200 research outputs found

    The Elderly Poor in the EUā€™s New Member States. ENEPRI Research Reports No. 60, November 2008

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    To what extent is the financial position of the elderly in the NMS more vulnerable than that of the old member states (or the EU-15), due to a rather unfavourable starting point and the possible impact of pension reforms? This is the main issue of the current research report. It tries to delineate the vulnerability of the income position of elderly people in the NMS, in relation to the demographic, socio-economic and institutional context of these countries. More specifically, the report focuses on: - the current level of income of the elderly in the NMS, and the degree of relative poverty; - the way this position is related to the educational and labour market status of the elderly in the NMS, their retirement behaviour, institutional arrangements (notably the pension system), and demographic developments; - specific problems regarding the income position of possibly ā€˜marginalā€™ elderly groups in the NMS (such as single elderly female pensioners)

    On the Feasibility of Real-Time 3D Hand Tracking using Edge GPGPU Acceleration

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    This paper presents the case study of a non-intrusive porting of a monolithic C++ library for real-time 3D hand tracking, to the domain of edge-based computation. Towards a proof of concept, the case study considers a pair of workstations, a computationally powerful and a computationally weak one. By wrapping the C++ library in Java container and by capitalizing on a Java-based offloading infrastructure that supports both CPU and GPGPU computations, we are able to establish automatically the required server-client workflow that best addresses the resource allocation problem in the effort to execute from the weak workstation. As a result, the weak workstation can perform well at the task, despite lacking the sufficient hardware to do the required computations locally. This is achieved by offloading computations which rely on GPGPU, to the powerful workstation, across the network that connects them. We show the edge-based computation challenges associated with the information flow of the ported algorithm, demonstrate how we cope with them, and identify what needs to be improved for achieving even better performance.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Klotho pathways, myelination disorders, neurodegenerative diseases, and epigenetic drugs

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    In this review we outline a rationale for identifying neuroprotectants aimed at inducing endogenous Klotho activity and expression, which is epigenetic action, by definition. Such an approach should promote remyelination and/or stimulate myelin repair by acting on mitochondrial function, thereby heralding a life-saving path forward for patients suffering from neuroinflammatory diseases. Disorders of myelin in the nervous system damage the transmission of signals, resulting in loss of vision, motion, sensation, and other functions depending on the affected nerves, currently with no effective treatment. Klotho genes and their single-pass transmembrane Klotho proteins are powerful governors of the threads of life and death, true to the origin of their name, Fates, in Greek mythology. Among its many important functions, Klotho is an obligatory co-receptor that binds, activates, and/or potentiates critical fibroblast growth factor activity. Since the discovery of Klotho a little over two decades ago, it has become ever more apparent that when Klotho pathways go awry, oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction take over, and age-related chronic disorders are likely to follow. The physiological consequences can be wide ranging, potentially wreaking havoc on the brain, eye, kidney, muscle, and more. Central nervous system disorders, neurodegenerative in nature, and especially those affecting the myelin sheath, represent worthy targets for advancing therapies that act upon Klotho pathways. Current drugs for these diseases, even therapeutics that are disease modifying rather than treating only the symptoms, leave much room for improvement. It is thus no wonder that this topic has caught the attention of biomedical researchers around the world.https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/10.1089/biores.2020.0004Published versio

    pH-dependent ileocolonic drug delivery, part II:Preclinical evaluation of novel drugs and novel excipients

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    Novel drugs and novel excipients in pH-dependent ileocolonic drug delivery systems have to be tested in animals. Which animal species are suitable and what in vivo methods are used to verify ileocolonic drug delivery

    Razvoj savremenih poljoprivrednih maŔina za nove tehnologije ratarske proizvodnje

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    This reading indicates the projection of development of agricultural machines and tools within tractor assemblies that may be used for classic and reduced land cultivation and direct sowing. The reading signifies the synthesis of scientific projection of development of agricultural machines and tools as well as points to advanced production of tractors and attachable units and tools. In addition, the electronic equipment installed in the tractorā€™s cabin has been also provided for and described as information, since the equipment controls the tractorā€™s mode of operation and its guidance via satellite.U radu je prikazana prognoza razvoja poljoprivrednih maÅ”ina i oruđa u sastavu traktorskih agregata koji mogu da se koriste za klasičnu i redukovanu obradu zemljiÅ”ta i direktnu setvu. Rad predstavlja sintezu naučne prognoze razvoja poljoprivrednih maÅ”ina i oruđa i savremene proizvodnje traktora i priključnih maÅ”ina i oruđa. Pored ovoga informativno je opisana elektronska oprema koja je instalirana u kabini traktora preko koje se kontroliÅ”e režim rada traktora, kao i mogućnost navođenja rada traktora preko satelita

    Posledice učeŔća mladih osoba u nesrećama sa traktorima u Republici Makedoniji

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    This paper presents the results from investigation of fatal consequences among children and young people in tractor accidents in Republic of Macedonia. According from the results of the investigation from 1999 to 2008 in Macedonia was injured 29 children and young people from 1 to 18 years old. From the total number of injured children and young people with fatal consequences 21 or 72,41% are in tractor public traffic accidents and 8 or 27,59% in tractor accidents on the field. Five young people with fatal injuries in tractor accidents died like tractor operators, and four children who drove a tractor had hard injuries. .U radu su prikazani rezultati istraživanja tragičnih posledica sa decom i mladim osobama u nesrećama sa traktorima u poljoprivredi Republike Makedonije. Prema rezultatima istraživanja od 1999 do 2008 godine u Republici Makedoniji ukupno je poginulo 29 dece i mladih osoba do 18 godina starosti. Od ukupnog broja 21 ili 72,41% poginuli su u saobraćajnim nesrećama, a 8 ili 27,59% u nesrećama pri radu sa traktorima u poljoprivrednim uslovima. Kao rukovaoci traktora poginulo je 5 mladih osoba, a 4 osobe su maloletni rukovaoci traktora, sa posledicama nesreća koje su kategorisane, kao teÅ”ke telesne povrede.

    Istraživanje novog tehničko-tehnoloÅ”kog reÅ”enja u zasnivanju voćnjaka kombinovanim oruđem rigoler-razrivač u obradi zemljiÅ”ta

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    Modern agriculture requires the use of modern technology, with new technical and technological solutions. Basic agro-technical operation in phase of establishing orchards and vineyards that requires large amounts of energy is plowing, for its specificity called rigoling. Trenching phase consumes greatest portion of energy in the processing and preparation of land in general and especially for the establishment of cultural agricultural fruit-grape production. There are more operational technologies, and this paper analyses classical technology, and combined technology using rigoler and plowing tools for soil cultivation. When classic technologies are applied, soil is cut and sectioned, moved and crushed, thus creating loose soil layer. The depth of processed soil is different for different fruit- grape crops, depending on the needs of the root system, as penetration depth and the breadth of development, ranging between 60 and 100 cm. Such technology moves active soil layer to the inactive bottom of the furrow, while inactive soil layer is removed to the surface. This technology has to be defined for different soil types. Combined technical-technological solution using a rigoler with built-in plow enables the achievement of working depth required by the root system, but the inactive soil layer is not moved to the surface of the plowed soil. The lower topsoil layer is only shaken and broken. Work technology combining rigoler and plow in one pass, can significantly increase technological production, while saving significant amounts of energy. This technology should be applied to avoid unnecessary expenditure of energy. .U radu su prikazani rezultati ostvarenih vučnih otpora pri rigolovanju zemljiÅ”ta sa plugom rigolerom na dubini od 60 cm, 70 cm, 80 cm i 90 cm, kao i vučni otpori rigolera sa dodatnim radnim organom u obliku dleta. Dodatkom dleta, dubina rigolovanja po varijantama rada, povećana je za 10 cm, 15 cm i 20 cm. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da na povećanim dubinama rigolovanja, specifičan otpor zemljiÅ”ta ima nepromenjenu vrednost kao i pri samom rigolovanju. Ovo se postiže time Å”to je odnos povećane dubine rigolovanja veći od povećanog vučnog otpora sa dodatkom dleta. Ekonomičnost upotrebe dleta je do 70 cm rigolovanja i 20 cm dubine rada dleta. Iznad 70 cm rigolovanja primena dleta se ekonomski smanjuje, jer se na toj dubini ispunjava agrotehnički zahtev.

    Ekonomsko-tehnoloÅ”ki parametri optimalnog koriŔćenja traktora

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    Primena savremenih poljoprivrednih maÅ”ina i oruđa u biljnoj proizvodnji, podrazumeva koriŔćenje svih parametara koji su neophodni za optimalnu eksploataciju traktora kao i ekonomskih naučnih istraživanja koja su usmerena primeni naučnih saznanja u praksi.U radu je prikazana analiza optimalnih radnih parametara traktora u cilju ostvarivanja maksimalnog učinka koji će za posledicu imati ekonomsku opravdanost. Utvrđeno je da se maksimalni učinak podudara sa maksimalnim koeficijentom korisnog dejstva traktora; da se sa povećanjem snage motora proporcionalno povećava učinak; da je tehnoloÅ”ki utroÅ”ak energije u funkciji dubine oranja i specifičnog otpora zemljiÅ”ta, a da utroÅ”ak potencijalne energije traktora po hektaru zavisi od strukture energetskog bilansa pri radu traktora u eksploataciji

    Optimalni parametri za kombajniranje žutog zvezdana

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    Optimal parameters of birdā€™s foot trefoil harvesting, as for most of grasses require specific harvester technical and technological regulations and adjustments, adequate parameters for specific crop and working conditions. This paper presents a range of necessary and investigated adjustments on the harvester, depending on harvesting phase, in purpose of tolerable losses achievement. Achieved optimal parameters in birdā€™s foot trefoil harvesting harvesting losses were decreased on 4 to 5 %, with the fallowing harvesters efficiencies: Zmaj 132, 133 - 3.5 ha/day, Zmaj 141, 142, 143 - 5 ha/day Zmaj 190, 191, 192 - 6.5 ha/day. Considering average threshing effect of 95% of natural seeds with 5% of ingredients, it can be concluded that initially satisfactory harvester working quality was achieved during this investigation. It is necessary these kind of investigations to be continued, in purpose of achieving further better working results in birdā€™s foot trefoil harvesting.Optimalni parametri za kombajniranje žutog zvezdana, kao i kod većine trava zahtevaju specifičnosti u tehničko-tehnoloÅ”kom smislu prilagođavanja i regulacije kombajna, potrebnih parametara za dati usev i uslove rada. Radom se prikazuje niz neophodnih istraženih regulacija na samom kombajnu, u zavisnosti od faznog ubiranja, a sve u cilju tolerantnih gubitaka. Ostvarenim optimalnim parametrima za kombajniranje žutog zvezdana, gubici pri žetvi kombajna, svedeni su od 4% do 5% uz učinak kombajna Zmaj-132,3, od 3,5 ha/dan, kombajna Z-141,2,3, od 5 ha/dan, kao i kombajna Z-190,1,2, od 6,5 ha/dan. Postignuti izvrÅ”aj kombajniranja žutog zvezdana u proseku od 95% naturalnog semena uz 5% primesa, može se smatrati da je ovim istraživanjem postignut inicijano zadovoljavajući kvalitet rada kombajna. Neophodno je nastaviti istraživanja u ovom pravcu, kako bi se postigli joÅ” bolji rezultati rada na kombajniranju žutog zvezdana

    Vrste saobraćajnih nesreća sa traktorima u Makedoniji

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    In this paper are the results of the variety of traffic accidents with tractors in the agriculture of Macedonia. In the period of investigation from 1999 to 2008 occurred 883 traffic accidents with tractors of which 593 accidents in places in the cities and 290 near the cities. From total number 539 accidents resulting from collisions between tractors and other motor vehicle and 334, are divided into 6 types of accidents. Due to loss of control during accidents, usually lead to overturning and landing vehicles from the road where the individually recorded 110 accidents and 94 of these types of accidents. Most accidents occur in places near the cities where tractors and often moving on to regional and local roads. .U radu su prikazani rezultati istraživanja vrste nesreća sa traktorima u poljoprivredi Makedonije. U periodu istraživanja 1999 do 2008 godine dogodilo se ukupno 883 nesreća, od kojih 593 van naseljenih mesta i 290 u naseljenim mestima sa traktorima. Od ukupnog broja saobraćajnih nesreća 539 su rezultat međusobnih sudara traktora i ostalih motornih vozila, a 334 nesreća, su podeljene u 6 vrsta saobraćajnih nesreća. Zbog gubljenja kontrole nad vozilom u saobraćajnim nesrećama, najčeŔće dolazi do prevrtanja ili sletanja vozila sa puta gde je evidentirano 110, odnosno 94 nesreća ovih vrsta. NajviÅ”e nesreća događa se van naseljenih mesta gde se traktori i najčeŔće kreću po regionalnim i lokalnim putevima.
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