42 research outputs found


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    When we observe sports in a (bio)ethical context, we are usually dedicated to the questions of fair play, sport virtues, gender issues, or racism. However, we rarely ask the question of bioethical justification of sport per se. MMA (mixed martial arts or ultimate fighting) has experienced a boom in the last 15 years, with its dynamic and combination of elements from different, more traditional martial arts, slowly overtaking the throne of popularity from the most popular martial art hitherto - the ā€œnoble artā€ of boxing. Questions arising in the triangle of MMA, sports, and bioethics are various. Can we bioethically justify, in the name of entertainment and sports, deliberately harming another human being? Can we justify placing ourselves consciously at the risk of injury as well? What about the rest of the (in)direct participants of this sport, such as organizers, promoters, fans - people who profit in some way from the fights (be it material or immaterial) although they are not directly included in it? It is easy to answer these questions, especially from the aspect of a right to harm and self-harm, as much as it is easy to answer a question of whether we have a right to take our own life. However, in this paper, we will try to deal with the general justification of the sport of MMA as a legitimate bioethical problem. We will offer an example of a perspective, and show how the sole idea behind the sport can be observed as a legitimate issue, examining definitions of violence, harm, and, in the end, philosophical notion of dignity and duty, based on the works of Immanuel Kant.Kada promatramo sport u kontekstu (bio)etike, često smo usmjereni na pitanja poput fair playa, vrlina u sportu, rodnih pitanja ili rasizma. Međutim, rijetko postavljamo pitanje bioetičke opravdanosti sporta per se. Slobodna borba (eng. ultimate fight ili mixed martial arts; MMA) u posljednjih 15-ak godina doživljava procvat, svojom dinamikom i kombiniranjem elemenata različitih tradicionalnijih borilačkih vjeÅ”tina i sportova polako preuzimajući primat popularnosti od to tada najpopularnijeg borilačkog sporta ā€“ ā€žplemenite vjeÅ”tineā€œ boksa. Pitanja koja se nameću u trokutu slobodne borbe, sporta i bioetike su raznovrsna. Može li se bioetički opravdati, u svrhu zabave i sporta, svjesno ozljeđivanje druge osobe? Koliko je opravdano da sami sebe svjesno izlažemo riziku od ozljede? Å to je s ostalim neizravnim sudionicima ovoga sporta poput organizatora, promotora, navijača, osoba koje na neki način imaju koristi (bilo materijalne bilo nematerijalne) iako nisu izravno uključene u borbu? Na ova je pitanja, osobito na aspekt prava ozljeđivanja i samo-ozljeđivanja, jednostavno odgovoriti koliko i na pitanje imamo li moralno pravo oduzeti vlastiti život. Ipak u ovome ćemo se članku najviÅ”e pozabaviti pitanjem općeg opravdanja slobodne borbe kao legitimnog bioetičkog problema. Ponudit ćemo primjer jedne perspektive, te pokazati kako sama ideja iza sporta se može promatrati kao legitiman problem, istraživanjem definicija nasilja, Å”tete, i, u konačnici, filozofskih pojmova dužnosti i dostojanstva, uz pomoć rada Immanuela Kanta


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    When we observe sports in a (bio)ethical context, we are usually dedicated to the questions of fair play, sport virtues, gender issues, or racism. However, we rarely ask the question of bioethical justification of sport per se. MMA (mixed martial arts or ultimate fighting) has experienced a boom in the last 15 years, with its dynamic and combination of elements from different, more traditional martial arts, slowly overtaking the throne of popularity from the most popular martial art hitherto - the ā€œnoble artā€ of boxing. Questions arising in the triangle of MMA, sports, and bioethics are various. Can we bioethically justify, in the name of entertainment and sports, deliberately harming another human being? Can we justify placing ourselves consciously at the risk of injury as well? What about the rest of the (in)direct participants of this sport, such as organizers, promoters, fans - people who profit in some way from the fights (be it material or immaterial) although they are not directly included in it? It is easy to answer these questions, especially from the aspect of a right to harm and self-harm, as much as it is easy to answer a question of whether we have a right to take our own life. However, in this paper, we will try to deal with the general justification of the sport of MMA as a legitimate bioethical problem. We will offer an example of a perspective, and show how the sole idea behind the sport can be observed as a legitimate issue, examining definitions of violence, harm, and, in the end, philosophical notion of dignity and duty, based on the works of Immanuel Kant.Kada promatramo sport u kontekstu (bio)etike, često smo usmjereni na pitanja poput fair playa, vrlina u sportu, rodnih pitanja ili rasizma. Međutim, rijetko postavljamo pitanje bioetičke opravdanosti sporta per se. Slobodna borba (eng. ultimate fight ili mixed martial arts; MMA) u posljednjih 15-ak godina doživljava procvat, svojom dinamikom i kombiniranjem elemenata različitih tradicionalnijih borilačkih vjeÅ”tina i sportova polako preuzimajući primat popularnosti od to tada najpopularnijeg borilačkog sporta ā€“ ā€žplemenite vjeÅ”tineā€œ boksa. Pitanja koja se nameću u trokutu slobodne borbe, sporta i bioetike su raznovrsna. Može li se bioetički opravdati, u svrhu zabave i sporta, svjesno ozljeđivanje druge osobe? Koliko je opravdano da sami sebe svjesno izlažemo riziku od ozljede? Å to je s ostalim neizravnim sudionicima ovoga sporta poput organizatora, promotora, navijača, osoba koje na neki način imaju koristi (bilo materijalne bilo nematerijalne) iako nisu izravno uključene u borbu? Na ova je pitanja, osobito na aspekt prava ozljeđivanja i samo-ozljeđivanja, jednostavno odgovoriti koliko i na pitanje imamo li moralno pravo oduzeti vlastiti život. Ipak u ovome ćemo se članku najviÅ”e pozabaviti pitanjem općeg opravdanja slobodne borbe kao legitimnog bioetičkog problema. Ponudit ćemo primjer jedne perspektive, te pokazati kako sama ideja iza sporta se može promatrati kao legitiman problem, istraživanjem definicija nasilja, Å”tete, i, u konačnici, filozofskih pojmova dužnosti i dostojanstva, uz pomoć rada Immanuela Kanta

    Graph Signal Processing: Overview, Challenges and Applications

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    Research in Graph Signal Processing (GSP) aims to develop tools for processing data defined on irregular graph domains. In this paper we first provide an overview of core ideas in GSP and their connection to conventional digital signal processing. We then summarize recent developments in developing basic GSP tools, including methods for sampling, filtering or graph learning. Next, we review progress in several application areas using GSP, including processing and analysis of sensor network data, biological data, and applications to image processing and machine learning. We finish by providing a brief historical perspective to highlight how concepts recently developed in GSP build on top of prior research in other areas.Comment: To appear, Proceedings of the IEE

    Primjena robota u zavarivanju

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    U ovom radu opisan je razvoj automatizacije, odnosno prednosti automatiziranih sustava nad radom čovjeka. Naglasak je na razvoju automatiziranih sustava unutar zavarivanja. Zatim su pojaÅ”njeni roboti u zavarivanju, njihova osnovna gibanja, mjere opreza kod ručnog zavarivanja, te prednost tih robota zavarivača, prije svega zbog zaÅ”tite zavarivača (električni udari, požari, buka, skučeni prostori, pare, plinovi i td.), te njihova ekonomska isplativost. Također objaÅ”njene su komponente i podsustavi tih robota, od njihovih mehanizama, načina kretanja, upravljanja itd. Nabrojano je 6 robota zavarivača te objaÅ”njene njihove konfiguracije. Zatim je pobliže objaÅ”njeno programiranje robota zavarivača, načini programiranja te prednosti i mane tih postupaka programiranja. ObjaÅ”njeno je uvođenje i značajke robotiziranog zavarivanja na TIP-TIGu, te na eleketrolučnom MIG/MAGu


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    U ovom zavrÅ”nom radu je opisana prerada polimera, odnosno dobivanje polimernih prerađevina različitim postupcima. Uz navedene postupke obrade polimera, detaljno je opisana proizvodnja injekcijskim preÅ”anjem. Navedeni su materijali koji se koriste u proizvodnji i obradi polimera s naglaskom na materijale koji se upotrebljavaju u injekcijskom preÅ”anju. Opisana je i objaÅ”njena sva potrebna oprema za proces injekcijskog preÅ”anja, a također operacije i aktivnosti vezane uz navedeni proces (montiranje, kontrola kvalitete, pakiranje i skladiÅ”tenje). Ukratko su spomenuti roboti proizvođača Sepro koji su vezani za sam proces injekcijskog preÅ”anja, koji navedenom procesu daju brži ciklus, a samim time i veću efikasnost i produktivnost. U eksperimentalnom radu detaljno je obrađen postupak injekcijskog preÅ”anja, odnosno dobivanje gotovog proizvoda od granulata (materijala) do gotovog traženog proizvoda. Ponovno je spomenuta potrebna oprema za izvođenje procesa, ali u ovom slučaju ona koja se koristila prilikom dobivanja gotovog proizvoda. Karakteristike opreme su prikazane tablično, a proces dobivanja proizvoda je uz tekst potkrijepljen i slikama. U eksperimentalnom radu, naglasak je bio na optimiranju i korekciji parametara koji su najbitniji za dugotrajnost i kvalitetu provođenja injekcijskog preÅ”anja. Procesi koji najviÅ”e pomažu za shvaćanje samog procesa su injektiranje i kaskadno upravljanje sapnicama izraženo u ovom slučaju kroz put [s]. Osim kroz put, postoji mogućnost da se navedeni procesi izraze kroz vrijeme [t]. Uz glavne parametre spomenuti su i objaÅ”njeni ostali parametri (vrijeme hlađenja, plastificiranje, temperature kalupa i cilindra) koji također uvelike doprinose kvaliteti provođenja procesa. U zaključku je ukratko spomenuta raÅ”irenost i konzumacija općenito plastike, tako i polimera. Također navedena je i loÅ”ija strana plastike, a to je prije svega zagađivanje okoliÅ”a.In this master thesis polymer processing is described, ie the preparation of polymeric processes by various methods. In addition to the above polymer processing methods, injection molding is described in detail. These materials are used in the production and processing of polymers with emphasis on materials used in injection molding. All necessary equipment for the injection molding process as well as operations and activities related to the mentioned process (assembly, quality control, packaging and storage) are described and explained. Briefly mention the Sepro robots which are linked to the injection molding process itself, which provide a faster cycle, and therefore greater efficiency and productivity. In the experimental part of thesis , the process of injection molding is described in detail, ie obtaining a finished product from granules to finished product. The equipment needed to carry out the process was again mentioned, but in this case the one used to obtain the finished product. The features of the equipment are shown in the table, and the process of obtaining the product is supported by the text with the pictures. In the experimental part of thesis, the emphasis was on optimizing and correcting parameters that are most important for the longevity and quality of injection molding. The processes that help to understand the process itself are injecting and cascading the nozzle management expressed in this case through the path [s]. Except for the way, there is a possibility that these processes are expressed through time [t]. The main parameters are mentioned and explained other parameters (cooling time, plasticisation, mold temperature and temperature of cylinder) which also greatly contribute to the quality of the process. In conclusion, it is briefly mentioned the widespread use and consumption of plastics in general, as well as of polymers. Also, worse side plastics are mentioned, primarily environmental pollution

    Renal artery stenting in a patient with renovascular hypertension

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    Renal artery stenosis can be caused by fibromuscular dysplasia or, more often, atherosclerotic disease. It can result in hypertension, recurrent heart failure, pulmonary edema, acute coronary syndrome or progressive renal failure. Renal artery stenting is an interventional radiology procedure, which is performed in cases resistant to conservative treatment

    Europski projekti povezani s etičkim obrazovanjem u osnovnim i srednjim Ŕkolama

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    Through the Erasmus+ Program, in Key Activity 2 ā€“ ā€œStrategic Partnerships in Education and Trainingā€ (KA2) ā€“ association for promotion of non-formal education, critical thinking and philosophy in practice ā€œPetit Philosophyā€ has implemented or is implementing seven projects closely related to ethical education. The characteristics of these projects are that they are directed to ethical education in kindergartens and primary and secondary schools. Partners of ā€œPetit Philosophyā€ in these projects were/are universities, primary and secondary schools, kindergartens, associations and institutions from thirteen countries (Austria, Germany, Slovenia, Italy, Spain, Hungary, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Greece, Ireland, the Netherlands, Slovakia, Latvia and Croatia). Project ā€œETHOS: Ethical Education in Primary and Pre-primary Schools for a Sustainable and Dialogic Futureā€ is one of the first of these projects. ETHOS was successfully implemented under the Comenius Program from 2012ā€“2014, and afterwards, projects under the Erasmus+ KA2 followed: ETHIKA ā€“ Ethics and Values Education in Schools and Kindergartens (2014ā€“2017), LITTLE ā€“ Learning Together to Live Together: Teachers Leading Ethical Education for an Inclusive Society (2016ā€“2019), AVAL ā€“ Added Value Learning for Preschool Teachers & Pedagogical Coordinators (2017ā€“2019), COMET ā€“ A Community of Ethics Teachers in Europe (2017ā€“2020), Integrating Ethics of Sport in Secondary School Curriculum (2017ā€“2019), BEAGLE ā€“ Bioethical Education and Attitude Guidance for Living Environment (2018ā€“2020) and TRACE ā€“ Traditional Childrenā€™s Stories for a Common Future (2018ā€“2020). In this article, we will briefly present the projectsā€™ activities, with particular emphasis on materials created for educators, teachers, and students.Kroz program Erasmus+, u Ključnoj aktivnosti 2 ā€“ ā€œStrateÅ”ka partnerstva u području obrazovanja i osposobljavanja (KA2)ā€ ā€“ Udruga ā€œMala filozofijaā€ provela je ili upravo provodi ukupno sedam projekata koji su usko vezani uz etičko obrazovanje. Tu valja pridodati i projekt ā€œETHOS: Ethical Education in Primary and Pre-Primary Schools for a Sustainable and Dialogic Futureā€, koji je uspjeÅ”no proveden pod programom Comenius od 2012. do 2014. godine. Karakteristika je ovih projekata usmjerenost na obrazovanje u vrtićima te osnovnim i srednjim Å”kolama. Uz ā€œMalu filozofijuā€, u projektima sudjeluju sveučiliÅ”ta, osnovne i srednje Å”kole, vrtići, udruge i institucije iz trinaest zemalja (Austrija, Njemačka, Slovenija, Italija, Å panjolska, Mađarska, Bosna i Hercegovina, Grčka, Irska, Nizozemska, Slovačka, Latvija i Hrvatska). Navedeni Erasmus+ KA2 projekti su: ETHIKA ā€“ Ethics and Values Education in Schools and Kindergartens (2014.ā€“2017.), LITTLE ā€“ Learning Together to Live Together: Teachers Leading Ethical Education for an Inclusive Society (2016.ā€“2019.), AVAL ā€“ Added Value Learning for Preschool Teachers & Pedagogical Coordinators (2017.ā€“2019.), COMET ā€“ A Community of Ethics Teachers in Europe (2017.ā€“2020.), Integrating Ethics of Sport in Secondary School Curriculum (2017. 2019.), BEAGLE ā€“ Bioethical Education and Attitude Guidance for Living Environment (2018.ā€“2020.), TRACE ā€“ Traditional Childrenā€™s Stories for a Common Future (2018.ā€“2020.). U članku ćemo ukratko prikazati projektne aktivnosti u navedenim projektima, s posebnim naglaskom na materijale koji su namijenjeni odgajateljima, nastavnicima i učenicima

    Influence of non-thermal processing techniques on sulfur dioxide and oxygen concentrations in young and aged wines

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    The application of innovative techniques like high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) and high power ultrasound (HPU) for food processing and preservation is one of the current topics in food science. In the enological field, these techniques have been identified as alternative methods for wine microbial stabilization and acceleration of wine aging process. Due to lack of available information about their influence on physicochemical characteristics, the aim of this work was to study the effect of HHP and HPU on sulfur dioxide and dissolved oxygen concentrations in red and white wines. The effect was evaluated immediately after the treatment and after 3, 6 and 12 months of aging in bottles. Moreover, the synergistic effect of mentioned techniques along with antioxidants additions (glutathione and SO2) was also evaluated. The results showed that the concentrations of free and total SO2 did not change immediately after HHP treatments, while after HPU processing there was no clear trend in analyzed parameters. As expected, results showed that both, free and total SO2 decreased during storage period of red and white wines. Regarding both applied techniques, slightly higher concentrations of free SO2 were observed in samples treated by HHP after 12 months of storage. Oxygen concentration slightly increased immediately after the treatments, with the highest concentration determined after HPU processing. During aging, its concentrations decreased and were similar or slightly higher than of those determined in untreated samples. Regarding the antioxidants additions, better protective effect was obtained by addition of higher concentration of SO2 than glutathione, since these samples were characterized by lower concentrations of dissolved oxygen