1,091 research outputs found

    The role of nω-nitro-L-arginine in modulation of pulmonary vascular tone in the maturing newborn pig

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    AbstractCurrent therapeutic modalities for treatment of newborn pulmonary hypertensive crisis include but are not limited to the administration of nitric oxide (endothelium-derived relaxing factor). However, few data are available on the role of endogenously produced endothelium-derived relaxing factor in the modulation of pulmonary vascular tone in the neonate. In the current study, we investigated the acute effects of Nω-nitro- L -arginine (a potent competitive inhibitor of endothelium-derived relaxing factor synthase) on the pulmonary vasculature of anesthetized open-chest 48-hour-old ( n = 8) and 2-week-old ( n = 7) Yorkshire pigs. After baseline data were acquired, all animals received a 10 mg/kg per minute infusion of Nω-nitro- L -arginine for 10 minutes. To discern distal and proximal pulmonary arterial vessel changes, input mean and characteristic impedance were respectively determined. Pulmonary vascular resistance was also calculated (units determined in dyne • sec • cm -5 plus or minus the standard errorof the mean). Results showed Nω-nitro- L -arginine infusion did not significantly alter baseline pulmonary arterial pressure (22,370 ±1473 dyne/cm2 ), pulmonary vascular resistance (5171 ±805 dyne • sec • cm -5 ), input impedance (6343 ±806 dyne • sec • cm -5 ), or characteristic impedance (2073 ±418 dyne • sec • cm -5 ) in 48-hour-old pigs. In 2-week-old pigs, infusion of Nω-nitro- L -arginine elevated pulmonary arterial pressure (18,162 ±1415 dyne/cm 2 versus 23,838 ±1810 dyne/cm 2 , p = 0.015), pulmonary vascular resistance (810 ±137 dyne • sec • cm -5 versus 1519 dyne • sec • cm -5 , p = 0.030), and input impedance (2302 ±251 dyne • sec • cm -5 versus 2900 ±255 dyne • sec • cm -5 , p = 0.018). Characteristic impedance was not altered in 2-week-old pigs. These data indicate that Nω-nitro- L -arginine infusion resulted in pulmonary arteriolar vasoconstriction in 2-week-old pigs, but not in 48-hour-old pigs. This finding suggests that endothelium-derived relaxing factor does not modulate basal pulmonary arteriolar tone during the early newborn period, but does play a significant role in 2-week-old pigs. These data also suggest that the functional role for endothelium-derived relaxing factor is confined to the distal arteriolar pulmonary bed and does not extend to the larger proximal arterial vessels. (J THORAC CARDIOVASC SURG 1995;110:1486-92

    Патоморфологічна характеристика гемофільозного полісерозиту свиней

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    It is difficult to differentiate the disease by clinical signs; therefore, the main criteria for diagnosing hemophilic polyserositis should be considered pathological changes characteristic of the disease. Piglets are aged 30–60 days are most often affected. On average, pigs can die five hours after the manifestation of clinical signs. The autopsy results have revealed severe polyserositis, fibrinous layering around the lungs and heart, swelling of the liver with fibrinous deposition, and intestinal epithelium overloaded with fibrin pellicle. The autopsy of the dead piglets has shown the changes, characterized by massive overlays of fibrin pellicles and threads on the surface of the costal and pulmonary pleura, diaphragm, peritoneum, omentum, the serous membrane of the intestine, as well as the liver capsule. In the thoracic and abdominal cavities and pericardium, a significant accumulation of straw-yellow exudate with abundant fibrin threads has been revealed. Rib and lung pleura were covered with fibrinous overlays of gray-white and gray-yellow color. When the overlays were removed, swelling, dullness, matting, and sometimes bluishness of the pleura with a grayish tint were found. In several cases, fibrinous layering was of considerable thickness, which caused the fusion of serous sheets. Macroscopically, the bronchial and mediastinal lymph nodes were enlarged, juicy, grayish, or grayish-red in color; sometimes, dotted hemorrhages were observed in them. A cloudy, reddish liquid was flowing from the surface of their cut. At the pathological examination, the lungs were enlarged in volume, dense in consistency, and dark red. Interstitial pneumonia was observed, and in some cases, fibrinous inflammation of the pleura and foci of atelectasis alternated with small emphysema areas. The liver was enlarged and flabby; the lobular structure was weakly expressed. The cut surface was dull, gray-red, and sometimes red-brown. The vessels of the small intestine were injected. That is, fibrinous polysterositis, arthritis, and meningoencephalitis are characteristic of the pathology. Therefore, from the pathomorphological changes, it can be assumed that the dissemination of the causative agent of hemophilic polyserositis occurs in a short time. In the acute stage of the disease and fatal cases, the pathogen is often found in the joints, serous membranes, spleen, liver, lungs, pericardium, and brain. The localization of the pathogen is specific – it is the serous membranes. The penetration of the causative agent into the brain can indirectly judge the relatively high invasive properties of the microorganism.За клінічними ознаками хворобу диференціювати складно, тому основними критеріями при діагностиці гемофільозного полісерозиту слід вважати характерні для хвороби патологоанатомічні зміни. Найчастіше уражуються поросята у віці 30–60 діб. В середньому через п’ять годин після прояву клінічних ознак свині можуть гинути. Результати розтину виявляють тяжкий полісерозит, фібринозні нашарування навколо легенів та серця, набряклість печінки з фібринозними плівками на поверхні органу та наявність значної кількості фібрину на епітелії кишечника. При розтині загиблих поросят, виявляються зміни, які характеризуються масивними відкладаннями плівок і ниток фібрину на поверхні костальної і легеневої плеври, діафрагми, очеревини, сальника, серозної оболонки кишечника, а також капсули печінки. У грудній і черевній порожнинах, а також в серцевій сорочці значне скупчення ексудату солом’яно-жовтого кольору з рясними нитками фібрину. Реберна і легенева плеври були вкриті фібринозними нашаруваннями сіро-білого і сіро-жовтого кольору. При видаленні накладень знаходили набряки, тьмяність, матовість, місцями ціаноз плеври з сіруватим відтінком. У ряді випадків фібринозні нашарування були значної товщини, в результаті чого відбувалося зрощення серозних листків. Макроскопічно бронхіальні і середостінні лімфатичні вузли були збільшені в розмірі, соковиті, сіруватого або сірувато-червоного кольору, іноді в них спостерігали крапчасті крововиливи. З поверхні їх розрізу стікала каламутна, червонуватого кольору рідина. При патологоанатомічному дослідженні легені були збільшені в об’ємі, щільної консистенції, темно-червоного кольору. Спостерігали лобарну гостру катаральну або крупозну пневмонію, а в деяких випадках – фібринозне запалення плеври та осередки ателектазу, що чергуються з невеликими ділянками емфіземи. Печінка збільшена, в’яла, часточкова будова слабко виражена. Поверхня розрізу тьмяна, сіро-червоного іноді червоно-коричневого кольору. Судини тонкого кишечника надмірно кровонаповненні. Тобто, характерним для патології є фібринозний полістерозит, артрит та менінгоенцефаліт. Отже, з проаналізованих нами патоморфологічних змін, можна зробити припущення, що дисемінація збудника гемофільозного полісерозиту відбувається в короткі терміни. У гострій стадії хвороби і в летальних випадках патоген досить часто виявляється в суглобах, серозних оболонках, селезінці, печінці, легенях, перикарді, головному мозку. Локалізація збудника специфічна – це серозні оболонки. З огляду на проникнення збудника в головний мозок, можна побічно судити про досить високі інвазивні властивості мікроорганізму

    Патоморфологічна характеристика вірусної геморагічної хвороби кролів

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    The dead animals have a pathomorphological picture with a brightly expressed hemorrhagic diathesis, in many organs there is venous stasis. Blood does not clot for several hours, and at autopsy of organs (heart, lungs, liver, kidneys) it is poured in significant amounts into the body cavity. Macroscopically, the most significant changes are observed in the respiratory system. The lungs are blood-filled, intensely swollen and unevenly colored, have a grayish-pink color with single or multiple spotted and spotted hemorrhages under the pleura. Red or almost colorless liquid flows down from the incision surface, foamy exudate is released from the bronchi when pressed on. There are no patterns in the localization of pathomorphological changes in any part of the lungs (apical, cardiac, diaphragmatic): all parts are damaged at once, or mainly in one or another part. The walls of the trachea, nasal cavities, to a lesser extent the larynx are distinctly hemorrhagic. Their red color is more often caused by venous hyperemia. The lumen of the trachea and larynx is filled with red or colorless foamy fluid. Changes in the liver are constant, but not always the same type and are due to the degree of its blood supply, which causes a change in color, amount and consistency. In the first hours after the death of the animal, the liver is usually completely blood-filled, enlarged, easily torn, has a reddish-brown color with a yellowish tinge in the central parts of the lobes. The capillary network of the body looks like red streaks and dots of irregular shape. Spotted hemorrhages are sometimes observed under the capsule of the organ. The gallbladder contains some bile, its mucous is rough, a bit exfoliated. The spleen is increased in size by 1.5–3 times, swollen, dark cherry in color with a typical purple tinge. The kidneys are completely blood-filled, reddish-brown and increased in several times. The thymus is slightly reddened, often with multiple spotted or spotted hemorrhages in the chest. Lymph nodes are pulpy, grayish-pink, rarely red, not significantly changed in size. The heart (especially its right half) is filled with a large amount of  black and red blood, increased in size , the walls of the ventricles are stretched, thin, have flabby consistency. Multiple spotted and spotted hemorrhages under the epicardium and endocardium are common. Changes in the gastrointestinal tract characterize catarrhal (rarely catarrhal-hemorrhagic) inflammation, sometimes hemorrhage in the duodenum and rectum, exfoliation of the gastric mucosa. In the form of hemorrhage, pathological and anatomical changes are found in the uterus and adrenal glands, in the form of congestive hyperemia – in the genitals, goiter, brain.У загиблих тварин розвивається яскрава, з вираженим геморагічним діатезом патоморфологічна картина, у багатьох органах спостерігається венозний застій. Кров не згортається протягом декількох годин, а при розтині органів (серце, легені, печінка, нирки) виливається в великих обсягах в порожнину тіла. Макроскопічно найбільш значні зміни спостерігаються в органах дихання. Легені кровонаповнені, інтенсивно набряклі і нерівномірно забарвлені, мають сірувато-рожевий колір з поодинокими або множинними крапковими і плямистими крововиливами під плеврою. З поверхні їх розрізу стікає червона або майже безбарвна рідина, з бронхів при натисканні виділяється пінистий ексудат. Закономірностей в локалізації патоморфологічних змін в будь-якій частці легень (верхівкова, серцева, діафрагмальна) немає: уражуються всі частки відразу, або переважно та чи інша частина. Стінки трахеї, носових порожнин, в меншій ступені гортані різко геморагічні. Їх червоний колір частіше обумовлює венозна гіперемія. Просвіт трахеї і гортані заповнює червона або безбарвна піниста рідина. Зміни в печінці постійні, але не завжди однотипові і обумовлені ступенем її кровонаповнення, що викликає зміна кольору, об’єму і консистенції. У перші години після загибелі тварини печінка зазвичай кровонаповнена, збільшена в об’ємі, легко рветься, має червонувато-коричневий колір з жовтуватим відтінком в центральних ділянках часток. Капілярна мережа органу має вигляд червоних рисок і крапок неправильної форми. Іноді під капсулою органа спостерігали крапчасті геморагії. Жовчний міхур містить трохи жовчі, його слизова шорстка, трохи відшаровувалася. Селезінка в 1,5–3 рази збільшена в об’ємі, набрякла, темно-вишневого кольору з характерним фіолетовим відтінком. Нирки різко кровонаповнені, червоно-коричневого кольору і збільшені в кілька разів. Тимус злегка почервонілий, нерідко з множинними крапковими або плямистими крововиливами в грудній частині. Лімфатичні вузли соковиті, сірувато-рожевого, рідше червоного кольору, в розмірах істотно не змінені. Серце (особливо його права половина) заповнене великим об’ємом чорно-червоної крові, збільшене в об’ємі, стінки шлуночків розтягнуті, витончені, мали в’ялу консистенцію. Часто зустрічаються множинні крапчасті і плямисті крововиливи під епі- і ендокардом. Зміни в шлунково-кишковому тракті характеризують катаральне (рідше катарально-геморагічне) запалення, іноді крововиливи в дванадцятипалій і прямій кишках, відшарування слизової шлунка. У формі геморагії патолого-анатомічні зміни знаходяться в матці і надниркових залозах, у вигляді застійної гіперемії – в статевих органах, зобній залозі, головному мозку

    Epizootic monitoring of contagious diseases of bees in Rivne region for the period of 2018–2022

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    The important role of honey bees has been known for a long time, as the successful work of Apis mellifera helps to maintain natural biogeocenoses and provides humanity with food and medicinal production. The massive loss of honeybee colonies in the southern and eastern border regions of Ukraine is putting a strain on beekeeping production in the north-western regions of Ukraine. To intensify apiaries, there is a need for systematic and regular monitoring research. Epizootic monitoring provides data on the health of honey bees in a specific geographical region that can be scientifically substantiated. To analyse the epizootic situation with contagious bee diseases in the Rivne region in 2017–2022, we used official data from the State Service of Ukraine on Food Safety and Consumer Protection in the Rivne region. In addition to epizootic monitoring, the aim of our study was to identify the most common bee diseases in this region. The analysis of the results shows that diagnostic tests for varroosis and nosema, acarapidosis, American and European foulbroods, and amoebiasis are planned and carried out systematically. From 2017 to 2021, the number of diagnostic tests for bacterial diseases of bees was increased. At the same time, in 2022, the activity of such research decreased by 6.4% in comparison to 2021. A different pattern was registered for parasitic diseases of bees. For example, there was an increase in the number of such studies from 2019 (1678 studies) to 2022 (3184 studies). It was found that the Rivne region has been safe from American and European foulbroods, acarapidosis, braulosis and amoebiasis for the last 6 years. Varoosis and nosema are registered annually in 2017–2022, with the infection rate for these diseases set at 11.06 % (2020) – 14.82 % (2022), respectively. This data is likely to indicate a change in the economic situation of beekeepers, which makes it impossible to prevent hives from being treated for certain diseases in a timely manner. Thus, the analysis of laboratory tests for contagious diseases of bees helps to detail the epizootic state of a particular region, which allows to determine the direction for veterinary and sanitary measures for a specific apiary

    Final Report - Melt Rate Enhancement for High Aluminum HLW Glass Formulation, VSL-08R1360-1, Rev. 0, dated 12/19/08

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    The principal objective of the work reported here was to develop and identify HLW glass compositions that maximize waste processing rates for the aluminum limted waste composition specified by ORP while maintaining high waste loadings and acceptable glass properties. This was accomplished through a combination of crucible-scale tests, confirmation tests on the DM100 melter system, and demonstration at pilot scale (DM1200). The DM100-BL unit was selected for these tests since it was used previously with the HLW waste streams evaluated in this study, was used for tests on HLW glass compositions to support subsequent tests on the HLW Pilot Melter, conduct tests to determine the effect of various glass properties (viscosity and conductivity) and oxide concentrations on glass production rates with HLW feed streams, and to assess the volatility of cesium and technetium during the vitrification of an HLW AZ-102 composition. The same melter was selected for the present tests in order to maintain comparisons between the previously collected data. These tests provide information on melter processing characteristics and off-gas data, including formation of secondary phases and partitioning. Once DM100 tests were completed, one of the compositions was selected for further testing on the DM1200; the DM1200 system has been used for processing a variety of simulated Hanford waste streams. Tests on the larger melter provide processing data at one third of the scale of the actual WTP HLW melter and, therefore, provide a more accurate and reliable assessment of production rates and potential processing issues. The work focused on maximizing waste processing rates for high aluminum HLW compositions. In view of the diversity of forms of aluminum in the Hanford tanks, tests were also conducted on the DM100 to determine the effect of changes in the form of aluminum on feed properties and production rate. In addition, the work evaluated the effect on production rate of modest increases in melter operating temperature. Glass composition development was based on one of the HLW waste compositions specified by ORP that has a high concentration of aluminum. Small-scale tests were used to provide an initial screening of various glass formulations with respect to melt rates; more definitive screening was provided by the subsequent DM100 tests. Glass properties evaluated included: viscosity, electrical conductivity, crystallinity, gross glass phase separation and the 7- day Product Consistency Test (ASTM-1285). Glass property limits were based upon the reference properties for the WTP HLW melter. However, the WTP crystallinity limit (< 1 vol% at 950oC) was relaxed slightly as a waste loading constraint for the crucible melts

    Ecological Invasion, Roughened Fronts, and a Competitor's Extreme Advance: Integrating Stochastic Spatial-Growth Models

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    Both community ecology and conservation biology seek further understanding of factors governing the advance of an invasive species. We model biological invasion as an individual-based, stochastic process on a two-dimensional landscape. An ecologically superior invader and a resident species compete for space preemptively. Our general model includes the basic contact process and a variant of the Eden model as special cases. We employ the concept of a "roughened" front to quantify effects of discreteness and stochasticity on invasion; we emphasize the probability distribution of the front-runner's relative position. That is, we analyze the location of the most advanced invader as the extreme deviation about the front's mean position. We find that a class of models with different assumptions about neighborhood interactions exhibit universal characteristics. That is, key features of the invasion dynamics span a class of models, independently of locally detailed demographic rules. Our results integrate theories of invasive spatial growth and generate novel hypotheses linking habitat or landscape size (length of the invading front) to invasion velocity, and to the relative position of the most advanced invader.Comment: The original publication is available at www.springerlink.com/content/8528v8563r7u2742

    Invasion speeds for structured populations in fluctuating environments

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    We live in a time where climate models predict future increases in environmental variability and biological invasions are becoming increasingly frequent. A key to developing effective responses to biological invasions in increasingly variable environments will be estimates of their rates of spatial spread and the associated uncertainty of these estimates. Using stochastic, stage-structured, integro-difference equation models, we show analytically that invasion speeds are asymptotically normally distributed with a variance that decreases in time. We apply our methods to a simple juvenile-adult model with stochastic variation in reproduction and an illustrative example with published data for the perennial herb, \emph{Calathea ovandensis}. These examples buttressed by additional analysis reveal that increased variability in vital rates simultaneously slow down invasions yet generate greater uncertainty about rates of spatial spread. Moreover, while temporal autocorrelations in vital rates inflate variability in invasion speeds, the effect of these autocorrelations on the average invasion speed can be positive or negative depending on life history traits and how well vital rates ``remember'' the past

    Combined use of bacteriophage K and a novel bacteriophage to reduce Staphylococcus aureus biofilm formation

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    Biofilms are major causes of impairment of wound healing and patient morbidity. One of the most common and aggressive wound pathogens is Staphylococcus aureus, displaying a large repertoire of virulence factors and commonly reduced susceptibility to antibiotics, such as the spread of methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA). Bacteriophages are obligate parasites of bacteria. They multiply intracellularly and lyse their bacterial host, releasing their progeny. We isolated a novel phage, DRA88, which has a broad host range among S. aureus bacteria. Morphologically, the phage belongs to the Myoviridae family and comprises a large double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) genome of 141,907 bp. DRA88 was mixed with phage K to produce a high-titer mixture that showed strong lytic activity against a wide range of S. aureus isolates, including representatives of the major international MRSA clones and coagulase-negative Staphylococcus. Its efficacy was assessed both in planktonic cultures and when treating established biofilms produced by three different biofilm-producing S. aureus isolates. A significant reduction of biofilm biomass over 48 h of treatment was recorded in all cases. The phage mixture may form the basis of an effective treatment for infections caused by S. aureus biofilms