20 research outputs found

    Mechanism of ferroelectric instabilities in non d^0 perovskites: LaCrO_3 versus CaMnO_3

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    The incompatibility of partial d occupation on the perovskite B-site with the standard charge transfer mechanism for ferroelectricity has been a central paradigm in multiferroics research. Nevertheless, it was recently shown by density functional theory calculations that CaMnO_3 exhibits a polar instability that even dominates over the octahedral tilting for slightly enlarged unit cell volume. Here, we present similar calculations for LaCrO_3, which has the same d^3 B-site electron configuration as CaMnO_3. We find that LaCrO_3 exhibits a very similar, albeit much weaker, polar instability as CaMnO_3. In addition, while the Born effective charge (BEC) of the Mn^{4+} cation in CaMnO_3 is highly anomalous, the BEC of Cr^{3+} in LaCrO_3 is only slightly enhanced. By decomposing the BECs into contributions of individual Wannier functions we show that the ferroelectric instabilities in both systems can be understood in terms of charge transfer between TM d and O p states, analogously to the standard d^0 perovskite ferroelectrics.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, 2 table

    Spin-caloric transport properties of cobalt nanostructures: spin disorder effects from first principles

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    The fundamental aspects of spin-dependent transport processes and their interplay with temperature gradients, as given by the spin Seebeck coefficient, are still largely unexplored and a multitude of contributing factors must be considered. We used density functional theory together with a Monte-Carlo-based statistical method to simulate simple nanostructures, such as Co nanowires and films embedded in a Cu host or in vacuum, and investigated the influence of spin-disorder scattering on electron transport at elevated temperatures. While we show that the spin-dependent scattering of electrons due to temperature induced disorder of the local magnetic moments contributes significantly to the resistance, thermoelectric and spin-caloric transport coefficients, we also conclude that the actual magnitude of these effects cannot be predicted, quantitatively or qualitatively, without such detailed calculations.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Rubidium superoxide: a p-electron Mott insulator

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    Rubidium superoxide, RbO_2, is a rare example of a solid with partially-filled electronic p states, which allows to study the interplay of spin and orbital order and other effects of strong electronic correlations in a material that is quite different from the conventional d or f electron systems. Here we show, using a combination of density functional theory (DFT) and dynamical mean-field theory, that at room temperature RbO_2 is indeed a paramagnetic Mott insulator. We construct the metal-insulator phase diagram as a function of temperature and Hubbard interaction parameters U and J. Due to the strong particle-hole asymmetry of the RbO_2 band-structure, we find strong differences compared to a simple semi-elliptical density of states, which is often used to study the multiband Hubbard model. In agreement with our previous DFT study, we also find indications for complex spin and orbital order at low temperatures.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figure

    Correlation effects in p-electron magnets: the case of RbO_2

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    We present results of GGA+U calculations for the "d^0 magnet" RbO_2, where magnetic properties are due to partially filled oxygen p orbitals. We show that on-site interactions on the oxygen sites lead to a strong tendency towards the formation of an orbitally polarized insulating state, in contrast to the half-metallic behavior predicted for this class of compounds within pure LDA/GGA. The obtained energy differences between different orbitally ordered configurations are sizeable, indicating an orbital ordering temperature higher than the antiferromagnetic Neel temperature of ~15 K. Our results demonstrate the importance of correlation effects in p electron magnets such as RbO_2.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Calculation of model Hamiltonian parameters for LaMnO_3 using maximally localized Wannier functions

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    Maximally localized Wannier functions (MLWFs) based on Kohn-Sham band-structures provide a systematic way to construct realistic, materials specific tight-binding models for further theoretical analysis. Here, we construct MLWFs for the Mn e_g bands in LaMnO_3, and we monitor changes in the MLWF matrix elements induced by different magnetic configurations and structural distortions. From this we obtain values for the local Jahn-Teller and Hund's rule coupling strength, the hopping amplitudes between all nearest and further neighbors, and the corresponding reduction due to the GdFeO_3-type distortion. By comparing our results with commonly used model Hamiltonians for manganites, where electrons can hop between two "e_g-like" orbitals located on each Mn site, we find that the most crucial limitation of such models stems from neglecting changes in the underlying Mn(d)-O(p) hybridization.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures, 3 table

    Combined first-principles and model Hamiltonian study of the perovskite series RMnO3 (R = La, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu and Gd)

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    We merge advanced ab initio schemes (standard density functional theory, hybrid functionals and the GW approximation) with model Hamiltonian approaches (tight-binding and Heisenberg Hamiltonian) to study the evolution of the electronic, magnetic and dielectric properties of the manganite family RMnO3 (R = La, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu and Gd). The link between first principles and tight-binding is established by downfolding the physically relevant subset of 3d bands with e_g character by means of maximally localized Wannier functions (MLWFs) using the VASP2WANNIER90 interface. The MLWFs are then used to construct a tight-binding Hamiltonian. The dispersion of the TB e_g bands at all levels are found to match closely the MLWFs. We provide a complete set of TB parameters which can serve as guidance for the interpretation of future studies based on many-body Hamiltonian approaches. In particular, we find that the Hund's rule coupling strength, the Jahn-Teller coupling strength, and the Hubbard interaction parameter U remain nearly constant for all the members of the RMnO3 series, whereas the nearest neighbor hopping amplitudes show a monotonic attenuation as expected from the trend of the tolerance factor. Magnetic exchange interactions, computed by mapping a large set of hybrid functional total energies onto an Heisenberg Hamiltonian, clarify the origin of the A-type magnetic ordering observed in the early rare-earth manganite series as arising from a net negative out-of-plane interaction energy. The obtained exchange parameters are used to estimate the Neel temperature by means of Monte Carlo simulations. The resulting data capture well the monotonic decrease of the ordering temperature down the R series, in agreement with experiments.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, 3 table

    Characterization of catalyst surfaces by ab-initio thermodynamics and STM data calculations

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    ZnO and Cu/ZnO are important industrial catalysts for many hydrogenation reactions, for example, the methanol synthesis from synthesis gas. The identification of the dominant surface structures (adsorbates and surface defects) under reaction conditions is essential for a microscopic understanding of the activity of a catalyst. Using density functional theory (DFT) combined with a thermodynamic formalism, the stability of catalytic surfaces has been studied as a function of the redox properties of a surrounding gas phase. To give guidelines on how the surface structures may appear in scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) experiments, the Bardeen's perturbation approach and the Tersoff--Hamann approximation theories have been implemented within the DFT framework and the surface structures have been characterized by calculated STM images