237 research outputs found


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    This investigation deals with the effects of selection for short stem in population lines of the F4 generation derived from the barley cross between Timura x Osk. 4.208´2-84 developed by the single seed descent and pedigree method. Direct genetic gain from reducing the stem length was found to be 10.22 % at dense planting (400 kernels/m2) and 11.47 % at wide-spaced planting (100 kernels/m2). It was found that stem length had relatively high heritability (0.643 and 0.735). Large negative effects of reducing the stem length at wide-spaced and dense planting were estimated for the grain yield per plant, grain yield per plot and number of fertile tillers. Less pronounced negative effects were found for the grain weight per spike and grain number per spike. Phenotypic and genotypic correlations between stem length and other traits were mostly significant and positive with higher values at dense planting. Selection for a short stem length was efficient for the improvement of this trait. However, unfavorable correlations have significantly affected undesired expression of other traits, especially grain yield per plant, grain yield per plot and number of fertile tillers. Any further decrease of plant height should be accompanied by the appropriate selection for other traits, especially grain yield per plant, mass of one grain and harvest index.U radu su istraženi učinci selekcije na kraću stabljiku kod ječma u populaciji linija F4 generacije izvedene iz kombinacije križanja Timura x Osk.4.208´2-84 pomoću metode potomstva sjemenke po biljci (SSD) i pedigree metode. Ostvarena izravna genetska dobit sniženja stabljike bila je 10,22 % u gustoj sjetvi (400 zrna/m2 ) i 11,47 % u rijetkoj sjetvi (100 zrna/m2 ). Utvrđeno je da je dužina stabljike svojstvo relativno visokog heritabiliteta (0,643 i 0,735). Jaki negativni učinci sniženja dužine stabljike u rijetkoj i gustoj sjetvi procijenjeni su za urod zrna po biljci, urod zrna po parceli i broj plodnih vlati. Manje naglašeni negativni učinci utvrđeni su za masu zrna po klasu i broj zrna po klasu. Fenotipske i genotipske korelacije između dužine stabljike i drugih svojstava bile su uglavnom značajne i pozitivne s višim vrijednostima u gustoj sjetvi. Selekcija na skraćenje stabljike bila je učinkovita za poboljšanje toga svojstva. Međutim, nepovoljne korelacije značajno su utjecale na neželjenu ekspresiju drugih svojstava, naročito na urod zrna po biljci, urod zrna po parceli i broj plodnih vlati. Daljnje snižavanje visine stabljike trebalo bi biti praćeno i odgovarajućom selekcijom na druga svojstva, posebno urod zrna po biljci, masu zrna i žetveni indeks

    Spectral Optical Monitoring of the Narrow Line Seyfert 1 galaxy Ark 564

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    We present the results of a long-term (1999--2010) spectral optical monitoring campaign of the active galactic nucleus (AGN) Ark 564, which shows a strong Fe II line emission in the optical. This AGN is a narrow line Seyfert 1 (NLS1) galaxies, a group of AGNs with specific spectral characteristics. We analyze the light curves of the permitted Ha, Hb, optical Fe II line fluxes, and the continuum flux in order to search for a time lag between them. Additionally, in order to estimate the contribution of iron lines from different multiplets, we fit the Hb and Fe II lines with a sum of Gaussian components. We found that during the monitoring period the spectral variation (F_max/F_min) of Ark 564 was between 1.5 for Ha to 1.8 for the Fe II lines. The correlation between the Fe II and Hb flux variations is of higher significance than that of Ha and Hb (whose correlation is almost absent). The permitted-line profiles are Lorentzian-like, and did not change shape during the monitoring period. We investigated, in detail, the optical Fe II emission and found different degrees of correlation between the Fe II emission arising from different spectral multiplets and the continuum flux. The relatively weak and different degrees of correlations between permitted lines and continuum fluxes indicate a rather complex source of ionization of the broad line emission region.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ

    Anatomy and radiology of the variations of aortic arch branches in 1,266 patients

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    Background: The most reliable data about arterial variations, which are very important in surgery and radiology, can be obtained from a large series of patients.Materials and methods: We examined angiographic and multislice computerised tomography (MSCT) images in a group of 1,265 patients and in 1 dissected specimen.Results: While in 946 (74.72%) of the patients a normal vascular pattern (type I) was noticed, in the remaining 320 (25.28%) patients variations of the branchesof the aortic arch were found, which were classified into types II through VIII and a few subtypes. Type II (2.84%) comprised a common origin of the left commoncarotid and subclavian arteries. Type III (15.56%) was related to an origin of the left subclavian artery from the brachiocephalic trunk. Type IV (0.55%) includedthe aortic origin of both common carotid and subclavian arteries, with the rightsubclavian artery having a retroesophageal course. Type V (0.24%) included thesame 4 supra-aortic branches, which, however, arose from a double or a right--sided aortic arch. Type VI (3.63%) comprised the aortic origin of the left vertebralartery, type VII (0.24%) the same origin of the right vertebral artery, and type VIII(2.22%) the aortic origin of the thyroideaima artery. A corresponding embryological background and clinical implications of the described aberrant vessels were presented.Conclusions: In more than one quarter of the cases, the branching pattern of the examined arteries did not follow the classical pattern. Detailed knowledge of aortic branch variations is of great significance in anatomy, embryology, andclinical medicine, especially in radiology and thoracic surgery

    Structural and thermodynamic analysis of whiskers on the surface of grey cast iron

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    The paper focuses, first, on the characterization of the whiskers on the surface of grey cast iron and second, it gives an explanation of whiskers growth based on thermodynamic calculations. The whiskers were observed on the surface of hot plates for the electric stove after black-oxide-coating (blackening) performed the furnace at 650°C in order to produce a protective layer mainly of magnetite (Fe3O4). However, the whiskers caused brown spots on dark grey surface and thus, the surface was aesthetically damaged. The investigations confirmed that whiskers are of hematite (Fe2O3); however, the thermodynamic calculations present that hematite may be formed as a result of the oxidation of magnetite if the partial pressure of oxygen is increased during the blackening

    Significance of molecular diagnostics in human papilloma virus (HPV) determination

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    HPV infection is considered to be the most important etiologic factor in cervical cancer development. In this retrospective study, which included the period from 2000 to 2012, the results of two molecular techniques used in the detection of HPV infection among women of the South Bačka District were analyzed. By using the technique of in situ hybridization and the rPCR method, the proportion of high-risk HPV among women with normal cytology was determined to be 19.8% and 32.7%, respectively, and among women with abnormal cytology 43.1% and 61%, respectively. Among the analyzed women, HPV type 16 was the most prevalent, followed by HPV types 31, 51 and 18. Application of molecular HPV diagnosis is valuable because it increases the sensitivity of the screening test, so that the application of both tests to detect cervical cancer is a true prevention of malignancy

    Inducing LIPSS by multi-pass and cross-directional scanning of femtosecond beam over surface of thin metal films

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    During interaction of femtosecond laser beam with metal surfaces, laser induced pe- riodic nanostructures, LIPSS can be formed, which may improve properties of materials. Having excellent mechanical properties, multilayer thin films, like 5x(Al/Ti)@Si, are con- venient for forming of high quality LIPSS [1] due to their multilayer structure. We have exposed the multilayer thin film metal systems 5x(Al/Ti)@Si with femtosecond beam from the laser system Coherent Mira 900 in NIR with various scanning configurations [2]. The irradiated samples have been analyzed by Tescan Mira3 SEM. The beam scanned over the surface of the samples with multi-pass and cross-directional scanning configurations with the change of polarization direction. The formation of LIPSS is most probably due to the occurence of surface plasmon polariton, which leads to the periodic distribution of energy on the sample surface. The orientation of the LIPSS is related to the direction of the beam polarization. During multi-pass scanning, LIPSS maintained its configuration. The preservation of structures occured to some extent. Depending on the accumulated energy, two forms of LIPSS were generated: “hills”, for less accumulation, and “trenches” for greater accumulation. “Hills” are non-ablative, probably are due to the build-up of the material and are parallel to the polarization direction. “Trenches” are formed by ablation and are perpendicular to the polarization direction. During cross-directional scanning, LIPSS of orthogonal directions have been generated. The value of the “hills” period was around 360 nm and the width was ∼285 nm. The values of “trenches” period fluctuated between 320 and 380 nm, while width was between 85 and 45 nm. Proposed mechanism is that, for less accumulated energy, “hills” formed, while more accumulated energy leads to the ablation and formation of “trenches”.UltrafastLight-2018 : International Conference on Ultrafast Optical Science : Book of Abstracts, October 1-5, 2018, Moscow, Russi

    Remarks on simple interpolation between Jordanian twists

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    In this paper, we propose a simple generalization of the locally r-symmetric Jordanian twist, resulting in the one-parameter family of Jordanian twists. All the proposed twists differ by the coboundary twists and produce the same Jordanian deformation of the corresponding Lie algebra. They all provide the κ\kappa-Minkowski spacetime commutation relations. Constructions from noncommutative coordinates to the star product and coproduct, and from the star product to the coproduct and the twist are presented. The corresponding twist in the Hopf algebroid approach is given. Our results are presented symbolically by a diagram relating all of the possible constructions.Comment: 12 page

    Prime tight frames

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    We introduce a class of finite tight frames called prime tight frames and prove some of their elementary properties. In particular, we show that any finite tight frame can be written as a union of prime tight frames. We then characterize all prime harmonic tight frames and use this characterization to suggest effective analysis and synthesis computation strategies for such frames. Finally, we describe all prime frames constructed from the spectral tetris method, and, as a byproduct, we obtain a characterization of when the spectral tetris construction works for redundancies below two

    Long-term variability of the optical spectra of NGC 4151: I. Light curves and flux correlations

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    Results of a long-term spectral monitoring of the active galactic nucleus of NGC 4151 are presented (11 years, from 1996 to 2006). High quality spectra (S/N>50 in the continuum near Halpha and Hbeta) were obtained in the spectral range ~4000 to 7500 \AA, with a resolution between 5 and 15 A, using the 6-m and the 1-m SAO's telescopes (Russia), the GHAO's 2.1-m telescope (Cananea, Mexico), and the OAN-SPM's 2.1-m telescope (San-Pedro, Mexico). The observed fluxes of the Halpha, Hbeta, Hgamma and HeII emission lines and of the continuum at the observed wavelength 5117 A, were corrected for the position angle, the seeing and the aperture effects. We found that the continuum and line fluxes varied strongly (up to a factor 6) during the monitoring period. The emission was maximum in 1996-1998, and there were two minima, in 2001 and in 2005. The Halpha, Hgamma and He II fluxes were well correlated with the Hbeta flux. We considered three characteristic periods during which the Hbeta and Halpha profiles were similar: 1996-1999, 2000-2001 and 2002-2006. The line to continuum flux ratios were different; in particular during the first period, the lines were not correlated with the continuum and saturated at high fluxes. In the second and third period, where the continuum flux was small, the Halpha and Hbeta fluxes were well correlated to the continuum flux, meaning that the ionizing continuum was a good extrapolation of the optical continuum. The CCFs are often asymmetrical and the time lags between the lines and the continuum are badly defined indicating the presence of a complex BLR, with dimensions from 1 to 50 light-days.Comment: A&A, accepte