113 research outputs found

    Комп’ютерне моделювання характеристик одноелектронних транзисторів

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    Proposed methods of modeling of electrical and temperature characteristics of single-electrontransistor for providing information to system of computer-aided design Electronics Workbench.Analyzed dependence in current-voltage characteristics of nano-device trough values of temperature andoperating modeРазработаны методы моделирования электрических и температурных характеристик одноэлектронного транзистора для информационного обеспечения системы автоматизированного схемотехническогопроектирования Electronics Workbench. Проанализирована зависимость вольт-амперных характеристик наноприбора от влияния температуры и рабочего режимаРозроблено методи моделювання електричних та температурних характеристик одноелектронного транзистора для інформаційного забезпечення системи автоматизованого схемотехнічного проектування Electronics Workbench. Проаналізовано залежність вольт-амперних характеристик наноприладу від впливу температури таробочого режим

    Research of the Chinese Project of Creation the Silk Road Economic Belt

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    In the article, the retrospective analysis of the Silk way as multimain cross-border project in a historical context and in modern economic conditions is made. Within the project of «The Silk Road Economic Belt», creation of three transeuroasian economic corridors is considered: northern (China - Central Asia - Russia - Europe), central (China - Central and Western Asia - the Persian Gulf and the Mediterranean Sea) and southern (China - Southeast Asia - the Southern Asia - the Indian Ocean). Positive effects from participation in this project of the Russian Federation, includ ing due to economic development of border regions are characterized

    Using the NDVI vegetation index to assess the state of forest plantations on disturbed land

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    Проведено исследование данных спутниковых снимков высокого пространственного разрешения для оценки состояния лесных насаждений на нарушенных землях Свердловской области. Установлено, что применение вегетационного индекса NDVI позволяет успешно идентифицировать древесную растительность, произрастающую на отвалах вскрышных пород. Набор снимков в течение всего анализируемого года позволяет вычислить параметры активности вегетации древесной растительности на нарушенных землях. Объектом исследований являлась древесная растительность естественного происхождения, произрастающая на отвалах вскрышных пород ОАО «Уральский асбестовый горно-обогатительный комбинат». Отвалы формировались в период с 1991 по 1999 гг. На отвале «Восточный» заложены ПП № 1 (25,2 га) на верхней площадке и ПП № 2 (3,9 га) на склоне отвала. На отвале «Северо-Пролетарский» заложены ПП № 3 (4,9 га) на верхней площадке и ПП № 4 (7,8 га) на склоне отвала. Отсутствие травянистой растительности на изучаемых отвалах позволяет точно идентифицировать древесную растительность с помощью вегетационного индекса NDVI. В результате исследований установлено, что степень зарастания древесной растительностью составила от 61,6 до 69,4 % в зависимости от местоположения участка. Среднегодовая интенсивность вегетации лесных насаждений естественного происхождения на отвале «Восточный» характеризуется как средняя на всех высотных уровнях (ПП № 1 NDVI = 0,43; ПП № 2 NDVI = 0,33) а на отвале «Северо-Пролетарский» вегетация оценивается как высокая на склоне (ПП № 3 NDVI = 0,63) и хорошая на верхней площадке (ПП № 4 NDVI = 0,51). С помощью геоинформационных систем составлены карты и отражены зоны вегетации. Доля площади с низкой степенью вегетации (NDVI 0,2–0,3) наибольшая на склоне отвала (ПП № 2 – 38,4 %, ПП № 4 – 37,1 %). Данные о зонах с низкой степенью вегетации позволяют выявить локальные участки, лишенные растительности, для назначения мероприятий по рекультивации и планирования создания насаждений искусственным способом.The data of satellite images of high spatial resolution was studied. The assessment of the state of forest plantations on disturbed lands in the Sverdlovsk region was studied. It was found that the use of the NDVI vegetation index allows us to successfully identify woody vegetation growing on the dumps of mountain quarries. A set of satellite images allows you to calculate the parameters of vegetation activity of woody vegetation on disturbed lands. The object of research was wood vegetation of natural origin growing on the dumps of the Ural asbestos mining and processing plant. The dumps were formed between 1991 and 1999. On the «Vostochnyj» dump, there are laid out inventory plot № 1 (25,2 ha) on the upper platform and inventory plot № 2 (3,9 ha) on the slope of the dump. On the «Severo-Proletarskyj» dump, there are laid out inventory plot № 3 (4,9 ha) on the upper platform and inventory plot № 4 (7,8 ha) on the slope of the dump. The absence of grassy vegetation on the studied dumps allows for accurate identifi cation of woody vegetation using the NDVI vegetation index. As a result of research, it was found that the degree of overgrowth of woody vegetation ranged from 61,6 to 69,4 %, depending on the location of the site. The average annual vegetation intensity of forest stands of natural origin on the overburden dumps on the «Vostochnyj» dump is characterized as average at all high-altitude levels (inventory plot № 1 NDVI = 0,43; inventory plot № 2 NDVI = 0,33) and on the «Severo-Proletarskyj» dump vegetation is estimated as high on the slope (inventory plot № 3 NDVI = 0,63) and good on the upper platform (inventory plot № 4 NDVI = 0,51). With the help of geographic information systems maps have been drawn and refl ected areas of vegetation. The share of the area with a low degree of vegetation (NDVI 0,2–0,3) is highest on the slope of the dump (inventory plot № 2–38,4 %, inventory plot № 4–37,1 %). Data on areas with a low degree of vegetation allows you to identify local areas that are devoid of vegetation for the purpose of reclamation activities and planning the creation of artifi cial plantings

    The country's economic growth models and the potential for budgetary, monetary and private financing of gross domestic product growth

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    This article examines the financing of GDP growth within the framework of catch-up, evolutionary and dynamic models of economic development. Methods/statistical analysis: using the principles of the Solow model and the Cobb-Douglas function, an analysis of the nature of the models has been carried out, considering the processes of capital accumulation, the rate of growth of the workforce, and various aggregate factor productivities. With the help of historical logic and statistical evaluation, examples of countries relating to each of the models examined are reviewed. Based on the analysis, the main ways of financing economic growth are noted: both the state ones, due to budgetary and monetary policy measures, and private ones. It has been proven that with the transition from catch-up to an evolutionary or dynamic model, the role of the state as a centralizing force is diminishing. At the same time, the specificity of a dynamic model is due to the country's objective ability to be among the technological leaders, which is predetermined by the high values of current GDP, per capita GDP, and population size. Countries with an evolutionary model of development are constrained in their ability to maintain a comparable pace of development only within separate "growth points". The main result of the work is the assessment of Russia's potential from the viewpoint of one of the models considered, based on a comparative analysis of several capital indicators, as well as a logical analysis of data on the level of GDP and population with other countries. This makes it possible to make recommendations for financing the country's GDP growth in the medium to long term. Scope/Improvements: The findings can be used in the development of Russia's financial and economic strategy up to 2030.peer-reviewe

    Current Profiles of Molecular Nanowires; DFT Green Function Representation

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    The Liouville-space Green function formalism is used to compute the current density profile across a single molecule attached to electrodes. Time ordering is maintained in real, physical, time, avoiding the use of artificial time loops and backward propagations. Closed expressions for molecular currents, which only require DFT calculations for the isolated molecule, are derived to fourth order in the molecule/electrode coupling.Comment: 21 page

    Development and Implications of Controlling in the Public Sector

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    Controlling is essential for public organizations to deliver optimal performance. However, the existing literature lacks sufficient knowledge to help organizations implement better strategies to enhance control. Therefore, this study examined the concept of control in the public sector, its impact on organizational efficiency, and a key focus on implementation. This study adopted a mixed approach (qualitative and quantitative) to study control in the public sector. The literature review was used to gather qualitative data, and a survey was conducted among the managers working in Russian public organizations to determine their responses to controlling practices. The results were compared and analyzed to provide implications and recommendations. It was noted through the results that control in public organizations depends on various factors like controlling approaches and tools, organizational culture, the autonomy of management, and functional control of organizations. Each of these aspects contributes positively toward control and improves public organizations’ efficiency. Therefore, these aspects should be the core focus of public organizations to ensure greater control and efficiency. This research targeted this area to bridge the gap and determine the concept of controlling the Russian public sector. However, this research also has a limitation in that it has surveyed only 102 managers from different Russian public organizations. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2023-07-01-015 Full Text: PD

    Empirical Evaluation of Educational Service Quality in the Current Higher Education System

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    During the transition to the mixed education model during the Covid-19 pandemic, some issues have emerged in the matter of providing and supporting the quality of university education in all countries, including educational programs' relevance to the demands of the labor market, expectations of students and their families, digital transformation of the educational process, and economic stability of institution networks. The purpose of the research was to evaluate the quality of educational services in the higher education systems of Indonesia and Russia. The study systematized several essential factors for achieving educational service quality in the current higher education systems, given the limitations imposed by Covid-19. Following this objective, the study utilized a quantitative approach, adopting the SERVQUALmodel that measures the service quality across five service dimensions: tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy. The model aided the development of the questionnaire to assess the quality of the educational services of Indonesian and Russian universities. The questionnaire included 25 close-ended questions on two scales: one to measure the students' expectations regarding the quality of educational services and the other to measure the students' current perceptions. A snowball technique was used to recruit students from Indonesian and Russian universities as participants in the study. The students were asked to assess the educational services of their universities based on their initial expectations and current perceptions. Overall, the students of both countries revealed that they had high expectations from the educational services of their universities. However, the current perceptions of the Russian students regarding the quality of educational services provided by their universities are higher and more positive than the perceptions of the Indonesian students regarding the quality of educational services being delivered to them. The findings of the study have implications for education practitioners. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2022-SIED-05 Full Text: PD

    Photovoltaic Response of Silicon Wafers Treated in the K2WO4-Na2WO4-WO3Melt

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    Texturing silicon wafers is one way to increase the performance of solar cells. This work is the first to report on the surface modification of Si wafers by processing in polytungstate melts. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD), the Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) method, and photoelectrochemical measurements were used to elucidate the effect of texturing conditions in the Na2WO4 - K2WO4 (1:1) melt containing 35 or 50 mol% WO3 at 973 K in air. As a result of cathodic treatment in the melt containing 50 mol% WO3 at the potential of -0.92 V (vs Pt) for 15 s, upright pyramids were formed on the Si surface. In addition, inverted pyramids appeared at the OTB/Si contact points. The photocurrent density of these samples was several times higher than that for the initial Si wafer or the Si wafer etched in 5 M NaOH solution at 353 K for 20 min. Mechanisms for the formation of upright and inverted pyramids were proposed. Unusual eight-faceted pyramids were formed on the Si surface during cathodic treatment in the melt containing 35 mol% WO3 at -1.19 V for 15 s, but the photocurrent density of such samples was low. © 2021 The Electrochemical Society ("ECS"). Published on behalf of ECS by IOP Publishing Limited.This work is performed in the frame of the State Assignment number 075-03-2020-582/1 dated 18.02.2020 (the theme number 0836-2020-0037). This work has been (partly) done using facilities of the Shared Access Center "Composition of Compounds" (IHTE, UB RAS)