80 research outputs found

    Stereometric LED display

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    Bakalárska práca sa zaoberá návrhom priestorového zobrazovača tvoreného sieťou RGB LED usporiadaných do matice 8x8x8. Práca rozoberá možnosti usporiadania diód vzhľadom k minimalizácii počtu vývodov ako aj výrobu navrhnutej siete. Zariadenie je ovládané pomocou obvodu FPGA na vývojovej doske Spartan-3 Starter Kit a v práci je popísaný obslužný obvod. Informácie o zobrazovanom texte a animáciach sú do obvodu prenášané z počítača pomocou rozhrania USB. Zobrazovač tvoria okrem Spartan-3 Starter Kit dve pripojené dosky, o ktorých návrhu práca taktiež pojednáva. Prvá predstavuje samotný priestorový zobrazovač s potrebnými komponentmi a druhá obstaráva komunikáciu s počítačom.The bachelor thesis deals with the design of stereometric display made of the mesh of RGB LED arranged to the matrix of 8x8x8. The thesis copes with the options of diodes’ arrangement according to minimization of number of leads as well as building process of desired mesh. The device is controlled by FPGA circuit on the development board Spartan-3 Starter Kit and control circuit is described in the thesis. The information about displayed text and animations are transmitted into the circuit from computer through USB interface. The display is created, apart from Spartan-3 Starter Kit, by two connected boards which design is also described in the thesis. The first one presents the stereometric display itself with essentials components and the second one provides communication with the computer.


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    Práca sa zaoberá analýzou riešenia problémov synchrónnych číslicových obvodov. Výsledkom je vytvorenie metodiky pre návrh autosynchrónnych obvodov, definovanie ich časových parametrov na základe simulačných modelov a stanovenie podmienok pre ich správnu funkciu. Pre jednoduchý návrh týchto obvodov bola vytvorená metodika transformácie RTL popisu synchrónneho stavového automatu vo VHDL na autosynchrónny automat pri minimálnych zmenách. Nasleduje porovnanie transformovaných stavových automatov s ich originálnymi synchrónnymi predlohami v parametroch ako sú plocha čipu, prúdová spotreba a časovanie. Na záver práce je uvedené teoretické porovnanie rôznych typov synchronizácií (synchrónny, autosynchrónny, asynchrónny vo fundamentálnom režime, EAIC, Bundled-data, Dual-rail) na jednom príklade stavového automatu pri rovnakých technologických parametroch.This thesis focuses on problem-solution analysis of synchronous digital circuits; the results of which are autosynchronous circuit design methodology, timing parameter definitions based on simulation models and constraint settings. The RTL transformation of the synchronous state machine in VHDL language to an autosynchronous state machine was created with minimal modifications for the simple design of these circuits. Following this, a comparison of the transformed state machines with their synchronous originals in parameters such as chip area, current consumption and timing specification domain is introduced. The summation of this thesis displays a theoretical comparison of several types of synchronization (synchronous, autosynchronous, fundamental asynchronous, EAIC, Bundled-data, Dual-rail) which are presented on the single state machine example with the same technology parameters.

    OFDM modulator in FPGA chip

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    Diplomová práca sa zaoberá návrhom modulátora OFDM v obvode FPGA. Práca popisuje základné vlastnosti modulácie OFDM, jej výhody a nevýhody. Pomocou navrhnutej blokovej schémy popisuje jednotlivé časti spracovania dátového signálu na ceste od vysielača k prijímaču. Pre implementáciu modulátoru do obvodu FPGA bola zvolená vývojová doska Atlys Spartan-6 Development Board. Ďalšou náplňou práce je návrh a realizácia analógovo-digitálneho rozhrania pre modulátor OFDM. Rozhranie tvorí doska plošného spoja, ktorá sa pripája k vývojovej doske pomocou rozširujúceho konektoru. Doska obsahuje súčiastky potrebné pre vysielanie signálu ako aj pre následný príjem, popis použitých riešení je taktiež súčasťou tejto diplomovej práce. Správna funkcia oboch vytvorených častí bola overená pomocou hardvérovej kosimulácie.The master’s thesis deals with the design of modulator OFDM in the FPGA circuit. The thesis describes basic attributes of modulation OFDM, its pros and cons. With the help of created block level scheme, it describes all the components of the processing of the data signal on its way from the transmitter to the receiver. The Atlys Spartan-6 Development Board has been chosen for the implementation of the modulator. The other part of thesis is the design and realization of the analog-digital interface for the modulator OFDM. The interface consists of PCB, which is connected to the development board using expansion connector. The board is assembled with all the parts required for transmitting the signal as well as consecutive receiving, the description of used solutions is also a part of this master’s thesis. Proper function of both designed parts was verified using hardware co-simulation.

    Geodetic Deformation Measurements of "Gagarin" Bridge.

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    Náplňou diplomovej práce je geodetické zameranie posunov a deformácii nosnej konštrukcie a spodnej stavby železničného mostu Gagarin v etape 7 s následným spracovaním meraných dát, výpočtom a vyhodnotením posunov vzhľadom k predošlým etapám 5, 6. Práca zahŕňa aj kalibráciu prístrojov a pomôcok použitých k zameraniu. Výsledkom práce sú hodnoty zistených posunov s ich grafickou interpretáciou a kalibračné listy testovaných prístrojov a pomôcok.The content of this master´s thesis is a geodetic measuring of movements and deformations of skeleton and underwork of „Gagarin“ railway bridge during the seventh period and processing of the data got. This was done by comparison of the movements according to the fifth and sixth period. The work includes also the calibration of appliance used. The results involve figures of the movements with their graphic interpretation and calibration sheets of the appliance.

    Development of innovative composite systems ETICS on the basis of a new generation of secondary raw materials

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    Tato diplomová práce uplatňuje využití alternativních surovinových zdrojů k vytvoření zateplovacího systému ETICS nové generace pro rodinné domy. V teoretické části se zabývalo vysvětlením pojmu ETICS a výběrem vhodných surovin k jeho inovování. V navazující praktické části byly využity vybrané suroviny k vytvoření nového tepelného izolantu ze slámy a pojícího materiálu z cementu, kaseinového lepidla, bikomponentních vláken a mycelia dřevokazné houby. Na závěr byly naneseny varianty základní vrstvy povrchové úpravy z hliněné a minerální stěrky na novém tepelném izolantu, ze kterých se vybírala optimální varianta. Ze spojení optimálního tepelného izolantu a vhodné základní vrstvy povrchové úpravy byl proveden návrh finální podoby nového zateplovacího systému ETICS.This master’s thesis applies utilization of alternative raw materials in thermal insulation system of the ETICS of new generation for houses. The theoretical part dealt with the explanation of the ETICS and the selection of suitable raw material for his innovating. In the following practical part were used selected materials to create a new thermal insulation made of straw and binding materials of cement, casein glue, bicomponent fibers and mushroom mycelium. At the end have been applied the variants of base coat of clay and mineral screed on new thermal insulation, from which was selected the optimal variant. From optimal thermal insulation and suitable base coat was conducted proposal of final version of new ETICS.

    Impact of network Jitter on effective equipment impairment factor

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    The paper deals with a non-intrusive approach to the speech quality assessment and examines an impact of network jitter on effective equipment impairment factor in E-model. In order to improve currently used computational E-model (ITU-T G.107), we proposed an optimization based on numerous measurements and experiments with an objective intrusive method PESQ (Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality) under varying delay, packet loss, jitter and play-out buffer. Comparing achieved results in experiments and the computed values in E-model, we proposed modification which improves estimated MOS of E-model

    Statistical analysis of the Late Miocene sequences on the southeastern Danube Basin margin based on borehole data

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    The strata of lacustrine, deltaic and alluvial sequences of the southeastern Danube Basin (se DB) deposited during the Pannonian were reached by numerous boreholes. Even though the large amount of available data there are inconsistencies in recent knowledge, concerning distribution of different formations in the basin fill as well as the interpretation of their surficial occurrences. The purpose of this study is to utilize the full strength of available borehole data to characterize the spatial distribution and internal architecture of each penetrated sedimentary formation defined by Kováč et al. (2011). The used database contains more than 700 boreholes reaching average depth of 300 m, which lithological logs were digitalized according to main grain size in each described stratum and considering the origin of the layer. The resulting database comprises up to 16 000 documented layers. For purposes of the statistical analysis were created (1) pie charts of percentual share of each described lithotype (clays, fine sands, sands, gravels) for individual stratigraphic unit; (2) histograms of the percentual content of coarse (sandy and gravely) layers in a lithological column for each strat. unit; (3) histograms of single unit/stratum thickness for each lithotype in each strat. unit; and (4) interpolated maps of spatial distribution of coarse layers (percentual content) in each strat. unit. Area of the se DB, bordering with the Transdanubian Range Mts. (TR), represented before the regression of the Lake Pannon a submerged basement high. Specific depositional conditions occurred, because main input of sediment from the Western Carpathians on the northeast and from the paleo-Danube delta on the northwest fell into the offshore depocenter in the central depression of the DB. Lacustrine strata of the Ivanka Fm. deposited there mainly in a sublittoral zone contain therefore highly bioturbated clays and silts, while sand or coarser sediment is almost absent. This succession described only from core material and well-logs of deep boreholes is comparable to the Szák Fm. described in the Hungarian part of the basin. Subsequent regression of the Lake Pannon took place through mentioned deltaic systems prograding from the North. The shelf slope prograded to studied area across the offshore environment of the central depression before ca. 9.0 Ma. The deltaic sequence, considered as the Beladice Fm., is widely documented by studied boreholes. It is typical with alternating occurrence of brackish and freshwater to terrestrial mollusk fauna and common layers of lignite. Lithological composition of the sequence is highly fine grained: 88% clays, 6% silts/very fine sands, 6% sands. Layers coarser than clays form usually 3-18% of a lithological column. Majority of very fine sands and sands form units 1-9 m thick with peak thickness in 2-6 m. A single rhythm of lithological change, which could be assumed as parasequence according to Sztanó & Magyar (2007), reaches thickness 10-35 m with most frequent value of ca. 25 m. Based on observed situation we can expect, that mouth bars, beach ridges and channels representing the thickest sandy bodies form a minor part of the volume, while the main part of upward coarsening cycles were formed by filling of interdistributary bays and lagoons on the delta plain. On the basis of used data was identified a distinct sedimentary unit, which underlies the deltaic Beladice Fm. in the transitional zone between the se DB and the TR, named the complex of shelfal sands. The strata consist of sublittoral Congeria czjzeki mollusk alternated with littoral fauna. Average lithology of the complex consists of 57% clays, 16% fine sands, 22% sands and 5% gravels. However, the complex is laterally variable and single borehole may consist up to 90% of sandy and gravely layers. The thickness of individual sandy unit is unclear due to amalgamation. Described lithology is interpreted as a result of sedimentary trap formed between deltaic lobes on the North and partially subaerial exposed islands of the TR on the South. While the deltaic Beladice Fm. consists almost no gravely layers, the gravel described in the complex was probably derived from the TR. Distinguishing of the alluvial Volkovce Fm. from the underlying deltaic Beladice Fm. could be concluded by absence of the brackish mollusk fauna, but it is difficult to exclude the possibility of missing information. The alluvial sequence consists of significantly lower portion of coal layers. Clays form 79%, fine sands 6.5%, sands 14%, 0.5% gravels. Individual well profile consists usually of 5-30% coarse layers. Sandy bodies reach thickness 3-15 m with peak thickness in 5-11 m, fine sands form bodies 1-8 m thick. We can assume that the main portion of the sandy deposits in studied alluvial sequence is bound to meandering channel belts ca. 8 m thick, which are occasionally amalgamated. The few meters thick sandy and fine sandy units represent levees and crevasse splays. Alluvial facial associations with described parameters were documented also on outcrops. Spatial correlation indicates prevailing orientation of sandy bodies in NW-SE direction, while paleocurrent analysis from field denotes direction from N and NW. The majority of documented sandy bodies are located in the western part of the studied area. The boundary between deltaic and alluvial sequences is despite the wealth of data not easy to correlate. The similarity of depositional processes and resulting geological setting of both sequences lead to conclusion that interpreting an outcrop assignment to formation based on lithofacies without precise paleontological analysis and control by boreholes, could be groundless

    Jitter buffer loss estimate for effective equipment impairment factor

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    The paper deals with a proposal of original E-model modification, the new model includes improvements giving more precise results when a jitter is present in transmission channel. Our idea is based on the fact that the network jitter can affect overall delay in delivery or a packet loss due to a limitation of play-out buffer in IP phones or VoIP gateways. Delay is incorporated in an impairment factor Id of E-model whereas losses are issue of Ie-eff parameter. We examined how the estimated speech quality is affected by jitter and compared computed results with MOS values gained by PESQ objective intrusive method (Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality). Experiments were performed in circumstances of varying delay, packet loss, jitter and play-out buffer. We have proved that the proposed modification improves estimated MOS computed by Emodel.Scopus7324824


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    Danube Basin Upper Miocene to Pliocene development is well recorded in its sedimentary succession, where three depositional sequences were documented (marked DB1, DB2 and DB3). First lacustrine depositional cycle (DB1) comprises the Lower to lowermost Upper Pannonian sediments (A–F zones sensu Papp 1951) represented by the Ivánka Formation and lower part of the Beladice Formation, deposited in time span 11.6–(9.7?) 8.9 Ma. Second lacustrine to alluvial depositional cycle (DB2) comprises the Upper Pannonian sediments (F, G and H zones sensu Papp 1951) represented by the upper part of the Beladice Formation and Volkovce Formation, deposited in time span 8.9 – 6.3? Ma. Third, alluvial depositional cycle (DB3) comprises the Danube Basin Upper Pliocene sediments represented by the Romanian Kolárovo Formation, dated 4.1? – 2.6 Ma