1,102 research outputs found

    Dynamics of Bone Trap-5b Level in Patients with Bone Metastases of Renal Cell Cancer at Combined Treatment

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    The objective of this study was to determine the sensitivity of tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (Bone TRAP-5b) for early detection of bone metastases (BM) and to investigate the efficacy of bisphosphonates (BF) (zolendronic acid-ZA) in prevention of bone metastases in patients with Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC). The 60 patients with RCC with proven BM were investigated to assess the sensitivity and specificity of Bone TRAP-5b. 95 patients with RCC with high level of tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (Bone TRAP-5b) (8,5±0,2 IU/L) after radical surgical treatment were divided into two groups: 1-st group: (n=44) received zolendronic acid (ZA) (BF +), and 2-nd group (n=51) patients didn\u27t receive ZA (BF-). Patients of both subgroups were similar by age, sex, stage of disease. The levels of Bone TRAP-5b, Ca++, alkaline phosphatase, LDG were accessed every 3 months, and MRI imaging, bone scan with 99mTc every 6 month in both groups. We determined the high correlation between bone TRAP-5b and the presence of bone metastases (r=0,9; p <0,05), but its level wasn\u27t dependent with the number of BM. The results showed the high sensitivity and specificity of Bone TRAP-5b at the critical value of 5.2 IU/L (98,3 % and 90,0 %), (χ2=64,6; p<0.01). Using BF for the prevention of bone metastases in high risk group patients with RCC provides a significant difference in the incidence of bone metastases in patients

    A new, purely photometric method for determination of resonance locations in spiral galaxies

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    The knowledge of the positions of the corotation resonance in spiral arms is a key way to estimate their pattern speed, which is a fundamental parameter determining the galaxy dynamics. Various methods for its estimation have been developed, but they all demonstrate certain limitations and a lack of agreement with each other. Here, we present a new method for estimating the corotation radius. This method takes into account the shape of the profile across the arm and its width and, thus, only photometric data is needed. The significance of the method is that it can potentially be used for the farthest galaxies with measurable spiral arms. We apply it to a sample of local galaxies from Savchenko et al. and compare the obtained corotation radii with those previously measured in the literature by other methods. Our results are in good agreement with the literature. We also apply the new method to distant galaxies from the COSMOS field. For the first time, corotation locations for galaxies with photometric redshifts up to z0.9z\sim0.9 are measured.Comment: accepted in MNRAS Letter

    Peculiarities of the induction immunosuppressive therapy in renal transplantation

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    Peculiarities of the induction immunosuppressive therapy in renal transplantatio

    Culture as a Social Phenomenon: Axiological Dimension

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    Статтю присвячено вивченню особливостей функціонування та ролі культури як ціннісної складової частини у структуруванні соціального простору. Проаналізовано пошук ефективних та оптимальних ціннісних орієнтацій, що сприяють прогресивному соціокультурному поступу. Розглянуто соціальні функції культури та різні типи цінностей через спектр аксіологічної проблематики. The article is devoted to study the functioning and role of culture as a value component in structuring social space. Analyze the search of effective and optimal values that contribute to the progressive sociocultural development. The social functions of culture and different types of values consider across the spectrum of axiological problems


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    Purpose. Implementation of calculation-experimental determination of thermal resistibility of walls of aluminum alloy panels of different thickness of fuel tank of the airplane designed in Ukraine to direct action on them of normalized components of current of artificial lightning. Methodology. Theoretical bases of thermophysics, bases of theoretical electrophysics, bases of measuring technique, electrophysics bases of technique of high-voltage and large pulsed currents. Results. The results of calculation-experimental investigations of thermal resistibility of prototypes with the necessary sheeting flat rectangular panels of fuel tank of the designed airplane are resulted measuring 550 mm ´ 800 mm and from 1.2 to 4 mm thick of aluminum alloy B95 is easily soiled to direct action on them in obedience to the operating requirements of normative documents of the USA SAE ARP 5412 and SAE ARP 5416 of A-, B- and C*- component of current of artificial lightning (1А area), and also D-, B- and C*- components of current of artificial lightning (2А area) with the normalized amplitude-temporal parameters (ATPs). It is determined that the tested panels of fuel tank of airplane in 1.2 mm, 1.5 mm and 1.8 mm thick for an area of 1А and 1.2 mm and 1.5 mm thick for an area of 2А are thermally unstable to the direct shots in them of plasma channel of a storm discharge imitated in laboratory terms with the indicated components of current of artificial lightning. It is shown that thermal resistibility to lightning of the tested panels of fuel tank of airplane is determined of ATP shortened protracted C*- components of current of artificial lightning, causing appearance in them of the rounded small holes of melting the radius of rk and depth of hk. For finding by a calculation by the sizes of rk and hk in the indicated panels of fuel tank of airplane, struck in an air atmosphere a direct blow in them the imitated storm discharge, the proper close correlations are recommended. The capacity of these calculation correlations is confirmed results executed by the powerful high-voltage generator of impulsive current of artificial lightning of type of UITOM-1 of model experiments created in Ukraine. Originality. The calculation and experimental estimations of thermal resistibility of flat duralumin panels of fuel tank of the airplane designed in Ukraine are first executed to the direct action on them for the areas of 1А and of 2А of plasma channel of the imitated storm discharge with the normalized indicated documents of ATP flows on it (to the channel) A (D)-, B- and C*- components of current of artificial lightning. Practical value. Taking into account the executed calculation-experimental investigations a practical conclusion is done that for prevention in the case of direct blow in the being in an air atmosphere airplane of plasma channel of lightning with normalized ATPs indicated components of its pulsed current of self-ignition of fuel steams in the examined duralumin tank of the designed airplane and its catastrophe the thickness of wall of an aluminum alloy B95 of this tank with the proper sheeting must make no less than 1.8 mm for the area of 2A and no less than 2 mm for the area of 1A


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    Purpose. Implementation of calculation-experimental determination of thermal resistibility of walls of aluminum alloy panels of different thickness of fuel tank of the airplane designed in Ukraine to direct action on them of normalized components of current of artificial lightning. Methodology. Theoretical bases of thermophysics, bases of theoretical electrophysics, bases of measuring technique, electrophysics bases of technique of high-voltage and large pulsed currents. Results. The results of calculation-experimental investigations of thermal resistibility of prototypes with the necessary sheeting flat rectangular panels of fuel tank of the designed airplane are resulted measuring 550 mm ´ 800 mm and from 1.2 to 4 mm thick of aluminum alloy B95 is easily soiled to direct action on them in obedience to the operating requirements of normative documents of the USA SAE ARP 5412 and SAE ARP 5416 of A-, B- and C*- component of current of artificial lightning (1А area), and also D-, B- and C*- components of current of artificial lightning (2А area) with the normalized amplitude-temporal parameters (ATPs). It is determined that the tested panels of fuel tank of airplane in 1.2 mm, 1.5 mm and 1.8 mm thick for an area of 1А and 1.2 mm and 1.5 mm thick for an area of 2А are thermally unstable to the direct shots in them of plasma channel of a storm discharge imitated in laboratory terms with the indicated components of current of artificial lightning. It is shown that thermal resistibility to lightning of the tested panels of fuel tank of airplane is determined of ATP shortened protracted C*- components of current of artificial lightning, causing appearance in them of the rounded small holes of melting the radius of rk and depth of hk. For finding by a calculation by the sizes of rk and hk in the indicated panels of fuel tank of airplane, struck in an air atmosphere a direct blow in them the imitated storm discharge, the proper close correlations are recommended. The capacity of these calculation correlations is confirmed results executed by the powerful high-voltage generator of impulsive current of artificial lightning of type of UITOM-1 of model experiments created in Ukraine. Originality. The calculation and experimental estimations of thermal resistibility of flat duralumin panels of fuel tank of the airplane designed in Ukraine are first executed to the direct action on them for the areas of 1А and of 2А of plasma channel of the imitated storm discharge with the normalized indicated documents of ATP flows on it (to the channel) A (D)-, B- and C*- components of current of artificial lightning. Practical value. Taking into account the executed calculation-experimental investigations a practical conclusion is done that for prevention in the case of direct blow in the being in an air atmosphere airplane of plasma channel of lightning with normalized ATPs indicated components of its pulsed current of self-ignition of fuel steams in the examined duralumin tank of the designed airplane and its catastrophe the thickness of wall of an aluminum alloy B95 of this tank with the proper sheeting must make no less than 1.8 mm for the area of 2A and no less than 2 mm for the area of 1A.Приведены результаты исследований термической стойкости изготовленных в заводских условиях с необходимыми защитными покрытиями испытательных образцов (ИО) размером 550 мм ´ 800 мм и толщиной от 1,2 до 4 мм плоских панелей из высокопрочного алюминиевого сплава марки В95 топливного бака разрабатываемого отечественного самолета к прямому воздействию на них для зон 1А и 2А нормированных по требованиям нормативных документов США SAE ARP 5412 и SAE ARP 5416 А (D)-, В- и С*- компонент тока искусственной молнии. Показано, что указанные ИО панелей топливного бака самолета толщиной 1,2 мм, 1,5 мм и 1,8 мм для зоны 1А и толщиной 1,2 мм и 1,5 мм для зоны 2А не удовлетворяют требованиям термической стойкости к прямому действию на них используемых компонент тока искусственной молнии с нормированными амплитудно-временными параметрами (АВП). Расчетно-экспериментальным путем с применением капиллярного контроля установлено, что для зон 1А и 2А прямое действие соответствующих компонент тока искусственной молнии с нормированными АВП на ИО панелей топливного бака самолета указанной толщины приводит к их сквозному проплавлению, способному вызвать взрыв топливных паров в рассматриваемом баке самолета и его катастрофу.

    Analysis of Co-Rotation Radii of Spiral Arms in Galaxies

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    Радиус коротации — важная характеристика дисковых галактик с хорошо развитым спиральным узором. Для его определения имеется несколько методов, но согласуются ли они между собой? В данной работе собраны и проанализированы результаты по 549 галактикам, из которых для 313 было найдено хотя бы два значения радиуса коротации. Оказалось, что в большинстве случаев положения радиусов коротации слабо согласуются. Ошибка определения растет в зависимости от расстояния до последней измеренной точки и покрывает в среднем около трети галактического диска. Ошибка не зависит от расстояния до галактики, ее морфологического типа и типа спирального узора, что, возможно, связано с доминированием транзиентных спиральных рукавов в галактиках.A co-rotation radius is an important characteristic of disk galaxies with a well-defined spiral pattern. There are plenty of methods of its determination. But have those measurements met any agreement? In this work, the database of co-rotation radii for 549 galaxies was collected, and 313 of them have at least two values measured. The initial analysis revealed that radii are not consistent for most objects. Thus, a total error budget increases with the distance to the farthest measured co-rotation radii, and covers on average about a third part of the galactic disc. There is no dependence on distance, morphological and spiral types detected. Obtained results indicate that the transient mechanism may be dominant for the formation of spiral arms

    Models of the SL9 Impacts II. Radiative-hydrodynamic Modeling of the Plume Splashback

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    We model the plume "splashback" phase of the SL9 collisions with Jupiter using the ZEUS-3D hydrodynamic code. We modified the Zeus code to include gray radiative transport, and we present validation tests. We couple the infalling mass and momentum fluxes of SL9 plume material (from paper I) to a jovian atmospheric model. A strong and complex shock structure results. The modeled shock temperatures agree well with observations, and the structure and evolution of the modeled shocks account for the appearance of high excitation molecular line emission after the peak of the continuum light curve. The splashback region cools by radial expansion as well as by radiation. The morphology of our synthetic continuum light curves agree with observations over a broad wavelength range (0.9 to 12 microns). A feature of our ballistic plume is a shell of mass at the highest velocities, which we term the "vanguard". Portions of the vanguard ejected on shallow trajectories produce a lateral shock front, whose initial expansion accounts for the "third precursors" seen in the 2-micron light curves of the larger impacts, and for hot methane emission at early times. Continued propagation of this lateral shock approximately reproduces the radii, propagation speed, and centroid positions of the large rings observed at 3-4 microns by McGregor et al. The portion of the vanguard ejected closer to the vertical falls back with high z-component velocities just after maximum light, producing CO emission and the "flare" seen at 0.9 microns. The model also produces secondary maxima ("bounces") whose amplitudes and periods are in agreement with observations.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures (figs 3 and 4 in color), accepted for Ap.J. latex, version including full figures at: http://oobleck.tn.cornell.edu/jh/ast/papers/slplume2-20.ps.g

    Подход к оценке эффективности человеко-машинного взаимодействия в современных графических оболочках

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    A system to test multi-window interface efficiency is proposed targeted at evaluating interaction changes introduced in contemporary GUI shells. System includes heart rate monitor and EEG scanner. Set of evaluated parameters, registered by the developed software while providing user with typical tasks to execute, includes speed of execution, error tolerance and intensity of the operator’s work

    Short-term memory training of students during foreign language learning

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    Short-term memory training of students during foreign language learning / Olena Bratel, Maryna Kostiuk, Sergiy Bratel, Ivan Okhrimenko, Volodymyr Filonenko // Universal Journal of Educational Research. – 2020. – № 8 (4). – Р. 1596-1604. – DOI: https://doi.org/10.13189/ujer.2020.080453Дослідження присвячене тренуванню короткочасної пам'яті у студентів вузів, що спеціалізуються на письмовому та усному перекладі. Ціль дослідження полягала в тому, щоб розглянути можливості збільшення обсягу короткочасної пам'яті у студентів, які вивчають французьку мову, шляхом регулярних занять мовою. Експеримент показав, що тренування короткочасної пам'яті у студентів ефективне і може бути рекомендоване для занять іноземною мовою. Результат експерименту продемонстрував значне збільшення обсягу короткочасної пам'яті учнів.Research is dedicated to short-term memory training for university students specializing in translation and interpreting. The purpose of the study was to consider the possibilities of increasing short-term memory capacity of the students who study French by regular training during their language classes. To check short-term memory capacity, a method of random reproduction was chosen. It is an experimental method based on a list of words that respondents have to reproduce in a random order after hearing them. The words for the tests were chosen on the basis of their usage, imagery, the effect of phonological similarity and the effect of the length of the word. During testing, the physiological state of the respondents, their age and the speed of the teacher's reading were taken into consideration. To train short-term memory in French language classes, special tasks were created, and students performed them as part of class activities over a period of two months. The experiment showed that short-term memory training for students is effective and can be recommended for foreign language classes. The result of the experiment demonstrated significant growth in the short-term memory capacity of the studentsИсследование посвящено тренировке кратковременной памяти у студентов вузов, специализирующихся на письменном и устном переводе. Цель исследования состояла в том, чтобы рассмотреть возможности увеличения объема кратковременной памяти у студентов, изучающих французский язык, путем регулярных занятий языком. Эксперимент показал, что тренировка кратковременной памяти у студентов эффективна и может быть рекомендована для занятий иностранным языком. Результат эксперимента продемонстрировал значительное увеличение объема кратковременной памяти учащихся