284 research outputs found

    Introducing Teenagers to a Dialogue with Judaism as the Task of School Catechesis

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    This analysis proves that introducing teenagers to a dialogue with Judaism is one of catechesis’s tasks. This task has been outlined in the post-conciliar documents of the Catholic Church. It underlines the spiritual ties between Catholic people and the Jews and promotes forming an attitude of openness towards followers of the Mosaic religion. It also contributes to mitigating anti-Semitism among Catholic teenagers. At the same time, it raises interest in Jewish traditions and culture. In the religion syllabus in lower and post-secondary schools we can come across numerous references (mainly indirect) to Judaism. The focus on passing honest knowledge about Judaism can be also clearly visible. In this way, formation of the cognitive element of inter-religious dialogue takes place. On the other hand, less attention is devoted to other components of this attitude such as the emotional and behavioural elements. That is why there is a demand to complete the lacking elements by watching films and having discussions. The above mentioned multimedia materials called “The religion lesson” have been prepared to satisfy this need.Great importance is also attached to creating situations that allow Christian teenagers to participate in meetings with the Jews. It can be organized in the form of Days of Judaism and panel discussions with Jews and distinguished contemporary theologians and philosophers. Open meetings with representatives of Judaism are a great opportunity to perceive the Jews as “older brethren in the faith”. They let young people discover the cultural wealth and vision of Judaism and teach teenagers respect for the religious beliefs of the Jews. Thereby, they can contribute to the change of mentality of young participants of catechesis in their approach to Judaism. It is worth referring to the works of Jewish culture in these activities. It is the cultural heritage that comprises a great reference point to showing the strong Judaic roots of Christian culture. Thus, it is necessary, for the topics in Judaism proposed for religious syllabuses and catechetical material to be closely connected with organizing meetings of young Catholics with followers of the Mosaic religion. Only this kind of experience can contribute to an authentic inter-religious dialogue.This analysis proves that introducing teenagers to a dialogue with Judaism is one of catechesis’s tasks. This task has been outlined in the post-conciliar documents of the Catholic Church. It underlines the spiritual ties between Catholic people and the Jews and promotes forming an attitude of openness towards followers of the Mosaic religion. It also contributes to mitigating anti-Semitism among Catholic teenagers. At the same time, it raises interest in Jewish traditions and culture. In the religion syllabus in lower and post-secondary schools we can come across numerous references (mainly indirect) to Judaism. The focus on passing honest knowledge about Judaism can be also clearly visible. In this way, formation of the cognitive element of inter-religious dialogue takes place. On the other hand, less attention is devoted to other components of this attitude such as the emotional and behavioural elements. That is why there is a demand to complete the lacking elements by watching films and having discussions. The above mentioned multimedia materials called “The religion lesson” have been prepared to satisfy this need.Great importance is also attached to creating situations that allow Christian teenagers to participate in meetings with the Jews. It can be organized in the form of Days of Judaism and panel discussions with Jews and distinguished contemporary theologians and philosophers. Open meetings with representatives of Judaism are a great opportunity to perceive the Jews as “older brethren in the faith”. They let young people discover the cultural wealth and vision of Judaism and teach teenagers respect for the religious beliefs of the Jews. Thereby, they can contribute to the change of mentality of young participants of catechesis in their approach to Judaism. It is worth referring to the works of Jewish culture in these activities. It is the cultural heritage that comprises a great reference point to showing the strong Judaic roots of Christian culture. Thus, it is necessary, for the topics in Judaism proposed for religious syllabuses and catechetical material to be closely connected with organizing meetings of young Catholics with followers of the Mosaic religion. Only this kind of experience can contribute to an authentic inter-religious dialogue

    Human brain-to-brain synchrony in a naturalistic setting: an fMRI study on observational learning

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    Fast methods for modelling fluid flow and characterising petroleum reservoirs

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    This thesis tackles three kinds of computationally efficient methods widely applicable in the fields of engineering, simulation and numerical modelling. First, the Non-Intrusive Reduced Order Modelling (NIROM) is discussed, reframed, generalised and tested. While NIROM is a general methodology, the main focus of this work is to evaluate its potential in the field of reservoir modelling. For this purpose a new method for constructing parameterised NIROMs is proposed and the POD-RBF approach is investigated on a number of representative test cases. A detailed analysis concludes with NIROM not being a viable practical solution at this stage; the underlying issues, their causes and future development the method are discussed in detail. Second, a method for classifying well log data is given. The method is an alternative to typical machine learning (ML) approaches, which up to date have been the only tools utilised for the purpose. Our approach is motivated by (and mitigates a number of) issues with applying ML in practical applications, in particular the lack of explainability. Instead of being a complex surrogate with a large number of degrees of freedom (cf ML), our model consists of the automatically re-scaled training set and a single additional number extracted during the training procedure. The technique proposed is characterised by a case-independent design, very high computational efficiency and relies on an intuitively meaningful operating principle; it also provides additional functionality in comparison with alternatives. It is demonstrated that (out of the box) the method outperforms the vast majority of alternatives on a realistic data set in terms of efficiency and accuracy, even when implemented in serial in an interpreted programming language. Finally, the last part of the thesis addresses the issue of efficient semi-analytical modelling of solid boundaries in Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) simulations. More precisely, this work focuses on the purely technical aspect of efficient evaluation of correction factors governing the boundary effects; the framework utilising their values is already well established. Mathematically, the problem is described as efficiently integrating a spherically symmetric function over its compact spherical support truncated by a surface (or a collection of surfaces) representing a solid boundary (wall). Three types of boundary geometries are considered, namely piecewise-planar, spherical and super-ellipsoid/super-toroid surfaces, with the latter two categories addressed for the first time in the literature. All methods provided are characterised by an arbitrary degree of accuracy and simplicity of implementation, especially in comparison with all to up to date alternatives. A number of representative test cases is studied.Open Acces

    Bloch waves and weak-beam imaging of crystals

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    The influence of the number of diffracted beams on weak-beam contrast simulations of thickness contour lines and dislocation images is investigated. For large deviation parameters sg→ thickness contour lines from two-beam simulations are similar to those from many-beam simulations. In many-beam simulations of wedge-shaped bent samples extra thickness contour lines appear at locations with (g→, 3g→). These extra lines occur between the imaging condition (g→,-g→) and (g→, 3g→). Therefore, in the case of a more symmetrical imaging condition many-beam simulations are mandatory. In bent samples the contributions of different Bloch waves to weak-beam images change as a function of the imaging conditions (g→, xg→). Near (g→, 3.5 g→) two Bloch waves dominate. In the case of x <3 two other Bloch waves with different wavelengths are most important for the image contrast. The ‘classical' (g→, 3g→) weak-beam condition is not suitable to determine signs and magnitudes of Burgers vectors from terminating thickness contour lines. Higher deviation parameters sg→ are necessary, especially for dense dislocation arrangement

    Grain-size dependence of intergranular magnetic correlations in nanostructured metals

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    Magnetic small-angle neutron scattering experiments were performed on nanostructured Fe, Co and Ni samples of varying grain size, produced by inert-gas condensation. The experiments show that the spontaneous spatial magnetic correlations forming in zero-field extend over many individual grains. These correlations depend strongly on grain size. In Fe, they have a minimum at a grain size of around 35 nm and increase sharply for smaller grain sizes. The crossover occurs at grain sizes comparable with L_(crit) = πδ, where δ is the bulk domain-wall width. For grain sizes below L_(crit), the results are explained on the basis of the random-anisotropy model, which takes into account that the magnetic alignment between the grains competes with the anisotropies of the individual grains. Above L_(crit), where domain walls can form within one grain, the magnetization direction corresponds to the anisotropy direction varying from grain to grain, and the magnetic correlation length increases approximately linearly with grain size. Furthermore, the measurements on Fe, Co and Ni show that the spatial magnetic correlations measured by SANS are always larger than L_(crit). This is in agreement with results of theoretical studies showing that nonuniform magnetization configurations can only exist in grains with sizes D > L_(crit)

    Wychowanie do postawy ekumenizmu w nauczaniu religii – doświadczenia katolickie

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    Analiza dokumentów Kościoła i obowiązujących programów nauczania religii pokazuje, iż problematyka wychowania do postawy ekumenizmu w nauczaniu religii znajduje należne miejsce. Autorzy poświęcają wiele uwagi kwestiom związanym z poszczególnymi elementami tej postawy, a więc z poznaniem doktryny własnego Kościoła, z otwartością na wyznawców innych religii i ze zdolnością do dialogu międzyreligijnego. Za odpowiedni czas w wychowaniu do postawy ekumenizmu uznają głównie szkołę ponadgimnazjalną. Powstaje jednak pytanie, jakie przełożenie ma to na praktykę szkolną i dlaczego we wcześniejszych etapach edukacji religijnej ta problematyka zostaje marginalnie potraktowana? Ważne wydają się też odpowiedzi na pytania, ile czasu i w jaki sposób poświęca się w nauczaniu religii innym wyznaniom, szczególnie w sytuacji, kiedy w szkole są uczniowie innych wyznań chrześcijańskich? Niemniej znacząca jest tu postawa samego katechety wobec ekumenizmu oraz wyznawców innych wspólnot i religii. Jeśli potrafi on obiektywnie, życzliwie, odważnie, z wyraźnym wyakcentowaniem tego, co łączy, a nie, co dzieli, przedstawiać główne prawdy wiary na różnych poziomach nauczania, zestawiając je z nauką innych chrześcijan, wtedy można mówić o autentycznym zaangażowaniu w ruch ekumeniczny. Nie może przy tym zabraknąć ukazywania ewidentnych owoców dialogu. Aby w pełni odpowiedzieć na pojawiające się pytania i wynikające z nich implikacje dla praktyki należałoby w przyszłości nie tylko dokonać szczegółowej analizy poszczególnych serii podręczników do nauczania religii, ale także zrealizować badania empiryczne. Istnieje zatem potrzeba, aby podejmować nieustanną, odwołującą się działań katechetycznych w szkole, refleksję nad jakością wychowania do postawy ekumenicznej w nauczaniu religii. Trzeba przy tym pamiętać, że „rzeczywisty ekumenizm nie istnieje bez wewnętrznej przemiany. Wszak z nowości ducha, z zaparcia się samego siebie i ze swobodnego wylania miłości pochodzą i dojrzewają pragnienia jedności. Dlatego u Ducha Świętego musimy wypraszać łaskę szczerego umartwienia, pokory i cichości w posłudze, a także wspaniałomyślności ducha wobec drugich” (DE 7)

    Usage and User Characteristics - Insights from MOIA, Europe’s Largest Ridepooling Service

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    New, i.e., shared and digitized, mobility services have been entering urban mobility markets around the globe. Among these new offerings is ridepooling, a mobility solution that bundles requests from passengers with similar routes in real-time and matches them with a vehicle. Ridepooling is quite novel in Germany and knowledge about users, changes in travel behavior, and impacts on the urban traffic system is scarce. To address this gap, we conducted an online survey among users and non-users of MOIA, a German ridepooling provider. Over 12,000 respondents completed the survey. The article presents results on ridepooling users’ characteristics and usage patterns. We found that MOIA users cover all age groups and are multimodal travelers—which leads us to assume that ridepooling enriches mobility portfolios and also serves as an alternative to the private car. MOIA is mostly used occasionally and, in particular, during the evening or the night. A specific focus of the article lies on users with mobility impairments as well as how and by whom ridepooling is used on work-related trips. Both topics are particularly relevant in light of changing travel patterns and transforming urban transport systems towards more sustainability

    Korelacja lekcji religii z etyką – sens czy bezsens?

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    The main purpose of the article is to present the logic of a correlation between religious education classes and ethics classes. Keeping in mind that at present ethics classes are not compulsory but rather optional, it is argued that those classes should become obligatory for students at schools. Firstly, as a reminder, the present status of ethics classes in Polish schools is discussed. The importance of ethics classes for the personal development of each student is indicated as well. It is pointed out that ethics classes are a signifi cant source of knowledge about life values, moral norms, basic rules of life in the community, personal principles, as well as an important place to learn the principles of the society and a holistic approach to personal growth and development of each individual student. In these educational and didactical means of infl uence the most universal values are deemed very important. With the theoretical, practical and educational character of&nbsp; these classes as the background, the logic of correlation between religious education classes and ethics classes is presented. The need to make ethics classes compulsory in Polish schools is insisted on. Finally, the challenges in the correlation between religious education classes and ethics classes are discussed.Głównym celem artykułu jest ukazanie sensowności korelacji lekcji religii z etyką. Pamiętając o tym, że obecnie lekcje etyki w polskiej szkole nie są obligatoryjne, lecz mają charakter zajęć fakultatywnych, wiele uwagi poświęcono potrzebie prowadzenia jej w szkole. Wskazano też na znaczenie lekcji etyki w kształceniu ogólnym każdego ucznia. Zwrócono uwagę na to, że lekcje etyki są źródłem wiedzy o wartościach, normach moralnych, zasadach życia społecznego i indywidualnego oraz odpowiednim miejscem kształtowania postaw społecznych i całościowych oddziaływań w sferze rozwoju osobowego każdego ucznia. W tych oddziaływaniach dydaktycznych i wychowawczych za ważne uznano uniwersalne wartości. Na tle nie tylko teoretycznego, lecz również praktycznego i wychowawczego charakteru lekcji etyki, ukazano sens korelacji lekcji religii z etyką. Tym samym wykazano bezsens obecnej sytuacji, w której uczniowie mogą nie uczestniczyć zarówno w lekcji religii, jak i w etyce. Postulowano potrzebę wprowadzenia obowiązkowych lekcji etyki w polskiej szkole. W końcowej części omówiono wyzwania w zakresie korelacji lekcji religii z etyką