15 research outputs found

    Efficiency of Application of Liquid Fertilizer Gumavit When Sprouting Seeds

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    The object of this study was Gumavit, a liquid humic fertilizer based on peat. This fertilizer is obtained by cavitation dispergation of peat in a shock pulse generator and subsequent alkaline extraction from a water-peat mixture of humic acids. This study examined the effect of Gumavit on the germination energy and germination capacity of barley seeds, wheat and tomatoes, as well as its effect on plant growth and development. It was found that Gumavit did not adversely affect the germination energy and germination capacity of seeds of grain crops and tomatoes. The use of a 0.2% (of humic acids - HA) Gumavit solution had a positive effect on the sowing quality of the studied cultures’ seeds. The use of a 0.01% (of HA) solution of Gumavit to moisten sand and germinate seeds after 14 days had a positive effect on the length and mass of Favorit wheat grain sprouts; as well as a positive effect on the root mass of Favorit and Kamyshanka-3 wheat, Volgogradskii-12 barley, Volgogradskii 5/95 tomatoes and Dar Zavolzhia tomatoes. The increase in the root mass of the studied cultures can be explained by the absorption of a small fraction of humic substances by the roots of these plants, leading to an increase in the number of lateral roots and their root hairs. Keywords: Gumavit, seed treatment, germination energy, germination capacity, grain crops, tomatoes, moistening sand, length and mass of sprout

    Assessment of fatigue damage to aircraft glass using digital holography methods

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    The purpose of this work is to test the digital holography method for determining the depth of fatigue surface defects of the "silver" type of aviation organic glass caused by cyclic mechanical overloads, as well as the impact of aggressive substances. To study the fatigue defects of aviation organic glass, a digital holographic camera was used, the configuration of which is an axial scheme for recording digital Gabor holograms. During the experiment, the possibility of using the digital holography method to determine the characteristic transverse dimensions of surface defects in aircraft glazing parts and longitudinal dimensions was shown. The work carried out and the created model of the digital holographic camera show the potential possibility of creating a method for checking with a given accuracy the elements of the aircraft glazing for the presence of surface damage and assessing their impact on flight safety

    Metal-Graphite Sintered Composites with Using Mechanically Activated Materials

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    Проведены исследования по созданию недорогой металлографитовой вставки для пресс- матрицы, применяемой в процессе совмещенного литья и прокатки прессования. Установлено, что механоактивация исходных материалов улучшает спекаемость образцов и повышает их физико-механические свойства (прочность и твердость). В процессе исследования были разработаны составы, обеспечивающие высокие эксплуатационные свойства металлографитовых вставок. Разработаны технологические режимы подготовки и спекания материалов, позволяющие сократить время технологического процесса на 40-50 % и не требующие создания специальной защитной атмосферыThe studies of the creation of low-cost metal-graphite inserts press-matrix used in the combined casting and rolling compaction are made. It`s founded that the mechanoactivation of starting materials improves sinterability of samples and increases their mechanical properties (strength and hardness). Being the study formulations provide high operational properties metal-graphite inserts was designed. The technological modes of preparation and sintering materials that reduce process time by 40-50 % and do not require the creation of special protective atmosphere are develope

    Metal-Graphite Sintered Composites with Using Mechanically Activated Materials

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    Проведены исследования по созданию недорогой металлографитовой вставки для пресс- матрицы, применяемой в процессе совмещенного литья и прокатки прессования. Установлено, что механоактивация исходных материалов улучшает спекаемость образцов и повышает их физико-механические свойства (прочность и твердость). В процессе исследования были разработаны составы, обеспечивающие высокие эксплуатационные свойства металлографитовых вставок. Разработаны технологические режимы подготовки и спекания материалов, позволяющие сократить время технологического процесса на 40-50 % и не требующие создания специальной защитной атмосферыThe studies of the creation of low-cost metal-graphite inserts press-matrix used in the combined casting and rolling compaction are made. It`s founded that the mechanoactivation of starting materials improves sinterability of samples and increases their mechanical properties (strength and hardness). Being the study formulations provide high operational properties metal-graphite inserts was designed. The technological modes of preparation and sintering materials that reduce process time by 40-50 % and do not require the creation of special protective atmosphere are develope

    Study Modification Technology for Casting Flat Bars 5XXX Series

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    В статье изложены результаты исследования влияния концентрации лигатуры в расплаве по сечению металлотракта на измельчение структуры слитка при полунепрерывным литье для двух вариантов подачи лигатуры, контроль модифицирующей способности методом ТР-1, а также представлена компьютерная модель распределения частиц лигатуры вдоль металлотракта. Дан анализ полученных результатов и сделан выбор рациональных вариантов подачи лигатурыThe article presents the results of investigation of influence of the concentration of ligatures in the melt over the cross section metallotrakta on structure refinement ingot at a semi-continuous casting for the two feeding options ligatures, modifying control ability by TR-1, and also presented a computer model of ligature of the particle distribution along metallotrakta. The analysis of the results and make a choice of rational variants of ligatures suppl

    New Polishing and Abrasive Materials for Foundry Production on The Basis of Nanostructured Mineral Resources of the Krasnoyarsk Region

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    Показана возможность применения в составах чистящих, шлифующих и полирующих композиций природных материалов Красноярского края (оксида кремния, оксида магния и оксида алюминия) в исходном и активированном состояниях.Represented the possibility of using the compositions of cleaning, abrasive and polishing compositions of natural materials of the Krasnoyarsk region (silicon oxide, magnesium oxide and aluminum oxide) in the initial and activated conditions