33 research outputs found

    L’oralité dans les romans de guerre : les différents aspects des gros mots chez Henri Barbusse et Ahmadou Kourouma

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    The paper proposes to address, from a comparative perspective, the question of orality in two war novels: Henri Barbusse\u27s autobiographical Le Feu (1916) and Ahmadou Kourouma’s fiction Allah n’est pas obligé (2000). In spite of a temporal distance, a generic framework and a narrative structure that separates the two novels, they both present one major common feature which is the concern to describe the martial experiences – real or imagined – in a direct and personal way, which finds its expression at the lexical level. Although Barbusse’s First World War soldiers do not use the same vocabulary as Kourouma’s child soldiers who took part in the fighting in Liberia and Sierra Leone in the 1990s, their language is characterized by the same abusive use of swear words. Apart from its primary function as an instrument of emotional liberation through an instantaneous cathartic discharge, “soldier’s talk” also plays the role of a communication tool that ensures integration within a community. Leaving aside its linguistic, geographical or historical particularities, the language of combatants from different countries crosses borders and acquires a universal dimension, as the bearer of the collective memory of the tumultuous twentieth century. L’article propose d’aborder, dans la perspective comparatiste, la question de l’oralité dans deux récits portant sur la guerre : le roman autobiographique d’Henri Barbusse, Le Feu (1916) et du roman fictionnel d’Ahmadou Kourouma, Allah n’est pas obligé (2000). Éloignés l’un de l’autre par une distance temporelle, un cadre générique et une structure narrative, ces deux ouvrages présentent néanmoins un trait commun majeur qu’est le souci de décrire les expériences martiales – vécues ou imaginées – de manière directe et personnelle, ce qui trouve sa manifestation au niveau lexical. Quoique les « poilus » de Barbusse n’utilisent pas le même vocabulaire que les enfants-soldats kourumiens, participant dans les combats en Liberia et en Sierra Leone dans les années 90, leur langage se caractérise par la même propension à la grossièreté. A part sa fonction primaire d’instrument de libération émotionnelle par une décharge cathartique instantanée, le « parler soldatesque » joue également le rôle d’outil de communication qui assure l’intégration au sein d’une communauté. Abstraction faite de ses particularités linguistiques, géographiques ou historiques, le langage des combattants des différents pays traverse les frontières et acquiert une dimension universelle, en tant que porteur de la mémoire collective du XXe siècle tumultueux. Karo romanų šnekamoji kalba: skirtingi keiksmažodžių aspektai Henri Barbusse’o ir Ahmadou Kourouma kūryboje Santrauka. Straipsnyje komparatyvistiniu aspektu analizuojama dviejų karo romanų šnekamoji kalba: Henri Barbusse’o Ugnyje ir Ahmadou Kourouma Alachas niekuo dėtas. Laiko distancijos skiriamus romanus vienija sumanymo ir pasakojimo struktūros bendras bruožas: siekis tiesiogiai, iš asmeninių pozicijų aprašyti realias arba įsivaizduojamas karo patirtis, pasireiškiančias leksiniu lygmeniu. Nors Barbusse’o kareiviai frontininkai vartoja kitokią leksiką negu Kourouma vaikai kariai, paskutiniame XX a. dešimtmetyje dalyvavę kovose Liberijoje ir Siera Leonėje, jų kalbėjimui būdingas polinkis į nešvankumą. „Kareiviška šneka“ kaip spontaniška katarsinė iškrova atlieka ne tik pirminį emocinio palengvėjimo vaidmenį, bet ir tarnauja kaip komunikacinis instrumentas, užtikrinantis integraciją į bendruomenę. Nepaisant kalbinių, geografinių ar istorinių aplinkybių, skirtingose šalyse kovojančių karių kalba peržengia sienas ir, būdama audringo XX amžiaus kolektyvinės atminties liudininkė, įgyja universalų matmenį.Reikšminiai žodžiai: šnekamoji kalba, karas, keiksmažodžiai, Barbusse, Kourouma

    Sense of coherence, its meaning and coping with stress among people after orthopedic surgery

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    Aim: Assessment of the sense of coherence, methods of coping with stress and the relationship between their components among people after orthopedic surgery. Materials and methods: 100 people were examined. The proper group consists of 50 patients after orthopedic surgery. The control group consists of 50 healthy people. All the subjects completed a questionnaire with questions about basic metrical data and two standardized questionnaires: SOC-29 and Mini-COPE. The results underwent statistical analysis. Results: Both groups did not differ in the level of the sense of coherence, the distribution was notably similar to normal (p > 0,05). However, the differences in the strategies of coping with stress were observed. Differences in correlations between individual coherence components and remediation strategies have also been noticed. Conclusions: The patients were characterized by a greater intensity of non-constructive coping strategies compared to the control group. Only among them the stronger sense of coherence coexisted with lower inclinations to negative patterns of behavior. Higher global life orientation was associated with a more favorable and positive approach to problems among healthy people

    Alexey Vishnyakov, L’Œuvre de Claude Simon. Un regard russe

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    Inspiré par les « unités de seuil » de Gérard Genette, Alexey Vishnyakov esquisse la particularité paradoxale de la poétique simonienne à travers une analyse des titres, des épigraphes et des explicit des dix-huit romans de l’écrivain français, depuis le Tricheur (1945) jusqu’au Tramway (2001). Un regard russe semble ici privilégié pour mieux comprendre certaines nuances de la réalité socio-politique de l’URSS, à savoir la mentalité soviétique propagandiste dans L’Invitation, quelques épisode..

    Du bol de lait à la cosmogonie. L’analyse du motif laiteux dans les romans de Claude Simon

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    The article proposes to analyze the semantic network of the noun “milk” in the corpus comprised of seven novels by Claude Simon wrote after 1957, in a period of his fascination with formal experiments, and published by Editions de Minuit. Interest of the paper is focused on the representation of human being (especially of women) as an organism with milky traits which connects it closely to the aquatic element. The reflections on the watery character of man are based on the work of French philosopher Gaston Bachelard and his conception of the four elements

    Le soleil derrière le vitrail du meurtrier: l’étude des éléments envoûtants dans l’Emploi du temps de Michel Butor

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    Le soleil derrière le vitrail du meurtrier: l’étude des éléments envoûtants dans l’Emploi du temps de Michel Buto

    Dwa żywioły bezkresu. Woda i powietrze w filozofii Gastona Bachelarda

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    The article proposes to look at the idea of the infinity from the perspective of a French philosopher, Gaston Bachelard. His theory concerning the four elements is one of the twentieth century’s most interesting elementary concepts. The aim of this work is to show a manifest link between the notion of the infinity and its realizations (materializations) on the physical plane, that is to say Bachelard’s water and air. Both of these elements represent their own, specific kind of infinity, which is nonetheless very close to a man, because not only conceivable but also present in everyday life. Every single contact with the element is a touch of infinity.The article proposes to look at the idea of the infinity from the perspective of a French philosopher, Gaston Bachelard. His theory concerning the four elements is one of the twentieth century’s most interesting elementary concepts. The aim of this work is to show a manifest link between the notion of the infinity and its realizations (materializations) on the physical plane, that is to say Bachelard’s water and air. Both of these elements represent their own, specific kind of infinity, which is nonetheless very close to a man, because not only conceivable but also present in everyday life. Every single contact with the element is a touch of infinity

    “To Dirty in order to Make Clean”: Around the Concept of Purity in the Philosophy of G. Bachelard and in the New Novel of M. Butor

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    French New Novelist Michel Butor defies the optimistic vision of four elements of nature developed by his ancient professor of philosophy in Sorbonne, Gaston Bachelard, between 1938 and 1961. Bachelard considers air, water, fire and earth as possessors of qualities and moral values like purity, which allows them to contribute to the transformation – both material and spiritual – of an impure world into an immaculate universe. Five years before the release of Bachelard’s sixth and final theoretical essay, Butor publishes L’Emploi du temps (1956), a novel that challenges the principles of an idealized vision of elements. Having received a philosophical formation, the novelist undertakes a literary discussion on the concept of purity of four elements – an idea so dear to Bachelard – and founds his book’s universe on an anti-value, impurity, until the omnipresent dirt becomes the Fifth Element, a symbolic quintessentia of the world.Le Nouveau romancier Michel Butor bouleverse la vision optimiste des quatre éléments de la nature élaborée, entre 1938 et 1961, par son ancien professeur de philosophie à la Sorbonne, Gaston Bachelard. Celui-ci considère l’air, l’eau, le feu et la terre comme détenteurs de qualités et de valeurs morales, à l’instar de la pureté, qui leur permet de contribuer à la transformation, tant matérielle que spirituelle, d’un monde impur en un univers immaculé. Cinq ans avant la parution du sixième et dernier essai théorique de Bachelard, Butor publie son Emploi du temps (1956), roman qui fait vaciller les principes de la vision idéalisée des éléments. Ayant reçu une formation philosophique, le romancier entreprend une polémique littéraire avec le concept de la pureté des éléments, si cher à Bachelard, et fonde l’univers romanesque de son ouvrage sur une antivaleur, l’impureté, jusqu’à ce que la saleté omniprésente devienne le cinquième élément, la quintessentia symbolique du monde

    The influence of physical activity on the mood of people subjected to standard rehabilitation after cardiac surgery

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    Introduction: The aim of this study was to assess the correlation between standard post-operational early rehabilitation and compare the differences between mood before and after rehabilitation. Materials and methods: 51 people were examined. The study group included patients from the Department of Cardiac Surgery, SPSK No. 2, PUM in Szczecin. The data was collected using a standardized UMACL scale and an original survey to collect basic data. On the UMACL scale, there are three mood determinants: Hedonic Tone (HT), Tense Arousal (TA) and Energy Arousal (EA). A high level of Hedonic Tone and Energy Arousal as well as low Tense Arousal are considered a good mood. The respondents first filled the UMACL scale questionnaire, then proceeded to a 10-minute drive on the rotor. After completing physical activity, they again completed the same UMACL scale. The obtained results were subjected to statistical analysis. Results: Energy Arousal and Hedonic Tone values increased, and Tense Arousal values decreased in post-operative patients. Conclusions: Even short, one-off physical activity has a positive effect on the mood in cardiac surgery patients

    Abdominal ultrasound and MR cholangiography in the diagnosis of biliary tract disorders

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    Wstęp. Żółtaczka mechaniczna jest jednym z najczęstszych objawów chorób dróg żółciowych i wątroby. Ustalenie przyczyn cholestazy opiera się na badaniach obrazowych nieinwazyjnych: ultrasonografii (USG) i cholangiografii rezonansu magnetycznego (MRCP); oraz inwazyjnych, to jest endoskopowej cholangiopankreatografii wstecznej (ECPW). Cel pracy. Celem pracy była ocena zastosowania USG jamy brzusznej i cholangiografii MR w diagnostyce chorób wątroby i dróg żółciowych. Materiał i metody. Grupę badaną stanowiło 20 pacjentów z Oddziału Chorób Wewnętrznych — 11 kobiet (55%) i 9 mężczyzn (45%) — hospitalizowanych w latach 20 12–2014 z powodu objawów cholestazy. Pacjenci ci w chwili przyjęcia do Oddziału nie mieli wskazań do wykonania cholangiopankreatografii wstecznej (ECPW) w trybie pilnym. U każdego pacjenta wykonano USG jamy brzusznej, a następnie cholangiografię MR dla potwierdzenia rozpoznania. Wyniki. Badanie USG uwidoczniło poszerzenie dróg żółciowych u 40% chorych, natomiast badanie MRCP u 50%. Obecność złogów w pęcherzyku żółciowym stwierdzono w badaniu USG u 30% badanych, natomiast w badaniu MRCP — u 40%. W badaniu USG stwierdzono kamicę dróg żółciowych u 5% pacjentów, a w badaniu MRCP u 20%. Wnioski. Badanie USG jamy brzusznej jest metodą łatwą, tanią i powtarzalną, ale niedoskonałą, szczególnie w diagnostyce chorób dróg żółciowych. W badaniu stwierdzono, że u 15% pacjentów badanie USG nie wykryło obecności kamicy przewodowej, pomimo jej obecności w cholangiografii MR.Introduction. Obstructive jaundice is one of the most common symptoms of biliary tract and liver disorders. Determining the causes of cholestasis is based on non-invasive imaging techniques: ultrasonography (USG) and magnetic resonance cholangiography (MRCP) and invasive, ie. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). Aim of the study. The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of abdominal ultrasound and MR cholangiography in the diagnosis of liver and biliary tract diseases. Material and methods. Examined group consisted of 20 patients from the Department of Internal Medicine — 11 women (55%) and 9 males (45%) who were hospitalized between 2012–2014 due to symptoms of cholestasis, and at the time of their admission, there was no indication to perform urgent ERCP. Each of those patients underwent abdominal ultrasound and MR cholangiography to confirm the diagnosis. Results. Ultrasound examination revealed widening of biliary tract in 40% of patients, while the MRCP examination in 50%. The presence of deposits in the gallbladder was found in 30% of patients while using ultrasound, and in 40% after the MRCP examination. Ultrasound examination confirmed the biliary tract lithiasis in 5% of patients while the MRCP test in 20%. Conclusions. However abdominal ultrasound is an easy, cheap and repeatable method, it is also imperfect. Especially in the diagnosis of biliary tract diseases. In our study we found that in 15% of patients the ultrasonography did not detect bile duct stones, despite their presence in the MR cholangiography

    Helicobacter pylori as a risk factor for atherosclerosis

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    Wstęp. Miażdżyca jest chorobą zapalną, w której coraz większą rolę w procesie zapalnym przypisuje się zakażeniom wywołanym przez drobnoustroje, takie jak Helicobacter pylori. Cel pracy. Analiza wybranych czynników ryzyka miażdżycy oraz częstości występowania chorób układu krążenia u pacjentów z infekcją H. pylori. Materiał i metody. Do badania zakwalifikowano 50 pacjentów z dodatnim wynikiem testu na obecność antygenu H. pylori w kale oraz 27 pacjentów z ujemnym wynikiem tego testu — grupa kontrolna. U wszystkich oznaczono stężenie lipidów w surowicy krwi oraz dodatkowo przeanalizowano obecność chorób układu krążenia. Wyniki. Najczęstszą chorobą układu krążenia występującą u pacjentów z zakażeniem H. pylori było nadciśnienie tętnicze (58%), następnie choroba niedokrwienna serca (30%) i cukrzyca (28%). W grupie kontrolnej zaś uzyskano następujące wyniki: nadciśnienie tętnicze — 66%, choroba niedokrwienna — 18%, cukrzyca — 15%. W grupie osób z infekcją H. pylori wysokie stężenie cholesterolu LDL wystąpiło u 50% badanych. Zaburzenia lipidowe trójglicerydów występowały znacznie częściej u osób zakażonych H. pylori niż w grupie kontrolnej (28% v. 7%). Wnioski. W grupie pacjentów z infekcją H. pylori, w porównaniu z grupą kontrolną, najczęstszą chorobą układu krążenia była choroba niedokrwienna serca. U pacjentów zakażonych H. pylori częściej występowały zaburzenia lipidowe niż w grupie kontrolnej, szczególnie we frakcji cholesterolu LDL i trójglicerydów.Introduction. Atherosclerosis is an inflammatory disease, wherein an increasing role in the inflammation process is attributed to infection of microorganisms such as Helicobacter pylori. Aim of the study. The aim of this study was the analysis of selected risk factors of atherosclerosis and the incidence of cardiovascular disease in patients with H. pylori infection. Material and methods. The study included 50 patients with a positive test for the presence of H. pylori antigen in stool, and 27 patients with a negative result of this test — the control group. All patients had the concentration of lipid levels in blood serum determined. In all cases the presence of cardiovascular diseases was analyzed. Results. The most common cardiovascular disease occurring in patients with H. pylori infection was hypertension (58%), followed by ischemic heart disease (30%) and diabetes (28%). In the control group the following results were obtained: hypertension — 66%, ischemic — 18%, diabetes — 15%. In patients with H. pylori infection, the most common lipid disorder was high concentration of LDL cholesterol (50%). Triglyceride lipid disorders were more frequent in patients with H. pylori infection than in the control group (28% v. 7%). Conclusions. In patients with H. pylori infection, compared to the control group, the most common cardiovascular disease was ischemic heart disease. Patients infected with H. pylori had a higher incidence of lipid abnormalities than the control group, especially in LDL cholesterol and triglycerides