
When we observe sports in a (bio)ethical context, we are usually dedicated to the questions of fair play, sport virtues, gender issues, or racism. However, we rarely ask the question of bioethical justification of sport per se. MMA (mixed martial arts or ultimate fighting) has experienced a boom in the last 15 years, with its dynamic and combination of elements from different, more traditional martial arts, slowly overtaking the throne of popularity from the most popular martial art hitherto - the “noble art” of boxing. Questions arising in the triangle of MMA, sports, and bioethics are various. Can we bioethically justify, in the name of entertainment and sports, deliberately harming another human being? Can we justify placing ourselves consciously at the risk of injury as well? What about the rest of the (in)direct participants of this sport, such as organizers, promoters, fans - people who profit in some way from the fights (be it material or immaterial) although they are not directly included in it? It is easy to answer these questions, especially from the aspect of a right to harm and self-harm, as much as it is easy to answer a question of whether we have a right to take our own life. However, in this paper, we will try to deal with the general justification of the sport of MMA as a legitimate bioethical problem. We will offer an example of a perspective, and show how the sole idea behind the sport can be observed as a legitimate issue, examining definitions of violence, harm, and, in the end, philosophical notion of dignity and duty, based on the works of Immanuel Kant.Kada promatramo sport u kontekstu (bio)etike, često smo usmjereni na pitanja poput fair playa, vrlina u sportu, rodnih pitanja ili rasizma. Međutim, rijetko postavljamo pitanje bioetičke opravdanosti sporta per se. Slobodna borba (eng. ultimate fight ili mixed martial arts; MMA) u posljednjih 15-ak godina doživljava procvat, svojom dinamikom i kombiniranjem elemenata različitih tradicionalnijih borilačkih vještina i sportova polako preuzimajući primat popularnosti od to tada najpopularnijeg borilačkog sporta – „plemenite vještine“ boksa. Pitanja koja se nameću u trokutu slobodne borbe, sporta i bioetike su raznovrsna. Može li se bioetički opravdati, u svrhu zabave i sporta, svjesno ozljeđivanje druge osobe? Koliko je opravdano da sami sebe svjesno izlažemo riziku od ozljede? Što je s ostalim neizravnim sudionicima ovoga sporta poput organizatora, promotora, navijača, osoba koje na neki način imaju koristi (bilo materijalne bilo nematerijalne) iako nisu izravno uključene u borbu? Na ova je pitanja, osobito na aspekt prava ozljeđivanja i samo-ozljeđivanja, jednostavno odgovoriti koliko i na pitanje imamo li moralno pravo oduzeti vlastiti život. Ipak u ovome ćemo se članku najviše pozabaviti pitanjem općeg opravdanja slobodne borbe kao legitimnog bioetičkog problema. Ponudit ćemo primjer jedne perspektive, te pokazati kako sama ideja iza sporta se može promatrati kao legitiman problem, istraživanjem definicija nasilja, štete, i, u konačnici, filozofskih pojmova dužnosti i dostojanstva, uz pomoć rada Immanuela Kanta

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