116 research outputs found

    Integration : the key and the way towards life-time engineering

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    The real estate and construction sector is in change that is mainly driven by increasing requirements concerning the performance of constructions during their whole life-time: the overall performance of buildings and constructions need to be managed from cradle to grave, and with a great emphasis on customer and user needs. The true success of the change in relation to demands depends largely upon management of innovations and processes. Methods, tools and skills to handle data and knowledge from various domains have become crucial. In order to have a reliable basis for new practices, research and higher education need to work on science-based approaches. This concerns all aspects from prediction of safe life-time of constructions to methods of integration. This paper gives an overview of relatively new disciplines – like simulation-based engineering science – and technologies – like Building Information Modelling – that can be applied to support life-time engineering through integration and synergy.Cost, European Science Foundatio

    Towards energy-efficient buildings in Europe

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    The New Energy Policy was adopted by the European Council in spring 2007 (EC2008). Later in December, 2008 the European Parliament adopted a number of measures designed to: establish a new energy policy, combat climate change, and boost the EU’s energy security and competitiveness. This integrated climate change and energy policy (EU 2002) aims to ensure that Europe has a sustainable future based on a low-carbon, energy-efficient economy. The ambitious targets of the agreement were identical with the Action Plan on the energy-efficiency of European Commission that introduced the goal to limit raise of the global average temperature to 2°C, compared to pre-industrial level (EU2007a). To achieve this, the EU is promoting a goal of 30% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2020, compared to 1990 levels, in developed countries. Further, it has made an independent commitment to achieve at least 20% reduction. The targets for various measures up to 2020 in the EU include: - 20% improvement of energy-efficiency of cars, buildings and appliances, and especially - 30% reduction of final energy use of buildings - 20% share of renewable energy in average - 10% share of biofuels - ≈0% emissions of new power plants.European Science Foundation - COS

    Verification of durability of novel applications

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    Durability of structural concrete can be assessed according to standards, when the degradation models of materials and their combinations as well as experiences from the use are available in a reliable way. In the case of innovative structural materials and applications, the needs to verify durability may lead to extensive studies on the application of current methods. A state-of-the-art of durability verification of functional concrete materials and steel-concrete composite structures shows that existing knowledge is in common adaptable but needs interpretation and systematic identification of risks. However, there are several sources of uncertainty in the methods themselves like e.g. the influence of loading. Further, interaction between different materials inside a structure is in some examples an additional source of chemical reactions and degradation, but the service life design methods typically rely on environmental classes

    Knowledge interaction between manufacturers and research organisations for building product innovations: an exploratory case study

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    This thesis adds to research on construction innovation through exploring and describing knowledge interaction between product manufacturers and research organizations. A few publications deals with manufacturers’ innovation activities on their own terms, although products are broadly recognised to have major impacts on the performance of the entire built environment. The research was conducted in a multilevel theoretical framework integrating the perspectives of systems of innovation, knowledge processes in manufacturing industries and knowledge interaction between companies and public research organizations. Ten product innovations were selected for a multiple case study. Cross-case synthesis was applied as the analysis technique of qualitative research data. The main themes in exploring and describing the knowledge interaction were found as to be a) development and use of research-based knowledge in product innovations, b) accumulation and diffusion of research-based knowledge and b) context and channels of knowledge interaction. The principal motivation for the knowledge interaction was found to be the need to know how a novel product would perform in its intended use in buildings, and how it should be designed and manufactured to meet the overall requirements. The regulations to design and use novel products were, however, often developed in parallel or after a technical invention. The objectives of joint innovation activities also reflected also the market expectations and governmental strategies. The thesis thus emphasized the dynamics of relationships between institutions and various actors within a system of construction innovation. A system of construction innovation is, however, not sufficient to uncover all the aspects of the knowledge interaction and even less the context of manufacturers’ innovation activities. This is due to the division of the real estate and construction sector into competing value chains that exist in accord with basic framing materials. Manufacturers have ties to basic industries that are also important sources of product innovations. The industrial associations reflect this situation, as well as specialization of research and education. As a conclusion, approaches to the technology innovation systems were proposed for further research. The research identified similarities between the innovation processes of building product manufacturers and those of other manufacturing sectors. It is noteworthy however, that innovation activities were organised in several cases according to principles of concurrent engineering already decades ago. It was also observed that relationships between research and practice are of mutual benefit

    Sustainable design principles in construction sector

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    Building construction affects each four topics of sustainable development that are ecological, economic, social and cultural development. Progress towards the sustainable construction requires novel technologies and policies; not only for the new buildings but also for the refurbishing processes. The industry has taken several steps to improve efficient use of resources, as well as the health and comfort of living surroundings. Managing the performance of buildings and built environment from users’ and societies’ points of views is becoming more important due to market needs and due to the demands associated with sustainability. Approaches to adopt sustainable wholebuilding principles are under development. In this paper, some integrated approaches to adopt sustainability principles in building design are presented. Aiming at a real progress in sustainable construction presupposes knowledge on the applicability and limitations of the evaluation methods. The subjective rating and valuation inside the current environmental assessment procedures complicates development of unanimous methods. Extension of evaluation to other sustainability aspects requires indicators that are even more dependent on the context. As the evaluation of sustainability remains characterised by local and value-driven factors, the future building design methods need a generic basis with flexibility in implementation

    Survey on educational material on sustainable constructions

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    Higher education of professionals in the construction and real estate sector is in the process of “Greening curricula”. Pressures to educate environmentally literate workforce are increasing. Leading construction companies worldwide are becoming involved in green construction. “Green building, green project, green property, green procurement as well as green living and green citizenship” are concepts that are used in business like in voluntary organisations. The literature survey shows that technical universities worldwide have incorporated modules, courses and programmes of sustainable construction. In general, new teaching methods and approaches are regarded as necessary due to the complexity of triple bottom-line issues of the sustainable construction. In addition to traditional lecturing and exercises, life-cycle and overall performance matters are taught by methods of team-work, problem-solving and learning- by-doing. The material for this study was gathered from literature and virtual site visits of universities as well as a questionnaire among the participants of the COST C25. First remarks concerning all the material is that there are still few technical universities with a cross-cutting strategy about sustainability. Among the participants of the C25, 50% informed about systematic educational approach. This study is related to the initiative in the WG2 of C25 to establish a knowledge base to support development of educational material on sustainable constructions.CostEuropean Science Foundatio

    Sustainable design in construction sector

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    Evaluation of the sustainable development -and on the other hand the effects of human activities on the future of the nature and mankind - is made on the basis of various indi-cators. The choice of indicators, the use of indicators and the evaluation procedure comprise both objective and subjective issues. The results of a sustainability evaluation procedure will be better interpretative and understandable when decision-making theories are applied. This con-cerns especially the valuation and use of weighting-factors that link the measurable and objec-tive parameters of indicators. When the most important indicators are generally agreed, the dif-ferences between cases, countries or technological branches can be handled through weighting-factors. Further, dealing with the performance criteria of the built environment in relation to the sustainability can be advanced by application of decision-making methods.(undefined

    Phase changing materials in building elements

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    New technologies in building construction and services are needed in order to reduce the big energy consumption in the building stock from which a major part goes for controlling of indoor climate. On the other hand, performance requirements are growing higher because of both more severe regulations and higher comfort requirements by the users – the wide use of air conditioning systems, also in houses, is just an example of this trend. Integration during the design phase among Architecture, Building Technology and Services is thus much recommended to obtain a more sophisticated “living-environment”, using relatively simple strategies and avoiding extra-costs. It is possible to tackle the problem of energy consumption with stratified lightweight skins and layers, high performance materials and integration of installations, like heat pumps for example or wind turbines, and enhancing the use of renewable energy sources by using devices like solar photovoltaic panels or solar thermal exchanger or simply by preferring natural ventilation and natural shading or re-interpreting low processing materials and using them in a clever way.COSTEuropean Science Foundatio

    Fysioterapeuttisella ohjauksella kohti parempaa työhyvinvointia : Firstbeat sykevÀlivaihtelumittaukset osana stressin ja palautumisen arviointia

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    NykypĂ€ivĂ€n työelĂ€mÀÀ leimaavat usein kiire ja tuloksellisuus. TyössĂ€kĂ€yvĂ€n vĂ€estön ikÀÀntyessĂ€ pÀÀtöksentekijöillĂ€ on paineita nostaa elĂ€keikÀÀ ja tulevaisuudessa työntekijĂ€ltĂ€ vaaditaan yhĂ€ enemmĂ€n. TyötĂ€ pitĂ€isi tehdĂ€ entistĂ€ pidempÀÀn ja tehokkaammin, minkĂ€ vuoksi palautuminen työn vaatimuksista on kokonaisvaltaisen hyvinvoinnin kannalta erityisen tĂ€rkeÀÀ. KehittĂ€mistyönĂ€ tehdyn opinnĂ€ytetyön tavoitteena oli ohjata henkilöitĂ€ tunnistamaan hyvinvointinsa kulmakivet ja sitĂ€ kautta edistĂ€mÀÀn hyvinvointiaan työssĂ€ ja vapaa-ajalla. OpinnĂ€ytetyössĂ€ selvitettiin yhden työorganisaation työntekijöiden stressitasoa Firstbeat Technologies Oy:n Hyvinvointikartoituksen avulla. Ohjattavien (n=19) työnkuva vaihteli itsenĂ€isestĂ€ istumatyöstĂ€ opetustyöhön. Tutkimushenkilöiden sykevĂ€livaihtelua mitattiin kolmen vuorokauden ajan Firstbeat Bodyguard -mittalaiteella, joka kerÀÀ tietoa fysiologisesta palautumisesta. Samalta ajalta ohjattavat tĂ€yttivĂ€t pĂ€ivĂ€kirjaa mittauspĂ€ivistÀÀn. NĂ€iden tietojen perusteella laaditun Hyvinvointianalyysin pohjalta kĂ€ytiin henkilökohtaiset ohjauskeskustelut. Keskustelujen tarkoituksena oli tiedottaa ohjattavalle mittaustuloksista ja saada hĂ€net fysioterapeuttisen ohjauksen eri ohjauselementtien, kuten terveysneuvonnan, avulla pohtimaan, miten hĂ€n voisi yllĂ€pitÀÀ tai edistÀÀ hyvinvointiaan itselleen sopivien keinojen avulla. Hyvinvointianalyysien pohjalta tehtiin laadullista analyysiĂ€ palautumiseen ja kuormittumiseen vaikuttaneista tekijöistĂ€. Tuloksena ilmeni, ettĂ€ erilaisista pĂ€ivĂ€n tapahtumista johtuen osalla ohjattavista yönaikainen palautuminen oli viivĂ€stynyt. Yksi merkittĂ€vĂ€ selitys tĂ€lle oli alkoholin negatiivinen vaikutus palautumiseen. PĂ€ivĂ€aikaista palautumista esiintyi vaihtelevasti ja stressireaktioiden mÀÀrĂ€ suhteessa palautumiseen oli usean tapauksen kohdalla suuri. LisĂ€ksi tuloksista ilmeni hyvĂ€n fyysisen kunnon positiivinen vaikutus fysiologiseen palautumiseen myös stressaavien tilanteiden yhteydessĂ€.Nowadays employees should remain in the working life longer and they are required to be more efficient. Working people are ageing and the politicians have a pressure to raise the retirement age. Recovery from demands of work is extremely important to maintain a holistic well-being. The purpose of this study was to examine the factors that had an impact on the stress levels of the employees. The aim was to guide them to recognize the cornerstones of their well-being and through counselling to improve their well-being at work and leisure This bachelor’s thesis was conducted as a research and a development work. The job descriptions of the subjects (n=19) varied from independent, sedentary work to teaching. The stress levels of the employees were measured by using a Firstbeat assessment, developed by Firstbeat Technologies Ltd. The heart rate variability of the subjects was measured for three days using Firstbeat Bodyguard monitor that measures information of physiological recovery. During the measuring days subjects filled in a diary of their activities. Personal counselling discussions were held based on this information. The focus of these discussions was to inform the subjects of the outcomes of the assessment. The subjects were given physiotherapeutic counselling to maintain or improve their personal well-being. The qualitative analysis was made of the factors that had an impact on recovery and stress based on the Firstbeat assessments. The result was that part of the subjects had delayed night time recovery. Alcohol was a major declarative factor that had a negative impact on recovery. Daytime recovery varied considerably and amount of stressors compared to recovery was high among many subjects. Good physical fitness had a positive effect on physiological recovery, also in stressful circumstances

    Education for sustainable construction

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    The COST Action C25 "Sustainability of Constructions - Integrated Approach to Life-time Structural Engineering" is a network of scientists and researchers from 28 European countries and the EU Joint Research Centre in Ispra. It was established to promote science-based developments in sustainable construction in Europe through research on life-time structural engineering. The COST Action has been active since 2006.COSTEuropean Science Foundatio
