20 research outputs found


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    This study attempts to distinguish psychological and sociocultural forms of adjustment during the process of cross-cultural transitions. It will show how culture shock is influenced by personality of Croatian expatriates, what the influential factors are and how is going socio- and psychocultural adjustment on the new culture. Results from empirical data indicate that there are clear differences between some of demographic factors and cross-cultural adaptation. Gender shows signifi cant difference in a relation to critical thinking which is a part of psychological adjustment. Education level shows differences among socio-cultural adaptation overall score, behavioral adaptation, openness and critical thinking. Monthly income has an impact on flexibility. Length of stay shows differences in a relation to emotional regulation and critical thinking. On the other hand cognitive adaptation correlates with critical thinking.Cilj istraživanja je identificirati psiholoÅ”ke i socio-kulturoloÅ”ke oblike prilagodbe u procesu među-kulturoloÅ”ke tranzicije. Utvrdit će se kako je kulturoloÅ”ki Å”ok uvjetovan osobnoŔću hrvatskih ekspatrijata, koji su faktori utjecaja i kako se odvija proces socijalne i psiholoÅ”ke prilagodbe novog kulturi. Rezultati empirijskog istraživanja potvrđuju značajne razlike između demografskih obilježja i među-kulturoloÅ”ke adaptacije. Identificirane su razlike između muÅ”karaca i žena za kritičko razmiÅ”ljanje Å”to predstavlja dio psiholoÅ”ke prilagodbe. Stupanj obrazovanja također utječe na ukupno socio-kulturoloÅ”ku adaptaciju, adaptaciju ponaÅ”anja, otvorenost i kritičko razmiÅ”ljanje. Primanja su također povezana s fleksibilnoŔću. Vrijeme boravka je povezano s emocionalnom regulacijom i kritičkim razmiÅ”ljanjem, a kognitivna adaptacija korelira s kritičnim razmiÅ”ljanjem

    Performance engineering for HEVC transform and quantization kernel on GPUs

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    Continuous growth of video traffic and video services, especially in the field of high resolution and high-quality video content, places heavy demands on video coding and its implementations. High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) standard doubles the compression efficiency of its predecessor H.264/AVC at the cost of high computational complexity. To address those computing issues high-performance video processing takes advantage of heterogeneous multiprocessor platforms. In this paper, we present a highly performance-optimized HEVC transform and quantization kernel with all-zero-block (AZB) identification designed for execution on a Graphics Processor Unit (GPU). Performance optimization strategy involved all three aspects of parallel design, exposing as much of the applicationā€™s intrinsic parallelism as possible, exploitation of high throughput memory and efficient instruction usage. It combines efficient mapping of transform blocks to thread-blocks and efficient vectorized access patterns to shared memory for all transform sizes supported in the standard. Two different GPUs of the same architecture were used to evaluate proposed implementation. Achieved processing times are 6.03 and 23.94ā€‰ms for DCI 4K and 8K Full Format, respectively. Speedup factors compared to CPU, cuBLAS and AVX2 implementations are up to 80, 19 and 4 times respectively. Proposed implementation outperforms previous work 1.22 times

    Implantoprosthetic rehabilitation of severely atrophic maxilla using zygomatic implants

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    Cilj: Implantoprotetska rehabilitacija vrlo atrofične maksile predstavlja priličan izazov. Rehabilitacija vrlo atrofične maksile može se postići upotrebom zigomatičnih implantata. Iako se radi o metodi koja se u svijetu koristi viÅ”e od 20 godina, u Hrvatskoj do sada nije primjenjivana. Prikaz slučaja: U radu je prikazano implantoprotetsko zbrinjavanje potpune bezubosti gornje čeljusti s četiri zigomatična implantata koji su imedijatno opterećeni te se nakon četiri mjeseca izradio definitivni protetski nadomjestak prema principima ā€žall on fourā€. Zaključak: Zigomatični implantati vrlo su sigurno rjeÅ”enje u slučaju kada treba implantoprotetski rehabilitirati atrofičnu maksilu.Aim: Implant rehabilitation of the atrophic maxilla represents a considerable challenge. Rehabilitation very atrophic maxilla can be achieved by using zygomatic implants. Although this is a method that is used by more than 20 years, in Croatia has not been used. Case report: The paper presents an implant care of the edentulous upper jaw with four zygomatic implants that were immediately loaded and after four months made the definitive restoration. Conclusion: It can be concluded that the zygomatic implants are very safe solution for implantoprosthetic rehabilitation of atrophic maxilla

    Parkland formula role in treatment of severe burn ā€“ Case report

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    Cilj je ovog rada prikaz bolesnika s iznimno opsežnim opeklinama svih dijelova tijela. MuÅ”karac srednjih godina 12-ak sati prije početka bolničkog liječenja u KBC-u Split pokuÅ”ao je suicid paljenjem plinske boce u zatvorenom prostoru, oko 150 kilometara od ustanove gdje je započeto liječenje. Eksplozija i požar kojima je pacijent bio izložen uzrokovali su opekline visokog stupnja na velikoj tjelesnoj povrÅ”ini. U trenutku prijma na bolničko liječenje pacijent je bio ekstremno agresivan i nesuradljiv. Važno je naglasiti da pacijent u trenutku prijma na bolničko liječenje nije imao uspostavljen venski put. U bolnicu je primljen sa znatnom odgodom (12 sati +/- 1 sat), koja je produbila dehidraciju i pogorÅ”ala njegovo, već ionako životno ugroženo stanje. Dubina opeklina procijenjena je na stupnjeve II. b i III., a zahvaćale su 70% ukupne povrÅ”ine tijela (engl. Body surface area ā€“ BSA). Prvi cilj prije volumne nadoknade bila je uspostava odgovarajućega venskog puta, koji pacijent u trenutku prijma u bolnicu nije imao. Zbog agitiranosti i agresivnosti intramuskularno se injicirala kombinacija midazolama, ketamina i atropina, a srediÅ”nji venski pristup uspostavio se tek kad je pacijent bio anesteziran. Obilna nadoknada kristaloidima za vrijeme inicijalnoga trosatnog zbrinjavanja privremeno je stabilizirala bolesnika, a agresivna nadoknada kristaloidima i koloidima nastavljena je u jedinici intenzivnog liječenja. Potrebe za kristaloidima u prva 24 sata izračunane su s pomoću Parklandske formule i iznosile su 25.200 mL kristaloida. Tijekom liječenja pacijent je Å”est puta podvrgnut kirurÅ”kim zahvatima uz svakodnevna previjanja u općoj anesteziji. Boravak se zakomplicirao zbog infekcije multirezistentnim Acinetobacter baumannii. Zaključno, Parklandska formula ostaje okosnica volumne nadoknade pacijenata s opeklinama II. i III. stupnja. Odgoda liječenja, prisutna u ovom slučaju, rezultirala je enormnom dehidracijom i gubitkom intravaskularnog volumena sa svim patofizioloÅ”kim poremećajima pridruženima takvom stanju. Zbrinjavanje pacijenta bilo je dodatno otežano zbog njegove agresivnosti pri prijmu, nedostatka venskog puta i nemogućnosti započinjanja liječenja odmah ili vrlo brzo nakon nastalih opeklina.In this case report a rarely seen and a fairly demanding patient is presented. A middle-aged male with severe and extensive burns sustained after attempted suicide with ignited propane butane containing gas bottle was transported to the emergency department of University Hospital Centre Split after more than 12 hours since initial injury. Explosion and fire caused the second and third degree burns to the patient on a very large body surface area (70 percent). At the moment of admission, he was extremely aggressive, combative and uncooperative. Also, it is important to emphasize that the patient had no intravenous access. Due to the absence of intravenous access, and due to the patientsā€™ condition, the author decided to apply midazolam, ketamine and atropine intramuscularly. After the patient was in general anaesthesia, central venous access was established via left subclavian vein, and immediate crystalloid infusion therapy was initiated. According Parkland formula, volume of crystalloid replacement should be 25200 mL during the first 24 hours. Since more than eight hours passed from the time of the injury, fluid deficit was theoretically more than 8400 mL. During the initial treatment and three hour surgery, the patient received 5500 mL of Plasma-Lyte solution. He was treated in the intensive care unit for a prolonged period of time, and complicated with multiresistant Acinetobacter baumannii infection. Finally, Parkland formula remains the basic tool in burn fluid resuscitation. Our intention was to present an interesting case of a middle-aged patient with extensive burns, whose care was complicated with aggression at admission, lack of intravenous access, and a prolonged period between the initial injury and the start of hospital treatment. These greatly complicate the treatment, patientsā€™ recovery and overall morbidity and mortality

    Embedded Module for Wireless Bluetooth Communication

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    U ovom radu predstavljena je izvedba ugradbenog modula kojim je ostvarena komunikacija pametnog telefona i mikrokontrolera zasnovanog na familiji procesora ARM7. Komunikacija je ostvarena bežičnom serijskom vezom pomoću Bluetooth modula. Također je izvedeno i programsko rjeÅ”enje za ugradbeni modul čija je zadaća upravljanje izlaznim sklopovljem koje uključuje LED diode i relej za otvaranje električne brave. Na kraju je i prikazana jednostavna aplikacija za pametni telefon zasnovan na operacijskom sustavu Android pomoću koje se preko Bluetootha Å”alje naredba mikrokontroleru za otvaranje električne brave.This work presents the performance of embedded module for wirelles Bluetooth Communication used in simple 2-factor authentication for access control. This module establishes the communication between the smartphone and microcontroller, which is based on a ARM7 processor family. Communication was established using a wireless serial connection with the help of the Bluetooth module. Embedded module is implemented with the help of software solution and the task of this module is to manage output circuits. It include LEDs and the relay to open electronic lock. At the end of this presentation a simple application for the smartphone is shown, based on Android OS. Using this application we can send commands to the microcontroller for electronic lock picks via Bluetooth

    Embedded Module for Wireless Bluetooth Communication

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    U ovom radu predstavljena je izvedba ugradbenog modula kojim je ostvarena komunikacija pametnog telefona i mikrokontrolera zasnovanog na familiji procesora ARM7. Komunikacija je ostvarena bežičnom serijskom vezom pomoću Bluetooth modula. Također je izvedeno i programsko rjeÅ”enje za ugradbeni modul čija je zadaća upravljanje izlaznim sklopovljem koje uključuje LED diode i relej za otvaranje električne brave. Na kraju je i prikazana jednostavna aplikacija za pametni telefon zasnovan na operacijskom sustavu Android pomoću koje se preko Bluetootha Å”alje naredba mikrokontroleru za otvaranje električne brave.This work presents the performance of embedded module for wirelles Bluetooth Communication used in simple 2-factor authentication for access control. This module establishes the communication between the smartphone and microcontroller, which is based on a ARM7 processor family. Communication was established using a wireless serial connection with the help of the Bluetooth module. Embedded module is implemented with the help of software solution and the task of this module is to manage output circuits. It include LEDs and the relay to open electronic lock. At the end of this presentation a simple application for the smartphone is shown, based on Android OS. Using this application we can send commands to the microcontroller for electronic lock picks via Bluetooth

    Interface for Component Integration into Heterogeneous Computing System Based on RISC-V Implemented on FPGA Programmable Logic

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    U ovom radu opisana je arhitektura skupa naredbi RISC-V te je predstavljen heterogeni računalni sustav PULPissimo s procesorom arhitekture RISC-V. Razvijeno je, također, sučelje za integraciju komponenti u sustav PULPissimo za programabilnu tehnologiju FPGA.This work describes RISC-V instruction set architecture and heterogeneous computing system PULPissimo based on RISC-V. Interface for component integration into system PULPissimo implemented on FPGA programmable logic has also been introduced


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    DruÅ”tveno odgovorno poslovanje postalo je uobičajena poslovna praksa suvremenih poduzeća. Pitanja zaÅ”tite okoliÅ”a, socijalne politike i upravljanja postaju moćna sredstva u stjecanju konkurentskih prednosti na globalnom tržiÅ”tu. Predmet ovog rada obuhvaća teoriju druÅ”tveno odgovornog poslovanja i prikaz nekoliko poslovnih subjekata koji su druÅ”tveno odgovorno poslovanje uspjeÅ”no implementirali u svoje poslovanje.Corporate social responsibility has become a common business practice of modern companies. Environmental, social policy and governance issues are becoming powerful tools for gaining competitive advantage in the global marketplace. The subject of this paper covers the theory of corporate social responsibility and the presentation of several business entities that have successfully implemented corporate social responsibility in their operations

    Interface for Component Integration into Heterogeneous Computing System Based on RISC-V Implemented on FPGA Programmable Logic

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    U ovom radu opisana je arhitektura skupa naredbi RISC-V te je predstavljen heterogeni računalni sustav PULPissimo s procesorom arhitekture RISC-V. Razvijeno je, također, sučelje za integraciju komponenti u sustav PULPissimo za programabilnu tehnologiju FPGA.This work describes RISC-V instruction set architecture and heterogeneous computing system PULPissimo based on RISC-V. Interface for component integration into system PULPissimo implemented on FPGA programmable logic has also been introduced


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    S obzirom na kompleksnost i dinamičnost danaÅ”njeg tržiÅ”ta na kojem se nalaze svi poslovni subjekti a samim time i nogometni klubovi, pitanje opstanka i daljnjeg razvoja uvelike se veže za izbor adekvatne strategije koja će poduzeću omogućiti ostvarivanje konkurentske prednosti nad svojim konkurentima. Kako bi se poduzeće Å”to lakÅ”e nosilo sa konstantnim promjenama na tržiÅ”tu treba imati dobro osmiÅ”ljenu i efikasno implementiranu strategiju s kojom će biti u stanju odgovoriti na nove izazove koji proizlaze izunutarnjeg i vanjskog okruženja. U ovom radu prikazati će se različite strategije i alati koji menadžmentu služe kao podloga za donoÅ”enje kvalitetnih odluka i obrada istih na primjeru HNK Hajduk Split. Glavni cilj rada je istražiti na koji način HNK Hajduk Split koristi potencijal koji ima, te na koji način uspjeÅ”no provodi strategiju diferencijacije. Uz to, proveden je i anketni upitnik kojim su dobiveni reprezentativni podatci o svijesti i miÅ”ljenju navijača o svim bitnim pitanjima vezanim za sadaÅ”njost i budućnost kluba. Iz dobivenih rezultata istraživanja može se zaključiti da klub uspjeÅ”no provodi strategiju diferencijacije koja proizlazi iz spomenutog modela upravljanja.Given the complexity and dynamism of today's market, where all business entities and football clubs are located, the question of survival and further development is largely linked to the choice of an adequate strategy that will enable thecompany to achieve a competitive advantage over its competitors. In order for the company to cope with the constant changes in the market as easily as possible, it should have a well-designed and effectively implemented strategy with which it will be able to respond to new challenges arising from the internal and external environment. This paper will present various strategies and tools that serve as a basis for management to make quality decisions and process them, using the example of HNK Hajduk Split. The main goal of the paper is to investigate how HNK Hajduk Split uses the potential it has and how it successfully implements its differentiation strategy. In addition, a survey questionnaire was conducted, which obtained representative data on the news and opinion of fans on all important issues related to the present and future of the club. From the obtained research results, it can be concluded that the club is successfully implementing a differentiation strategy that results from the aforementioned management model