114 research outputs found


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    In order to obtain an adequate impression of demarcation line area of a prepared tooth located in or below the gingival edge it is necessary to perform the dilatation and drying of the gingival sulcus using retraction cord impregnated with adequate retraction agents. The aim of the study was to carry out comparative analysis of advantages and disadvantages of commercially available gingival retraction agents. Commercial retraction agents include astringents (metal salts) and vasoconstrictors on the basis of epinephrine. Further research should be aimed at examining the possibility of using sympathomimetic vasoconstrictors (tetrahydrosolin and oxymetasolin) for gingival retraction

    Metaphorical conceptualization of higher education domain in English and Serbian ; Метафорическое осмысление домена высшего образования в английском и сербском языка

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    Predmet ovog istraživanja su metaforičke konceptualizacije domena VISOKOG OBRAZOVANJA u engleskom i srpskom jeziku. Istraživanje je podeljeno na tri dela, od kojih je svaki imao svoj cilj. Prvi cilj je bio identifikovanje, klasifikovanje i poređenje pojmovnih metafora pomoću kojih se konceptualizuje domen VISOKOG OBRAZOVANJA u engleskom jeziku (britanska varijanta) i u srpskom jeziku. Drugi cilj je bio osvetljavanje kulturno-ideoloških aspekata metaforičke konceptualizacije domena VISOKOG OBRAZOVANJA u engleskom odn. srpskom jeziku s obzirom na aktuelne obrazovne ideologije, a u teorijsko-metodološkom smislu, određivanje parametara za identifikaciju obrazovnih ideologija putem izvornih domena koji se koriste za konceptualizaciju ciljnog domena VISOKOG OBRAZOVANJA na osnovu postojeće klasifikacije obrazovnih ideologija koju je dao Skrimšo 1983, a koja obuhvata instrumentalističku, progresivističku, rekonstrukcionističku i humanističku obrazovnu ideologiju...This thesis explores metaphorical conceptualizations of the HIGHER EDUCATION domain in British English and Serbian. The research is divided into three parts each of which has its own aims. The first aim was to identify, classify and compare conceptual metaphors used for conceptualization of the HIGHER EDUCATION domain in British English and Serbian. The second aim was to illuminate cultural and ideological aspects of metaphorical conceptualizations of the HIGHER EDUCATION domain in English and Serbian regarding current educational ideologies. The theoretical and methodological aim of this part was to determine parametres for identification of educational ideologies via source domains used for metaphorical conceptualization of the HIGHER EDUCATION domain based on the classification of educational ideologies proposed by Scrimshaw (1983) which includes instrumentalism, progressivism, reconstructionism and humanism..

    Sukob političkog i ličnog u Šekspirovim istorijskim dramama

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    Doktorska teza Sukob političkog i ličnog u Šekspirovim istorijskim dramama zamišljena je kao kritička analiza istorijskog opusa najpoznatijeg engleskog renesansnog dramskog pisca, Vilijama Šekspira. Okosnicu rada predstavlja tumačenje sukoba između političke i lične sfere engleskih vladara, sa posebnim akcentom na razrešenje dileme izbora između javne dužnosti i ličnih moralnih načela. Zbog davanja prioriteta vlastoljubivim makijavelističkim ambicijama nad unutrašnjim glasom savesti, kod većine vladara iz Šekspirovih istorijskih drama dolaze do izražaja tragične posledice ,,disocijacije senzibiliteta’’ (Eliot, 1921: 64,66). Budući da je uzdizanje političkih obaveza nad ličnim htenjima proces koji se lako uočava i u savremenim političkim dešavanjima, naročito u obliku nametnutog izbora između legalizma i moralnosti, u radu su ilustrovane značajne ideje humanističkih teoretičara iz XX veka koji su se bavili problematikom ove podvojenosti (Livis, Fraj, Kantorovic, Rubinštajn, Elijade, Adorno, Horkhajmer, Bauman, Todorov, Hamvaš, Zin, Tejlor, itd.). Njihovi savremeni uvidi su tokom istraživanja kombinovani sa humanističkom filozofskom i etičkom tradicijom u delima Pitagore, Fičina, Mirandole, Bruna, Mora, Montenja. Renesansni glasnogovornik ove humanističke tradicije bio je upravo Šekspir, te smo kroz hronološki pristup interpretacije njegovih istorijskih drama (Prvi, Drugi i Treći deo Henrija VI, Ričard III, Kralj Džon, Ričard II, Prvi i Drugi deo Henrija IV, Henri V i Henri VIII) razotkrivali umetničku kritiku dominantne tjudorske ideologije i težnju za njenim podrivanjem. Stoga je mišljenje novoistoričara, naročito njihovog rodonačelnika, Stivena Grinblata, da društvene institucije u potpunosti oblikuju, ograničavaju i kontrolišu ponašanje pojedinaca, te svaki pokušaj podrivanja sistema osuđuju na neuspeh, u velikoj meri kritikovano u radu. Konačno, u radu se navodi da su važnost ,,istorijskog čula’’ (Eliot, 1963: 34), koncepta koji naglašava neraskidivu povezanost između prošlosti i sadašnjosti, zarad uspostavljanja drugačije, oplemenjenije vizije budućnosti, u Šekspirovim istorijskim dramama nakon humanista iz druge polovine XX veka, prepoznali i prezentisti na početku XXI veka, naročito njihovi predstavnici Hju Grejdi i Terens Hoks, koji neumorno ističu, poput Jana Kota, da je Šekspir naš savremenik

    Sukob kritičkih interpretacija na primeru Šekspirovog Falstafa

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    Literary critics were mostly divided into two dominant, rather contrasting, interpretative fractions of Falstaff during the 20th century: on the one hand, there were critics (Bradley, Goddard) who agreed with Bloom in glorifying Falstaff as “the representative of imaginative freedom, of a liberty set against time, death, and the state, which is a condition that we crave for ourselves... the image of life itself” (Bloom 1998: 288). On the other hand, Wilson and Tillyard identified the structure of medieval morality plays in Shakespeare’s Henry IV; in the same vein, in the character of Falstaff they perceived the author’s moral condemnation of the careless life attitudes that corrupted the youth. Recent interpretations of Falstaff have not been as radical in their praise or disapproval as these two critical fractions, but are generally characterized by combining their various insights. Special attention in the paper is paid to Grenblatt’s new historicist interpretation of Falstaff as a potential subversive force in the Elizabethan system of values, as well as to the understanding of Falstaff from the point of view of the theory of carneval practiced by Bakhtin and his followers. In the light of diverse critical insights, the paper focuses on the conflict between the private and public manifested in Henry IV through prince Hal’s divided loyalty to his dominant, royal, biological father and his plebeian substitute.Književni kritičari su se u XX veku podelili na dve glavne, oštro sukobljene, interpretativne frakcije Falstafovog lika: s jedne strane našli su se kritičari (Bredli, Godard) koji su Falstafa, poput Bluma, glorifikovali kao arhetip „samog života“, koji prevazilazi svoj elizabetinski dramski kontekst (Bloom 1998: 288). S druge strane nalaze se kritičari poput Dovera Vilsona i Tilijarda koji u strukturi Henrija IV uočavaju pravu ilustraciju srednjovekovnih moraliteta, a u liku Falstafa učitavaju moralnu osudu autora protiv lagodnog načina života kojim se korumpira mlad naraštaj. Skorija tumačenja Falstafovog lika nisu toliko radikalna u svojoj pohvali ili kritici, već se odlikuju preuzimanjem i kombinovanjem ideja navedenih suprotstavljenih interpretativnih frakcija. Posebnu pažnju u radu zauzima Grinblatovo novoistoričarsko tumačenje Falstafa kao potencijalne subverzivne sile u elizabetinskom sistemu vrednosti, kao i kritički uvidi Bahtina i njegovih sledbenika koji su Falstafa dovodili u vezu s teorijom karnevala. U svetlu raznovrsnih kritičkih interpretacija Šekspirovog Falstafa u radu se razmatra sukob između ličnog i političkog sistema vrednosti, koji se u Henriju IV manifestuje kroz podeljenu lojalnost princa Hala između dominantne kraljevske figure biološkog oca i njegovog plebejskog surogata


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    Denture stomatitis is a common inflammatory reaction affecting denture wearers, multifactorial etiology, which is usually associated with Candida species, particularly Candida albicans. The treatment of Candida-associated denture stomatitis (CADS) is difficult and complex due to its multifactorial etiology, common recurrences, as well as the lack of antifungal drug efficacy. This review aims to critically discuss several key factors affecting adhesion and biofilm formation of Candida species on acrylic surface, as well as the use of herbs, proposed as an alternative in the treatment of CADS. Many factors affect adhesion and biofilm formation of Candida spp. on acrylic surfaces, such as surface roughness of the inner surface of the prosthesis, salivary pellicle, hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions. Having in mind that denture stomatitis is a common disease in total denture wearer, that it is most common in fungal etiology and that biofilm development increases yeast resistance, application of non-synthetic, completely natural substances, such as essential oils and extracts, may be suggested as a promising alternative for treatment of CADS


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    The inspiration for the essay was Nelson Goodman’s claim that the dualism of nature and culture is still academically relevant. Our goal was to extend it to the concept of convention and relate it to the currently very hot issue of marriage. We would like to argue that the institution of marriage belongs in an indeterminate category between nature and convention, which allows for playing with the gender conventions which constitute a marriage. The arguments are taken from anthropology, and the text used for illustrations is a short story, The Quarantine at Alexander Abraham’s by Canadian author Lucy Maud Montgomery. The conclusion is that the emergence of an evolutionarily more stable society and consequent survival of Homo hinged on marriage as a foundation block of culture, enforcing social behavioural constancy governed by convention. At the end of the essay, we briefly refer to the  post-postmodern need for the revision of values, and problematize marriage as a salvational space and a keeper of meaning in the post-cynical age. The essay consists of three sections: 1. Introduction: Marriage between Nature and Convention; 2. Playing with Gender Conventions; 3. Conclusion: Form as a Keeper of Meaning

    Predictive parameters functioning arteriovenous fistula for hemodialysis in the elderly

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    © 2019, University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Science. All rights reserved. Elderly patients with end stage kidney disease represent a challenge for surgeons to create a vascular access. Determine predictive parameters functionality of the arteriovenous fistulas for hemodialysis in the elderly. The study was organized as a retrospective study at the Center for Dialysis, Clinic for Urology and Nephrology, Clinical Center Kragujevac. The study included patients older than 65 years with arteriovenous fistula thrombosis, in the period of four years, in which there is information on the length of the functioning fistula. The study included 48 patients, mean age 71.3±5.2 years, 29 (60%) men and 19 (40%) women. The data were analyzed according to gender and demographic structure, type of anastomosis, positioning, length of functioning fistulas, and the lumen diameter of the arteries and veins that are used to create a fistula. The median length of functioning arteriovenous fistula, based on Kaplan-Meier model, is 16 months (95% CI 6.9- 25.1). Median functioning for proximaly located fistulas was 24 months (range, 1-259), while median functioning in patient with distally located fistulas was 8 months (range, 1-96). The difference in relation to the positioning of the fistula was statistically significant (p=0.006). In univariate Cox regression model, a statistically significant predictor of the functioning of arteriovenous fistulae is fistula positioning (B=0.700; p=0.022). The predictive parameter of survival of arteriovenous fistulas in elderly is proximally located fistula


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    This paper considers modern city territories and analyzes neoliberal spatial city planning which is, among other things, mostly realized through gentrification. While explaining the modern transformation tendencies of cities the authors seek to find the link between the gentrification phenomenon and the rise of city inequality. In this context, marginality is not the result of economic underdevelopment but economic progress. The paper explores the reasons why contemporary urban politics leads to class segregation. The authors investigate a genetic connection of the capital and urbanization confirming Harvey’s paradigm that „capitalism is forced to urbanize in order to renew itself“. Furthermore, the paper investigates the relationship between creative class-creative city and to what extent it is reality and to what “a utopia for the chosen ones.

    Gastronomic manifestations as a factor of improvement of Serbia's tourism offer

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    Under the influence of globalization and mass settlement of cities and urban areas, nostalgia for traditional and rural is increasingly felt. All this supports the development of manifestation and gastronomic tourism and the promotion of autochthonous products and traditions. Serbia is a country where a large number of national minorities lives, each of which has an impact on the gastronomy of the some area. The combination of all the cuisines and the diversity of tradition made Serbian dishes unique. There are a large number of events in the tourism offer of Serbia, which themes are gastronomic products. Manifestations, as a kind of promotion of a particular area, are becoming more and more popular. The paper analyses gastronomic manifestations as an important segment of Serbia's tourism offer. The methods applied in the paper are the method of correlation and comparative analysis. The results of the research indicate a positive interdependence between the number of manifestations and tourist traffic during the year, while the existence of an interdependence between the number of manifestations and tourist traffic in the regions was not recorded.Publishe