343 research outputs found
Nukkumisergonomiaohjauksen merkitys selkäkipuasiakkaille
Ihminen viettää noin kolmasosan elämästään nukkuen. Siksi ei ole yhdentekevää missä asennossa ihminen nukkuu. Nukkumisergonomia on ala, jossa kartoitetaan nukkuma-asentojen ja nukkumisympäristön kuormitus- ja riskitekijöitä. Tyynyistä ja patjoista on tehty runsaasti tutkimuksia, mutta itse nukkuma-asennoista ja niiden vaikutuksista kehoon ei ole näyttöön perustuvaa tietoa. Tuki- ja liikuntaelinten kipuoireet voivat usein liittyä nukkumisergonomiaan. Monissa tutkimuksissa on todettu, että selkäkivulla, nukkuma-asennoilla ja unen laadulla on selkeä dynaaminen yhteys toisiinsa.
Tutkimuksemme on työelämälähtöinen eli yhteistyökumppanimme on ErgonoVita –yrityksen, nukkumisergonomiassa kokenut työfysioterapeutti Jenni Ahopelto. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää, millainen merkitys nukkumisergonomiaohjauksella on selkäkipuasiakkaiden kokemassa kivussa, unen laadussa ja nukkumistottumuksissa. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on tarkastel-la tutkittavien kokemuksia nukkumisergonomiaohjauksesta. Tutkimustuloksia voidaan hyödyntää sosiaali- ja terveysalalla, ja haluamme myös, että tulevaisuudessa fysioterapeutit kiinnittäisivät työssään enemmän huomiota nukkumisergonomiaohjaukseen.
Tutkimuksen kohteena oli 15 henkilön joukko, joka kerättiin liikunta- ja hyvinvointialaan keskittyvän yrityksen, Haipakka Oy:n selkäryhmien kautta. Tutkittavilla oli kroonista ja ajoittaista selkäkipua. Tutkimuksemme on kvalitatiivinen eli laadullinen, ja aineistonkeruumenetelmänä käytimme teemahaastattelua, VAS-kipujanaa, kipupiirrosta sekä nukkumispäiväkirjoja. Haastattelut suoritettiin sekä tutkimuksen alussa että lopussa, ja niiden välissä tutkittavat saivat Jenni Ahopellolta yksilöllisen nukkumisergonomiaohjauksen. Lisäksi jokainen heistä sai MediLuxx -tuoteperheen yksilöllisesti säädetyn tyynyn ja halityynyn. Tutkimusjakson kesto oli kolme viikkoa.
Tutkimustulosten perusteella voimme sanoa, että nukkumisergonomiaohjauksella oli merkitystä kyseiselle tutkimusryhmälle. Suurimmalla osalla tutkimusryhmäläisistä tuntemus selkäkivusta lievittyi, mikä voidaan todeta esimerkiksi VAS-kipujanan arvojen pienenemisellä varsinkin öisin ja aamuisin. Unen laadun voidaan ajatella yleisesti parantuneen, sillä esimerkiksi öisen heräilyjen määrä väheni suurimmalla osalla tutkittavista. Lisäksi tutkittavien tietoisuus nukkuma-asennoista ja niiden vaikutuksista lisääntyi huomattavasti tutkimusjakson aikana, mitä pidämme merkittävänä tuloksena. Nukkumisergonomiaohjauksen tutkimusta täytyy vielä jatkaa, sillä ilmiönä se on vielä uusi. Olisi mielenkiintoista tutkia, minkälaisia tuloksia saataisiin, jos tutkimus tehtäisiin pidemmällä aikavälillä ja suuremmalla otannalla. Lisäksi olisi mielenkiintoista tutkita nukkumisergonomiaohjauksen merkitystä muissa tuki- ja liikuntaelinsairauksissa.The human sleep a third of his life. Therefore, it is not insignificant in which position do people sleep. Sleeping ergonomics is a field where risk- and stress factors of sleeping positions and –environment are surveyed. There are many studies made of pillows and mattresses but sleeping ergonomics is a quite new phenomenon so there is very limited amount of research information available. The pain symptoms of musculoskeletal system are often associated with sleeping ergonomics. Many studies have discovered that back pain, sleeping positions and quality of sleep have an explicit and dynamic connection between each other.
This study is working life-based and we collaborate with an experienced physiotherapist Jenni Ahopelto. The aim of this research is to study how guiding of sleeping ergonomics affects back pain and both sleeping quality and habits. One of the goals is to decipher the experiences of guiding in sleeping ergonomics. Additionally, another goal is to make physiotherapists pay more attention to guiding sleeping ergonomics.
The data was collected from 15 people who had chronic or occasional back pain. The study method’s involved theme interview, the use of VAS-scale and the pain drawing. Interviews were both in the beginning and at the end. Each participant had an individual guiding in sleeping ergonomics lasting for thirty minutes. The research period lasted three weeks and participants wrote notes daily to a sleeping diary.
The results of this research indicate that guiding in sleeping ergonomics was meaningful for research group. Most of the participants told that their experience of pain decreased, and reduced figures of VAS-scale indicated this result. Generally, it can be assumed that sleep quality had been improved, because the number of awakenings during the night were decreased. Additionally, the awareness of sleeping positions and their effects increased among the participants.
Because guiding in sleeping ergonomics is quite a new concept, there is a substantial need to study the subject more. It would be interesting to research this subject in longer period and for larger group of research participants
A review of the potential and actual sources of pollution to groundwater in selected karst areas in Slovenia
International audienceSlovenian karst areas extend over 43% of the country; limestones and dolomites of the Mesozoic era prevail. In Slovenia karst groundwater contributes up to 50% of the total drinking water supply. The quality of water is very high, despite the fact that it is extremely vulnerable to pollution. The present article is a study and a review of the potential and actual sources of pollution to the groundwater in the selected karst aquifers (the Kras, Velika planina and Sne?nik plateaus), which differ in their natural characteristics. Unlike the other selected plateaus, the Kras plateau is inhabited. There are several settlements in the area and the industrial, agricultural and traffic activities carried out that represent a serious threat to the quality of karst groundwater. The Velika planina and Sne?nik plateaus do not have permanent residents, however there are some serious hazards to the quality of the karst springs arising from sports, tourist, construction and farming activities, as well as from the traffic related to them. Despite relatively favourable conditions for protection, many important karst aquifers and springs are improperly protected in Slovenia. The reason is the lack of knowledge about sustainable water management in karst regions and the confusion in drinking water protection policy
A formal verification approach of conversations in composite web services using NuSMV
Web service composition is currently a very focused-on topic of research, with many studies being proposed by academic and industrial research groups. This paper discusses the design and verification of behavior of composite Web services. We model composite Web services based on two behaviors, namely control and operational. These behaviors communicate through conversation messages. We use state charts to model composite Web services and verify the synchronization of the conversations among them using symbolic model checking with NuSMV. © 2009 IOS Press. All rights reserved
A random regression model in analysis of litter size in pigs
Dispersion parameters for number of piglets born alive (NBA) were estimated using a random regression model (RRM). Two data sets of litter records from the Nemščak farm in Slovenia were used for analyses. The first dataset (DS1) included records from the first to the sixth parity. The second dataset (DS2) was extended to the tenth parity. Four sow genotypes were included: Swedish Landrace (SL), Large White (LW) and their crossbred lines. The fixed part of the model included sow genotype, mating season (as month-year interaction), parity and weaning to conception interval as class effects. The age at farrowing was modelled as a quadratic regression, nested within parity. The previous lactation length was fitted as a linear regression. Random regressions for parity on Legendre polynomials were included for direct additive genetic, permanent environmental and common litter environmental effects. Orthogonal Legendre polynomials from the linear to the cubic power were fitted. Estimates of heritability ranged from 0.09 to 0.14. The ratio of permanent environmental variance to total variance increased along the trajectory from 0.05 to 0.16. Magnitudes of common litter effect were generally small (0.01 to 0.02). The eigenvalues of covariance functions showed that between 10 and 15% of genetic variability was explained by the individual genetic curve of sows in the DS2. This proportion was mainly covered by linear and quadratic coefficients. Results suggest that RRM could be used for genetic analysis of litter size. South African Journal of Animal Science Vol. 34(4) 2004: 241-24
A formal verification approach of conversations in compostie Web services
Web service composition is nowadays a very focused-on topic of research by academic and industrial research groups. This thesis discusses the design and verification of behaviors of composite web services. To model composite web services, two behaviors are proposed, namely control and operational. The operational behavior shows the business logic of the process functionality for a composite web service. The control behavior shows the constraints that the operational behavior should satisfy and specifies the states that this behavior should be in. The idea behind this separation is to promote the design, verification and reusability of web services in composite settings. To guarantee their compatibility, these two behaviors communicate and synchronize through conversation messages. State charts are used to model composite web services and symbolic model checking with NuSMV model checker is used to verify their conversations. The properties to be verified are expressed in two logics: Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) and Computation Tree Logic (CTL). A Java-based translation procedure from the design model to SMV program used by NuSMV has been developed and tested in two case studie
Symbolic model checking composite Web services using operational and control behaviors
This paper addresses the issue of verifying if composite Web services design meets some desirable properties in terms of deadlock freedom, safety (something bad never happens), and reachability (something good will eventually happen). Composite Web services are modeled based on a separation of concerns between business and control aspects of Web services. This separation is achieved through the design of an operational behavior, which defines the composition functioning according to the Web services\u27 business logic, and a control behavior, which identifies the valid sequences of actions that the operational behavior should follow. These two behaviors are formally defined using automata-based techniques. The proposed approach is model checking-based where the operational behavior is the model to be checked against properties defined in the control behavior. The paper proves that the proposed technique allows checking the soundness and completeness of the design model with respect to the operational and control behaviors. Moreover, automatic translation procedures from the design models to the NuSMV model checker\u27s code and a verification tool are reported in the paper. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved
SoMeT - A Formal Verification Approach of Conversations in Composite Web Services Using NuSMV
Web service composition is currently a very focused-on topic of research, with many studies being proposed by academic and industrial research groups. This paper discusses the design and verification of behavior of composite Web services. We model composite Web services based on two behaviors, namely control and operational. These behaviors communicate through conversation messages. We use state charts to model composite Web services and verify the synchronization of the conversations among them using symbolic model checking with NuSMV
Pengujian usability sistem adopsi hewan secara online penting untuk diperhatikan
karena tidak hanya berkaitan dengan kenyamanan dan keamanan penggunanya saja, tetapi juga
meningkatkan kesejahteraan hewan yang diadopsi. Sejauh ini, pengujian usability dari sistem
adopsi hewan pada Eidos masih belum dilakukan dan ditemukannya masalah bahwa adanya
kebingungan dengan alur proses dalam sistem adopsi hewan ini. Pengujian usability ini
menggunakan metode Heuristic Evaluation dan System Usability Scale (SUS), yang melibatkan
in-depth interview untuk memperoleh hasil yang bukan hanya berupa penilaian statistik saja,
melainkan juga wawasan yang lebih mendalam dari sudut pandang pengguna. Hasil evaluasi
menggunakan Heuristic Evaluation mendapatkan 59 permasalahan, dengan rata-rata perhitungan severity rating sebesar tiga atau major, yang perbaikannya telah menghasilkan beberapa
rancangan desain rekomendasi. Adapun desain rekomendasi tersebut telah melalui pengujian
akhir menggunakan System Usability Scale (SUS) yang berhasil meraih skor sebesar 78, atau
terkategori good, disertai beberapa umpan balik kritis yang bersifat minor untuk peningkatan
sistem. Dengan demikian, pengguna secara keseluruhan merasa sangat puas dalam
menggunakan sistem adopsi online dari hasil desain rekomendasi yang ada. Implikasi desain
rekomendasi yang dihasilkan telah teruji kegunaannya oleh sebanyak tiga ahli UI/UX design
dan pengguna secara langsung sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai landasan bagi pengembangan
sistem adopsi hewan secara online yang lebih baik.
Usability testing of online animal adoption systems is important because it is not only related to the comfort and safety of users, but also to the welfare of the adopted animals. So far, usability testing of the animal adoption system on Eidos has not been carried out and there is a problem that there is confusion with the process flow in this animal adoption system. This usability testing uses the Heuristic Evaluation method and the System Usability Scale (SUS), which involves in-depth interviews to obtain results that are not only statistical assessments, but also deeper insights from the user's perspective. The results of the evaluation using Heuristic Evaluation obtained 59 problems, with an average severity rating of 3 or major, whose improvements have resulted in several draft design recommendations. The recommendation design has gone through final testing using the System Usability Scale (SUS) which managed to achieve a score of 78, or categorized as good, along with some minor critical feedback for system improvement. Therefore, users as a whole feel very satisfied in using the online adoption system from the results of the existing recommendation design. The implications of the resulting recommendation design have been tested for usability by three UI/UX design experts and users directly so that they can be used as a basis for developing a better online animal adoption system
Vortex free energies in SO(3) and SU(2) lattice gauge theory
Lattice gauge theories with gauge groups SO(3) and SU(2) are compared. The
free energy of electric twist, an order parameter for the
confinement-deconfinement transition which does not rely on centre-symmetry
breaking, is measured in both theories. The results are used to calibrate the
scale in SO(3).Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures, talk presented at Lattice2002(topology
Temporal evolution of thermal structures and winter heat content change from VOS-XBT data in the central Mediterranean Sea
International audienceSeasonal and year-to-year time evolution of the thermal structure, including the heat content change in the upper water column and its relationship with the surface net heat fluxes, have been studied at five locations in the central Mediterranean Sea. The study is based on temperature profiles collected during XBT surveys (eXpendable Bathy-Thermograph) carried out on ships of opportunity, in the framework of the MFSPP (Mediterranean Forecasting System Pilot Project), between September 1999 and May 2001. The five investigated zones are located in the southern Adriatic, NW Ionian, southern and northern Tyrrhenian, and Ligurian Sea. Gradual erosion of the thermocline in autumn, formation of a mixed layer in winter, and the onset of the stratification in spring, are common properties of the temporal evolution of thermal structures at all five locations. Moreover, in the southern Adriatic, a deep convection took place down to about 600 m in winter 1999/2000. On the other hand, mild climatic conditions and small surface heat loss in autumn and winter 2000/2001 drastically reduced a mixing/convection depth which hardly reached 200 m. Simultaneously, the NW Ionian remained slightly stratified throughout the winter period. The heat storage rate in the upper portion of the water column (down to 450 m) is compared with the air-sea net heat flux at a monthly scale. A heat content decrease is determined by the surface heat loss, and the processes such as lateral advection, or upwelling of the colder waters through the base of the water column (for example, in the southern Adriatic and Ionian Seas). Elsewhere (for example, in the northern Tyrrhenian and Ligurian Seas), the upwelling does not contribute significantly to the heat balance within the water column, since the vertical temperature gradients in deeper layers are negligible. Key words. Oceanography: general (climate and interannual variability; descriptive and regional oceanography) ? Oceanography: physical (air-sea interactions
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