Evolution des teneurs en polyamines dans les boutons floraux, les fleurs et les jeunes baies de Vitis vinifera L. (cv. Cabernet Sauvignon) atteints d’eutypiose


Development of polyamine levels in flower buds, flowers and young berries of Vitis vinifera L. (cv. Cabernet Sauvignon) infected by eutypiosis fungus, Eutypa lata Effects of eutypiosis on polyamines (PAs) and tyramine contents in flower buds, flowers and young berries of grapevine were studied to determine the relationship between these components and disease development. The study was performed using organs (1) from healthy vines, (2) healthy appearing organs from vines with one symptomless arm and one diseased arm, and (3) diseased organs. Free PAs, conjugated polyamines ( PAs-fpm) and wall-bound polyamines (PAs-mm) were analysed in Vitis vinifera L. cv. Cabernet Sauvignon which is sensitive to eutypiosis. An increase of PAs-mm and a decrease of free PAs were observed in diseased organs; particularly putrescine and diaminopropane were concerned. On the other hand these substances were not affected by eutypiosis in the healthy appearing organs. Alterations of free PAs and PAs-mm in diseased organs were correlated with alteration of the flowering process. In contrast, the PAsfpm levels decreased in diseased organs in response to eutypiosis whereas they increased in healthy appearing organs. This group of PAs seems to play an important role in the response to Eutypa lata attacks to prevent the expression of symptoms. Accumulation of the conjugated tyramine in diseased and healthy appearing organs as a response to eutypiosis might be used as marker of Eutypa lata infection

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