20 research outputs found

    Dynamics of Bone Trap-5b Level in Patients with Bone Metastases of Renal Cell Cancer at Combined Treatment

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    The objective of this study was to determine the sensitivity of tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (Bone TRAP-5b) for early detection of bone metastases (BM) and to investigate the efficacy of bisphosphonates (BF) (zolendronic acid-ZA) in prevention of bone metastases in patients with Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC). The 60 patients with RCC with proven BM were investigated to assess the sensitivity and specificity of Bone TRAP-5b. 95 patients with RCC with high level of tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (Bone TRAP-5b) (8,5±0,2 IU/L) after radical surgical treatment were divided into two groups: 1-st group: (n=44) received zolendronic acid (ZA) (BF +), and 2-nd group (n=51) patients didn\u27t receive ZA (BF-). Patients of both subgroups were similar by age, sex, stage of disease. The levels of Bone TRAP-5b, Ca++, alkaline phosphatase, LDG were accessed every 3 months, and MRI imaging, bone scan with 99mTc every 6 month in both groups. We determined the high correlation between bone TRAP-5b and the presence of bone metastases (r=0,9; p <0,05), but its level wasn\u27t dependent with the number of BM. The results showed the high sensitivity and specificity of Bone TRAP-5b at the critical value of 5.2 IU/L (98,3 % and 90,0 %), (χ2=64,6; p<0.01). Using BF for the prevention of bone metastases in high risk group patients with RCC provides a significant difference in the incidence of bone metastases in patients


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    The objective of this study was to determine the sensitivity of tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (Bone TRAP-5b) for early detection of bone metastases (BM) and to investigate the efficacy of bisphosphonates (BF) (zolendronic acid-ZA) in prevention of bone metastases in patients with Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC). The 60 patients with RCC with proven BM were investigated to assess the sensitivity and specificity of Bone TRAP-5b. 95 patients with RCC with high level of tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (Bone TRAP-5b) (8,5±0,2 IU/L) after radical surgical treatment were divided into two groups: 1-st group: (n=44) received zolendronic acid (ZA) (BF +), and 2-nd group (n=51) patients didn’t receive ZA (BF-). Patients of both subgroups were similar by age, sex, stage of disease. The levels of Bone TRAP-5b, Ca++, alkaline phosphatase, LDG were accessed every 3 months, and MRI imaging, bone scan with 99mTc every 6 month in both groups. We determined the high correlation between bone TRAP-5b and the presence of bone metastases (r=0,9; p <0,05), but its level wasn’t dependent with the number of BM. The results showed the high sensitivity and specificity of Bone TRAP-5b at the critical value of 5.2 IU/L (98,3 % and 90,0 %), (χ2=64,6; p<0.01). Using BF for the prevention of bone metastases in high risk group patients with RCC provides a significant difference in the incidence of bone metastases in patients


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    The objective of this study was to determine the sensitivity of tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (Bone TRAP-5b) for early detection of bone metastases (BM) and to investigate the efficacy of bisphosphonates (BF) (zolendronic acid-ZA) in prevention of bone metastases in patients with Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC). The 60 patients with RCC with proven BM were investigated to assess the sensitivity and specificity of Bone TRAP-5b. 95 patients with RCC with high level of tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (Bone TRAP-5b) (8,5±0,2 IU/L) after radical surgical treatment were divided into two groups: 1-st group: (n=44) received zolendronic acid (ZA) (BF +), and 2-nd group (n=51) patients didn’t receive ZA (BF-). Patients of both subgroups were similar by age, sex, stage of disease. The levels of Bone TRAP-5b, Ca++, alkaline phosphatase, LDG were accessed every 3 months, and MRI imaging, bone scan with 99mTc every 6 month in both groups. We determined the high correlation between bone TRAP-5b and the presence of bone metastases (r=0,9; p <0,05), but its level wasn’t dependent with the number of BM. The results showed the high sensitivity and specificity of Bone TRAP-5b at the critical value of 5.2 IU/L (98,3 % and 90,0 %), (χ2=64,6; p<0.01). Using BF for the prevention of bone metastases in high risk group patients with RCC provides a significant difference in the incidence of bone metastases in patients

    Faraday-Active Fabry-Perot Resonator: Transmission, Reflection, and Emissivity

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    The propagation of light within a semiconductor Faraday-active Fabry-Perot resonator (FAFR) is investigated theoretically and experimentally. It is shown that an external magnetic field radically changes the angular and spectral characteristics of transmission, reflection and emissivity of the resonator not only for polarized, but also for unpolarized light. Suppression of interference patterns and phase inversion of the interference extrema were observed in both monochromatic and polychromatic light. The investigations were carried out for the plane-parallel plates of n-InAs in the spectral range of free charge carrier absorption. The results can be used to create new controllable optical and spectroscopic devices for investigation of Faraday-active material properties and for control of parameters of plane-parallel layers and structures


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    The aim of the article is to determine the specificities of the remuneration for public servants in Ukraine. The subject of the study is the remuneration for public servants in Ukraine. Methodology. The study is based on the use of general scientific and special-scientific methods and techniques of scientific knowledge. The dialectical method enabled to interrogate the development of the institution of remuneration for public servants in Ukraine. The comparative legal method enabled to compare doctrinal approaches to this issue. The system-structural method enabled to determine the elements of the remuneration for public servants. Methods of analysis and synthesis helped study separate parts of this institute to formulate further conclusions about its most optimal functioning. The logic-semantic method was used to determine the content of the concept of “remuneration for public servants”. The normative-dogmatic method enabled to analyse the content of legal regulations of the domestic legislation on the issue. Practical implications. The determination of the specificities of the remuneration for public servants in Ukraine enabled to make recommendations for improving the remuneration system of this category of workers, as well as identify problematic issues that require further consideration and research. Relevance/originality. The author’s definition of the concept of “remuneration for public servants” is proposed and the specific features of this institute, insufficiently studied before, are analysed. The article analyses the specificities of the remuneration for public servants. Their list is determined and the content of each of them is disclosed. The specificities of the remuneration for public servants are substantiated in comparison with other categories of employees

    Improving the organization of maritime tourism: research studies of economic aspects with the tools of journalism

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    The sphere of sea tourism has massive potential for development; however, it requires the development of recommendations for effective organization. The primary research method is journalistic research, which allows for analysis of the subject of research from different angles and the use of additional data; in particular, the study results were based on official statistics, publications in reputable publishing houses, and the authors’ surveys and observations. The purpose of the article is to develop recommendations for the effective organization of maritime tourism. To achieve the goal, the authors analyzed the leading indicators of world statistics of sea tourism (on the example of cruises), identified the main trends and made forecasts that showed the study’s relevance. The authors also thoroughly conducted an analytical analysis of the subject of the study. They analyzed the global sea cruise industry market statistics, the prospects for the sea tourism market, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the cruise industry. The authors conducted a survey and analyzed the reasons and factors influencing the choice in favour of sea tourism. The study made it possible to propose a mechanism for the effective organization of sea tourism in the country, which was tested on the example of the Odessa region and proved to be effective

    Media Anti-Discriminatory Practices in War Conditions

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    With the beginning of the full-scale military invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine, the media sphere became one of the priorities of the national struggle. In the conditions of a hybrid war, the Russian Federation actively used the media space for propaganda, inciting inter-ethnic enmity and forming electoral support among the population. However, with the beginning of a full-scale military invasion, propaganda and the creation of fake news were significantly activated, however, the official media resources of Ukraine by the formation of truthful and unbiased information, as well as the development of information policy. The fight against prejudiced attitudes towards Ukrainian refugees and forcibly displaced persons, attitudes towards the war and the political situation in Ukraine, psychological rehabilitation, and support for forcibly displaced persons both in Ukraine and abroad became new challenges. These priorities became the basis for the formation of an information policy on anti-discrimination measures in Ukraine and the international arena. The study developed a model for assessing priorities and a practical algorithm for their implementation in the face of new challenges. The research methodology is based on conducting a sociological survey to form a table of parameters of the results of factor evaluation. Based on the assessment, a priority function is formed, which can be displayed by implementing a graph-correlation model. The developed proposals have practical relevance in terms of searching for new forms of implementation of anti-discrimination policy in the media space in modern global challenges

    Право на інклюзивну освіту: проблеми та тенденції законодавчого регулювання

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    Костюк В. Л. Право на інклюзивну освіту: проблеми та тенденції законодавчого регулювання / В. Л. Костюк // Правові та інституційні механізми забезпечення розвитку України в умовах європейської інтеграції : матеріали Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції (м. Одеса, 18 травня 2018 р.) У 2-х т. Т. 1 / відп. ред. Г. О. Ульянова. – Одеса : Видавничий дім «Гельветика», 2018. – С. 487-490

    Improving the organization of maritime tourism: research studies of economic aspects with the tools of journalism

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    The sphere of sea tourism has massive potential for development; however, it requires the development of recommendations for effective organization. The primary research method is journalistic research, which allows for analysis of the subject of research from different angles and the use of additional data; in particular, the study results were based on official statistics, publications in reputable publishing houses, and the authors’ surveys and observations. The purpose of the article is to develop recommendations for the effective organization of maritime tourism. To achieve the goal, the authors analyzed the leading indicators of world statistics of sea tourism (on the example of cruises), identified the main trends and made forecasts that showed the study’s relevance. The authors also thoroughly conducted an analytical analysis of the subject of the study. They analyzed the global sea cruise industry market statistics, the prospects for the sea tourism market, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the cruise industry. The authors conducted a survey and analyzed the reasons and factors influencing the choice in favour of sea tourism. The study made it possible to propose a mechanism for the effective organization of sea tourism in the country, which was tested on the example of the Odessa region and proved to be effective


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    The article is devoted to the problems of universal future pathologists’ competencies formation by means of fiction. It should be noted that current professional training of future healthcare professionals undergoes in the context of implementing a competency approach, that’s why the authors emphasize the relevance of the formation of both: special (specific, subject-specific) and basic (leading, key, universal) competencies. Universal competencies of future pathologists include personal qualities and abilities, in particular, initiativity, capacity to establish professional communication on the basis of tolerance, talent to adapt themselves in new non-standard situations, readiness to analyze critically and evaluate adequately the results of professional activity, ability to give reasons for personal point of view, etc. The authors note that the degree of scientific substantiation of the problem of formation of future pathologists’ professional readiness in the educational environment of higher educational establishments does not correspond to the level of relevance of the identified problem, its theoretical and practical significance. The theoretical and methodological bases of future physicians’ acquaintance with the pathanatomical subject in different genres of fiction in the context of the competence approach implementation in the institutions of higher medical education of Ukraine are not sufficiently covered. It is emphasized that due to the acquaintance of future pathologists with medical problems in different genres of fiction, first of all, due to the Doctor trope, as well as the study of creative achievements of doctors-writers, the formation of an idea of the medical profession is noted. This formation requires awareness of the maximum responsibility for own actions, systematic psychological and physical activity, willingness to solve extraordinary, non-standard tasks. The artistic descriptions of illness and death in literary works vividly complement their story line. Having analyzed the works of M. Bulgakov, V. Stefanyk, M. Kotsiubynsky, O. Kobylianska, the authors of the article emphasize the need to use fiction in the formation of universal future pathologists’ competences. Familiarity with fiction contributes to the formation in future pathologists of value orientations and the development of their personal qualities (cognitive, creative, communicative, ideological), which constitute the valuable spiritual and ethical basis of their future professional activity. Key words: universal competences, professional training of future physicians, fiction, pathological anatomy.Стаття присвячена проблемам формування універсальних компетентностей майбутніх лікарів – патологоанатомів засобами художньої літератури. Автори наголошують на актуальності формування як спеціальних (специфічних, предметно-професійних) компетентностей, так і базових (провідних, ключових, універсальних). Універсальні компетентності студентів-майбутніх патологоанатомів включають особистісні якості й здібності, зокрема, ініціативність, здатність до налагодження професійної комунікації на засадах толерантності, уміння адаптуватись у нових нестандартних ситуаціях, готовність критично аналізувати та адекватно оцінювати результати професійної діяльності, вміння аргументувати особисту точку зору тощо. Наголошується, що завдяки ознайомленню майбутніх патологоанатомів із медичною проблематикою в різних жанрах художньої літератури, насамперед, сформованому образу лікаря, а також вивченню творчого доробку письменників-медиків відбувається формування уявлення про медичну професію,  яка потребує усвідомлення максимальної відповідальності за свої дії, систематичного психологічного й фізичного навантаження, готовності вирішувати неординарні, нестандарті завдання. Художній опис хвороби та смерті  в літературних творах яскраво доповнюють їх сюжетну лінію. Проаналізувавши твори М. Булгакова, В. Стефаника, М. Коцюбинського, О. Кобилянської,  автори статті наголошують на необхідності використання творів художньої літератури в формуванні універсальних компетентностей студентів-майбутніх патологоанатомів. Ключові слова: універсальні  компетентності, професійна підготовка майбутніх медиків, художня література, паталогічна анатомія