69 research outputs found

    On the distinction between metonymy and vertical polysemy in encyclopaedic semantics

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    In cognitive linguistics, metonymy is seen as a fundamental cognitive process where one conceptual entity affords access to another closely associated one. Cases of vertical polysemy have also often been treated as instances of metonymy (see e.g. Radden and Kövecses, 1999). In vertical polysemy a lexical form designates two or more senses that are in a relationship of categorial inclusion – e.g. dog ‘canine’, ‘male canine’. In this paper I present an account of cases of vertical polysemy from the point of view of domain-based encyclopaedic semantics as described in Langacker (1987). I claim that the domain configurations which underlie the broader and narrower meanings of vertical polysemes are very different from those involved in cases of metonymy. Croft (1993) argues that from a Langackerian viewpoint, metonymy involves a shift in the salience of two domains that form parts of a domain matrix against which a given concept is profiled. In cases of vertical polysemy, on the other hand, the relationship between the broader and narrower meanings may be effected in a number of different ways, none of which involve the kind of domain configurations found in metonymy. For example, the narrower ‘male canine’ sense of dog makes reference to an additional domain of SEX, a domain which is not an essential part of the domain structure of the broader ‘canine’ meaning

    The brain serotonin transporter binding in young adults : methodological considerations and association with Bulimia Nervosa and acquired obesity

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    The neurotransmitter serotonin (5-HT) modulates many functions important for life, e.g., appetite and body temperature, and controls development of the neural system. Disturbed 5-HT function has been implicated in mood, anxiety and eating disorders. The serotonin transporter (SERT) controls the amount of effective 5-HT by removing it from the extracellular space. Radionuclide imaging methods single photon emission tomography (SPET) and positron emission tomography (PET) enable studies on the brain SERTs. This thesis concentrated on both methodological and clinical aspects of the brain SERT imaging using SPET. The first study compared the repeatability of automated and manual methods for definition of volumes of interest (VOIs) in SERT images. The second study investigated within-subject seasonal variation of SERT binding in healthy young adults in two brain regions, the midbrain and thalamus. The third study investigated the association of the midbrain and thalamic SERT binding with Bulimia Nervosa (BN) in female twins. The fourth study investigated the association of the midbrain and hypothalamic/thalamic SERT binding and body mass index (BMI) in monozygotic (MZ) twin pairs. Two radioligands for SERT imaging were used: [123I]ADAM (studies I-III) and [123I]nor-beta-CIT (study IV). Study subjects included young adult MZ and dizygotic (DZ) twins screened from the FinnTwin16 twin cohort (studies I-IV) and healthy young adult men recruited for study II. The first study validated the use of an automated brain template in the analyses of [123I]ADAM images and proved automated VOI definition more reproducible than manual VOI definition. The second study found no systematic within-subject variation in SERT binding between scans done in summer and winter in either of the investigated brain regions. The third study found similar SERT binding between BN women (including purging and non-purging probands), their unaffected female co-twins and other healthy women in both brain regions; in post hoc analyses, a subgroup of purging BN women had significantly higher SERT binding in the midbrain as compared to all healthy women. In the fourth study, MZ twin pairs were divided into twins with higher BMI and co-twins with lower BMI; twins with higher BMI were found to have higher SERT binding in the hypothalamus/thalamus than their leaner co-twins. Our results allow the following conclusions: 1) No systematic seasonal variation exists in the midbrain and thalamus between SERT binding in summer and winter. 2) In a population-based sample, BN does not associate with altered SERT status, but alterations are possible in purging BN women. 3) The higher SERT binding in MZ twins with higher BMIs as compared to their leaner co-twins suggests non-genetic association between acquired obesity and the brain 5-HT system, which may have implications on feeding behavior and satiety.Serotoniini (5-HT) on yksi aivojen vÀlittÀjÀaineista, ja se osallistuu mm. hermoston kehityksen sekÀ monien elintÀrkeiden toimintojen, kuten ruokahalun ja ruumiinlÀmmön, sÀÀtelyyn. Useisiin psykiatrisiin sairauksiin, esimerkiksi masennukseen ja syömishÀiriöihin, uskotaan liittyvÀn 5-HT-jÀrjestelmÀn hÀiriö. Serotoniinitransportteri (SERT) on 5-HT:n kuljettajaproteiini, joka poistaa 5-HT:a solunulkoisesta tilasta ja siten sÀÀtelee vaikuttavan 5-HT:n mÀÀrÀÀ. Aivojen serotoniinitransporttereita voidaan kuvantaa kÀyttÀmÀllÀ yksifotoniemissiotomografiaa (SPET) tai positroniemissiotomografiaa (PET). VÀitöskirjatyössÀ perehdyttiin aivojen serotoniinitransporttereiden SPET-tutkimuksiin eri nÀkökannoilta. EnsimmÀisessÀ osatyössÀ verrattiin automatisoidun ja manuaalisen mielenkiintoalueiden rajaustavan toistettavuutta SERT-kuvien analysoinnissa. Toisessa osatyössÀ tutkittiin fysiologisen vuodenaikavaihtelun esiintymistÀ keskiaivojen ja talamuksen alueiden SERT-kertymissÀ tutkimalla samoja terveitÀ koehenkilöitÀ sekÀ kesÀllÀ ettÀ talvella. Kolmannessa osatyössÀ verrattiin keskiaivojen ja talamuksen alueiden SERT-kertymiÀ bulimia nervosaa (BN) sairastavilla naisilla, heidÀn terveillÀ kaksossisarillaan ja muilla terveillÀ kaksosnaisilla. NeljÀnnessÀ osatyössÀ tutkittiin keskiaivojen ja hypotalamuksen/talamuksen alueiden SERT-kertymien ja painoindeksin yhteyttÀ monotsygoottisista kaksosista koostuvassa aineistossa vertaamalla suuremman painoindeksin omaavia kaksosia heidÀn pienemmÀn painoindeksin omaaviin kaksossisariinsa. OsatöissÀ kÀytettiin kahta eri SERT-kuvantamiseen soveltuvaa merkkiainetta: [123I]ADAM:ia (osatyöt I-III) ja [123I]nor-beta-CIT:ia (osatyö IV). Automatisoituun menetelmÀÀn pohjautuva [123I]ADAM-kuvien analysointimenetelmÀ osoittautui toistettavuudeltaan perinteistÀ manuaalista mielenkiintoalueiden rajaustapaa paremmaksi. Keskiaivojen ja talamuksen alueiden SERT-kertymissÀ ei todettu systemaattista vuodenaikaan liittyvÀÀ vaihtelua kesÀllÀ ja talvella tehtyjen kuvausten kesken. Keskiaivojen ja talamuksen SERT-kertymissÀ ei todettu merkittÀviÀ eroja verrattaessa kaikkia bulimia nervosaa sairastaneita naisia, heidÀn terveitÀ kaksossisariaan ja terveitÀ naisia. AlaryhmÀanalyyseissÀ vatsantyhjennys-tyyppistÀ bulimiaa sairastavien naisten alaryhmÀssÀ todettiin korkeampi SERT-kertymÀ keskiaivojen alueella kuin terveillÀ naisilla. Painoindeksin ja hypotalamuksen/talamuksen alueen SERT-kertymÀn vÀlillÀ havaittiin yhteys: suuremman painoindeksin omaavilla kaksosilla todettiin korkeampi talamuksen/hypotalamuksen SERT-kertymÀ kuin heidÀn hoikemmilla kaksossisaruksillaan. Tulokset osoittavat, ettÀ automatisoitu menetelmÀ soveltuu aivojen [123I]ADAM-kuvien analysointiin. Keskiaivojen ja talamuksen alueiden SERT-kertymissÀ ei todettu merkittÀvÀÀ vuodenaikavaihtelua, minkÀ perusteella vuodenaikaa ei tarvitse huomioida sekoittavana tekijÀnÀ nÀiden alueiden SERT-kertymien kuvantamistutkimuksissa. Bulimia nervosaan ei vÀestöpohjaisessa aineistossa liity poikkeavaa SERT-kertymÀÀ keskiaivojen tai talamuksen alueilla, mutta bulimia nervosan alaryhmÀt saattavat erota tÀssÀ suhteessa toisistaan. Suuremman painoindeksin omaavien kaksosten suurempi SERT-kertymÀ hypotalamuksen/talamuksen alueella heidÀn hoikempiin kaksossisaruksiinsa verrattaessa viittaa ympÀristötekijöihin liittyvÀÀn yhteyteen aivojen 5-HT-jÀrjestelmÀn ja painoindeksin vÀlillÀ, millÀ puolestaan saattaa olla syömiskÀyttÀytymiseen liittyviÀ vaikutuksia

    Kuin toinen olohuone tai leikkihuone meille : Rovaniemen avoin pÀivÀkoti perheiden tukena

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    Pro gradu -työmme tarkoituksena on selvittÀÀ, mitÀ Rovaniemen avoimen pÀivÀkodin toiminta merkitsee sen palveluja kÀyttÀville lapsiperheille, aikuisille ja lapsille aikuisten kertomana. Vanhemmuus ja lapsiperheiden arki kohtaavat erilaisia haasteita, jotka vaikuttavat perheiden hyvinvointiin. Perheiden hyvinvointia lisÀtÀÀn erilaisilla julkisen ja yksityisen sektorin palveluilla, mutta lapsiperhepalveluiden ja tukimuotojen tarpeellisuudesta huolimatta ne ovat sÀÀstöpaineiden alla yhteiskunnassamme. Rovaniemen avoin pÀivÀkoti kuuluu julkisen sektorin palveluihin ja sen ensisijaisena tehtÀvÀnÀ on tarjota varhaiskasvatusta alle kouluikÀisille kotihoidossa oleville lapsille. Toiminnassa korostuu lapsilÀhtöisyys samalla perheiden hyvinvointia tukien. Tutkimusaineistomme kerÀttiin kyselynÀ marraskuussa 2013 Rovaniemen avoimen pÀivÀkodin kÀvijöiltÀ. Tulostemme mukaan Rovaniemen avoin pÀivÀkoti mahdollistaa lapsiperheille sosiaalista kanssakÀymistÀ ja vertaistukea sekÀ vaihtelua ja mielekÀstÀ tekemistÀ arkeen. LisÀksi toiminta auttaa perheitÀ jaksamaan arjessa paremmin ja tarjoaa helposti lÀhestyttÀvÀÀ asiantuntija- ja ammatillista tukea. Tutkimuksesta on lokaalia hyötyÀ avoimen pÀivÀkodin toimintaa kehitettÀessÀ ja tulokset kertovat siitÀ, kuinka tÀrkeÀksi perheet kokevat kyseisen toiminnan arkensa kannalta

    Signals of contrastiveness: but, oppositeness and formal similarity in parallel contexts

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    By examining contexts in which ‘emergent’ oppositions appear, we consider the relative contribution of formal parallelism, connective type and semantic relation (considered as an indicator of relative semantic parallelism) in generating contrast. The data set is composed of cases of ancillary antonymy – the use of an established antonym pair to help support and/or accentuate contrast between a less established pair. Having devised measures for formal and semantic parallelism, we find that but is less likely to appear in contexts with high levels of formal parallelism than non-contrastive connectives like and or punctuation. With respect to semantic parallelism, we find that contrastive connectives are less likely to occur with pairs that are in traditional paradigmatic relations (‘NYM relations’: antonymy, co-hyponymy, synonymy). The paper’s main hypothesis – that nonparadigmatic relations need more contextual sustenance for their opposition – was therefore supported. Indeed, pairs in NYM relations were found to be more than twice as likely to be joined by a non-contrastive connective as by a contrastive one

    Euroopan unionin kansainvÀlisen identiteetin konstruointi unionin virallisessa diskurssissa

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    Only abstract. Paper copies of master’s theses are listed in the Helka database (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Electronic copies of master’s theses are either available as open access or only on thesis terminals in the Helsinki University Library.Vain tiivistelmĂ€. Sidottujen gradujen saatavuuden voit tarkistaa Helka-tietokannasta (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Digitaaliset gradut voivat olla luettavissa avoimesti verkossa tai rajoitetusti kirjaston opinnĂ€ytekioskeilla.Endast sammandrag. Inbundna avhandlingar kan sökas i Helka-databasen (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Elektroniska kopior av avhandlingar finns antingen öppet pĂ„ nĂ€tet eller endast tillgĂ€ngliga i bibliotekets avhandlingsterminaler.Tutkielman aiheena on Euroopan unionin (EU) kansainvĂ€lisen identiteetin konstruointi unionin virallisessa diskurssissa. EU:n on perinteisesti esitetty olevan siviilivalta, mutta sotilaallisen kriisinhallintatoiminnan aloittaminen on joidenkin tutkijoiden mielestĂ€ tehnyt siviilivaltamallin kĂ€yttökelvottomaksi. Konstruoidaanko EU:sta edelleen siviilivaltaa? Vai olisiko unionin kansainvĂ€listĂ€ identiteettiĂ€ siviilivalta-sotilaallinen valta -jaottelun sijaan hedelmĂ€llisempÀÀ tarkastella ns. normatiivisen vallan mallin avulla? Normatiivinen valta nĂ€kee tĂ€rkeĂ€nĂ€ vallan resurssina kyvyn mÀÀrittÀÀ "normaali" kansainvĂ€lisissĂ€ suhteissa. Normatiivisena valtana pidetty toimija mm. korostaa arvojen merkitystĂ€ ulkopolitiikassa ja levittÀÀ normejaan myös kolmansiin maihin. Tutkimusaineistona ovat EU:n yhteisen ulko- ja turvallisuuspolitiikan korkean edustajan Javier Solanan vuonna 2006 pitĂ€mĂ€t puheet sekĂ€ muutamat keskeiset Euroopan unionin neuvoston eurooppalaista turvallisuus- ja puolustuspolitiikkaa (ETPP) koskevat asiakirjat. Aineistoa kĂ€sitellÀÀn diskurssianalyysiin pohjautuvan tekstianalyysin keinoin. Teoreettisena lĂ€htökohtana on sosiaalinen konstruktionismi, jonka mukaan kieli paitsi kuvailee todellisuutta, myös luo sitĂ€. Tutkielmassa kĂ€ydÀÀn analyysin pohjustukseksi lyhyesti lĂ€pi EU:n kriisinhallinnan kehitystĂ€ ja eurooppalaisen identiteetin tutkimusta. Aineiston analyysissa kĂ€y ilmi, ettĂ€ EU:sta konstruoidaan lisÀÀntyneestĂ€ sotilaallisesta kapasiteetista huolimatta edelleen siviilivaltaa. Toinen hegemoninen diskurssi konstruoi unionista normatiivisen vallan mallin mukaista kansainvĂ€listĂ€ toimijaa. EU:n kansainvĂ€lisen identiteetin tarkastelu normatiivinen vallan mallin avulla katsotaan tutkielman johtopÀÀtöksissĂ€ siviilivalta-sotilaallinen valta -jaottelua hedelmĂ€llisemmĂ€ksi. TĂ€llöin EU:ta ei verrata yhtĂ€ vahvasti valtioon, eikĂ€ unionin identiteetti mÀÀrity yksinomaan resurssien perusteella. Aineistosta nostetaan esiin myös ETPP:n taustatekijöitĂ€ sekĂ€ EU:n vahvuuksia ja kehitystarpeita ETPP:n saralla kuvaavia diskursseja. Aineistosta löytyi normatiivisen diskurssin kanssa kilpaileva diskurssi, joka nĂ€kee ETPP:n motiiveiksi Euroopan oman turvallisuuden ja intressit. TĂ€mĂ€ diskurssi ei kuitenkaan noussut esiin yhtĂ€ vahvana kuin normatiivinen diskurssi. ETPP:n menestystarinana tai EU:n kansainvĂ€lisen roolin vahvistajana esittĂ€vĂ€t diskurssit eivĂ€t ole ristiriidassa normatiivisen diskurssin kanssa. Ainutlaatuisuusdiskurssin mukaan EU:n vahvuus on sen harvinaisen kattava kriisinhallintavĂ€lineistö, ja unionia pidetÀÀn "ei-uhkaavana" toimijana. Multilateralismia pidetÀÀn aineistossa sekĂ€ EU:n vahvuutena ettĂ€ kehitystarpeena. Kriisinhallinnan alalla kehittĂ€mistarvetta nĂ€hdÀÀn myös yhtenĂ€isyyden ja nopeuden suhteen

    The relation of severe malocclusion to patients’ mental and behavioral disorders, growth, and speech problems

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    cjaa028Severe malocclusions appear in up to 20 per cent of the population. Many neuropsychiatric diseases are likely to have a neurodevelopmental, partially genetic background with their origins as early as fetal life. However, the possible relationship between neurodevelopmental disorders and severe malocclusions is unclear. The aim of this study was in a population-based setting (270 000 inhabitants) to investigate whether patients with severe malocclusions have more mental and behavioural disorders and growth or speech problems than controls without severe malocclusion.The study group consisted of patients from the Espoo Health Care Center, Finland, born in year 2000, who were retrospectively screened for their medical and dental records, including their possible mental and behavioural disorders (i.e. attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, Asperger’s syndrome, autism, mood disorder, or broadly defined behavioural abnormalities, learning problems, mental disorders, sleep disturbances, anxiety symptoms, depressive symptoms, and eating-related symptoms) and their need of orthodontic treatment according to the Treatment Priority Index (TPI). The study group consisted of a severe malocclusion group (n =1008; TPI 8–10) and a control group (n = 1068) with no severe malocclusion (TPI 0–7).Patients with severe mandibular retrognatia (P \lt; 0.000), lip incompetence (P = 0.006), or neurodevelopmental disorders (mental and behavioural; P = 0.002) were found to have significantly more speech problems than the controls. The patients with severe malocclusions were leaner, that is, body mass index (kg/m2) \lt;17, underweight; 17–25, normal weight; \gt;25, overweight) than controls (P = 0.003), and underweight patients had a significant association with retrognathic maxilla (P \lt; 0.000) compared to normal or overweight patients. No significant relationship between neurodevelopmental disorders and severe malocclusions, that is, retrognatia of maxilla, hypodontia, and severe dental crowding was observed.Our results indicate that patients with severe mandibular retrognatia, lip incompetence, or neurodevelopmental disorders were found to have significantly more speech problems than controls. During orthodontic treatment of patients with severe malocclusion, special attention should be paid to patients with severe mandibular retrognatia, lip incompetence, and speech problems to detect signs of possible neurodevelopmental disorders and record if potential follow-up measures are in place.Peer reviewe

    Resvega Alleviates Hydroquinone-Induced Oxidative Stress in ARPE-19 Cells

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    Retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells maintain homeostasis at the retina and they are under continuous oxidative stress. Cigarette smoke is a prominent environmental risk factor for age-related macular degeneration (AMD), which further increases the oxidant load in retinal tissues. In this study, we measured oxidative stress and inflammatory markers upon cigarette smoke-derived hydroquinone exposure on human ARPE-19 cells. In addition, we studied the effects of commercial Resvega product on hydroquinone-induced oxidative stress. Previously, it was observed that Resvega induces autophagy during impaired protein clearance in ARPE-19 cells, for which it has the potential to alleviate pro-inflammatory pathways. Cell viability was determined while using the lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and the 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assays, and the cytokine levels were measured using the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Reactive oxygen species (ROS) production were measured using the 2â€Č,7â€Č-dichlorofluorescin diacetate (H2DCFDA) probe. Hydroquinone compromised the cell viability and increased ROS production in ARPE-19 cells. Resvega significantly improved cell viability upon hydroquinone exposure and reduced the release of interleukin (IL)-8 and monocytic chemoattractant protein (MCP)-1 from RPE cells. Resvega, N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC) and aminopyrrolidine-2,4-dicarboxylic acid (APDC) alleviated hydroquinone-induced ROS production in RPE cells. Collectively, our results indicate that hydroquinone induces cytotoxicity and increases oxidative stress through NADPH oxidase activity in RPE cells, and resveratrol-containing Resvega products prevent those adverse effects.Peer reviewe

    Sympatric Ixodes-tick species : pattern of distribution and pathogen transmission within wild rodent populations

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    The generalist tick Ixodes ricinus is the most important vector for tick-borne pathogens (TBP), including Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato, in Europe. However, the involvement of other sympatric Ixodes ticks, such as the specialist vole tick I. trianguliceps, in the enzootic circulations of TBP remains unclear. We studied the distribution of I. ricinus and I. trianguliceps in Central Finland and estimated the TBP infection likelihood in the most common rodent host in relation with the abundance of the two tick species. Ixodes trianguliceps was encountered in all 16 study sites whereas I. ricinus was frequently observed only at a quarter of the study sites. The abundance of I. ricinus was positively associated with open water coverage and human population density around the study sites. Borrelia burgdorferi s. l.-infected rodents were found only in sites where I. ricinus was abundant, whereas the occurrence of other TBP was independent of I. ricinus presence. These results suggest that I. trianguliceps is not sufficient, at least alone, in maintaining the circulation of B. burgdorferi s. l. in wild hosts. In addition, anthropogenic factors might affect the distribution of I. ricinus ticks and, hence, their pathogens, thus shaping the landscape of tick-borne disease risk for humans.Peer reviewe

    Alueelliset erot aikuisvÀestön palvelukokemuksissa ja hyvinvoinnissa : FinSote 2018

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    Suomalaisen aikuisvÀestön koetussa terveydessÀ on eroja maakuntien vÀlillÀ. Uudellamaalla ja Pohjanmaalla aikuiset kokevat terveydentilansa paremmaksi kuin koko maassa keskimÀÀrin (Kuvio 1). Satakunnan ja Pohjois-Karjalan maakuntien vÀestö kokee terveydentilansa keskitasoiseksi tai sitÀ huonommaksi yleisemmin kuin muissa maakunnissa keskimÀÀrin. Palvelukokemuksissa maakunnittaisia eroja oli erityisesti vastaajien nÀkemyksissÀ valinnanvapauteen. Uudenmaan asukkaista terveysaseman katsoo voivansa valita 78 % vÀestöstÀ, kun taas EtelÀ-Savon ja Kainuun asukkaista vastaava osuus oli 36 % (Kuvio 4)

    Performance of the FMI cosine error correction method for the Brewer spectral UV measurements

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    Non-ideal angular response of a spectroradiometer is a well-known error source of spectral UV measurements and for that reason instrument specific cosine error correction is applied. In this paper, the performance of the cosine error correction method of Brewer spectral UV measurements in use at the Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI) is studied. Ideally, the correction depends on the actual sky radiation distribution, which can change even during one spectral scan due to rapid changes in cloudiness. The FMI method has been developed to take into account the changes in the ratio of direct to diffuse sky radiation and it derives a correction coefficient for each measured wavelength. Measurements of five Brewers were corrected for the cosine error and the results were compared to the reference travelling spectroradiometer (QASUME). Measurements were performed during the RBCC-E (Regional Brewer Calibration Center – Europe) X Campaign held at El Arenosillo, Huelva (37∘ N, 7∘ W), Spain, in 2015. In addition, results of site audits of FMI's Brewers in SodankylĂ€ (67∘ N, 27∘ E) and Jokioinen (61∘ N, 24∘ E) during 2002–2014 were studied. The results show that the spectral cosine error correction varied between 4 and 14 %. After that the correction was applied to Brewer UV spectra the relative differences between the QASUME and the Brewer diminished even by 10 %. The study confirms that the method, originally developed for measurements at high latitudes, can be used at mid-latitudes as well. The method is applicable to other Brewers as far as the required input parameters, i.e. total ozone, aerosol information, albedo, instrument specific angular response and slit function are available.This article is based upon work from the COST Action ES1207 “A European Brewer Network (EUBREWNET)”, supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology). This study was partially supported by the research projects CGL2014-56255-C2-1-R and CGL2014-56255-C2-2-R granted by the Ministerio de Economa y Competitividad from Spain
