98 research outputs found
Profils Sociodemographique, Economique Et Alimentaire Chez Des Enfants Malnutris Aigus, Ages De 06 A 59 Mois, Reçus Au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire De Treichville (Abidjan-Cote D’ivoire)
In this descriptive and transversal work, the main objective is to establish the socio-demographic, economic and nutritional profiles of the children, aged between 06 and 59 months, acutely malnourished, consulted and / or hospitalized in pediatric emergency departments and Of the University Hospital of Treichville (UHT). This study is conducted on 290 children, aged between 06 and 59 months. A questioning anthropometric, socio-demographic, economic and food data allows the diagnosis of the nutritional status of each child and the descriptive statistical analysis of the patient. The results show that the prevalence of acute malnutrition is 55.86%, with 35.17 % cases of severe acute malnutrition and 20.68 % of cases of moderate acute malnutrition. The population of acute malnourished children in this study consisted of 84 girls and 78 boys, a sex ratio of 0.928. The children (133) victims of this type of malnutrition come, predominantly and significantly, from the precarious habitats. 126 have out-of-school mothers and 129 have consumed food of diversification or poor quality supplement. In 110 acute malnutrition, the daily family food budget is between 1500 FCFA and 3000 FCFA. At last, the index of food consumption score, also called food consumption, is referred to as a limit in 98. Finally, in this study, the risk factors having a significant impact on nutritional status are the precariousness of the habitat Place of residence), maternal education, complement food quality or diversification, food insecurity, age of complement and current diet
Vegetable Consumption patterns in Yaounde, Cameroon
A survey was conducted in August and September 2008 in Yaoundé, Cameroon to assess vegetable consumption attitudes, constraints and factors that stimulate households’ consumption. Stratified sample based on district size, socioeconomic status and ethnics groups were used. Three hundred households were interviewed using a questionnaire and there were four times as many women as men in the sample. Data were analyzed using SNAP. More than 80% of the respondents were educated at the secondary (54%) and tertiary (30%) levels. The respondents were generally the wife (35%) or children (30%), and sometimes the husband (20%). More than 50% of the respondents were landlords living in their own homes and the rest were tenants. On average, the population of Yaoundé consumed vegetables frequently (2 to 4 times per week). Tomato, onion, carrot, and chili pepper were the most preferred exotic vegetables while bitter leaf (>80%) and okra (>70%), were the most preferred traditional vegetables. Attitudes towards vegetables varied according to socioeconomic and ethnic group. Main constraints to vegetable consumption were preparation time for respondents in the upper class (30%) and social taboos (amaranth is an ominous crop and can cause impotency in men; okra can inhibit the traditional treatment of some diseases) for the middle and lower classes. Freshness, wholesomeness, and color of the fruit or leaves determined the decision to purchase vegetables. Diversification of diet which is good for health, the preference of family members, and taste were the main reasons for consuming vegetables. Taste, degree of sliminess (okra), and smell after cooking were factors that increased satisfaction during consumption. Two-thirds of the respondents knew the benefits of vegetable consumption but their knowledge was not specific and is influenced by social taboos. Willingness to pay for processed traditional vegetables was higher among respondents in the upper income class (56.9%) than the lower (45.8%) and middle (37.1%) classes. The study revealed a need to further promote the consumption vegetables and inform consumers of their nutritional benefits.Keywords: vegetables, consumption, nutrition, vitamins, mineralsAfrican Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development, Volume 13 No. 2 April 201
Fertilization of Dioscorea rotundata with poultry manure: effects on nutrient dynamics and nutrient use efficiencies. Awarded poster presentation
Similar effects of poultry manure (PM) and mineral fertilizer suggest that PM is a cheap and effective alternative to fertilizers for yam production
Fertilization of Dioscorea rotundata with poultry manure: effects on nutrient dynamics and nutrient use efficiencies
Similar effects of poultry manure (PM) and mineral fertilizer suggest that PM is a cheap and effective alternative to fertilizers for yam production
Diagnosis of seeds supply of leafy vegetables in Yaoundé, Cameroon
The traditional leafy vegetables play a major role in the Cameroonian diet. In the metropolitan zone of Yaoundé, these vegetables are produced year round in family and commercial exploitations. The quality of the seeds, their mode of production and their system of distribution are little known. With the aim to better understand the seed system of traditional vegetables, a study on the supply, the production and the quality of these seeds was carried out. The data were collected using questionnaires on a sample of 133 traditional leafy vegetable producers of the urban and peri-urban zone of Yaoundé. The data were analyzed using SNAP 9 software. The study showed that the most produced species are amaranth (Amaranthus cruentus), nightshade (Solanum scabrum) and jute mallow (Corchorus olitorius). The market-gardeners are influenced in their choice of vegetable to cultivate by the preference of the customers (85.7% of the respondents) and the productivity of the cultivars (66.2% of the respondents). More than 40% of the respondents buy seeds in the markets while 7.5% buy seed from other producers and 10.5% in the agricultural inputs stores. About half (47.4%) of the respondents produce seeds by leaving plants in the field after the first or the second harvest while 36.8% of the market-gardeners select the most vigorous plants for seed production. On average, 58.7% of respondents preserve the seeds in hermetically closed bottles and plastic bag. Storage on field is practiced by a significant part of market-gardeners (41.4%). A total of 79.7% of the producers reported constraints with the produced seeds. Poor seed germination (81.1% of respondents) and the non uniformity of the seed (48.1% of the producers) were reported as the major constraints. The principal source of seed supply in the metropolitan zone of Yaoundé is the self production with rudimentary production and storage techniques subject to many qualitative constraints.Key words: leafy, vegetables, seeds, supply, qualit
Diagnostic Étiologique Échographique des Douleurs Pelviennes Aigues de la Femme en Côte d’Ivoire
Introduction : les douleurs pelviennes aigues chez la femme sont fréquentes et objet d’exploration échographique systématique dans notre pratique quotidienne. Objectif : contribuer à la recherche étiologique des douleurs pelviennes aigues (DPA) de la femme dans une zone où l’outil échographique est pratiquement le seul moyen d’imagerie accessible. Patiente et méthodes : étude prospective d’une durée de 6 mois réalisée au centre hospitalo-universitaire de Yopougon (Abidjan-Côte d’Ivoire). Une série continue de 153 femmes chez qui nous avons réalisé une échographie pelvienne au motif de DPA ont été enrôlées. Les examens échographiques ont été réalisées à l’aide de 3 sondes (convexe, linéaire et endocavitaire) en mode B et Doppler. Résultats : l’âge moyen des patientes était de 30, 2 ans avec des extrêmes de 12 et 68 ans. Les échographies étaient normales dans 25,5% et objectivaient une pathologie dans 74,5 % des cas. Ces pathologies concernaient les organes génitaux internes dans 89,5% des cas et dans 10,5% des cas il s’agissait de pathologie extra-génitale. Les ovaires étaient les organes génitaux les plus concernés (64,1%) suivis de l’utérus (28,2%) et des trompes (7,7%). Les causes extra-génitales étaient la hernie inguinale (4 cas), l’appendicite aigüe (5 cas), la sigmoïdite (1 cas) et la lithiase du bas uretère (2 cas). Conclusion : une proportion non négligeable de causes extra-génitales des douleurs pelviennes, objectivée dans notre étude, impose un examen clinique minutieux de toute la sphère hypogastrique voire abdominale par les cliniciens. L’utilisation de la sonde linéaire de haute fréquence qui n’est pas toujours sollicitée par les échographistes, au cours de la prise en charge des DPA devrait être préconisée. Introduction: Acute pelvic pain in women is common and systematically explored by ultrasound in our daily practice. Objective: Contribute to the aetiological research of women's acute pelvic pain (APD) in an area where the ultrasound tool is practically the only means of accessible imagery. Patient and methods: A prospective study lasting 6 months was carrried out at the Yopougon University Hospital Center (Abidjan-Ivory Coast). A continuous series of 153 women who had a pelvic ultrasound for DPA were enrolled. Ultrasound examinations were performed using 3 probes (convex, linear and endocavitary) in B and Doppler mode. Results: The mean age of the patients was 30, 2 years with extremes of 12 and 68 years. About a quarter (25.5%) of the ultrasound examinations were normal and in 74.5% of cases, a pathology was objectified. These pathologies concerned the internal genital organs in 89.5% of the cases and in 10.5% of cases they were extragenital pathologies. The ovaries were the most affected genitals (64.1%)followed by the uterus (28.2%) and the fallopian tubes (7.7%). Extra-genital causes were inguinal hernia (4 cases), acute appendicitis (5 cases), sigmoiditis (1 case) and lithiasis of the lower ureter (2 cases). Conclusion: a significant proportion of extragenital causes of pelvic pain, objectified in our study, requires a careful clinical examination of the whole hypogastric or even all abdominal regions by clinicians and the use of the high frequency linear probe which is not not always solicited by sonographers, during the care of the DPA
De différents aspects de la variabilité de la pluviométrie en Afrique de l'Ouest et Centrale non sahélienne
La sécheresse observée depuis plus d'une vingtaine d'années dans les pays sahéliens se fait également ressentir plus au sud dans des régions d'Afrique aux climats plus humides. Cette baisse de la pluviométrie et la diminution des apports en eau de surface qu'elle entraîne y sont de nature à pénaliser les différents projets de développements liés à l'eau. Le programme ICCARE mené par l'ORSTOM a pour objet l'identification et les conséquences de cette variabilité climatique dans l'ensemble de la zone non sahélienne d'Afrique de l'Ouest et Centrale, en s'appuyant sur les données de deux cents postes pluviométriques et sur un ensemble de méthodes alliant représentations cartographiques et procédures statistiques de détection de ruptures dans les séries chronologiques, univariées et multivariées. La simple étude des séries chronologiques de hauteurs précipitées annuelles fait apparaître une nette et brutale fluctuation du régime pluviométrique dans toute la région considérée, à la fin des années 1960 et au début des années 1970. D'une manière générale, il apparaît que ce sont les zones à régime pluviométrique extrême qui ont subi les modifications les plus importantes : les plus arrosées (de la Guinée à la Côte d'Ivoire) et les plus arides (la bordure sahélienne au nord de la zone étudiée). Entre les deux, le phénomène est d'intensité plus nuancée. Les différentes procédures statistiques appliquées aux séries de hauteurs annuelles précipitées soulignent l'existence d'une rupture survenue à la fin des années 1960 ou au début des années 1970, et donc en phase avec ce qui a été observé et étudié au Sahel. D'autres variables permettant une caractérisation plus "qualitative" du phénomène ont également été étudiées. Elles apportent un complément d'information quant aux manifestations de cette variabilité pluviométrique et montrent que la variabilité climatique se traduit à différents niveaux (durée des saisons des pluies, quantités précipitées hors saisons des pluies, etc.). L'examen des séries chronologiques depuis l'origine des stations a permis de resituer l'événement observé dans une perspective historique faite d'alternances de périodes sèches et de périodes humides. Le phénomène observé à la fin des années 1960 et au début des années 1970 apparaît, cependant comme le plus significatif du point de vue statistique. Si les causes premières d'apparition du phénomène sont, à l'heure actuelle, encore insuffisamment expliquées, et ce même si certaines activités humaines y ont, sans aucun doute, contribué, cette baisse de la pluviométrie a, bien entendu, des conséquences importantes sur la disponibilité des ressources en eau dans ces régions. Si la carence pure et simple n'est pas à craindre dans ces régions où les quantités précipitées restent importantes dans l'absolu, les effets de cette variabilité climatique peuvent, malgré tout, se révéler désastreux, en ce sens qu'ils modifient les données d'un équilibre déjà souvent mis à mal par ailleurs (pression anthropique et déforestation par exemple).The drought observed for more than twenty years in the sahelian countries has also affected those located more to the South with more humid climates (SUTCLIFFE and KNOTT, 1987; NICHOLSON et al, 1988; MAHE and OLIVRY, 1991; OLIVRY et al, 1993 PATUREL et al, 1995). The decrease in rainfall and consequently that in runoff might penalise development projects linked with water supply. The ICCARE programme led by ORSTOM aimed at identifying and measuring the consequences of this climatic variability in the non-sahelian parts of the West and Central African region as a whole. The study was based on rainfall data from more than two hundred stations, break detection methods in the time series as well as cartographic tools were used. This study allowed to highlight the manifestations of the climatic variability observed for nearly 25 years in West and Central Africa. Whereas it had been thought for a long time that the rainfall deficit was restricted to the sahelian region, this study showed that the forest covered regions were also affected and generally speaking the so-called 'humid Africa'. The decrease in rainfall entails that in runoff and thus a change in water resources availability which is the cornerstone of a fairly great number of development projects. Hydrological regimes variability and possible modifications of rainfall-runoff relationship are to be the next stages of the ICCARE programme, partial results were already published (SERVAT et al, 1997). A simple study of the time series showed straightforward fluctuations of the rainfall patterns (figures 2 and 3), which happened during the late sixties or the early seventies over the whole region. The mapping of the time series analysis depicts a clear general trend towards a shift of the isohyets to the south-south-west from the 1950's to the 1980's. This shift reflects a sharp drop in the annual rainfall over the whole of the non-sahelian west and central Africa. Generally speaking it appears that the zones with extreme rainfall patterns underwent the most important modifications, namely : the wettest ones from Guinea to Ivory Coast and the driest ones, bordering the sahelian region to the North of the studied area. Elsewhere changes are less drastic (SERVAT et al, 1996). The different statistical procedures applied to the series of annual rainfall showed breaks taking place during the late 1960's or the early 1970's (figure 4), which was in keeping with what had been observed in the sahelian region. Rainfall deficits were in the order of 20% and they could reach values higher than 25% (table 1), in particular along the Atlantic Coast or in the North, which upholds the fact that 'humid Africa' was also severely affected by the rainfall variability. Other variables which allow a more qualitative characterisation of the phenomenon were also studied (table 2) (figures 5 and 6) ( PATUREL et al, 1997, SERVAT et al, 1997). They brought complementary information about the ways the rainfall variability expresses itself. The pattern of the rainy season was slightly different from what it had been before the 1970's, its length was generally shorter either because it started later than before or because it ended earlier. Likewise, the rainfall distribution was modified, which resulted in a more 'homogeneous' pattern for the zone with only one rainy season and in a sensible change in the ratio of the rainfall heights of the two rainy seasons. Some of the regions of the so-called 'wooded' savannah saw a modification of their climate with a shift from a 'guinean' climate toward a 'sudanese' one. In west Africa some regions saw also a decrease of the amount of precipitation occurring outside the rainy season, which led to a strengthening of the dry season and contributed, if need be, to the perception of the phenomenon by local populations. The decrease in the number of rainy days, where it was possible to study it, was in line with the rainfall deficit. A complementary statistical approach was carried out, it consists of a spatio-temporal study using a multidimensional exploratory analysis (KHODJA et al, 1998). This led to using a multivariate test for detecting a shift in the mean value. This approach confirmed the results obtained with univariate analyses whether it is for the time location of the break (late 1960's, early 1970's) or whether for the heterogeneous character of the phenomenon both from a spatial or temporal point of view. A major characteristic of this persisting rainfall deficit seems to be the existence of two axes of heterogeneity along the north-south and east-west directions (table 3) (figure 7). The survey of the rainfall time series from the origin allowed to place the drought in a historical perspective. So, it appears that, since the beginning of the century, the region underwent a succession of dry and wet periods, although it is difficult to speak of cycles. The phenomenon observed during the late 60's and the early 70's appears, however, as the most significant from a statistical point of view. Besides, the still lasting period of deficit has displayed a length and an intensity quite remarkable, in particular in the north and west sectors of the studied zone where the phenomenon presents an even more exceptional character (figures 8,9,10 and 11). Even though what brought about this diminution in rainfall remains, until now, unexplained, certain human activities undoubtedly contributed to the aggravation of the phenomenon. Although deforestation cannot be held entirely responsible for the drought, the fact remains that overlogging helped to increase the rainfall deficit in numerous regions along the Atlantic coast and the Guinean gulf. Of course, this rainfall deficit has important consequences on the availability of water resources in those regions. Agriculture, the filling of dams and therefore the hydroelectric production, to mention only a few domains, are strongly penalised by this decrease in resources. If a real shortage is not to be feared in those regions where the quantities of precipitation remain high in absolute terms, the effects of that variability can still prove to be disastrous, as they modify the elements of a balance that is already threatened by other factors (anthropic pressure and deforestation, for example). The ICCARE programme, which goes on with the study of the modifications of the river hydrological regimes, will give answers as to the effect of the rainfall deficit upon water resources availability
Management of Vesicouterine fistulae during fistulae surgical caravan in Cote d'Ivoire
Background: The urogenital fistula (UGF) which designate a solution of continuity between the urinary and genital tracts in women, are divided into several entities of variable gravity. The objective of this study was to describe the epidemiological, clinical and therapeutic characteristics of patients treated for vesicouterine fistula during ‘fistulas surgical caravans’.Methods: This was a prospective and descriptive study on a cohort of 34 patients treated for Vesico-uterine fistulae during ‘‘fistulas surgical caravans '' from 1st January 2012 to 31st December 2016.Results: Vesico uterine fistulae represented 2.1% of all urogenital fistulae treated. At the time of occurrence of fistulas, the average age of the patients stay was 33.3 years, and the majority was not educated (88.2%), lived in rural areas without occupations (73.5%). All the fistulae were secondary to childbirth, the majority of which took place on a scarred uterus (67.6%). And this childbirth responsible for the fistula was done by caesarean section in 97.7% of cases. Then the average duration of the fistula before management was 6 years. Finally, all the patients were operated by the same surgical technique, made by abdominal extra peritoneal transvesical way. The cure rate after this surgical technique was 97.1% (33 patients). The only case of failure required a second operation by another technique which permitted the healing of the patient.Conclusions: The vesicouterine fistulae were rare and the satisfactory results of their management invite us to sustain these surgical caravans and ensure their widespread
Optimizing implementation of preventive chemotherapy against soil-transmitted helminthiasis and intestinal schistosomiasis using high-resolution data: Field-based experiences from Côte d'Ivoire
BACKGROUND: Despite efforts to control neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) using preventive chemotherapy (PC), soil-transmitted helminthiases and schistosomiasis remain widely prevalent in sub-Saharan Africa. The current PC regimen in endemic settings is defined based on health district-level prevalence. This work aims to highlight the need for high-resolution data when elimination, rather than morbidity control, is the targeted goal. METHODOLOGY: Cross-sectional parasitological surveys were conducted from July to August 2019 and from September to October 2019, respectively, across the entire Dabou and Jacqueville health districts in southern Cote d'Ivoire. From every village, 60 school-aged children (6-15 years) were randomly selected and invited to provide one fresh stool sample, whereof duplicate Kato-Katz thick smears were prepared and read by two independent technicians. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: 4338 school-aged children from 77 villages were screened from the Dabou (n = 2174; 50.12%, 39 villages) and Jacqueville (n = 2164; 49.88%, 38 villages) health districts. The prevalence of any soil-transmitted helminth (STH) infection was 12.47% and 11.09% in the Dabou and Jacqueville health districts, respectively. Species-specific district-level prevalence remained below 10%, varying between 0.51% (hookworm in Jacqueville) and 9.06% (Trichuris trichiura in Dabou). However, when considering sub-districts or villages only, several STH infection hotspots (five sub-districts with >/=20% and four villages with more than 50% infected) were observed. Schistosoma mansoni infection was found in less than 1% of the examined children in each health district. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: We conclude that keeping health district-level prevalence as a reference for PC implementation leaves many high-risk sub-districts or villages requiring PC (>/=20% prevalence) untreated. To avoid maintaining those high-risk villages as STH reservoirs by skipping control interventions and jeopardizing the successes already achieved in STH control through PC during the past two decades, precision mapping is required. Further investigation is needed to assess cost-efficient approaches to implement small-scale disease surveillance
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