending on the localization and type of a lesion growth. Clinically there are four main types of melanoma: superficial spreading melanoma, nodular melanoma, lentigo maligna melanoma and acral lentiginous melanoma. Diagnosis of melanoma is based on clinical examination and dermoscopy. Namely, the confirmation of diagnosis is being done by histopathological analysis of biopsy of pigmented lesion. When diagnosed in early phase, melanoma is highly curable with a surgical excision. However, in advanced stages, except chemotherapy and radiotherapy, some modern methods of treatment are being used, for example targeted therapy of genetic mutations in melanoma and immunotherapy. In patients with melanoma it is extremely important to provide regular clinical check- ups, as well as comply with the rules of photoprotection

    Fairytale Helpers in Narration of Contemporary Croatia Tale

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    U radu se govori o utjecaju bajkovitih pomagača na recepciju suvremene hrvatske bajke kod djece rane i predškolske dobi. Ponajprije objašnjava se podrijetlo i značenje pojma bajka, prikazane su definicije bajke, njezin višestoljetni povijesni razvoj i podjela. Objašnjavaju se njezine bitne odrednice i prikazuju razlike između narodne, umjetničke i suvremene bajke. Sažeto je prikazan razvoj hrvatske bajke, a navode se i njezini prvi autori te stanje u suvremenoj hrvatskoj bajci s najznačajnijim piscima bajki. U radu se odgovara i na pitanje zašto je potrebno djeci čitati bajke te zašto je danas čitanje djeci važnije nego u ranijim razdobljima. Utvrđuju se pozitivne strane pripovijedanja i vrijednosti koje djeca slušanjem bajki stječu. Dotiče se i važnosti pripovjedača u pripovijedanju te navode kvalitete koje bi pripovjedač trebao imati, razvijati i njegovati kako bi mogao birati i prepoznati odgovarajuću bajku. Posebna pozornost posvećena je uporabi pripovjedačkih sredstava – bajkovitih pomagača - radi sadržajnijega i sugestivnijega pripovijedanja djeci. Obrađeni su mirisi, boje, zvukovi i okusi, koji se potom istražuju u metodičkoj praksi. Prikazana je korisnost uporabe navedenih bajkovitih pomagača u pripovijedanju bajke „Tri lisice i šumski car“ hrvatske dječje književnice Anđelke Martić. Nakon što su odslušala bajku, djeca su, uz potporu bajkovitih pomagača, bajku samostalno prepričavala te crtanjem upečatljivih prizora iz bajke zorno ukazala na njihov utjecaj na dječji doživljaj i razumijevanje navedene bajke.This article deals with the influence fairytale helpers (tools) in narration have on the reception of contemporary Croatia tales among young children and preschoolers. The article first describes the origins and meaning of fairytale providing definitions for fairytales and their development throughout the centuries. The article explains the crucial determinants and presents the difference between folk, artistic and contemporary tales. The article further presents a concise overview of the development of Croatian tales and notes some of the earliest authors and the current situation with contemporary Croatian tales and some of the most significant authors of this genre. The article also deals with the reason why it is necessary to read fairytales to children and why reading to children today is more important than in previous eras. It defines the positive side of narrating and the values that children gain while listening to fairytales. The article also touches on the importance of the narrator while telling the story listing the qualities are narrator should have, develop and nurture and how to choose and recognize an appropriate story. Special focus is dedicated to the use of narrating tools – fairytale helpers – to assist with providing a substantial and suggestive narrative to children. The article refers to smell, color, sound and taste which are then researched through methodological practice. It presents the usefulness of using the said tools in narrating tales like the, "The Three Foxes and Forest Ruler" by Andjela Martic. Once children listened to the fairytale, with the help of fairytale helpers, they were able to retell the story on their own and illustrated memorable scenes from the story which clearly showed the influence these tools had on the children's' experience and understanding of the said tale

    Modern approach to the treatment of melanoma

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    Melanom je zloćudni tumor podrijetlom od melanocita koji se ubraja među najzloćudnije tumore kože i sluznica. Zloćudnost ovog tumora očituje se u izrazitoj sklonosti ranom limfogenom i hematogenom metastaziranju. Incidencija melanoma u stalnom je porastu posljednjih desetljeća. Uglavnom se pojavljuje u osoba srednje životne dobi, češće u osoba fototipa 1 i 2. Sumnju na melanom moguće je postaviti kada se na koži nalazi pigmentirana lezija koja se mijenja tijekom vremena. Svakoj kožnoj leziji kod koje se primjeti promjena u boji, obliku, rubovima ili veličini treba posvetiti pozornost prema tzv. ABCDEFG pravilu. Kliničke značajke melanoma razlikuju se ovisno o anatomskoj lokalizaciji i tipu rasta lezije. Klinički se razlikuju četiri glavna tipa rasta melanoma: površinski šireći melanom, nodularni melanom, lentigo maligni melanom i akralni lentiginozni melanom. Dijagnoza melanoma postavlja se na temelju kliničkog i dermatoskopskog pregleda, a potvrđuje patohistološkom analizom bioptata pigmentirane lezije odstranjene u cijelosti. Ukoliko se dijagnosticira u ranoj fazi, melanom se u visokom postotku uspješno liječi kirurškom ekscizijom. Kod uznapredovalih stadija melanoma uz kemoterapiju i radioterapiju koriste se i brojni suvremeni načini liječenja, npr. ciljane terapije genetskih mutacija u melanomu i imunomodulatorna terapija. U bolesnika oboljelih od melanoma iznimno je važno provoditi redovite kontrolne kliničke preglede te pridržavati se svih oblika fotozaštite.Melanoma is a malignant tumor derived from melanocytes. Malignancy of this tumor is evident in the strong tendency for lymphatic and hematogenous metastases.The incidence of melanoma has steadily increased in recent decades. It usually occurs in middle-aged, more often in people with phototype 1 and 2. The suspicion of melanoma arises when a pigmented lesion which varies in time appears on the skin. In every skin lesion that has changes in color, shape, borders or size, attention should be paid to the ABCDEFG rule. However, clinical features of melanoma vary depending on the localization and type of a lesion growth. Clinically there are four main types of melanoma: superficial spreading melanoma, nodular melanoma, lentigo maligna melanoma and acral lentiginous melanoma. Diagnosis of melanoma is based on clinical examination and dermoscopy. Namely, the confirmation of diagnosis is being done by histopathological analysis of biopsy of pigmented lesion. When diagnosed in early phase, melanoma is highly curable with a surgical excision. However, in advanced stages, except chemotherapy and radiotherapy, some modern methods of treatment are being used, for example targeted therapy of genetic mutations in melanoma and immunotherapy. In patients with melanoma it is extremely important to provide regular clinical check- ups, as well as comply with the rules of photoprotection


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    Attendance of extracurricular activities in the field of natural sciences and the attractiveness of the content offered for extracurricular activities in biology in elementary schools

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    Background and purpose: For many years, students’ interest in the field of natural sciences has declined, which consequently results in decreasing numbers of professional staff in the mentioned field. The aim of this study was to examine the attendance of extracurricular activities in the field of natural sciences by elementary school students (age 13 and 14) in Zagreb and whether the teachers\u27 expectations are in line with the students\u27 preferences for the content offered as part of extracurricular activities in biology. Material and methods: Using an anonymous online survey (Google Forms), data were collected on participation in extracurricular activities in the field of natural sciences and the attractiveness of the content of extracurricular activities. The respondents were 90 students in the 7th grade and 46 teachers of biology in Zagreb, 2020. Results: Participation in extracurricular activities in the field of natural sciences among the surveyed students was very low. Students were attracted to content that includes simple practical work in the field of biology, including microscopy, but the perception of their interest by teachers is not in accordance with the real interests of the students. Conclusion: The results of this research show that the share of the science field in extracurricular activities is low, and that the surveyed teachers are not aware of the students\u27 wishes regarding the content offered in extracurricular activities. The conducted research can be a good basis for organizing and planning extracurricular activities in elementary school