116 research outputs found


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    Although FDI flows into most post-socialist countries are based on their market transformation development, the largest volume is directed to the Visegrad countries that are generally perceived as above-average successful in attracting foreign investors. The paper analyses how does the inflow of FDI into Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia contribute to the growth potential of labor productivity during period of 2010-2016. The shift-share analysis of OECD data within 11 key sectors decomposes the determinants of labour productivity and determines contribution to the potential of labour productivity growth. The results are interpreted on the basis of the sectoral, competitive and residual effect. Findings proved no significant differences in productivity between economics however the localization of foreign capital to technology-intensive industries does not put pressure on progressive productivity growth. Decreased inflows of foreign capital, averaged by 8% from all sectors within the region, are driven in each country by a different industry. Results also demonstrated more attractive structure of the sectors of the Czech and Hungarian economics for stimulation the inflow of foreign capital into a country. The presented approach contributes to the issue of complexity of the FDI localisation and the countries´ ability to assume the presence of foreign capital. The stated recommendations are considering the economic regulations related to pandemic situation in 2020.Iako se FDI tokovi u većini post-socijalističkih zemalja temelje na razvoju njihove tržišne transformacije, najveći obujam usmjeren je u višegradske zemlje koje se općenito percipiraju kao natprosječno uspješne u privlačenju stranih ulagača. U radu se analizira kako priljev izravnih stranih ulaganja u Češku, Mađarsku, Poljsku i Slovačku doprinosi potencijalu rasta produktivnosti rada tijekom razdoblja 2010.-2016. Analiza udjela pomaka podataka OECD-a unutar 11 ključnih sektora rastavlja determinante produktivnosti rada i utvrđuje doprinos potencijalu rasta produktivnosti rada. Rezultati se tumače na temelju sektorskog, konkurentskog i rezidualnog učinka. Nalazi su pokazali da nema značajnih razlika u produktivnosti između ekonomija, no lokalizacija stranog kapitala u tehnološki intenzivne industrije ne vrši pritisak na progresivni rast produktivnosti. Smanjeni priljevi stranog kapitala, u prosjeku za 8% iz svih sektora unutar regije, u svakoj zemlji potaknuti su različitom industrijom. Rezultati su također pokazali atraktivniju strukturu sektora za poticanje priljeva stranog kapitala u zemlju češkog i mađarskog gospodarstva. Predstavljeni pristup pridonosi pitanju složenosti lokalizacije izravnih stranih ulaganja i sposobnosti zemalja da preuzmu prisutnost stranog kapitala. Navedene preporuke razmatraju gospodarske propise vezane uz pandemijsku situaciju u 2020. godini

    Prospective study of long-term neurological sequelae of acute methanol poisoning

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    Kontext: Metanol je alkohol, který se hojně využívá v průmyslu a má známé neurotoxické účinky. U akutní otravy metanolem je typickým nálezem na MRI a CT mozku bilaterální nekróza bazálních ganglií. Dopad expozice metanolu na periferní nervový systém není známý. Cíl: Stanovit prevalenci a predisponující faktory hemoragických a nehemoragických mozkových lézí u pacientů, kteří přežili akutní otravu metanolem; zjistit, zda 123 I-ioflupan SPECT (DaT SPECT) lze potenciálně využít jako marker poškození bazálních ganglií při akutní otravě metanolem, posoudit úlohu akutní expozice metanolu v rozvoji periferní polyneuropatie (PNP) v letech následujících po propuštění z nemocnice. Materiál a metodika: U pacientů s potvrzenou otravou metanolem byla provedena šestiletá prospektivní kohortová jednocentrová studie. Vyšetřovací protokol zahrnoval neurologické vyšetření včetně magnetické rezonance mozku, DaT SPECT a elektromyografického vyšetření, dále zrakové evokované potenciály, oční vyšetření s měřením tloušťky vrstvy nervových vláken sítnice, biochemická vyšetření a toxikologické testy. U 46 pacientů byla kontrolní vyšetření zahrnující MRI mozku provedena 3-8 a 24-28 měsíců po propuštění z nemocnice, u 42 pacientů byla MRI mozku provedena čtyřikrát během šestiletého období a DaT SPECT byl proveden dvakrát. 55...Background: Methanol is widely industrially used alcohol with known neurotoxic properties. Bilateral necrosis of basal ganglia is a typical finding detected on MRI or CT scan of the brain in acute methanol poisoning. The impact of methanol exposure on peripheral nervous system is unknown. Aim: To study the prevalence and predisposing factors of haemorrhagic and non-haemorrhagic brain lesions in survivors of acute methanol poisoning; to investigate whether 123 I-ioflupane SPECT (DaT SPECT) has the potential as a marker of basal ganglia damage in acute methanol poisoning; to investigate the role of acute methanol exposure in the development of peripheral polyneuropathy (PNP) during the years following discharge from the hospital. Methods: A six year prospective, single-centre, cohort study of patients with confirmed methanol poisoning was conducted. The examination protocol consisted of neurological examination, including magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain, DaT SPECT and electromyographic examination, further, visual evoked potentials, ocular examination with retinal nerve fiber layer thickness measurement, series of biochemical and toxicological tests. In 46 patients, follow-up examinations including brain MRI were performed 3-8 and 24-28 months after discharge from the hospital, in 42...Department of Occupational Medicine First Faculty of Medicine Charles University and General University Hospital in PragueKlinika pracovního lékařství 1. LF UK a VFN1. lékařská fakultaFirst Faculty of Medicin

    Evaluation of the Company Financial Performance and Proposals for Improvement

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá hodnocením finanční situace společnosti KOBZ s. r. o. v letech 2008 – 2012. Na základě výsledků finanční analýzy jsou navrhnuta řešení zjištěných problémů, která mají vést k celkovému zlepšení finanční situace společnosti.This bachelor’s thesis analyses the financial situation of company KOBZ Ltd. within the years 2008 – 2012. Based on the results of financial analysis are set out proposals and actions that could generally improve financial situation of the company.

    Company Performance Measurement

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    Hlavním tématem této diplomové práce je problematika hodnocení výkonnosti společnosti Agrochov Jezernice a.s. Pro sledování, měření a následné zvyšování výkonnosti byla využita metoda Balanced Scorecard. Práce se skládá z teoretické části, včetně detailního přestavení společnosti a jejich činností, následně také strategickou a finanční analýzu, na základě, kterých bylo umožněno stanovit návrh pro Balanced Scorecard a tím rozvinout hodnocení výkonnosti společnosti a připravit celkový návrh implementace.This master s thesis deals with the performance evaluation of the company Agrochov Jezernice a.s. using Balanced Scorecard approach for increasing performance. This thesis consists of the theoretical part with detailed company introduction and its activities as well as strategic and financial analysis on the basis of which it was possible to set the Balanced Scorecard proposal to develop the company's performance. assessment and prepare the overall implementation proposal.

    How related an accelerometer's examination with upper limb function in patients with multiple sclerosis?

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    Department of Rehabilitation MedicineKlinika rehabilitačního lékařství3. lékařská fakultaThird Faculty of Medicin

    Content of flavan-3-ol monomers and gallic acid in grape seeds by variety and year

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    The content of flavan-3-ol monomers and gallic acid in grape seeds in the samples from the gene collection of Viticulture Research Station Karlštejn (Czech Republic) was investigated. Presence of catechin, epicatechin, epigallocatechin, epicatechin gallate and gallic acid was confirmed in these samples, other flavan-3-ol monomers like gallocatechin or epigallocatechin gallate were below limit of detection. As major flavan-3-ol monomers catechin and epicatechin with 85 % were detected. Average content of catechin in grape seed was 4454 ± 148 µg·g-1, 3085 ± 98 µg·g-1 epicatechin, 600 ± 41 µg·g-1 epigallocatechin, 457 ± 19 µg·g-1 gallic acid, and 352 ± 16 µg·g-1 epicatechin gallate. Variety had main impact on phenolic content followed by vintage. Average sum of flavan-3-ol monomers in grape seeds in white varietes was 7601 ± 273 µg·g-1 and 10869 ± 430 µg·g-1 in red varieties, with 10050 ± 425 µg·g-1 in 2012 and 7846 ± 219 µg·g-1 in 2013 were found on average in all varieties, respectively.  The highest phenolic content was characteristic for 'Pinot Noir', 'Muskat Donskoi', 'Aromriesling' and 'Hibernal' and may contribute to their health properties

    Impact of yacon landraces cultivated in the Czech Republic and their ploidy on the short- and long-chain fructooligosaccharides content in tuberous roots

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    Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) are important tuberous root constituents of yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius) with beneficial nutritional and prebiotic effects on human health. That is why landraces originally cultivated in Andes are explored with the aim to obtain new ones with high FOS content. In this study eighteen octoploid andfive dodecaploid landraces were for thefirst time evaluated in terms of their tuberous root contents of short-chain fructooligosaccharides GF3-GF10 (Sc-FOS) and long-chain fruc-tooligosaccharides >GF10 (Lc-FOS) by high performance anion exchange chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection (HPAE-PAD). Significant differences between individual landraces were found; eleven of them contained high Sc-FOS and Lc-FOS, whilst twelve showed low Lc-FOS contents. Com-parison of octoploid and dodecaploid groups showed that degree of ploidy level can affect FOS content and the distribution according to degree of polymerisation. High correlations between the contents of Sc-FOS, Lc-FOS and total carbohydrates (r 2 ¼0.97,r 2 ¼0.98 andr 2 ¼0.95, respectively) have been found

    Story of Bisphenol S – Steps from Bad to Worse

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    Žijeme v „době plastové“. Obrovské množství plastů vstupuje do životního prostředí a z tohoto materiálu se uvolňuje řada chemikálií s endokrinně disrupčními účinky. Bisfenol A (BPA) je znám jako jeden z takových účinných endokrinních disruptorů uvolňovaných z plastů. Tato látka vykazuje široké spektrum negativních efektů na zdraví zvířat i lidí. Proto bylo používání BPA v řadě lidských oborů omezeno a u mnoha výrobků je garantováno, že BPA neobsahují.  BPA může v plastech chybět, jen pokud je nahrazen jinými látkami. Jako náhrada za BPA se často používá bisfenol S (BPS), i když jeho endokrinně disrupční účinky jsou prozkoumány jen velmi málo. Jako chemikálie, jejíž používání podléhá mnohem slabší legislativní regulaci než její předchůdce, je nyní BPS používán v mnoha materiálech. Nově získávané poznatky ale stále jasněji ukazují, že BPS není zdaleka bezpečná látka. Nenápadná náhrada BPA za BPS může být vnímána jako zlepšení. Ale zdá se, že tomu přesně naopak. S tím, jak se BPS šíří naším „do plastu zabaleným“ světem, jsme se jen dostali z bláta do louže.We are living in the “Age of Plastics”. A vast amount of this material enters the environment, with chemicals released from the bulk of this matter often exhibiting endocrine-disrupting effects. Bisphenol A (BPA), originating from plastics, is well-known as such a potent endocrine disruptor. This compound exhibits wide spectra of detrimental effects on animal and human health. For these reasons, the use of BPA has been limited in many human activities and bisphenol A-free products are now guaranteed. As a key compound of many plastics, BPA could not be omitted from plastics without being replaced by other chemicals. Bisphenol S (BPS) is often chosen as a substitute for BPA, although its endocrine-disruptive effects are poorly known. As a chemical facing much less stringent legislation than BPA, its forerunner, BPS is now widely used in many materials. However, an increasing volume of new knowledge indicates that BPS is far from safe. The “silent” substitution of BPA with BPS could be perceived as an improvement. However, the converse appears to be true. With BPS spreading through our “plastic-encased” world, we are going from bad to worse