153 research outputs found


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    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana makna yuridis yang terkandung dalam asas Ne bis in Idem dan bagaimana penerapan asas Ne bis in Idem dalam bentuk putusan pengadilan. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif, maka disimpulkan: 1.Ketentuan hukum menguasai atas nebis in idem dalam Hukum Pidana Indonesia diatur dalam Pasal 76 ayat (1), (2) KUHP, Bab VIII tentang gugurnya hak menuntut dan menjalankan hukuman. Dalam pasal ini dikatakan suatu dasar hukum yang biasa disebut Ne Bis In Idem yang artinya orang tidak boleh dituntut sekali lagi lantaran perbuatan yang baginya telah diputuskan oleh hakim.Berlakunya dasar nebis in idem, itu digantungkan kepada hal bahwa terhadap seseorang dan juga menguasai peristiwa yang tertulis telah disambil keputusan oleh hakim dengan vonis yang tidak dapat diubah lagi. 2. Putusan yang dapat dikategorikan sebagai nebis in idem adalah putusan hakim dalam perkara pidana yang dibentuk: a) Putusan bebas (vrijspraak), putusan ini terjadi karena terdapat di dalam siding pengadilan dinyatakan tidak tertulis secara sah dan menyakinkan bersalah melakukan tindak pidana sebagaimana didakwakan jaksa/penuntut umum; b) Putusan lepas dari seagala tuntutan hukum, putusan ini terjadi apabila pengadilan berpedapat bahwa perbuatan yang didakwakan, kepada terdakwa tersebut, tetapi perb uatan itu tidak merupakan suatu tindak pidana maka terdakwa diputus lepas dari segala tuntutan hukum; c) Putusan Penundaan (Veroordeling) putusan ini dijatuhkan jika pengadilan berpendapat bahwa terdakwa bersalah melakukan tindak pidana yang didakwakan kepadanya maka pengadilan menjatuhkan pidana. Kata kunci: Penerapan asas nebis in idem, putusan, pidan

    Summary of research activities, Africa RISING West Africa and East and Southern Africa projects

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    United States Agency for International Developmen

    Economic analysis of alternative systems for sorghum production in southern Mali.

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    United States Agency for International Developmen

    Economic evaluation of improved grain storage technology in Tanzania

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    United States Agency for International Developmen

    Economic evaluation of improved grain storage technology in Tanzania

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    United States Agency for International Developmen

    Cost-benefit analysis of crop trials under the Africa RISING project in Mali

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    What does your profile picture say about you? The accuracy of thin-slice personality judgments from social networking sites made at zero-acquaintance

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    The myocardium exhibits heterogeneous nature due to scarring after Myocardial Infarction (MI). In Cardiac Magnetic Resonance (CMR) imaging, Late Gadolinium (LG) contrast agent enhances the intensity of scarred area in the myocardium. In this paper, we propose a probability mapping technique using Texture and Intensity features to describe heterogeneous nature of the scarred myocardium in Cardiac Magnetic Resonance (CMR) images after Myocardial Infarction (MI). Scarred tissue and non-scarred tissue are represented with high and low probabilities, respectively. Intermediate values possibly indicate areas where the scarred and healthy tissues are interwoven. The probability map of scarred myocardium is calculated by using a probability function based on Bayes rule. Any set of features can be used in the probability function. In the present study, we demonstrate the use of two different types of features. One is based on the mean intensity of pixel and the other on underlying texture information of the scarred and non-scarred myocardium. Examples of probability maps computed using the mean intensity of pixel and the underlying texture information are presented. We hypothesize that the probability mapping of myocardium offers alternate visualization, possibly showing the details with physiological significance difficult to detect visually in the original CMR image. The probability mapping obtained from the two features provides a way to define different cardiac segments which offer a way to identify areas in the myocardium of diagnostic importance (like core and border areas in scarred myocardiu

    Parallel approach to sliding window sums

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    Sliding window sums are widely used in bioinformatics applications, including sequence assembly, k-mer generation, hashing and compression. New vector algorithms which utilize the advanced vector extension (AVX) instructions available on modern processors, or the parallel compute units on GPUs and FPGAs, would provide a significant performance boost for the bioinformatics applications. We develop a generic vectorized sliding sum algorithm with speedup for window size w and number of processors P is O(P/w) for a generic sliding sum. For a sum with commutative operator the speedup is improved to O(P/log(w)). When applied to the genomic application of minimizer based k-mer table generation using AVX instructions, we obtain a speedup of over 5X.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Investigating Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion Using Co-culture Biofilms

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    A holistic understanding of microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC) requires investigation of the underlying microbiological, metallurgical and electrochemical mechanisms. MIC studies are typically conducted using batch reactors or large scale flow loops that are nutrient-limited and have buildup of waste products. To overcome these disadvantages, we developed a continuous-flow, microfluidic microbiologically influenced corrosion model, M-MIC-1, comprising of carbon steel coated glass slide bonded to a microchannel imprinted in a polymer. Using M-MIC1, we investigated the effect of two biocides on short-term and long-term, single-species and co-culture biofilms of Shewanella oneidensis and Vibrio natriegens. We found that biocide resistance was impacted by biofilm type, biofilm growth time and the type of biocide. These results show the importance of conducting biocide screening studies with process fluids for effective MIC mitigation. Our studies illustrate that M-MIC1 flow model provides an ideal platform. To effectively comprehend MIC mechanisms, we developed M-MIC2 flow model that is amenable to dynamic and integrated measurements of biofilm dynamics and electrochemical impedance. M-MIC2 comprises of a two-metal electrode system with carbon steel and titanium bonded to a microchannel. Preliminary static and continuous-flow studies with single-species and co-culture biofilms of S. oneidensis and V. natriegens in M-MIC2 indicated some correlation of the variations in biofilm biomass to impedance spectra for S. oneidensis biofilms. We also hypothesized that a systems-level understanding of the microbial community and their metabolism can enhance the understanding of underlying mechanisms. Produced water from a MIC-impacted oil field was exposed to carbon steel coupons to mimic the corrosion environment in the laboratory. We observed an increased abundance (using 16S rRNA sequencing) of the genera, Nitratireductor and Desulfovibrio and unclassified genera of Rhodobacteraceae, Deltaproteobacteria, and Desulfobacteraceace. Based on the metagenome, we predicted an increased abundance of several genes related to energy, carbohydrate, lipid, and xenobiotic metabolism. This correlated to the increased abundance of measured metabolites (using untargeted metabolomics analysis) such as carboxylic acids, fatty acids, and amino acids that were earlier associated with MIC. These analyses can be repeated for multiple MIC-impacted field locations to delineate common features and identify metabolite biomarkers for MIC detection
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