69 research outputs found

    Relation entre les variations du contenu en acides gras des bourgeons latents et des entre-nreuds de Ia vigne (Vitis vinifera L. var. Merlot) et leur teneurs en eau et en acide abscissique

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    Au cours du cycle annuel, Ia teneur en acide arachidique (C20:0) des entre-nreuds de vigne est faible et stable. Dans les bourgeons latents, Je C20:0, identifie ici pour Ia prerniere fois dans ces organes, est present en forte quantite pendant Ia phase de dorrnance et en teneur plus faible pendant Je reste du cycle. Les teneurs des autres acides gras des bourgeons sont generalerneut superieures a celles des entrenreuds avec des variations sirnilaires. Chaque dirninution de Ia teneur en eau dans Ies bourgeons au cours du cycle annuel s' accornpagne d'une augrnentation de Ia proportion du C20:0. Cet allongernent de Ia chaine aliphatique est concornitant de l'accurnulation de I'acide abscissique (ABA), phenornene qui a pu etre reproduit par deshydratation des bourgeons a 25 °C. La dirninution de Ia teneur en eau s'accornpagne egalerneut de l'augrnentation de Ia proportion de I'acide oleique et de celle de l'acide Iinolenique. Cette derniere cornrnence a dirninuer des que Ia deshydratation devient excessive. Au contraire, lorsque Ia teneur en eau augrnente au cours du cycle annuel ou Iorsque les bourgeons sont traites a 2 °C, Ia teneur en ABA dirninue s'accornpagnant d'une accurnulation des acides palrnitique et linoleique. Tous ces phenornenes, tres nets dans Je cas des bourgeons, Je sont beaucoup rnoins dans Je cas des entre-nreuds. Le röle de I' ABA dans les rnodifications de Ia cornposition des acides gras des bourgeons et des entrenreuds et son influence sur les echanges hydriques avec Je rnilieu exterieur sont discutes.Levels and composition of fatty acids in buds and internodes of Vitis vinifera L. cv. Merlot and their relationship with ABA and water contentDuring the annual cycle, the level of arachidic acid (C20:0) in internodes of Vitis vinifera cv. Merlot was low and stable, while in buds the level of C20:0 was increased during the period of dormancy compared to the growth period. To our knowledge, this is the first report identifying C20:0 in buds of grapevines. In most cases, levels of other fatty acids were increased in buds compared to internodes, with a development similar to C20:0. Each decrease of water content in buds during the annual cycle was accompanied by an increase of the C20:0 proportion and the endogenous abscisic acid (ABA) level. These results have been reproduced on buds exposed to conditions favouring dehydration (25 degrees C). The decrease of water content was also accompanied by an increase of the proportions of oleic and linolenic acids (C18:3), If dehydration was intensive and accompanied by an irreversible loss of the bud burst ability, the C18:3 proportion decreased. If however the water content of buds increased during the annual cycle or if buds were stored at 2 degrees C, the ABA content decreased and was accompanied by an increase of the proportions of palmitic and linoleic acids. All these phenomenons were observed in internodes, but were less clear than in the buds. The effect of ABA on the composition of fatty acids in buds and internodes is discussed in relation to water exchange between grape and ambient air


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    Evolution des teneurs en polyamines dans les boutons floraux, les fleurs et les jeunes baies de Vitis villifera L. (cv. Cabernet Sauvignon) atteints d'eutypioseVitis 43 (3), 139-144 (2004

    Les teneurs en acides gras, en eau et en acide abscissique des feuilles de vigne (Vitis vinifera L. var. Cabernet Sauvignon) infectées par Eutypa lata

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    Water, fatty acids and abscisic acid contents of grapevine leaves (Vitis vinifera, cv. Cabernet Sauvignon) infected by Eutypa lataEytypiose of grapevines led to a lowering of the water content and to an accumulation of abscisic acid (ABA) in the leaves of Cabernet Sauvignon known to be susceptible to Eutypiose. The accumulation of ABA in the leaves of infected plants possibly causes changes in the composition of fatty acids, in partiular by reducing their degree of insaturation and by elongating their aliphatic chains. These changes may lower the permeability of membranes and, as a consequence, exchanges with the environment, which possibly intensifies dehydration of infected leaves during their development.

    Comparaison de la teneur en amidon, en glucides solubles et en acide abscissique des bourgeons latents et des entre-noeuds au cours du cycle végétatif de la vigne

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    Au cours du cycle annuel, l'évolution des teneurs des différents sucres solubles et de l'amidon des bourgeons et des entre-noeuds du Merlot noir est comparable. Les teneurs en glucides solubles totaux (GST), généralement plus faibles dans les bourgeons, diminuent de juillet à la mi-octobre avant de s'accumuler intensément jusqu'au mois de décembre pour chuter jusqu'au débourrement. Selon les périodes du cycle, les teneurs en hexoses des bourgeons sont soit plus élevées, soit pratiquement identiques à celles des entrenoeuds. Un phénomène inverse est observé pour le saccharose, sucre soluble le plus abondant pendant presque tout le cycle. L' accumulation du raffinose, comme celle du saccharose, dès le mois d'octobre semble en relation avec la diminution des températures journalières moyennes, ce qui paraît confirmer leur rôte cryoprotecteur face au froid hivernal. Les teneurs en raffinose des bourgeons, moins élevées que celles des entre-noeuds, diminuent ensuite à partir de la mi-novembre alors que celles des entre-noeuds ne diminuent qu'à l'approche du débourrement.Les teneurs en amidon, généralement moins élevées dans les bourgeons, évoluent la plupart du temps à l'inverse des GST. En présence des feuilles, l'ABA (acide abscissique) des bourgeons semble contrôler cette évolution en agissant comme inhibiteur de son accumulation. Peu avant la chute des feuilles et jusqu'a la mi-février, a diminution des teneurs en amidon des bourgeons paraît être favorisée par la diminution des teneurs en ABA certainement par la levée de l'inhibition de la synthese de l'α-amylase. L'ABA semble agir aussi, de juillet au début février, comme inhibiteur de l'accumulation du saccharose. Enfin, à l'approche du débourrement, la diminution des teneurs en ABA laisse apparaître une évolution inverse à celle de l'amidon mais parallèle à celle du saccharose.Comparison of the contents of starch, soluble carbohydrates and abscisic acid of latent buds and internodes during the vegetative cycle of grapevineIn the course of the annual cycle the contents of various soluble sugars and of starch were determined in buds and internodes of cv. Merlot. In general, the total soluble carbohydrate content was lower in buds compared to internodes; it decreased from July to mid-October, increased intensely until December and decreased again until bud burst. The content of hexoses corresponded to this cycle; in buds they were either higher or equal to those of the internodes. Sucrose behaved inversely. Starting in October, the accumulation of raffinose and sucrose was obviously related to the decrease of the daily average temperatures which possibly confirms their role as cryoprotectors in winter. The contents of raffinose in buds which were lower compared to those of internodes decreased after mid-November while in internodes they decreased only at the onset of bud burst. Generally, the starch content was lower in buds compared to internodes, its alterations were inversely related to the total soluble carbohydrates. In the presence of leaves the abscisic acid (ABA) content of buds appeared to affect this development by inhibiting the accumulation of starch. The decrease of the starch content of buds appears to be associated with the decrease of the ABA content; a decreasing ABA content is assumed to suspend the inhibition of the a-amylase synthesis. From July to the onset of February ABA is suggested to inhibit the accumulation of sucrose. Before bud burst decreasing amounts of ABA indicate a development which is inversely related to starch but runs parallel to the development of sucrose

    Prognostic value of the ratio between prothesis area and indexed annulus area measured by multiSlice-CT for transcatheter aortic valve implantation procedures

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    Background Postprocedural aortic regurgitations following transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) procedures remain an is- sue. Benefit of oversizing strategies to prevent them isn’t well established. We compared different level of oversizing in our cohort of con- secutive patients to address if severe oversizing compared to normal sizing had an impact on post-procedural outcomes. Methods From January 2010 to August 2013, consecutive patients were referred for TAVI with preoperative Multislice-CT (MSCT) and the procedures were achieved using Edwards Sapien® or Corevalve devices®. Retrospectively, according to pre-procedural MSCT and the valve size, pa- tients were classified into three groups: normal, moderate and severe oversizing; depending on the ratio between the prosthesis area and the annulus area indexed and measured on MSCT. Main endpoint was mid-term mortality and secondary endpoints were the Valve Academic Research Consortium (VARC-2) endpoints. Results Two hundred and sixty eight patients had a MSCT and underwent TAVI procedure, with mainly Corevalve®. While all-cause and cardiovascular mortality rates were similar in all groups, post-procedural new pacemaker (PM) implantation rate was significantly higher in the severe oversizing group (P = 0.03), while we observed more in-hospital congestive heart-failure (P = 0.02) in the normal sizing group. There was a trend toward more moderate to severe aortic regurgitation (AR) in the normal sizing group (P = 0.07). Conclusions Despite a higher rate of PM implantation, oversizing based on this ratio reduces aortic leak with lower rates of post-procedural complications and a similar mid-term survival

    Formation of hydrogen peroxide and water from the reaction of cold hydrogen atoms with solid oxygen at 10K

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    The reactions of cold H atoms with solid O2 molecules were investigated at 10 K. The formation of H2O2 and H2O has been confirmed by in-situ infrared spectroscopy. We found that the reaction proceeds very efficiently and obtained the effective reaction rates. This is the first clear experimental evidence of the formation of water molecules under conditions mimicking those found in cold interstellar molecular clouds. Based on the experimental results, we discuss the reaction mechanism and astrophysical implications.Comment: 12 pages, 3 Postscript figures, use package amsmath, amssymb, graphic

    Evolution des teneurs en polyamines dans les boutons floraux, les fleurs et les jeunes baies de Vitis vinifera L. (cv. Cabernet Sauvignon) atteints d’eutypiose

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    Development of polyamine levels in flower buds, flowers and young berries of Vitis vinifera L. (cv. Cabernet Sauvignon) infected by eutypiosis fungus, Eutypa lata Effects of eutypiosis on polyamines (PAs) and tyramine contents in flower buds, flowers and young berries of grapevine were studied to determine the relationship between these components and disease development. The study was performed using organs (1) from healthy vines, (2) healthy appearing organs from vines with one symptomless arm and one diseased arm, and (3) diseased organs. Free PAs, conjugated polyamines ( PAs-fpm) and wall-bound polyamines (PAs-mm) were analysed in Vitis vinifera L. cv. Cabernet Sauvignon which is sensitive to eutypiosis. An increase of PAs-mm and a decrease of free PAs were observed in diseased organs; particularly putrescine and diaminopropane were concerned. On the other hand these substances were not affected by eutypiosis in the healthy appearing organs. Alterations of free PAs and PAs-mm in diseased organs were correlated with alteration of the flowering process. In contrast, the PAsfpm levels decreased in diseased organs in response to eutypiosis whereas they increased in healthy appearing organs. This group of PAs seems to play an important role in the response to Eutypa lata attacks to prevent the expression of symptoms. Accumulation of the conjugated tyramine in diseased and healthy appearing organs as a response to eutypiosis might be used as marker of Eutypa lata infection

    Toolbox from the EC FP7 HOSANNA project for the reduction of road and rail traffic noise in the outdoor environment

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    yesThis paper offers a brief overview of innovative methods for road and rail traffic noise reduction between source and receiver. These include using new barrier designs, planting of trees, treatments of ground and road surfaces and greening of building façades and roofs using natural materials, like vegetation, soil and other substrates in combination with recycled materials and artificial elements. The abatements are assessed in terms of numerically predicted sound level reductions, perceptual effects and cost–benefit analysis. Useful reductions of noise from urban roads and tramways are predicted for 1-m-high urban noise barriers and these are increased by adding inter-lane barriers. A 3 m wide 0.3 m high lattice ground treatment, a carefully planted 15-m-wide tree belt and replacing 50 m of paved areas by grassland are predicted to give similar reductions. Tree belts are shown to be very cost-effective and combining tall barriers with a row of trees reduces the negative impact of wind. Green roofs may significantly reduce the noise at the quiet side of buildings

    Prediction of the survival and functional ability of severe stroke patients after ICU therapeutic intervention

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>This study evaluated the benefits and impact of ICU therapeutic interventions on the survival and functional ability of severe cerebrovascular accident (CVA) patients.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Sixty-two ICU patients suffering from severe ischemic/haemorrhagic stroke were evaluated for CVA severity using APACHE II and the Glasgow coma scale (GCS). Survival was determined using Kaplan-Meier survival tables and survival prediction factors were determined by Cox multivariate analysis. Functional ability was assessed using the stroke impact scale (SIS-16) and Karnofsky score. Risk factors, life support techniques and neurosurgical interventions were recorded. One year post-CVA dependency was investigated using multivariate analysis based on linear regression.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The study cohort constituted 6% of all CVA (37.8% haemorrhagic/62.2% ischemic) admissions. Patient mean(SD) age was 65.8(12.3) years with a 1:1 male: female ratio. During the study period 16 patients had died within the ICU and seven in the year following hospital release.</p> <p>The mean(SD) APACHE II score at hospital admission was 14.9(6.0) and ICU mean duration of stay was 11.2(15.4) days. Mechanical ventilation was required in 37.1% of cases. Risk ratios were; GCS at admission 0.8(0.14), (p = 0.024), APACHE II 1.11(0.11), (p = 0.05) and duration of mechanical ventilation 1.07(0.07), (p = 0.046). Linear coefficients were: type of CVA – haemorrhagic versus ischemic: -18.95(4.58) (p = 0.007), GCS at hospital admission: -6.83(1.08), (p = 0.001), and duration of hospital stay -0.38(0.14), (p = 0.40).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>To ensure a better prognosis CVA patients require ICU therapeutic interventions. However, as we have shown, where tests can determine the worst affected patients with a poor vital and functional outcome should treatment be withheld?</p

    The catatonic dilemma expanded

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    Catatonia is a common syndrome that was first described in the literature by Karl Kahlbaum in 1874. The literature is still developing and remains unclear on many issues, especially classification, diagnosis, and pathophysiology. Clinicians caring for psychiatric patients with catatonic syndromes continue to face many dilemmas in diagnosis and treatment. We discuss many of the common problems encountered in the care of a catatonic patient, and discuss each problem with a review of the literature. Focus is on practical aspects of classification, epidemiology, differential diagnosis, treatment, medical comorbidity, cognition, emotion, prognosis, and areas for future research in catatonic syndromes
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