19 research outputs found

    Scleractinian Coral Recruitment to Reefs Physically Damaged by Ship Groundings

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    The southeast Florida reef system faces a number of stress factors, among which ship groundings are one of the most physically damaging. Portions of the Florida reef tract located near Port Everglades, Broward County, Florida, USA have been damaged by ship groundings. In 2004, physical damage of more than 30,000 m2 was caused by the groundings of two large cargo ships, the MV Eastwind and MV Federal Pescadores. The present study was designed to measure differences of scleractinian coral recruitment patterns (recruit diversity and richness) and rates to these injured sites in comparison to undamaged reef sites. Coral recruitment rates were measured on unglazed ceramic tiles deployed for a period of one year from February 2007 to February 2008 at five different locations: three control sites (including a high coral cover site), and the two ship grounding sites. Morphology and genetic markers including CO1 and cytb were used to identify the coral recruits. A whole genome amplification kit (REPLI-g, Qiagen) was used to obtain sufficient amounts of DNA. Results revealed low recruitment rates (0.5-2.7 recruitsm-2 yr-1) to the studied sites, suggesting a low potential for recovery of the damaged areas

    Carbon Friction Pair in Total Hip Replacement

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    The article examines the advantages of a new pair of friction of the hip joint endoprosthesis made of pyrolytic carbon. The physico-mechanical and tribological characteristics of the material and their comparison with other materials used in the friction pair of hip joint endoprostheses are presented. Information is presented about the making of a material and its strength characteristics and the results of mathematical modeling of a friction pair. The results of a comparative research of the durability between a carbon pair of friction and a ceramic pair of friction

    Synthesis Method and Experimental Research of Ku-band Antennas Based on Tensorial Metasurfaces

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    Антенны на основе тензорных метаповерхностей – это сравнительно новый тип антенн, появившийся в последнее десятилетие. Они отличаются простой конструкцией, но сложной процедурой синтеза, которая может быть основана на анализе свойств волн в периодических структурах или на основе интерпретации антенны как фазовой голограммы. В связи с новизной этого типа антенн представляет интерес исследование различных методик их синтеза, получение новых экспериментальных результатов и оценка на их основе реально достижимых характеристик таких антенн. Целью работы являлось экспериментальное исследование антенн на основе тензорных метаповерхностей c модулированным поверхностным импедансом, синтезированных по предложенной авторами методике. Для проведения исследований было использовано математическое моделирование, электродинамическое моделирование и измерения макетов антенн в ближней зоне излучения. В результате работы экспериментально подтверждено, что предложенная методика синтеза антенн на основе тензорных метаповерхностей позволяет получать антенны с заданными направлением излучения и поляризацией, которые обладают апертурной эффективностью до 50 %, шириной полосы рабочих частот до 8 % и уровнем кросс-поляризации ниже минус 20 дБ. Результаты измерений антенн хорошо согласуются с электродинамическим расчетом и заданными при синтезе параметрами. Описанный в работе тип антенн и приведенная методика их синтеза перспективны для ряда применений, например в спутниковой и мобильной связиAntennas based on metasurfaces with tensorial impedance is a relatively new type of antennas appeared in the last decade. They have a simple design, but a complex synthesis procedure. The synthesis procedure can be based on analysis of the properties of waves in periodic structures or on representing the antenna as a phase hologram. Due to the novelty of this type of antennas, researching of various synthesis methods, obtaining new experimental results and on their basis assessment of realistically achievable characteristics is of interest. The purpose of the work was an experimental research of antennas based on metasurfaces with tensorial surface impedance, synthesized according to the method proposed by the authors. To carry out the research, mathematical modeling, electrodynamic modeling, and nearfield measurements of antenna prototypes were used. As a result, it was experimentally confirmed that the proposed tensorial metasurface antennas synthesis method makes it possible to obtain antennas with a given radiation direction and polarization, which have an aperture efficiency of up to 50 %, a bandwidth of up to 8 %, and a cross-polarization level below minus 20 dB. The results of measurements are in a good agreement with the electrodynamic calculation and the parameters specified during the synthesis. The type of antennas described in the work and the given synthesis method, according to the authors, are promising for various applications, for example, in satellite and mobile communication

    The Parkes Observatory Pulsar Data Archive

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    The Parkes pulsar data archive currently provides access to 144044 data files obtained from observations carried out at the Parkes observatory since the year 1991. Around 10^5 files are from surveys of the sky, the remainder are observations of 775 individual pulsars and their corresponding calibration signals. Survey observations are included from the Parkes 70cm and the Swinburne Intermediate Latitude surveys. Individual pulsar observations are included from young pulsar timing projects, the Parkes Pulsar Timing Array and from the PULSE@Parkes outreach program. The data files and access methods are compatible with Virtual Observatory protocols. This paper describes the data currently stored in the archive and presents ways in which these data can be searched and downloaded.Comment: Accepted by PAS


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    The aim was to identify cytogenetic disorders, proliferative activity and apoptosis in cells exfoliated buccal and nasal epithelium in patients with gastric cancer. The study involved 10 patients with an established diagnosis. The control group included 30 healthy people. It has been revealed that all this parameters were increased in buccal and nasal epithelium in patients with gastric cancer than in healthy people. The detected changes are systemic in nature and reflect the overall condition of the body. Moreover, we show reduction of karyological parameters after radical treatment, which indicates their prognostic significance.Целью было выявление цитогенетических нарушений, нарушений пролиферативной активности клеток и апоптоза в эксфолиативных клетках буккального и назального эпителия у больных с впервые диагностированным раком желудка. Обследовано 10 пациентов с установленными диагнозами. В группу контроля вошли 30 условно здоровых людей. Показано увеличение доли клеток с цитогенетическими нарушениями в буккальном и назальном эпителии у больных раком желудка по сравнению со здоровыми. Выявленные изменения носят системный характер и отражают общее состояние организма. Кроме того, показано снижение уровня кариологических показателей после радикального лечения, что свидетельствует об их прогностическом значении.

    Nucleophilic activity of peroxyhydrocarbonate and Peroxocarbonate ions relative to 4-nitrophenyl Diethyl phosphonate

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    yesIn the present work, we carried out a detailed kinetic study of the decomposition of 4-nitrophenyl diethyl phosphonate (I), which is a model for several pesticides and chemical warfare agents. These studies may provide information for optimizing processes for the decomposition of ecologically toxic substancesBelgorod State Universit

    Nucleophilic activity of peroxyhydrocarbonate and Peroxocarbonate ions relative to 4-nitrophenyl Diethyl phosphonate

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    In the present work, we carried out a detailed kinetic study of the decomposition of 4-nitrophenyl diethyl phosphonate (I), which is a model for several pesticides and chemical warfare agents. These studies may provide information for optimizing processes for the decomposition of ecologically toxic substancesyesBelgorod State Universit